Prices, invoicing and payment Clauses Exemplaires

Prices, invoicing and payment. The prices mentioned in the Contract are firm and non-revisable, net and exclusive of tax. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the Seller, they are based on an "Ex Works" delivery, including standard commercial packaging, and therefore do not include transport, insurance, customs costs and specific packaging, which are in addition, at the expense and risk of the Customer. In the absence of specific payment terms negotiated with the Customer, the Seller shall send the invoice in duplicate to the Customer, who shall pay it within thirty (30) days of its issue date, by bank transfer, to the account which details are indicated by the Seller. In the event of late payment of amounts due by the Customer, and without prejudice to any other action that the Seller may bring against the Customer in this respect, (i) any down payment made to the Seller shall automatically be kept by the Seller, (ii) the Seller shall automatically receive default interests calculated, per day of delay, at a rate of twelve (12) percent per year(iii) the Seller shall automatically receive in addition an indemnity for recovery costs as per applicable laws, if any and may request additional compensation from the Customer if the recovery costs actually incurred exceed this amount, and (iv) the Seller may claim immediate re-delivery, at no costs for Seller, of Products on which it retains title as per Article 4 above. The Seller also reserves the right to suspend or cancel the delivery of all or part of the order, or of another order that is contractually or economically linked to the order which payment is late, as well as to reduce or cancel any discounts granted to the Customer. Early payment of the price shall not give right to reduction in price or rebate.
Prices, invoicing and payment. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the Customer shall pay one hundred (100%) percent of the agreed price prior to the delivery date by way of bank transfer from Customer’s bank account to SAS, or other form of payment approved by SAS, in accordance with the original invoice issued by SAS prior to the delivery date.
Prices, invoicing and payment. In the event of any changes after the order was placed or after the date on which the contract was drawn up in exchange rates, applicable taxes or the prices charged by constructors or publishers, the Company reserves the right to adjust the sale price accordingly. Hourly rates, agreements and sundry costs shall be indexed automatically, based on the current retail price index. Invoices shall be issued in euro and are payable within thirty (30) days.
Prices, invoicing and payment. The prices mentioned in the Contract are firm and non-revisable, net and exclusive of tax. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the Seller, they are based on a "Free Carrier " delivery, including standard commercial packaging, and therefore do not include transport,
Prices, invoicing and payment. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the Customer shall pay one hundred (100%) percent of the agreed price prior to the delivery date by (i) bank transfer from Customer’s bank account to CSS, or (ii) any other form of payment approved by CSS, in accordance with the original invoice issued by CSS prior to the delivery date.