Terms of Warranty. (a) Il Venditore garantisce che i Prodotti sono esenti da vizi e conformi alle specifiche tecniche dichiarate dal Venditore.
(b) La garanzia si applica solo sui prodotti utilizzati in ambiente e per applicazioni coerenti con le specifiche dichiarate dal Venditore; ogni uso improprio è da ritenersi vietato.
(c) La garanzia non avrà validità se l’inconveniente o anomalia risulterà dipendente da applicazioni non corrette o non adeguate al prodotto, oppure se lo stesso non sarà conforme alla messa in servizio. L’eventuale modifica o sostituzione di parti del prodotto non autorizzata dal Venditore, solleva il costruttore da Responsabilità civili e penali, facendo comunque decadere la garanzia. La garanzia non copre le normali parti soggette ad usura.
(d) Per ulteriori Termini di Garanzia si prega riferirsi al documento “General Service Policy Guide”
(a) The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by the Seller
(b) The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in suitable environment and for suitable applications in appliance with technical specifications forwarded by the Seller; every improper use of the products is forbidden
(c) The warranty shall not be valid if the defect or not conformity will prove to be depending on not correct on not suitable applications of the product, or if the product has been uncorrectly placed in operation. Any change or replacement of product parts, which has not been authorized by the Seller releases the manufacturer from any civil or penal liabilities, and makes the warranty unvalid. The warranty does not cover the normal products parts subject to consumption.
(d) For further Terms of Warranty please refer to the document “General Service Policy Guide”.
Terms of Warranty. 1. The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Pro- ducts shall be free from defect and shall comply with the te- chnical specifications provided by the Seller. The Products are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of the shipment of the products themselves.
2. Under warranty obligation, the Seller commits to replacing and/or repairing the spoilt and/or faulty product t within the limits of this contract and without any further refunding obli- gation deriving from direct and/or indirect and/or subsequent damage deriving to the Buyer or to any third parties due to product defects (as an example, also provoking product losses, damage to things or people, etc.).
3. The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in su- itable environment and for suitable applications in appliance with what has been foreseen when the project has been stu- died; every improper use of the products is forbidden.
4. The warranty obligations does not operate in case where de- fects into the Goods are due to:
(i) damage cause during the transportation;
(ii) negligent and/or improper use of the Goods made by the client;
(iii) bad preservation of the Good due disrespect of the given indications on that regard;
(iv) incorrect installation of the products made by the Buyer.
5. The request to activate the warranty rights must be made in written form and they must represent in detail the defects or the contested non-compliance, as well as the references to the concerning invoice or Seller’s confirmation of order or the identifying ID number of the Products or production batch number – if present. Furthermore, under Xxxxxx’x request, the claim must be integrated with adequate photographical docu- mentation. The claim will be not valid if they are not in com- pliance with what requested under the present article. Anyway, the Buyer shall not exercise his warranty right toward the Seller if the price of the Goods has not been paid at the conditions and terms agreed, even in the case where the out- standing payment refers to products that are different from the ones where the warranty is required to be applied. The valere i diritti di garanzia verso il Venditore se il prezzo dei pro- dotti non sia stato corrisposto alle condizioni e nei termini pat- tuiti, anche nel caso in cui la mancata corresponsione del prezzo alle condizioni e nei termini pattuiti si riferisca a prodotti diversi da quelli per i quali l’Acquirente intende far valere la garanzia. Il pagam...
Terms of Warranty. (a) The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by the Seller.
(b) Under warranty obligation, the Seller commits to replacing and/or repairing the spoilt and/or faulty defect within the limits of this contract and without any further refunding obligation deriving from direct and/or indirect and/or subsequent damage deriving to the Buyer or any third parties due to product defects (as an example, also provoking product losses, damage to things or people, etc).
(c) The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in suitable environment and for suitable applications in appliance with what has been foreseen at the moment the project has been studied; every improper use of the products is forbidden. The Products are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months of normal working for 8 (eight) hours a day, period which will not able to be in any event longer than 18 (eighteen) months from the date of the shipment of the Products themselves.
(d) Tale garanzia comprende unicamente la sostituzione o riparazione dei Prodotti difettosi con esclusione di ogni ulteriore e diversa obbligazione. Il Prodotto verrà riparato dal Venditore presso la propria sede, la propria filiale o il proprio rivenditore autorizzato. L’Acquirente dovrà richiedere autorizzazione al reso al Venditore mediante compilazione dell’apposito “MOD 7-2-19 – Modello notifica reclamo - reso - assistenza esterna” (disponibile sul sito web xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx), attenendosi scrupolosamente alle istruzioni ivi riportate. Solo a seguito di conferma di autorizzazione al reso l’Acquirente potrà procedere ad inviare a proprie spese il Prodotto difettoso con causale “conto riparazione” presso la sede, filiale o rivenditore autorizzato indicatogli dal Venditore. Il Venditore trasmetterà all’Acquirente il nuovo Prodotto o il Prodotto riparato, sostenendo i costi della spedizione.
(e) Qualora l’Acquirente, in accordo con il Venditore, richieda di effettuare la sostituzione e/o riparazione presso di lui, l’Acquirente sosterrà le spese di viaggio e soggiorno del personale tecnico messo a disposizione dal Xxxxxxxxx e fornirà tutti i mezzi ed il personale ausiliario necessari per eseguire l'intervento nel modo più rapido e sicuro.
(f) La garanzia non avrà validità se l’inconveniente o anomalia risulterà dipendente da applicazioni non corrette o non adeguate al prodotto, oppure se lo stesso non sarà confo...
Terms of Warranty. (a) Carapax s.r.l. hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by Carapax s.r.l.
