Payments Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Payments payments of the Borrower to the Loan Originator including repayment of Loan Amount and payments of Interest arising out of the Loan Agreement. Business Day any day, wherein the xxxxx in the country of the Assignor are open for business, except for Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. Claim claim held by the Assignor or a part thereof against the Borrower arising out of the Loan Agreement with all the rights appurtenant thereto in accordance with this Agreement. The Claim may consist of the outstanding Loan Amount and Interest in full amount or partially. The Claim is assigned without re-registration of security interest incorporated in the Collateral in the name of the Assignee (if any). Detailed amount and composition of the Claim is specified in the Basic Terms and Conditions. Claim Amount the part of the Loan Amount specified in Clause 5.1 of the Basic Terms and Conditions wherein the Assignor transfers the Claim to the Assignee, and which together with the markup or discount indicated in the Basic Terms and Conditions forms the Claim Price. Claim Price the price specified in the Basic Terms and Conditions for the assignment of Claim consisting of the Claim Amount and markup or discount specified in the Basic Terms and Conditions. Collateral pledge rights of the Loan Originator to the real estate, movable property or aggregation of property, suretyship or guarantee of a third party or any other means allowed pursuant to the laws and regulations guaranteeing the fulfillment of the Borrower’s obligations arising out of the Loan Agreement that are expressly indicated among other information about the Claim in the Portal (if any). The Claim can be established without the Collateral. Contractual penalty, late payment interest and other ancillary claims arising out of the Loan Agreement for the purpose of the Agreement shall not be considered as Collateral. Creditor the Loan Originator or the User, holding a claim arising from the Loan Agreement against the Borrower. Currency used in the Loan Agreement the currency specified in the Basic Terms and Conditions that is the currency used in the Loan Agreement. Exchange Rate the currency exchange rate from the Currency used in the Loan Agreement to the currency of the Claim Price fixed by mutual agreement of the Loan Originator and Tech Consultancy Management Partners before conclusion of this Agreement. Currency exchange provisions are used only in case if the Currency used in the Loan Agreement and currency...
Payments. 5.1 Method of payment Payments of principal and interest in respect of the Notes will be made by transfer to the registered account of the relevant Noteholder maintained by or on behalf of it with a bank that processes payments in a city in which xxxxx have access to the TARGET System, details of which appear in the records of Iberclear or, as the case may be, the relevant Iberclear Member at close of business on the day immediately preceding the date on which the payment of principal or interest, as the case may be, falls due. Noteholders must rely on the procedures of Iberclear or, as the case may be, the relevant Iberclear Member to receive payments under the relevant Notes. The Issuer and the Agent will have no responsibility or liability for the records relating to payments made in respect of the Notes.
Payments. 6.5.1 Acknowledge and effect the payment of the debits deriving from the rental pursuant to clause 4 of the General Conditions. Localiza shall be authorized to directly charge, via banking transactions, or automatically charge these amounts to its credit cards, by means of the file signature system, in a similar way if the expenses have been generated after the date of completion of the request.
Payments. 2.3.1. Grantor’s obligation to pay the Net Smelter Return Royalty shall commence from the date following the delivery by the Grantor to the Royalty Holder of a notice indicating commencement of Commercial Production.
