Valuation Dates definition

Valuation Dates means 5 Exchange Business Days prior to each Automatic Early Redemption Date . The Notes are intended to provide a return in the form of conditional interest payments and either a cash or physical delivery amount at maturity. The timing and amount of these payments will depend on the performance of a basket of shares.If the performance of each share is equal to or greater than a specified interest barrier level of 70 % on the relevant valuation date preceding an interest payment date then interest will be payable on that interest payment date at a rate of 14.00 per cent per annum but not otherwise. The amount of interest will be calculated by reference to the relevant interest period that ended and any previous interest periods for which interest has not been paid.On each specified automatic early redemption valuation date if the performance of each share is greater than a specified automatic early redemption level of 100 % then the Notes will early redeem on the next automatic early redemption date at the specified automatic early redemption amount of USD 5,000 per Note. If no such automatic early redemption event has occurred then at scheduled maturity the Notes will be redeemed by (a) payment of the calculation amount of USD 5,000 for each Note or if the performance of any share on the specified final valuation date is less than its relevant Barrier Level of 70 % then (b) physical delivery of the worst performing share in the basket. The number of the worst performing shares deliverable in this case will be determined by dividing the calculation amount of USD 5,000 for a Note (converted into the relevant quotation currency of the worst performing shares) by the strike price of 100 % multiplied by the initial share price for that worst performing share. Shares will be delivered in an integral number with a cash amount being payable for any fraction of a share equal to the final share price multiplied by that fraction.RedemptionThe Notes will be redeemable early at the option of the Issuer prior to maturity for tax reasons (subject to Conditions),or upon the occurrence of an MREL Disqualification Event (in the case of), such redemption being permitted by applicable MREL Regulations and subject to the Issuer obtaining Supervisory Permission therefor. Representative of holdersNot Applicable – No representative of the Noteholders has been appointed by the Issuer. Under the terms of the Notes, certain dates may be adjusted if the date specified is either not ...
Valuation Dates means four dates in each calendar year, being 5 January, 5 April, 5 July and 5 October or, if any such date is not a Business Day, either (at the Manager’s option) the previous Business Day or following Business Day.
Valuation Dates is defined in Section 2.4 of the Collateral Maintenance Agreement.

Examples of Valuation Dates in a sentence

  • The Employer or its delegate shall establish procedures for determining the Valuation Dates which shall apply for withdrawals, distributions, or other relevant purposes.

More Definitions of Valuation Dates

Valuation Dates means a Business Day for which the net asset value of a sub-fund is calculated.
Valuation Dates. The following dates: Valuation Date t=1: 5 September 2016 Valuation Date t=2: 3 March 2017 Valuation Date t=3: 4 September 2017 Valuation Date t=4: 5 March 2018 Valuation Date t=5: 3 September 2018 Valuation Date t=6: 4 March 2019 Valuation Date t=7: 3 September 2019 Valuation Date t=8: 3 March 2020 Valuation Date t=9: 3 September 2020 Valuation Date t=10: 3 March 2021 Settlement Terms Cash Settlement: Applicable Settlement Currency: EUR Cash Settlement Payment Dates: In relation to each Valuation Date t, the following dates: Cash Settlement Payment Date t=1: 12 September 2016 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=2: 10 March 2017 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=3: 11 September 2017 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=4: 12 March 2018 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=5: 10 September 2018 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=6: 11 March 2019 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=7: 10 September 2019 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=8: 10 March 2020 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=9: 10 September 2020 Cash Settlement Payment Date t=10: 10 March 2021 Cash Settlement Amount: The Cash Settlement Amount shall be determined as follows: ● If on any Valuation Date t (from t=1 to t=9 inclusive) Sharet Share0 ≥ 100% , then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on the immediately following Cash Settlement Payment Date t, a Cash Settlement Amount equal to: (100% + (9.5% × t)) × Notional Amount ● Otherwise, to the extent that no amount has been determined to be due and payable in accordance with the previous paragraph, on Valuation Date t=10: ◊ If Sharet Share0 ≥ 100% , then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on Cash Settlement Payment Date t=10, a Cash Settlement Amount equal to: 195% × Notional Amount; or ◊ If Sharet Share0 ≥ 60% , then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on Cash Settlement Payment Date t=10, a Cash Settlement Amount equal to: 100% × Notional Amount; or ◊ If Sharet Share0 < 60% , then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on Cash Settlement Payment Date t=10 a Cash Settlement Amount determined in accordance with the following formula: Notional Amount × Sharet Where:
Valuation Dates. Means the 8th (eighth) Business Day following the Preference Share Valuation Date.
Valuation Dates means the Initial Valuation Date and the Final Valuation Date and each other date (if any) which is referred to as “Valuation Date” in the Final Terms. If any Valuation Date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, it shall be deemed to be the immediately succeeding Scheduled Trading Day. The consequences of market disruptions on any Valuation Date are set out in § 9.
Valuation Dates means those dates on which the Manager shall value the Fund for the purposes of permitting the creation and cancellation of units.
Valuation Dates. For any Tranche for which an Optional Settlement Date has been validly specified in accordance with “Optional Settlement Right” above, each Full Trading Day during the Valuation Period for such Optional Settlement Date shall be a “Valuation Date” for the Component for such Tranche with the Component number corresponding to the numeric occurrence of such Full Trading Day in such Valuation Period (and, for the avoidance of doubt, if no Optional Settlement Date has been validly designated for such Tranche, no Valuation Dates shall occur for such Tranche); provided that, if that date is a Disrupted Day, the Valuation Date for such Component shall be the first succeeding Full Trading Day that is not a Disrupted Day and is not or is not deemed to be a Valuation Date in respect of any other Component hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing and anything to the contrary in the Equity Definitions, if a Market Disruption Event (or a deemed Market Disruption Event as provided herein) occurs on any Valuation Date, the Calculation Agent may, in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner, determine that such Valuation Date is a Disrupted Day only in part, in which case the Settlement Price for such Disrupted Day shall be determined by the Calculation Agent based on transactions in the Shares on the Exchange on such Disrupted Day taking into account the nature and duration of such Market Disruption Event on such day, and Calculation Agent shall make adjustments in a commercially reasonable manner to the number of Shares for the relevant Component(s) for which such day shall be the Valuation Date and shall designate the Full Trading Day determined in the manner described above as the Valuation Date for the remaining number of Shares for such Component(s), with such adjustments based on, among other factors, the duration of any Market Disruption Event and the volume, historical trading patterns and price of the Shares. Section 6.6 of the Equity Definitions shall not apply to any Valuation Date hereunder. If, as a consequence of Disrupted Days (other than, and to the extent, of Disrupted Days resulting from a Regulatory Disruption), the Valuation Date for any Component has not occurred prior to the ninth Scheduled EXECUTION Trading Day following the scheduled Valuation Date for such Component, then the Calculation Agent, in its good faith and commercially reasonable discretion, may deem such ninth Full Trading Day to be an Exchange Business Day that is not a Disrupt...