Jurisdiction and applicable law Clausole campione

Jurisdiction and applicable law. 16.1 The contractual relationship between Xx Xxxxx and the Buyer is governed by the Italian Law. These Terms and Conditions of Sale may be translated into other languages, should any conflict arise between the Italian original version and any foreign language translation, the conditions of sale included in the Italian version shall prevail and shall remain valid and binding.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. 16.1 The contractual relationship between Il Ponte and the Buyer is governed by Italian law. As for consumers who do not have their habitual residence in Italy, this is without prejudice to the application of more favourable provisions provided by the Country where consumers have their habitual residence.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. For any possible and future dispute arising from this contract or connected to it, both as regards the fulfillment of the services in question, and specifically the payment of invoices, execution, effectiveness, validity, termination or cancellation, interpretation, as well as any question of contractual and / or non-contractual liability deriving from the same will be exclusively the responsibility of the Court of Rome. Where the Customer is a consumer, the Court where he has his residence or elected domicile is competent.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. In case of disputes regarding the validity, interpretation or execution of these general terms and conditions and of the relative sales/supply contracts, or of disputes in any case connected to them, the Court of Bolzano is exclusively competent. The applicable law is Italian law.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. 14.1. Ogni controversia che dovesse in- sorgere tra le Parti in relazione od in conseguenza del presente contratto (comprese la validità, l’efficacia, l’interpretazione, l’esecuzione, la ri- soluzione o cessazione degli effetti dello stesso, etc.)sarà devoluta in via esclusiva al giudice competente presso il Foro di Milano.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. The applicable law for this Agreement is the Italian Law. For any dispute - not amicably resolved - related to the interpretation of and/or execution of this Agreement, the exclusive jurisdiction belongs to the Court of Cremona, with express exclusion of any other Court, general and optional.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. 12.1 All disputes that may arise in connection with the existence, validity, interpretation, execution and termination of the agreement between Komplet S.p.A. and the Buyer shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Ancona. 12.2 For all matters not expressly provided for by these general conditions, Italian law shall apply, with the exclusion of the respective applicable conflict of laws rules, the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods adopted in Vienna on 11 April 1980, the Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods adopted in New York in 1974, unless otherwise agreed in writing. 12.3 Where legally binding rules apply, such rules shall prevail over these General Terms and Conditions as far as their scope is concerned. 13.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. The jurisdiction in which the Company is based governs these terms and your use of the Film Collection Page and the Contents. The present general conditions relating to the use of the Film Collection Page by the User are regulated by the Italian law.