Common use of XXXXX, Clause in Contracts

XXXXX,. I, the undersigned (name and surname) , born in(Town, Country) , date (dd/mm/yyyy) , address ZIP Code Town , Country , Ph. Mob. , E-mail Certified mail (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication Officer within the JS of the “European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg V - A) Greece – Italy” 2014- 2020. to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. Mob. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, • I am a/an citizen (nationality); • I have full citizenship rights; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedings; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service (if applicable); • I am not in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Region, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V - A) Greece – Italy 2014-2020; • The Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correct, it’s duly dated and signed, and it’s in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English language; • I am available to travel abroad; • I have a valid and recognized (note: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countries) University Degree (at least 4 years legal duration of the University degree course) in , obtained in year at the University of (specify Country) in any field of relevance of the above mentioned tasks as accepted at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenship; • I have at least 3 years of working experience in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes foreseeing the cooperation between two or more Countries; • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language (C2 level or equivalent). • I have a valid residence permit (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stage). Attachments for all applicants:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section

XXXXX,. IIl/la sottoscritto/a (nome e cognome) nato a (città, the undersigned (name and surnamePaese) , born in(Town, Country) , date il (ddgg/mm/yyyyaaaa) indirizzo Codice Postale Città Paese , address ZIP Code Town , Country , PhTel. MobCell. , E-mail Certified mail Posta certificata (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication di essere ammesso/a alla procedura di selezione per la posizione di Project Officer within the JS of the con profilo giuridico ed amministrativo – expertise greca, all’interno del SC del European Territorial Cooperation Programme Programma Cooperazione Territoriale Europea (Interreg V - V-A) Greece – ItalyGrecia-Italia 2014-20202014- 2020di ricevere le comunicazioni relative alla suddetta procedura di selezione al seguente indirizzo (solo se diverso da quello di residenza): Indirizzo Codice Postale Città Paese Tel. to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. MobCell. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, Ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences 445/2000 e consapevole delle sanzioni penali in case of caso di false declarations, dichiarazioni I am aDi essere un/an citizen una cittadino/a (nationalitynazionalità); • I have full citizenship rightsDi godere dei pieni diritti di cittadinanza; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedingsDi non aver avuto o avere processi giudiziari in corso o aver subito condanne penali; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service Di aver adempiuto a tutti gli obblighi di legge relativi al servizio militare o civile (if applicablese applicabili); • I am not Di non essere in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Regionuna situazione di incompatibilità o conflitto di interessi con la Regione Puglia, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme altri istituzioni nazionali referenti del Programma e con il Programma di Cooperazione Territoriale Europea (INTERREG V - V-A) Greece – Italy Grecia-Italia 2014-2020; • The Che il Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correctallegato è veritiero e corretto, it’s duly dated and signeddebitamente firmato e datato, and it’s nel formato Europass, con specifico riferimento al giorno, mese e anno esatti di inizio e fine di ogni singola esperienza lavorativa ed è redatto esclusivamente in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English languagelingua Inglese; • I am available to travel abroadDi essere disponibile a viaggiare all’estero; • I have a valid and recognized Di avere un valido e riconosciuto (notenota: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countriesil riconoscimento è necessario soltanto per i paesi non appartenenti all'Unione Europea) University Degree Diploma di laurea (at least durata legale del corso di laurea di almeno 4 years legal duration of the University degree courseanni) in giurisprudenza, obtained in year at the University of conseguita nell’anno l’Università di (specify Country) in any field of relevance of the above mentioned tasks as accepted at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenshipspecificare anche il Paese); presso • Di avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza nella gestione di Programmi/Progetti di Cooperazione finanziati dall’UE riguardanti la cooperazione tra due o più Paesi; • I have at least 3 years of working experience Di avere l’abilitazione a svolgere l’esercizio della professione di avvocato (o equivalente in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes foreseeing the cooperation between two or more Countriesaltri paesi dell’UE); • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language Di avere un’ottima conoscenza della Lingua Inglese (livello C2 level or equivalento equivalente); • Di avere un’ottima conoscenza della lingua Greca. • Di essere in possesso di un valido permesso di soggiorno (già disponibile nella fase di candidatura e in corso di validità nella fase di sottoscrizione del contratto). • I have a valid residence permit (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stage). Attachments for all applicantsAllegati per tutti i candidati:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section

