WARRANTY Clausole campione
WARRANTY. In pursuant to Art. 1490 and 1495 of the Civil Code, the contractor must provide a guarantee for a period not less than 12 months.
WARRANTY. 10.1. The Vendor guarantees the proper functioning of the standard products present in the catalogs in force on the date of conclusion of the contract and transfers the manufacturer's guarantee.
10.2. La garanzia è limitata alla riparazione o sostituzione, ad insindacabile scelta del Venditore, franco deposito indicato dal Venditore stesso, dei pezzi difettosi per accertato difetto di materiale o di lavorazione. Le parti sostituite restano di proprietà del Venditore.
10.3. La garanzia non copre materiali e parti soggette a naturale usura o deteriora- mento .
10.4. Ogni sorta di indennizzo è escluso, né potranno essere reclamati danni, di- retti ed indiretti (anche nei confronti di terzi), di qualsiasi natura e specie anche per il temporaneo non uso dei prodotti acquistati. L’esame dei difetti e delle loro cause sarà sempre effettuato dal Venditore, presso lasuasede.
10.5. Le spese (come, per esempio, la manodopera, lo smontaggio, il rimontaggio, il trasporto, il vitto e l’alloggio) per intervento esterno di personale del Venditore, anche in caso di riconosciuta garanzia, sono sempre a carico del Compratore. Restano a carico del Venditore il costo dei pezzi sostituiti e quello inerente al tempo necessario alla sostituzione degli stessi.
10.6. Sono esclusi dalla garanzia i prodotti conservati, installati (protezione da intemperie, irraggiamento ed inquinamento, lubrificanti), impiegati o manutenuti in modo negligente o errato ovvero non conforme alle indicazioni del Venditore o comunque modificati, riparati o smontati anche in parte.
10.7. La garanzia è pure esclusa per danni e/o difetti e/o anomalie derivanti da componenti esterni o da errato montaggio degli stessi.
10.8. La garanzia di cui al presente articolo 10 sostituisce ed esclude ogni altra forma di garanzia, anche legale.
10.9. Il Compratore decade dalla garanzia di cui al presente articolo nel caso in cui venga meno ad uno qualsiasi degli obblighi contrattuali assunti, in particolare con riguardo alle condizioni di pagamento.
10.10. Le eventuali riparazioni in garanzia e/o fuori garanzia dovranno essere ri- chieste dal Compratore al Venditore, per iscritto, al seguente indirizzo mail : xx.xx@xxxxx.xx
WARRANTY. The supply shall be covered by the standard guarantee as follows:
1. The Supplier warrants that the Goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused, of the mos t recent or current models and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and mate rials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The Supplier further warrants that all Goods supp lied under this Contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship or fro m any act or omission of the Supplier that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods i n the conditions prevailing in the purchaser’s country.
2. The supplier shall give a warranty of satisfactory performance of the complete equipment/ stor es and warranty shall remain valid for eighteen (18) months from the date of receipt and accepta nce of material at consignee’s end or twelve (12) months from the date of its use/fitment/commis sioning, whichever is earlier.
3. The Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this war ranty. The Supplier shall, within thirty days, repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereo f, free of cost at the ultimate destination. The Supplier shall take over the replaced parts/Goods a t the time of their replacement. No claim whatsoever shall lie on the Purchaser for the replaced p arts/Goods thereafter.
4. If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within thirty days, the Purch aser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier's risk and ex pense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the Suppli er under the Contract. Further, the supplier shall warrant that the items supplied under the contract / supply order
1. Not likely to be discontinued or become obsolete till the life of the offered equipment.
2. Is in accordance with the contract specifications.
WARRANTY. The Recipient acknowledges that the Material are supplied to the Recipient with no information on their use, warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. However IZSVe represents and warrants to the Recipient that its execution will not result in a breach of any obligation to any third party or infringe or otherwise violate any third party’s rights. There are no express or implied warranties that the Material and/or Modifications will not pose a safety or health risk. If the Material is not available for use or not delivered in sufficient amounts, the Recipient shall send a written notification to IZSVe within ten (10) days after the receipt of the Material (or in case non-delivery of Material, within ten (10) days of the agreed date of shipment). In these cases, IZSVe shall replace the Material only. This warranty is valid if the Recipient ensures that the Material has been stored or processed as indicated in the documents that will accompany it. Each Party warrants and represents that it has the right to enter into this Agreement.
WARRANTY. The Supplier guarantees that the Products supplied shall be able to perform all of the specified services and functions. Otherwise, in the absence of a specification, they shall be fit for the use they are intended for. As part of the Product guarantee, and in case of a Product shortcoming or defect, the Supplier shall immediately take steps to replace the Product at the Company’s request. Otherwise, the Supplier shall fix the Product to make it useable pursuant to the use it was intended for, without the Company incurring any expenses of any kind. Unless otherwise specifically stipulated in the Order, Products are guaranteed by the Supplier for a period of one (1) years as of their delivery date. In case of public works or Works Contracts, the provisions and clauses specified in the specific contracts shall apply.