Payments. 4.1 The RENTER undertakes to pay to XXXXXXX (a) The amount resulting from the application of the Applicable Rate and the price agreed in the rental agreement, corresponding to the term, insurance, optional exemptions, additional equipment and supplementary services, in accordance with the agreed upon conditions, and any applicable taxes and rates. (b) The amount of damages and/or theft suffered completely or partially in the Vehicle not covered by the Optional Exemptions (see Articles 7 and 8) underwritten by the RENTER or if the exemption applicable in each case had not been underwritten by the RENTER, as well as damages derived from loss of profits resulting from the immobilization of the Vehicle and, if applicable, damages derived from the breach of article 1 of these General Terms. The amount charged to the RENTER for damages caused to the Vehicle shall be calculated by an independent expert, including the indemnification payable by the RENTER resulting from the immobilization of the Vehicle. The RENTER’s maximum liability shall be the Vehicle's market value in accordance with the price in force at the time of the incident. (c) The cost of transportation and/or repair of the damages caused to the Vehicle resulting from the use of the wrong fuel, contravening article 9 of these General Conditions. Such amount shall be calculated in the manner set forth in paragraph (b) above. (d) The amount of any fines resulting from any breach of the applicable laws, particularly the Traffic Act, incurred by the RENTER when using the Vehicle, and any surcharges for the delay in payment by the RENTER and the judicial or out-of-court expenses incurred by XXXXXXX as a result of the above. (e) The cost of producing and/or sending a set of keys for the Vehicle to the applicable office in the case of loss, breakage, return of Vehicle’s keys in any office other than the one to which the Vehicle was to be actually returned, or any other situation which results in the Vehicle being immobilized for reasons attributable to the RENTER. Furthermore, the company shall charge the RENTER the rental price applicable to the days on which the Vehicle was immobilized as a consequence of such incidents. (f) An amount in Pesos, plus applicable taxes, equal to US$40, as a Traffic Fines Administration charge. Such charge shall be payable for each fine issued by the competent authority in connection with the rented Vehicle and due to events occurred during the term of the rental agreement.
Payments. 7.3.1 Payments to Parties are the exclusive tasks of the Coordinator. In particular, the Coordinator and the CIRAD shall: - notify the Party concerned promptly of the date and composition of the amount transferred to its bank account, giving the relevant references - perform diligently its tasks in the proper administration of any funds and in maintaining financial accounts - undertake to keep the Funding Authority’s financial contribution to the Project separated from its normal business accounts, its own assets and property, except if the Coordinator is a CIRAD sin demora indebida. En caso de que una Parte obtenga un recibo que sea deducible de la financiación total según lo establecido en el Plan del Consorcio, la deducción solo se aplica a la Parte que obtiene dichos ingresos. La parte financiera del presupuesto de las otras Partes no se verá afectada por el recibo de una Parte. En caso de que el recibo correspondiente sea mayor que la parte asignada a la Parte según lo establecido en el Plan de Consorcio, la Parte reembolsará la reducción de fondos sufrida por otras Partes. 7.1.5 Consecuencias financieras de la terminación de la participación de una Parte Una Parte que abandone el consorcio reembolsará todos los pagos que haya recibido excepto el monto de la contribución aceptada por la Autoridad de Financiamiento u otro contribuyente. Además, una Parte Incumplidora deberá, dentro de los límites especificados en la Sección 5.2 de este Acuerdo de Consorcio, asumir cualquier costo adicional razonable y justificable que ocurra a las otras Partes para realizar sus tareas. 7.2 Presupuestación El presupuesto establecido en el Plan del Consorcio se valorará de acuerdo con los principios y prácticas contables y de gestión habituales de las respectivas Partes. 7.3
Payments. 7.1. The CLIENT authorizes the MEMBER to make and receive payments on behalf of the CLIENT´s, resulting from the participation by the CLIENT in the Market.
Payments. (a) Principal and Premium
Payments. The shipping date will serve as a basis to establish the date of payment. The usual market terms will be acceptable, but in no case can payments exceed 60 days after the delivery date as established by Law 15/2010 published in the BOE nº 163 on July 6, 2010, section I page 59,653 and following. Failure to pay on the due date will result in an interest charge,having an agreement with a newly accepted effect with charge, and a new established date of payment. In this event, XXXX reserves the right to require exact prepaid or cash payment and, furthermore, to suspend any order under way. When a specific tooling is required for manufacturing requested products, the Buyer shall pay an agreed amount for design, validation, storage and right of use thereof. Payment shall be made according to the following terms: 40% on purchase order issue, 30% on samples delivery from AMES and 30% on final sample approval.The intellectual property right of any tool design is reserved by XXXX. Tools shall remain at AMES premises as a permanent deposit unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. Tooling shall be rendered inoperable upon Buyer request in their presence. Tooling for parts with no production over a period of three consecutive years shall be eliminated. Some of the data relating to the process are considered confidential and XXXX reserves the right not to make this confidential data public under any conditions. In the particular case of activities such as ¨run at rates¨ or similar activities, or of documents such as the FMEA or similar documents, the data and the documents can be presented to the client to affirm their existence and performance, as well as the evident results and information; however, they are not able to be removed from AMES´establishment under any circumstances.