Copyright Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Copyright. All the material produced by the Contractor will remain the property of ICCAT. All software written by the Contractor will be licensed under GLP or similar open-source license. For additional information concerning this Call for Tenders, please contact ICCAT Secretariat at the following address:
Copyright. El software es propiedad de Megger Limited o de sus distribuidores y está protegido por las leyes de copyright. Por lo tanto, usted debe tratar el software como cualquier otro material registrado (Ej.: un libro o una grabación musical) excepto que usted está autorizado a (a) hacer una copia del software únicamente para propósitos de copia de seguridad o de archivo, o (b) transferir el software a un único disco duro a condición que mantenga el original para propósitos de archivo. Usted no está autorizado a copiar el material escrito que acompaña al software.
Copyright. El autor o los autores ceden a la Revista, en exclusiva, los derechos de repro- ducción en revistas científicas de los textos admitidos.
Copyright. All the material produced by the Contractor will remain the property of ICCAT. All software written by the Contractor will be licensed under GLP or similar open-source license. For additional information concerning this Call for Tenders, please contact ICCAT Secretariat at the following address: or Xxxxx, X.X. & Xxxx, J.S. (2023) It is past time to use ecosystem models tactically to support based fisheries management : Case studies using Ecopath with Ecosim in an operational management context. Fish and Fisheries, 24, 381–406. FAO. (2003) The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries N4, Supplement 2. Rome, 112 x. Xxxxxxxx, X.X., Xxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, S.J. & Xxxxxxx, D.J. (2010) An Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management framework: the efficient, regional-level planning tool for management agencies. Marine Policy, 34, 1226–1238. Xxxxxx, X., Xxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxx, M.J., Xxxxxx, X. & Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx, E.J. (2022) A decision support tool for integrated fisheries bycatch management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 32, 441–472. Xxxx-Xxxxx, M.J., Xxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Tsuji, S., Xxxxxxxx, E., Xx Xxxxxx, A., Xxxx, X., Xxxx, X., Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Xxx, D.J., Xxxxxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, X., Niemeyer Xxxxxxx, F., Xxxxxxxx, B.E., Xxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, S., Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx, M., Xxxxx, P. & Xxxxxxx, M. (2022) Report of the ICCAT workshop on ‘identification of regions in the ICCAT convention area for suporting the implementation of ecosystem- based fishereis management’. SCRS/2022/107, 1–42. Xxxxx, P.S., Xxxxxxx, M.J., Xxxxxxxx, X. x & Xxxxxxxx, D. (2009) Integrated ecosystem assessments: developing the scientific basis for ecosystem-based management of the ocean. PLoS biology, 7, e14. Xxxx, X.X. (2010) Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management. Confronting Tradeoffs. Cambridge University Press. Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx, M., Xxxxxxxx, G., Xxxxxxxxx, N.O., Xxxx, G., Xxxxxxx, G.E., Xxxxxxxx, N.C. & Xxxxxx, O.S. (2016) Ecosystem processes are rarely included in tactical fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries, 67, 165–175. Xxxxx, S.G., Xxxxxxx, K.K., Xxxxx, K.Y. & Xxxxxxx, S.K. (2016) Ecosystem considerations in Alaska: the value of qualitative assessments. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74, 421–430.
Copyright. All the material produced by the contractor will remain the property of ICCAT. All software written by the Contractor will be licensed under GLP or similar open-source license. For additional information concerning this Call for Tenders, please contact ICCAT Secretariat at the following address: or Xxxxxx, X.X. (1983) Delineation of Ecosystem Regions. Environmental Management, 7, 365–373. Xxxxx, X.X. & Xxxxxx, S.E. (1996) Landscape-level ecological regions: linking state-level ecoregion frameworks with stream habitat classifications. Environmental Management, 20, 297–311. Xxxxxx, S.M., Xxxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, C., Xx Chi, T. & Xxxxxxxx, X. (2003) The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. Issues, Terminology, Principles, Institutional Foundations, Implementation and Outlook. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No 443, FAO, Rome. Xxxx-Xxxxx, M.J., Xxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Tsuji, S., Xxxxxxxx, E., Xx Xxxxxx, X., Xxxx, L., Xxxx, X., Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Xxx, D.J., Xxxxxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, D., Niemeyer Xxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxx, B.E., Xxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, S., Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx, M., Xxxxx, P. & Xxxxxxx, X. (2022) Report of the ICCAT workshop on ‘identification of regions in the ICCAT convention area for suporting the implementation of ecosystem- based fishereis management’. SCRS/2022/107, 1–42. Xxxxxxxx, T.R. & Xxxxxxxx, J.M. (2004) Ecoregions and Ecoregionalization : Geographical and Ecological Perspectives. Environmental Management, 34, 1–13. Nieblas, A., Xxxxx, H. & Xxxx-Xxxxx, M.J. (2022) Pre-workshop analysis in preparation for the 2022 ICCAT Ecoregion Workshop: “Identification of regions in the ICCAT convention area for supporting the implementation of ecosystem based fisheries management”. SCRS/2022/062, 1–73. Xxxx, X., Xxxxxx, K.M., Xxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, S., Xxxxxxxxx, I., Xxxxxxx, X., Xxxxx, S. & Xxxxxxx, X. (2011) Policy relevance of biogeographic classification for conservation and management of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, and the GOODS biogeographic classification. Ocean and Coastal Management, 54, 110–122. Xxxxxxx, D., Xxxxxxxx, R., Xxxxxxxxxx, S., Xxxxx-Xxxxx, S., Xxxxx, C., Xxxxxx, A., Xxxxxx, R., Xxxxxx, P., Xxxxx, M., X’Xxxxx, X. & Xxxxxxx, X. (2014) Essential EAFM. Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Training Course. Volume 1 – For Trainees. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, RAP Publication 2014/13. Xxxxx, S.G., Xxxxxxx, K.K., Aydin, X.X. & Xxxxxxx...
Copyright. All the material produced by the Contractor within the scope of this Call for Tenders will remain the property of GBYP for the uses of the programme and may not, in any case, be distributed by the Contractor. Scientific use of the data provided under this Call for Tenders by the Contractor will always be notified to ICCAT in advance.
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Copyright. All the material produced by the Contractor will remain the property of ICCAT. All software written by the Contractor will be licensed under GLP or similar open-source licence and made available to ICCAT in a GitHub repository.