Background Klausul Contoh

Background. The Board of Directors Work Guidelines and Regulations serves as a reference for the Board of Directors in implementing their duties and responsibilities in managing the Bank in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance, which among others are transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, and fairness, as well as in compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations. The Board of Directors Work Guidelines and Regulations is prepared based on the following :
Background. In any of its business activities, PT Bank Jago Tbk (“Bank”) must refer to guidelines on various provisions related to the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), and in the efforts to improve and increase the quality of GCG implementation, the Bank shall establish a more comprehensive Corporate Governance Manual to provide overall illustration of the governance structure, management system as well as internal control system in Bank, also to provide the accountability and clarity of functions and responsibilities of each and every level of Bank’s organization. This Corporate Governance Manual is made as the guidelines of corporate governance implementation in Bank and as the suplement guidelines of corporate governance implementation issued by Regulator. The socialization and distribution of Corporate Governance Manual is conducted through the Bank’s internal communication channel and website.
Background. In running a company, adequate funds are needed to carry out its operational activities. In addition to funds owned by company owners, funding can be obtained through investment activities [1]. Stock investment aims to obtain investment returns in the form of dividends and capital gains. Financial statements are very important, aiming to provide information on the financial condition of a company, company performance, and cash flow used by the company to make decisions related to company policy. One of the points that companies pay attention to in relation to company policy is cash. As is well known, cash is a current asset that is used as a means of payment and can also be retrieved whenever the company needs it ([2]. One of the cash components most desired by management and investors is cash holding which will be used by managers for the welfare of shareholders. Cash holding is an amount of money held in cash for plans or speculation, deposited or saved in the Bank, and bought in foreign currency or securities [3]. Determining the level of cash holdings in the company is an important decision that must be taken by a manager [4]. Liquidity is a ratio that reflects the company's ability to meet its obligations or pay back its short-term debt. This ratio is used as a measure of how liquid a company is. Measure whether a company is liquid or not by comparing assets with total current liabilities (short-term debt). This measurement can be done within a certain period of time so that the development of the company's liquidity can be seen from time to time. According to the study results of [5], [6] and [7], it is stated that there is a negative relationship between liquidity and cash holding. Other researchers [8] and [9] stated the results of their study that there was a significant negative relationship between liquidity and cash holding. In supporting the company's growth, the amount of funds needed for the future is determined by the company's rapid growth. If the company's growth rate is stable, the fulfillment of funding can come from the capital market or foreign investment, therefore, the company is able to pay high dividends. Several studies have shown that the higher the company's growth opportunity, the higher the amount of cash held by the company [5]. Research by [10], [11] and [12] show a significant positive effect between growth opportunity and cash holding. Net working capital is net working capital which is defined as part of current assets w...

Related to Background

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