(b) The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in suitable environment and for suitable applications in appliance with technical specifications forwarded by Carapax s.r.l.; every improper use of the products is forbidden
(c) The warranty shall not be valid if the defect or not conformity will prove to be depending on not correct on not suitable applications of the product, or if the product has been uncorrectly placed in operation. Any change or replacement of product parts, which has not been authorized by Carapax s.r.l. releases the manufacturer from any civil or penal liabilities, and makes the warranty unvalid. The warranty does not cover the normal products parts subject to consumption.
(d) For further Terms of Warranty please refer to the document “General Service Policy Guide”.
Terms of Warranty. (a) Il Venditore garantisce che i Prodotti sono esenti da vizi e conformi alle specifiche tecniche dichiarate dal Venditore.
(b) La garanzia si applica solo sui prodotti utilizzati in ambiente e per applicazioni coerenti con le specifiche dichiarate dal Venditore; ogni uso improprio è da ritenersi vietato.
(a) The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by the Seller
(b) The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in suitable environment and for suitable applications in appliance with technical specifications forwarded by the Seller; every improper use of the products is forbidden
Terms of Warranty. (a) The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from any defects and comply with the technical specifications forwarded by the Seller.
(b) Under warranty obligation, the Seller commits to replacing and/or repairing the spoilt and/or faulty defects within the limits set in this contract and without any further liability or responsibility or obligation deriving from direct and/or indirect and/or subsequent damages to the Buyer or any third parties due to eventual product defects (as an example, loss of production and revenue, damage to goods or persons, etc).
(c) The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in suitable environment conditions and for suitable applications in accordance with project provisions and order confirmation indications and specific product references; every improper use of the products is forbidden. The Products are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months from its first initial use, period which will not be, in any event, longer than 18 (eighteen) months from the date of the consignment of the Products themselves.
(d) Such warranty only includes the replacement or repair of the faulty Products with the exclusion of any further and different liability and obligation. The Product will be repaired by the Seller at its own premises as indicated. The Buyer must request authorization to the Seller to return faulty Products by written notice. Only after the confirmation of the authorization to return, the Buyer will send the faulty Products, at its own expense, with the marked indication “return on account of repair” to the Sellers premises as indicated by the Seller. The Seller will deliver the new Product or the repaired Product to the Buyer, sustaining the costs of the shipment.
(e) Should the Buyer, in agreement with the Seller, require the replacement and/or repair to be carried out at the Buyer’s plant, the Buyer will pay for travel expenses and accommodation for the technical staff provided by the Seller and will provide all the equipment and auxiliary staff needed in order to carry out the intervention in the quickest and safest way.
(f) The warranty shall not be valid if the defect, imperfection or non- conformity will prove to be depending on incorrect or not suitable applications for the Product, or if the Product has been incorrectly placed in function. Any alteration, change or replacement of Product parts not authorized by the Seller, may represent an accident risk and therefore rele...
Terms of Warranty. (a) The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by the Seller.
(b) Under warranty obligation, the Seller commits to replacing and/or repairing the spoilt and/or faulty defect within the limits of this contract and without any further refunding obligation deriving from direct and/or indirect and/or subsequent damage deriving to the Buyer or any third parties due to product defects (as an example, also provoking product losses, damage to things or people, etc).
(c) The warranty shall be valid only on the products used in suitable environment and for suitable applications in appliance with what has been foreseen at the moment the project has been studied; every improper use of the products is forbidden. The Products are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months of normal working for 8 (eight) hours a day, period which will not able to be in any event longer than 18 (eighteen) months from the date of the shipment of the Products themselves.
(d) Tale garanzia comprende unicamente la
(d) Such warranty only includes the substitution or repair of the defective Products with the exclusion of any other and different obligation. The Product will be repaired by the seller at its own office, its secondary office or its own authorized reseller. The Buyer must request return material authorization to the Seller by means of filling of the apposite "MOD 7-2-19 - Complaint - return - external service notice
Terms of Warranty. Coverage of 12 months, from the shipping date, on components with exception to the parts that undergo to rapid wear. During the warranty period the Seller will repair or replace the defective parts free of charge in the shortest possible time, provided that it is not due to assembly errors of the Buyer or third party, to wrong use of the products, to missing or wrong maintenance, to faults caused to unskilfulness or negligence of the Buyer, to interventions, tampering carried out by the Buyer or third party, without previous written authorization from the Seller. If that kind of modifications is performed, without the above mentioned authorization, the warranty will decay. If not differently agreed the packaging and shipping costs will be at Buyer’s charge. If upon Xxxxx’x request, the Seller intervenes at Buyer’s facilities, all the travel expenses (travelling hours, km and/or flight tickets, board and lodging) of Seller’s personnel will be on Buyer’s charge and will be its duty to prepare the personnel and the means necessary to allow the Seller to carry out the repairing or replacing activities. All the repairing, modifications or replacing carried out by the Seller during the warranty period will not have dal Venditore durante il periodo di garanzia non potranno avere l’effetto di prorogare la durata della garanzia dei Prodotti. Il Venditore, al fine di preservare nel tempo il buon funzionamento dei prodotti forniti, consiglia che l’Acquirente svolga una normale, corretta e sistematica attività di manutenzione preventiva come illustrato nel manuale di uso e manutenzione fornito. Al fine di garantire un pronto servizio di assistenza durante il periodo di garanzia, l’Acquirente dovrà approvvigionare e rendere disponibili i ricambi raccomandati. the effect to extend the duration of the warranty of the Products. The Seller, in order to maintain the good working of the supplied products over time, recommend to the Buyer to perform a usual, correct and systematic preventive maintenance activities as illustrated in the supplied user manual. In order to guarantee a prompt assistance service during the warranty period, the Buyer will have to purchase and make available the recommended spare parts.