Unforeseen events Clauses Exemplaires

Unforeseen events. In the event of a change in circumstances unforeseeable at the time the contract was signed, rendering its execution excessively expensive for the Organiser (“Unforeseen Event"), including if there is an increase of over 20% in the cost of organising or holding the Show, as evidenced by a certificate from a chartered accountant or auditor, the Organiser may, after notifying the Direct Exhibitor promptly by any means, without this giving rise to a claim for compensation or indemnity: • enter into discussions with the Direct Exhibitor in view of renegotiating the fee for participating in the Show and/or any sum owed by the Direct Exhibitor in respect of participation in the Show (registration fee, Site provision costs, etc.); • failing an agreement with the Direct Exhibitor within 15 days of the Organiser’s notification of the Unforeseen Event to the Direct Exhibitor; this period may be reduced by the Organiser if there is an emergency (in particular if the Unforeseen Event occurs less than 2 months before the start date of the Show): o modify the material conditions for organising the Show as initially planned, including the date, location, duration and times of the Show (extension or early closure of the Show, adaptation to circumstances of the conditions in which customers and visitors are received or in which equipment is displayed, etc.); o modify the pricing conditions for participation in the Show, including increasing the cost of participation in the Show and/or any sums due by the Direct Exhibitor for participation in the Show (registration fees, Site provision costs, etc.) mutatis mutandis in line with the extra costs borne by the Organiser, as certified by the auditor (e.g. a 25% increase in its costs will entail a 25% increase in prices); o cancel all or part of the Direct Exhibitor's participation in the Show; o cancel all or part of the Show, including applications accepted by the Organiser and the allocation of Sites. In the event of a change in the material conditions for organising the Show due to an Unforeseen Event, the amount of the deposit or participation fee paid by the Direct Exhibitor will be retained by the Organiser for the Direct Exhibitor's participation in the modified Show, and the Direct Exhibitor will be bound to pay all instalments due in respect of its participation in the modified Show, in application of the terms of payment as amended mutatis mutandis. The Direct Exhibitor may not demand any partial or total refund of the...
Unforeseen events. With regard to the duration of the Provision of Services concerned, the Exhibitor and GL events Exhibitions agree to exclude the application of the provisions of Article 1195 of the Civil Code.

Related to Unforeseen events

  • Force majeure S’il venait à survenir un événement de force majeure, la partie concernée devra en informer l’autre dans les plus brefs délais, par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception. Les parties ne pourront être tenues pour responsables de la non-exécution ou du retard dans l'exécution de l'une quelconque de leurs obligations en raison de ce cas de force majeure. Sont considérés comme cas de force majeure ou cas fortuit, outre ceux définis par l’article 1218 du Code Civil ou habituellement retenus par la jurisprudence des cours et tribunaux français, et sans que cette liste soit limitative, les grèves totales ou partielles, lock-out, émeute, les boycottages ou autres actions à caractère industriel ou litiges commerciaux, trouble civil, insurrection, guerre, intempérie, épidémie, pandémies, blocage des moyens de transport ou d’approvisionnement pour quelle que raison que ce soit, tremblement de terre, incendie, tempête, inondation, dégâts des eaux, restrictions gouvernementales ou légales de circulation sur le territoire, modifications légales ou réglementaires des formes de commercialisation, panne d’ordinateur, blocage des télécommunications, y compris des réseaux de télécommunications filaires ou hertziens, et tout autre cas indépendant de la volonté des parties empêchant l’exécution normale de la relation contractuelle. L’ensemble des obligations des parties seront suspendues pendant toute la durée de l’événement de force majeure, sans indemnité. Si l’événement de force majeure se prolonge pendant plus de trois (3) mois, le contrat concerné pourra être résilié de plein droit sans indemnité pour l’une ou l’autre des parties.

  • Conditions particulières Les parties conviennent, en outre, que :………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………