VALIDITY Clausole campione

VALIDITY. The insurance is only valid for stays in hotels in Italy and Europe identified in the booking confirmation document. The policy:
VALIDITY. 1.4.1 The warranty is valid only if the policy has been signed upon booking confirmation on the AIR FRANCE website.
VALIDITY. The prices in this price list are valid until a new price list is released. We therefore ask you to contact your agent or the Company to verify the correctness of the prices. Domino srl also reserves the right to change prices in the event of sudden changes in costs. In this case, the Company reserves the right to inform customers having orders in progress of the price changes that have occurred.
VALIDITY. 2.4.1 The cover is only valid if the policy was taken out at the same time as the confirmation of booking on the SWISS web site.
VALIDITY. Il presente accordo è valido tra le PARTI. La mancanza delle PARTI di far valere qualsiasi delle clausole qui contenute non potrà costituire una rinuncia tacita ad esercitare ogni altra clausola del presente accordo e la rinuncia a far valere qualsiasi clausola in una specifica fattispecie non potrà costituire una permanente rinuncia a far valere tale clausola in altre circostanze This agreement is valid between the PARTIES. Should the PARTIES fail to enforce any of the provisions contained herein this shall not constitute an implied waiver to practice any other provision of this agreement and the waiver of any provision in a specific case will not constitute a permanent waiver of such provision in other circumstances.
VALIDITY. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply to all sales made by
VALIDITY. The guarantees referred to in points "a" and "b" of Art. 1 commence from the moment the journey begins and are operative until the end of the journey itself. The guarantee referred to in point "c" of Art. 1 is operative from the moment of the first air embarkation (check-in) and ends before the last check-in scheduled in the travel programme

Related to VALIDITY

  • DOTAZIONI TECNICHE Ai fini della partecipazione alla presente procedura, ogni operatore economico deve dotarsi, a propria cura, spesa e responsabilità della strumentazione tecnica ed informatica conforme a quella indicata nel presente disciplinare e nel documento Allegato M Disciplinare Telematico, che disciplina il funzionamento e l’utilizzo della Piattaforma. In ogni caso è indispensabile: