FORM. (a) Global Form. Except in the case of Securities issued in dematerialised form, the Securities will be issued in bearer form in the denomination of the Nominal Amount. The Securities are represented by a global security (the “Global Security”) which will be deposited with a Clearing Agent or the depositary for one or more Clearing Agents and will be transferable only in accordance with the applicable law and the rules and procedures of the relevant Clearing Agent through whose systems the Securities are transferred. Each person (other than another Clearing Agent) who is for the time being shown in the records of the relevant Clearing Agent as the owner of a particular nominal amount of the Securities (in which regard any certificate or other document issued by the relevant Clearing Agent as to the nominal amount of the Securities standing to the credit of the account of any person shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes except in the case of manifest error) shall be treated by the Issuer and each Agent as the holder of such nominal amount of the Securities (and the term “Holder” shall be construed accordingly) for all purposes, other than with respect to any payment and/or delivery obligations, the right to which shall be vested as regards the Issuer and the Agents, solely in the bearer of the Global Security.
(b) Dematerialised Form. Certain Securities will, where required by the rules and procedures of the Clearing Agent, be issued in dematerialised form and will be registered in the book-entry system of the Clearing Agent. Title to the Securities will pass by transfer between accountholders at the Clearing Agent perfected in accordance with the legislation, rules and regulations applicable to and/or issued by the Clearing Agent that are in force and effect from time to time (the “Rules”). Accordingly, in these Conditions, the term “Holder” means a person in whose name a Security is registered in the book-entry settlement system of the Clearing Agent or any other person recognised as a holder of Securities pursuant to the Rules.
FORM. 1.1.1 Securities other than Securities held in Euroclear France The Securities, except for Securities held in Euroclear France, are issued in registered and uncertificated form. Such Securities comprise registered Securities which for the time being are uncertificated securities in accordance with, in the case of Securities cleared through CREST, the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No. 3755) as amended from time to time (the "Regulations"). The Securities will be issued and transferred in uncertificated form through the Relevant Settlement System. Securities in certificated form will not be issued.
FORM. The Securities are represented by a global security (the “Global Security”) which will be deposited with the Clearing Agent and will be transferable only in accordance with the applicable law and the rules and procedures of the relevant Clearing Agent through whose systems the Securities are transferred. Each person (other than another Clearing Agent) who is for the time being shown in the records of the relevant Clearing Agent as the owner of a particular unit quantity of the Securities (in which regard any certificate or other document issued by the relevant Clearing Agent as to the unit quantity of the Securities standing to the credit of the account of any person shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes except in the case of manifest error) shall be treated by the Issuer and each Agent as the holder of such unit quantity of the Securities (and the term “Holder” shall be construed accordingly) for all purposes, other than with respect to any payment and / or delivery obligations, the right to which shall be vested as regards the Issuer and the Agents, solely in the bearer of the Global Security.
FORM. L’invito alle giornate di selezione e formazione verrà trasmesso via mail ai soli candidati ammessi.
FORM. Il presente Accordo è redatto e stipulato in lingua italiana. La traduzione del testo in qualsiasi altra lingua dovrà intendersi come mera traduzione di cortesia, priva di qualsivoglia efficacia legale. This Agreement has been drawn and concluded in Italian. The translation of the text into any other language must only be considered as a courteous translation, without any legal effect. Luogo e data/Place and date .............................................................................. Nome del legale rappresentante/Authorized person name................................ ............................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................(firma/signature) Il Richiedente dichiara di aver letto e compreso, e di accettare espressamente ai sensi degli artt. 1341 e 1342 del codice civile, le seguenti clausole dell’Accordo: 8.2,8.3,8.4 e 8.5) Valore e modalità di pagamento dei canoni; 8.7) Modifica dei parametri per il computo dei canoni; 9.5 e 9.6) Cancellazione dei clienti e oneri dovuti; 10.1) Tacito rinnovo; 10.6) Clausola penale; 10.8) Ritiro delle apparecchiature; 11) Possibilità di sospensione del servizio;
FORM. L’invito alla giornata di selezione e formazione verrà trasmesso via mail ai soli candidati che abbiano superato la prima selezione per titoli e test di lingua. ASSISTENTE DI DIREZIONE IN CENTRI VACANZE STUDIO ALL’ESTERO 2019 Offriamo a candidati qualificati e motivati la possibilità di effettuare una esperienza di lavoro durante la stagione estiva, come membri del team di assistenza ed animazione di gruppi di giovani in età scolare partecipanti a viaggi studio all’estero.
FORM. TABELLA 5 SERVIZI DI SUPPORTO PROFESSIONALE Calcolo del prezzo totale ponderato globale e dello sconto Il valore dello sconto del concorrente i-esimo Ai è definito come la differenza fra il valore della base d’asta e il Prezzo Totale Ponderato globale ed è dato dalla seguente formula: Ai = BdA - PTPglobale Per ciascuna categoria di servizio è definito il Prezzo Totale Ponderato (PTP) su quattro anni, calcolato a partire dai prezzi unitari mediante pesatura di un prefissato mix di tipologie di profili di servizio e di opzioni. I pesi assegnati sono riportati nelle corrispondenti sezioni relative al calcolo del prezzo totale ponderato di ciascuno dei servizi. L’arrotondamento dei prezzi corrispondenti ad un determinato servizio viene effettuato sempre al termine della relativa procedura di calcolo. Il PTP globale è definito come la somma dei Prezzi PTP di ciascuna categoria di servizio ed è dato dalla seguente formula: PTPglobale = PTPSTD + PTPVOIP + PTPSSUP Utilizzando le notazioni di Tabella 6 e i pesi di Tabella 7, il PTP per i Servizi di Trasporto Dati su quattro anni PTPSTD è dato da:
FORM. 15.1 Any communication according to the present Conditions shall be made in writing, and sent to the other party at its registered or operational office, or at any address elected for this purpose.
15.2 Any Contract between the Seller and the Buyer can only be modified in writing, under penalty of invalidity.
15.3 Any tolerance of the Seller for a behaviour, that does not comply with what was agreed upon, shall not entail or imply an acceptance of the same, nor any consequent modifications of the Contract (modifications can only be express - not tacit or implicit - and made in writing, under penalty of nullity).
FORM. Il presente Accordo è redatto e stipulato in lingua italiana. La tradu- zione del testo in qualsiasi altra lingua dovrà intendersi come mera traduzione di cortesia, priva di qualsivoglia efficacia legale.