XXXXX,. I, the undersigned (name and surname) , born in(Townin (Town, Country) , date (dd/mm/yyyy) , address ZIP Code Town , Country , Ph. Mob. , E-mail Certified mail (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication Officer within the JS Joint Secretariat Coordinator of the “European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg V - A) Greece – Italy” 2014- Italy 2014-2020. to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. Mob. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, • I am a/an citizen (nationality); • I have full citizenship rights; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedings; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service (if applicable); • I am not in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Region, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V - A) Greece – Italy 2014-2020; • The Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correct, it’s duly dated and signed, and it’s in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English language; • I am available to travel abroad; • I have a valid and recognized (note: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countries) University Degree (at least 4 years legal duration of the University degree course) in , obtained in year at the University of (specify Country) ); • I have at least 7 years of working experience in any field management of relevance EU Programmes out of the above mentioned tasks as accepted which at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenshipleast 4 years in Cooperation Programmes; • I have at least 3 years of working experience in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes foreseeing the cooperation between two or more Countriesteam leading; • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language (C2 level or equivalent). • I have a valid residence permit (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stage). Attachments for all applicants:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section

XXXXX,. I, the undersigned (name and surname) , born in(Town, Country) , date (dd/mm/yyyy) , address ZIP Code Town , Country , Ph. Mob. , E-mail Certified mail (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication Project Officer with legal and administrative profile within the JS of the “the“ European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg V - A) Greece – Italy” 2014- 20202014-2020 – Greek expertise. to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. Mob. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, • I am a/an citizen (nationality); • I have full citizenship rights; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedingsproceedings or criminal convictions; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service (if applicable); • I am not in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Region, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V - A) Greece – Italy 2014-2020; • The Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correct, it’s duly dated and signed, and it’s in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English language; • I am available to travel abroad; • I have a valid and recognized (note: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countries) University Degree (at least 4 years legal duration of the University degree course) in law, obtained in year at the University of (specify Country) in any field of relevance • I have the license to practice the profession of the above mentioned tasks as accepted at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenshiplawyer (or equivalent in other EU countries); • I have at least 3 years excellent knowledge of working experience in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes foreseeing the cooperation between two or more CountriesEnglish Language (Level C2), which will be examined with a spoken and written test by the joint recruitment committee; • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language (C2 level or equivalent)Greek language, which will be examined during the interview. • I have a valid residence permit (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stage). Attachments for all applicants:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section

XXXXX,. I, the undersigned (name and surname) , born in(Town, Country) , date (dd/mm/yyyy) , address ZIP Code Town , Country , Ph. Mob. , E-mail Certified mail (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication Project Officer within the JS of the “European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg V - A) Greece – Italy” 2014- 2014-2020. to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. Mob. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, • I am a/an citizen (nationality); • I have full citizenship rights; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedings; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service (if applicable); • I am not in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Region, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V - A) Greece – Italy 2014-2020; • The Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correct, it’s duly dated and signed, and it’s in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English language; • I am available to travel abroad; • I have a valid and recognized (note: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countries) University Degree (at least 4 years legal duration of the University degree coursecourse ) in , obtained in year at the University of (specify Country) in any field of relevance of the above mentioned tasks as accepted at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenship); • I have at least 3 5 years of working experience in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes Cooperation Projects/ Programme foreseeing the cooperation between two or more Countries; • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language (C2 level or equivalent). • I have a valid residence permit (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stage). Attachments for all applicants:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section

