Final Provisions. For anything not provided in this call, please consult the provisions of the "Regulations for granting of temporary research fellowships for research activities on internally funded programmes" indicated in the premises and available at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx, as well as applicable laws.
Final Provisions. For anything not provided in this call, please consult the provisions of the "Regulations for granting of
Final Provisions. For anything not expressly provided under this call notice, the regulations mentioned in this decree introduction, and legislation, shall apply.
Final Provisions. (a) The total or partial invalidity of any provision of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.
(b) The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale have been drafted in both Italian and English languages. In case of problems of interpretation the Italian version shall prevail.
Final Provisions. For anything not specified within this present announcement, reference shall be made to the provisions of Law no. 240/2010 and subsequent amendments and implementing provisions, to the University of Padova's current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards in accordance with Art. 22 of Law no. 240/2010, and to current law. The Department reserves the right to verify the truthfulness of the candidate’s self-certifications and statutory declarations, in accordance with Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000, at any stage of the procedure. If the aforementioned statements are found to be false, then the declarer shall forfeit any benefits gained from these false statements and may be subject to sanctions provided for by the Italian criminal code or by special laws on this matter governed by Art. 76 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR no. 445/2000. The person responsible for the selection procedure is the Administrative Secretary of Department, Dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
Final Provisions. (a) L’invalidità in tutto o in parte di singole disposizioni delle presenti Condizioni Generali di Vendita non inficia la validità delle restanti previsioni.
(b) Le presenti Condizioni Generali di vendita sono redatte in duplice lingua italiana e inglese. In caso sorgessero dubbi interpretativi prevarrà la versione in italiano. Ai sensi e per gli effetti degli articoli 1341 e 1342 del Codice Civile italiano l’Acquirente approva specificatamente le disposizioni qui di seguito richiamate: Art. 1 (b) – Applicabilità delle condizioni generali di vendita a tutti i contratti; Art. 3 (d) – Mancato pagamento nei termini e assoggettamento a procedure concorsuali; Art. 3 (e) – Divieto di compensazioni, trattenute o riduzioni; Art. 4 -Termini di consegna; Art. 5 – Dovere di ispezione e di accettazione dei prodotti; Art. 7 – Limitazione della responsabilità; Art. 8 – Riserva di proprietà; Art. 10 -Legge applicabile; Art. 11 – Foro competente.
(a) The total or partial invalidity of any provision of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.
(b) The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale have been drafted in both Italian and English languages. In case of problems of interpretation the Italian version shall prevail.
Final Provisions. 17.1. The total or partial invalidity of any provision of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.
Final Provisions. For anything not specified within this present announcement, reference shall be made to the provisions of Law no. 240/2010 and subsequent amendments and implementing provisions, to the University of Padova's current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards in accordance with Art. 22 of Law no. 240/2010, and to current law. The Department reserves the right to verify the truthfulness of the candidate’s self-certifications and statutory declarations, in accordance with Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000, at any stage of ai sensi dell’art. 22 della Legge 240/2010 dell'Università degli Studi di Padova e alla normativa vigente. La Struttura si riserva la facoltà di accertare la veridicità delle dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificazioni o di atti di notorietà rese dalle candidate e dai candidati ai sensi del D.P.R. 445/2000, in ogni fase della procedura. Qualora dal controllo sopra indicato emerga la non veridicità del contenuto delle dichiarazioni, la/il dichiarante decade dai benefici eventualmente conseguenti al provvedimento emanato sulla base della dichiarazione non veritiera, fermo restando le disposizioni di cui all'art. 76 del D.P.R. 445/2000, in merito alle sanzioni previste dal codice penale e dalle leggi speciali in materia. La responsabile del procedimento è la Segretaria Amministrativa del Dipartimento, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
Final Provisions. For anything not specified within this notice, reference shall be made to the provisions of Law no. 240/2010, to the University of Padua's current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards in accordance with Art. 22 of Law 240/2010, and to applicable laws in force. The Department reserves the right to verify the truthfulness of the candidate’s self certifications or certifications in lieu of affidavit, in accordance with D.P.R. 445/2000 (Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000), at any stage of the procedure. If the aforementioned certifications are found to be false, then the certifier shall forfeit any benefits gained
Final Provisions. For anything not specified within this present announcement, reference shall be made to the provisions of Law no. 240/2010 and subsequent amendments and implementing provisions, to the University of Padova's current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards in accordance with Art. 22 of Law no. 240/2010, and to current law. The Department reserves the right to verify the truthfulness of the candidate’s self-certifications and statutory declarations, in accordance with Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000, at any stage of the procedure. If the aforementioned statements are found to be false, then the declarer shall forfeit any benefits gained from these false statements and may be subject to sanctions provided for by the Italian criminal code or by special laws on this matter governed by Art. 76 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR no. 445/2000. D.P.R. 445/2000, in merito alle sanzioni previste dal codice penale e dalle leggi speciali in materia. La responsabile del procedimento è la Segretaria Amministrativa del Dipartimento, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx