Members violating the library rules shall be liable to have penalties levied on them as prescribed hereunder Clauses Exemplaires

Members violating the library rules shall be liable to have penalties levied on them as prescribed hereunder. 6.1.1 Lost of borrower’s cards/tickets shall immediately be reported in writing to the Librarian. Duplicate borrower’s cards/tickets/tickets shall be issued to the borrowers on written application along with payment of Rs. 50.00 per barcoded member card / Rs. 25.00 per library ticket, after it has been found that no books are due on the lost card/ticket. If any book is found issued on the lost card/ticket, it shall be the responsibility of the borrower, in whose name the card/ticket was issued, to return the books or pay compensation for its non-return.

Related to Members violating the library rules shall be liable to have penalties levied on them as prescribed hereunder

  • ATTRIBUTION DE JURIDICTION Tout différend relatif aux CGV, y compris leur validité, leur interprétation, leur exécution ou leur résiliation, est soumis à la compétence du Tribunal de Commerce de Rennes, nonobstant pluralités de défendeurs et appel en garantie y compris pour les procédures d'urgence et les procédures conservatoires, en référé ou sur requête. A l’exception de ce qui précède, le Fournisseur se réserve le droit de soumettre le litige au tribunal du siège social de l’Acheteur.