Summary Record definition

Summary Record means a single document or data record used to account for a quantity of the same type of special tooling or equipment with a unit cost less than $1,000. Summary records cannot be used for items requiring calibration or for classified or sensitive property.
Summary Record as used in this section, means a separate card, form, document or specific line(s) of computer data used to account for multiple quantities of a line item of special tooling, special test equipment, or plant equipment costing less than $5,000 per unit.
Summary Record means a single document or data record used to account for components/details of special tooling, or component/details of equipment that does not require tagging (e.g., furniture and body armor) with a unit cost less than $1,000. Summary records cannot be used for items requiring calibration, property requiring tagging (barcodes), or for classified or sensitive property.(c) Property Analyst. The Buyer has delegated property administration authority to a Buyer Property Analyst.(d) Buyer Property Representatives. The Seller shall provide the name, address, and telephone number of the company official responsible for establishing and maintaining control of Government property under this contract to the Buyer Property Analyst within 30 days after receipt of this contract and upon assignment of a replacement official. Subcontractors in possession of Government property accountable to this contract shall provide contact information for their property managers to the prime contractor.(e) Government Property List. The Government Property List attached to the solicitation and the resulting contract identifies all Government property offered to the Seller on a no- charge-for-use basis to perform this contract and the dates of availability for each item. Post-award, the inventory of Government property accountable to this contract is maintained in Seller’s approved property management system based on the Seller’s quarterly property reports.(f) Property Transfers. The Buyer can direct the transfer of contract-accountable property between contracts with Government approval. All transfers must be coordinated between the losing and gaining Contracting Officers and Property Analysts, and by the COTRs, Associate Property Management Officers, and other Program Office personnel as appropriate. The Government will evaluate each transfer to ensure that the gaining contract includes the appropriate Government property clauses (52.245-1, 52.245-9 and CI.245- 001), assist in validating the gaining contract requirement, and verify that the transfer will not adversely impact the losing contract. Transfers between contracts must be documented using a DD Form 1149, a Buyer’s letter, or a contract modification. This documentation shall serve as the only record necessary to document transfers. When multiple items are transferred, a listing of items with all data elements prescribed below must be attached to the transfer document. Data elements to be included are as follows:For tagged a...

Examples of Summary Record in a sentence

  • GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 9 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).

  • GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 7 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).

  • When transmitting in variable format, each Statement and Summary Record will begin with the Record Control Information (Byte Count and Start of Record Sentinel fields) in the same fixed format shown in the Part II Record Layouts.

  • GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 6 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).

  • GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 10 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).

  • GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 5 & Corrigendum to the Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22/Corr.1 (June 20, 1949) (US-27).

  • The Force Account Labor Summary Record is needed for this purpose (see Exhibit 1).

  • Evans, to the Speech by the Head of the Czechoslovak Delegation under Item 14 of the Agenda, GATT/CP.3/38 (June 2, 1949), at 2—3 & 4 (US-26) (referring to provisions of GATT Article XXI and stating that the United States is “making use of these exceptions”); Summary Record of the Twenty-Second Meeting, GATT/CP.3/SR.22 (June 8, 1949), at 5 (US-27) (proposing dismissal of Czechoslovakia’s request).

  • The Contract Work Summary Record (see Exhibit 6) is used to record this information.

  • To the extent that state and local governments exercise jurisdiction over such 138 UN Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee International Bill of Rights, First Session, Summary Record of the Eleventh Meeting (3 July 1947) E/CN.4/AC.l/SR.11.

More Definitions of Summary Record

Summary Record means a single document or data record used to account for a quantity of the same type of special tooling or equipment with a unit cost less than $1,000. Summary records cannot be used for items requiring calibration or for classified or sensitive property.(c) Property Analyst. The Contracting Officer has delegated property administration authority to an CUSTOMER Property Analyst.
Summary Record means a single document or data record used to account for components and details of special (small) tooling and/or equipment that do not require tagging (e.g., furniture and body armor) with a unit cost less than $1,000. Summary records cannot be used for items requiring calibration, property requiring tagging (barcodes), or for classified or sensitive property. (c) Property Analyst. The Contracting Officer has delegated property administration authority to an U.S. Government Property Analyst. (d) Contractor Property Representatives. The contractor shall provide the name, address, and telephone number of the company official responsible for establishing and maintaining control of Government property under this contract to the Contracting Officer and the assigned U.S. Government Property Analyst within 30 days after receipt of this contract and upon assignment of a replacement official. Subcontractors in possession of Government property accountable to this contract shall provide contact information for their property managers to the prime contractor. (e) Government Property List. The Government Property List in Section J of the solicitation and the resulting contract identifies all Government property offered to the contractor on a no-charge-for-use basis to perform this contract and the dates of availability for each item. Post-award, the inventory of Government property accountable to this contract is maintained in the Electronic Procurement Exchange/Property Management Module (Epx/PMM) based on the contractor’s quarterly property reports. After receipt of the contractor’s initial quarterly property report, the Contracting Officer may delete the Government Property List from the contract.
Summary Record or “SR” means a specific type of Detection Event, using ANPR;
Summary Record means a single document or data record used to account for components and details of special (small) tooling and/or equipment that do not require tagging (e.g., furniture and body armor) with a unit cost less than $1,000. Summary records cannot be used for items requiring calibration,property requiring tagging (barcodes), or for classified or sensitive property.
Summary Record means an unencrypted record generated at an Outstation System and transmitted to the Instation System containing the data elements associated with an Evidential Record;
Summary Record means a single document or data record used to account for components and details of special (small) tooling and/or equipment that do not require tagging (e.g., furniture and body armor) with a unit cost less than $1,000. Summary records cannot be used for items requiring calibration, property requiring tagging (barcodes), or for classified or sensitive property. (c) Property Analyst. The Contracting Officer has delegated property administration authority to an U.S. Government Property Analyst. (d) Contractor Property Representatives. The contractor shall provide the name, address, and telephone number of the company official responsible for establishing and maintaining control of Government property under this contract to the Contracting Officer and the assigned U.S. Government Property Analyst within 30 days after receipt of this contract and upon assignment of a replacement official. Subcontractors in possession of Government property accountable to this contract shall provide contact information for their property managers to the prime contractor. (e) Government Property List. The Government Property List in Section J of the solicitation and the resulting contract identifies all Government property offered to the contractor on a no-charge-for-use basis to perform this contract and the dates of availability for each item. Post-award, the inventory of Government property accountable to this contract is maintained in the Electronic Procurement Exchange/Property Management Module (Epx/PMM) based on the contractor’s quarterly property reports. After receipt of the contractor’s initial quarterly property report, the Contracting Officer may delete the Government Property List from the contract.

Related to Summary Record

  • Project Record means the separate set of Drawings and Specifications as further set forth in paragraph 4.02A.

  • Summary Notice means the Summary Notice of Pendency of Class Action, Proposed Settlement, and Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses for publication, which, subject to approval of the Court, shall be substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 3 to Exhibit A hereto.

  • Summary data means statistical records and reports derived from data on individuals but in which individuals are not identified and from which neither their identities nor any other characteristic that could uniquely identify the individual is ascertainable.

  • Summary suspension means the immediate suspension of either a facility's license or program-specific certification or both by the department pending administrative proceedings for suspen- sion, revocation, or other actions deemed necessary by the department.

  • Public record or "public records" shall mean all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts, or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions. Agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions shall mean and include every public office, public officer or official (State or local, elected or appointed), institution, board, commission, bureau, council, department, authority or other unit of government of the State or of any county, unit, special district or other political subdivision of government.