WARRANTY. The LC limited warranty lasts for a period of 12 months starting from the delivery date of the valve. If the buyer deems that one or more products are faulty due to improper manufacturing, he undertakes to notify immediately the presence of these faults to the supplier, by means of detailed written report, so that LC may verify, through an expert of its own trust, whether the complained faults are really present. Once the LC expert has verified that the notified faults are effectively present and that they are due to manufacturing defects, Oleodinamica LC s.r.l. undertakes to repair or to replace the valve within an adeguate term and the buyer undertakes not to ask for contract cancellation before the adeguate term to repair or replace the valve has expired. Written permission for warranty returns must be obtained from Oleodinamica LC s.r.l. prior to shipment. All warranty returns shall be shipped freight pre-paid and shall include a detailed description of the malfunction and of the working conditions. The warranty does not cover products which have been contaminated, used improperly or tampered without control and approval of Oleodinamica LC s.r.l.. Similarly the warranty is not valid if changes are made to the circuits or systems which could negatively affect the valve function. If the valve supplied must be assembled in systems which could cause damages to third parties exceeding by for the price of the valve, the buyer undertakes to adapt all safety measures in order to avoid any damage, since he recognizes that mass production of the valves at market prices entails the risk, even if limited, that occasional faulty valves may result.
WARRANTY. 5.1 - The Seller warrants that the supplied Products comply in terms of quantity, quality, type as well as to technical specifications expressly agreed in the contract, excluding any warranty regarding the specific use which the Buyer, or its sub- buyer, makes of the purchased product. Moreover, the Seller warrants that the Products are free from defects that may make them unsuitable for their intended use.
5.2 - The warranty shall be limited to defects of the Products resulting from defects in material or manufacturing attributable to the Seller and shall not be valid if:
a) he Buyer fails to prove that the Products have been properly used, maintained, stored and looked after;
b) the Buyer has made changes or repairs to the Products without the prior written consent of the Seller;
c) the Products have been assembled or used incorrectly;
d) Product defects are due to normal wear and tear of those parts which, by their nature, are subject to rapid and continuous wear and tear;
e) the conformity defects were caused by an event subsequent to the transfer of risks to the Buyer.
5.3 - The warranty lasts for 12 (twelve) months starting from the date of delivery of the Products to the Buyer. The warranty is subject to regular and timely notification of defects and nonconformities by the Buyer according to the provisions of the following paragraph, as well as express written warranty service request. The warranty for replaced or repaired Products shall become effective from the day of any replacement or repair. The warranty for the replaced or repaired components of the Product shall begin on the day of replacement or repair, and in any case applies only to the repaired or replaced component.
5.4 - The Buyer shall notify Products defects or nonconformities in writing, indicating in detail the detected defects and nonconformities, the date of delivery and the quantity of defective Products. The notification must be made, under penalty of forfeiture, within and not later than 15 days from the date of delivery in the case of obvious defects or from the date of discovery, provided that it is made within the warranty period, in the case of hidden faults, defects or nonconformities.
5.5 - The Buyer shall forfeit the warranty if it fails to agree any reasonable check requested by the Seller or if, the Seller offers to replace the fault part at its own expense, the Buyer fails to return the defective Products within 15 days from the request.
WARRANTY. 12.1 Unless as otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, Brandoni warrants that the Products are free from flaws/defects (with the exception of parts of Products that are not manufactured by Brandoni) for a period of one year from the date of delivery thereof to the Customer. Are excluded:
12.2 Provided that the claim made by the Customer is covered by the warranty and notifled in the terms referred to in this article, Brandoni shall undertake, at its discretion, to replace or repair at its own expense each Product or parts thereof that present flaws or defects.
12.3 The Customer shall report in writing to Xxxxxxxx the presence of flaws or defects within 8 days of delivery of Products if they are obvious flaws or defects, or, within 8 days of discovery in case of flaws or defects that are hidden or not detectable by an person with average diligence.
12.4 Products reported shall be immediately sent to the Brandoni plant (Romagnano Sesia, Xxx Xxxxxx 000), or to any other place that the latter shall indicate from time to time and costs and expenses shall be borne by the Customer, unless as otherwise agreed between the parties, in order to allow Xxxxxxxx to perform the necessary veriflcations. The warranty does not cover damages and/or defects of Products arising from anomalies caused by, or related to, parts assembled/added directly by the Customer or end user.
12.5 In any case, the Customer may not assert any warranty claims towards Brandoni if the price of the Products has not been paid under the conditions and within the terms agreed, even if non-payment of the price under the conditions and within the terms agreed refer to Products that are different from those for which the Customer intends to enforce the warranty.
12.6 Brandoni shall recognize no warranty as to the conformity of Products with the rules and regulations of countri- es that are not part of or do not belong to the European Union. No other warranty, expressed or implied, such as, by way of example, warranty of proper functioning or suitability for a speciflc purpose, shall be granted with reference to Products.
12.7 Without prejudice to as indicated in preceding art. 11.3 and except in case of fraud or gross negligence, Xxxxxxxx shall not be liable for any damages arising from and/or related to flaws of Products. In any case, Xxxxxxxx may not be held liable for indirect or consequential damages of any kind, such as, by way of example, losses resulting from inactivity of the Customer o...
WARRANTY. 8.1. The Supplier warrants that the Products and/or the Services are fit for the purpose they are destined and do not have lack of conformities with respect to the Specifications. Unless otherwise set forth in the Order, the Suppler provides (i) a warranty for defects pursuant to article 1490 of the Italian Civil Code and (ii) to the extent applicable, a warranty for good functioning pursuant to article 1512 of the Italian Civil Code, in each case for 24 (twenty-four) months running from the delivery of the Products or the complete supply of the Services.
WARRANTY. 7.1 - The warranty is limited, at the Seller's exclusive and unappealable discretion, to repair or replacement of defective parts due to design or manufacture defects (provided that the design was developed exclusively by the Seller without the Purchaser's design contribution), excluding materials not produced by the Seller and parts subject to ordinary wear and tear.