Summary Record definition
Examples of Summary Record in a sentence
GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 9 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).
GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 7 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).
When transmitting in variable format, each Statement and Summary Record will begin with the Record Control Information (Byte Count and Start of Record Sentinel fields) in the same fixed format shown in the Part II Record Layouts.
GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 6 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).
GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 10 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).
GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 5 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).
The Force Account Labor Summary Record is needed for this purpose (see Exhibit 1).
Evans, to the Speech by the Head of the Czechoslovak Delegation under Item 14 of the Agenda, GATT/CP.3/38 (June 2, 1949), at 2—3 & 4 (US-26) (referring to provisions of GATT Article XXI and stating that the United States is “making use of these exceptions”); Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 5 (US-27) (proposing dismissal of Czechoslovakia’s request).
The Contract Work Summary Record (see Exhibit 6) is used to record this information.
To the extent that state and local governments exercise jurisdiction over such 138 UN Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee International Bill of Rights, First Session, Summary Record of the Eleventh Meeting (3 July 1947) E/CN.4/AC.l/SR.11.