Body Armor Sample Clauses
Body Armor. In recognition of the need to enhance the personal safety of security personnel at DHMH and Correctional Facilities, the parties agree that non-probationary security personnel who have contact with forensic patients and/or inmates should generally have the opportunity to have individually fitted stab proof vests and, in addition, individually fitted bullet proof vests will be provided to officers on an “as-needed” basis. The sharing of vests shall not be considered an acceptable practice and vests may transferred from employee to employee only if such vests are a proper fit and are appropriately sanitized in accordance with practices necessary to eliminate the risk of the spread of MRSA and other communicable diseases. The parties agree to meet and agree to policies, including any limitations or exclusions, for the provision of stab proof vests to correctional officers and security attendants by January 31, 2008. In developing the policies, the committee shall:
a. Assess the need for stab proof vests at specific locations within the various facilities by agreeing upon exceptions to the general rule of providing security personnel with an opportunity to obtain individually fitted body armor; and
b. Address issues related to employee responsibilities regarding the fit and usage of such vests. The parties shall be represented by individuals authorized to commit their respective organizations to agreement.
Body Armor. 16.2.1 The County agrees to provide body armor for Deputy Sheriffs, Sheriff’s Senior Deputies, and Sheriff’s Sergeants, provided it is worn in accordance with Department policy.
Body Armor. Body armor will be supplied to the members during initial issuance. As needed, but not less than once every five (5) years, a member, upon request, shall be entitled to new body armor.
Body Armor. The City will purchase the initial body armor for new sworn personnel and will replace body armor damaged in the line of duty, or as required by manufacturer specifications, whichever occurs sooner.
Body Armor. Certification of body armor "mandatory wear" policies, and compliance with NIJ standards If recipient uses funds under this award to purchase body armor, the recipient must submit a signed certification that each law enforcement agency receiving body armor purchased with funds from this award has a written "mandatory wear" policy in effect. The recipient must keep signed certifications on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize funds from this award for ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchases. This policy must be in place for at least all uniformed officers before any funds from this award may be used by an agency for body armor. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the policy other than it be a mandatory wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty. For PSN, if recipient uses funds under this award to purchase body armor, the recipient is strongly encouraged to have a "mandatory wear" policy in effect. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the policy other than it be a mandatory wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty. Ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased with award funds may be purchased at any threat level, make or model, from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the body armor has been tested and found to comply with applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards, and is listed on the NIJ Compliant Body Armor Model List. In addition, ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased must be made in the United States and must be uniquely fitted, as set forth in 34 U.S.C. 10202(c)(1)(A). The latest NIJ standard information and the NIJ Compliant Body Armor List may be found by following the links located on the NIJ Body Armor page: xxxxx://
Body Armor. Employees who elect to purchase body armor in-lieu-of standard City issued body armor shall receive a voucher for the cost of standard City issued body armor provided however that all body armor worn by employees and eligible for reimbursement under this provision must meet minimum safety requirements set by the City. Further, employees shall be entitled to a voucher only in accordance with the normal schedule for replacement of body armor, unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
Body Armor. The Employer shall provide protective body armor which complies with the latest NIJ standards at the time of purchase and replace them in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations upon expiration. The City will also replace body armor upon notification by the employee of any other damage in which the manufacturer would recommend replacement. Only body armor issued or approved by the Chief of Police shall be worn.
Body Armor. The Employer will provide to the employee in the corrections division dual purpose stab and bullet resistant body armor vests. Employees who are provided vests will be required to wear same through their tour of duty, and the Employer agrees to maintain said vests according to manufacturers recommended guidelines.
Body Armor. The College will provide a protective vest (body armor) of minimum Xxxxx 0X quality as defined by the National Institute of Justice for CSOs. CSOs shall be required to wear the protective vest while on duty and may be subject to discipline for failure to wear said vest.
Body Armor. 38.1 It is the Intent of this Article that the payment of the body armor replacement is separate and different from the uniform allowance. Each Police Officer shall own and have available individual body armor. It is the Police Officer’s responsibility to purchase, maintain, and replace their individual body armor.
38.2 The CITY shall pay One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to new Police Officers to purchase body armor that exceeds the N.I.J. Threat Level II Standard.
38.3 Police Officers, except new Police officers, shall receive an annual payment for body armor replacement on the first day of the fiscal year payable during the month of August in the amount of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) (this assumes a life expectancy of body armor to be five years).
38.4 An employee shall not receive both the One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) body armor payment and the Three Hundred Dollar ($300.00) body armor payment in the same fiscal year.