Trial Term definition
Examples of Trial Term in a sentence
Access to the Cloud Services will be removed upon expiry of the Trial Term.
Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in this Agreement, if Arcserve receives a notice from Customer requesting the deletion of Customer Data during the Trial Term or the Standard Term, Arcserve will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly delete such Customer Data.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and during the Standard Term and/or Trial Term, Arcserve grants to you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable and limited right to: (i) use the Services solely for your internal purposes; (ii) make one copy of any materials provided by Arcserve relating to the Services for backup purposes; and (iii) download (from the Site) and use the Arcserve UDP Cloud Direct Client Software solely for use with the Services.
During the Trial Term, either party may terminate this Agreement for cause or no cause, with notice to the other party, and such termination will be effective immediately.
Trial Term – The term of this Agreement will be for the Trial Term (unless terminated as permitted in this Agreement).