Events of Default Clausole campione

Events of Default. If any one or more of the following events (each an "Event of Default") shall occur and be continuing:
Events of Default. (a) Events of Default of Senior Notes This Condition 9(a) (Events of Default of Senior Notes) only applies to Senior Notes; any reference to Noteholders shall be construed accordingly. If any of the following events occurs and is continuing, the holder of a Note of any Series may give written notice to the Fiscal Agent at its specified office that such Note is immediately repayable, whereupon the Early Termination Amount of such Note together with accrued interest to the date of payment shall become immediately due and payable:
Events of Default. If any of the following events occurs, the Trustee, at its discretion, may, and, if so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution of the Noteholders, shall (subject in each case to the Trustee being indemnified and/or secured and/or prefunded to its satisfaction), give notice to the Issuer that the Notes are, and they shall immediately become, due and payable at their principal amount together (if applicable) with accrued interest:
Events of Default. (a) Events of Default
Events of Default. (a) Subject as provided in Condition 19, if applicable, Event of Default wherever used herein with respect to the Notes means any one of the following events:
Events of Default. If any of the following events occurs and is continuing (each an "Event of Default"), then, in the case of Event of Default 10(f) (Insolvency) the Notes shall automatically become immediately due and payable and, in the case of each of the other Events of Default, any Noteholder may, by written notice addressed to the Issuer and delivered to the Issuer or to the specified office of the Fiscal Agent and specifying one or more of the Events of Default to which such notice relates, request that all (but not some only) of the Notes then outstanding become due and payable at their principal amount together (if applicable) with accrued interest (each such notice being a separate "Acceleration Request" in respect of each Event of Default specified therein (even if contained in a single document)) and all of the Notes then outstanding shall become due and payable at their principal amount together (if applicable) with accrued interest upon the earlier to occur of:
Events of Default. If any one or more of the following events (each an "Event of Default") has occurred and is continuing:
Events of Default. 14.1. OCCURRENCE If at any time: (I) The Client fails to make any payment when due under this Agreement or to perform any other material obligation under this Agreement or any Contract or transaction entered into thereunder; (II) Any action is taken, or event occurs which Company reasonably considers might have a material adverse effect upon the Client’s ability to perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement; (III) Any action is taken, or event occurs which Company reasonably considers to be or might be a violation of any applicable Law and Regulations or good standards of market practice; (IV) The Client dies or becomes of unsound mind or, where the Client is a legal entity, the Client is dissolved, or any registration required for its capacity or existence is revoked, terminated or otherwise ends, or proceedings are commenced seeking or proposing the Client’s dissolution or the revocation, termination or end of such registration; (V) The Client becomes unable to pay its debts as they fall due or is bankrupt or insolvent (as defined under any bankruptcy or insolvency law applicable to the Client) or any indebtedness of the Client is not paid on the due date therefor or becomes capable at any time of being declared due and payable before the due date of payment set forth in any agreement or instrument; (VI) Any voluntary or involuntary procedure is commenced by or against the Client seeking or proposing liquidation, reorganization, an arrangement or composition with creditors, a freezing action or moratorium or other similar relief with respect to the Client or the Client’s debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory, corporate, tax or similar law, or seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, conservator, administrator, insolvency officer or other similar official with respect to the Client or any substantial part of the Client’s assets, or the Client takes any corporate steps to authorize any of the foregoing; (VII) Any representation or warranty given by the Client proves to have been or becomes untrue, false or misleading in any material respect; (VIII) Any regulator of the business of Company requires us to take any of the actions under Section 14.2; or (IX) Company reasonably considers that any of the circumstances set out in points (i)-(viii) above are likely to occur, then, we may exercise all or any of its rights under Section 14.2. Each of the circumstances contemplated in this Section 14.1 sh...
Events of Default. In the case of Notes issued by SGA Société Générale Acceptance N.V. and SG Option Europe, the holder of any Note may give written notice to the relevant Issuer and the Guarantor (if applicable) that the Notes are, and they shall accordingly forthwith become, immediately due and repayable at their Early Redemption Amount, together with, if appropriate and subject as otherwise provided herein, interest accrued to the date of repayment, upon the occurrence of any of the following events (each an Event of Default):

Related to Events of Default

  • Valuta Gli importi relativi ai premi assicurativi ed alle prestazioni assicurate verranno calcolati, e conseguentemente corrisposti, nella moneta nazionale vigente al momento del pagamento.

  • FORO COMPETENTE E LEGGE APPLICABILE Il Foro competente a dirimere eventuali controversie è quello di residenza o domicilio elettivo del Cliente consumatore. I rapporti con i Clienti sono regolati, salvo accordi specifici, dalla legge italiana.

  • Conclusione Alla luce del quadro normativo e giurisprudenziale brevemente illustrato si può affermare che sembra ormai trovare riconoscimento nel nostro ordinamento giuridico – accanto ad un’esigenza di tutela del debitore, quale soggetto debole del rapporto, da indebite pressioni psicologiche del creditore che possono tradursi in un ingiustificato arricchimento del creditore ai danni del debitore – un’esigenza, altrettanto meritevole di tutela, di facilitare la concessione del credito e di consentire una rapida ed efficiente soddisfazione del creditore, a condizione che vengano previsti accorgimenti giuridici che garantiscano un’equa soddisfazione del creditore e la restituzione al debitore dell’eccedenza di valore del bene che funge da garanzia dell’operazione di finanziamento. Ciò che il divieto di patto commissorio vuole evitare è che la situazione di temporanea difficoltà economica in cui si trova il debitore porti ad abusi del creditore che tenti di lucrare sulla differenza di valore tra il credito e la garanzia offerta dal debitore. La disciplina del patto commissorio ha alla base una presunzione di sproporzione tra il credito e il valore del bene che acquisirebbe il creditore in caso di inadempimento77. L’autonomia privata, nella predisposizione del regolamento contrattuale, deve farsi carico di prevedere meccanismi tecnici che valgano a superare l’accennata presunzione di sproporzione tra il valore del credito e quello del bene dato in garanzia. La prospettata impostazione è altresì conforme al canone di autoresponsabilità gravante sul soggetto che liberamente decide di immettersi nel traffico giuridico: non pare ragionevole né corretto attribuire al debitore, dopo avere concluso un contratto non squilibrato né viziato, re melius perpensa, invocare la nullità ex art. 2744 c.c. per liberarsi dalla garanzia convenzionale assunta, nonostante la sua inidoneità a tradursi in un sacrificio patrimoniale ingiusto, in contrasto con i principi della buona fede e della correttezza78 che animano la materia delle obbligazioni e quella del contratto79. 75 Parere sul disegno di legge n. 1564, in materia di prestito vitalizio ipotecario, della 14^ Commissione permanente (Politiche dell’unione europea), Roma, 11 marzo 2015, est. X. Xxxxxxxxxx (consultabile in xxxxxx.xx). 76 Parere sul disegno di legge n. 1564, cit.