XXXXX,. IIl/la sottoscritto/a (nome e cognome) nato a (città, the undersigned (name and surnamePaese) , born in(Town, Country) , date il (ddgg/mm/yyyyaaaa) indirizzo Codice Postale Città Paese , address ZIP Code Town , Country , PhTel. MobCell. , E-mail Certified mail Posta certificata (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication di essere ammesso/a alla procedura di selezione per la posizione di Project Officer within the JS of the con profilo giuridico ed amministrativo – expertise italiana o expertise greca (indicare la preferenza), all’interno del SC del European Territorial Cooperation Programme Programma Cooperazione Territoriale Europea (Interreg V - V-A) Greece – ItalyGrecia-Italia 2014-20202014- 2020di ricevere le comunicazioni relative alla suddetta procedura di selezione al seguente indirizzo (solo se diverso da quello di residenza): Indirizzo Codice Postale Città Paese Tel. to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. MobCell. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, Ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences 445/2000 e consapevole delle sanzioni penali in case of caso di false declarations, dichiarazioni I am aDi essere un/an citizen una cittadino/a (nationalitynazionalità); • I have full citizenship rightsDi godere dei pieni diritti di cittadinanza; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedingsDi non aver avuto o avere processi giudiziari in corso o aver subito condanne penali; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service Di aver adempiuto a tutti gli obblighi di legge relativi al servizio militare o civile (if applicablese applicabili); • I am not Di non essere in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Regionuna situazione di incompatibilità o conflitto di interessi con la Regione Puglia, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme altri istituzioni nazionali referenti del Programma e con il Programma di Cooperazione Territoriale Europea (INTERREG V - V-A) Greece – Italy Grecia-Italia 2014-2020; • The Che il Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correctallegato è veritiero e corretto, it’s duly dated and signeddebitamente firmato e datato, and it’s nel formato Europass, con specifico riferimento al giorno, mese e anno esatti di inizio e fine di ogni singola esperienza lavorativa ed è redatto esclusivamente in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English languagelingua Inglese; • I am available to travel abroadDi essere disponibile a viaggiare all’estero; • I have a valid and recognized Di avere un valido e riconosciuto (notenota: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countriesil riconoscimento è necessario soltanto per i paesi non appartenenti all'Unione Europea) University Degree Diploma di laurea (at least durata legale del corso di laurea di almeno 4 years legal duration of the University degree courseanni) in giurisprudenza, obtained in year at the University of conseguita nell’anno l’Università di (specify Country) in any field of relevance of the above mentioned tasks as accepted at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenshipspecificare anche il Paese); presso • Di avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza nella gestione di Programmi/Progetti di Cooperazione finanziati dall’UE riguardanti la cooperazione tra due o più Paesi; • I have at least 3 years of working experience Di avere l’abilitazione a svolgere l’esercizio della professione di avvocato (o equivalente in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes foreseeing the cooperation between two or more Countriesaltri paesi dell’UE); • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language Di avere un’ottima conoscenza della Lingua Inglese (livello C2 level or equivalento equivalente); • Di avere un’ottima conoscenza della lingua Greca (per i Project Officer con expertise giuridico ed amministrativa greca); • Di avere un’ottima conoscenza della lingua Italiana (per i Project Officer con expertise giuridico ed amministrativa italiana). • I have a valid residence permit Di essere in possesso di un valido permesso di soggiorno (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stagegià disponibile nella fase di candidatura e in corso di validità nella fase di sottoscrizione del contratto). Attachments for all applicantsAllegati per tutti i candidati:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section

XXXXX,. I, the undersigned (name and surname) , born in(Town, Country) , date (dd/mm/yyyy) , address ZIP Code Town , Country , Ph. Mob. , E-mail Certified mail (PEC) to be admitted to the selection procedure for the position of Communication Project Officer with legal and administrative profile within the JS of the “the“ European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg V - A) Greece – Italy” 2014- 20202014-2020 – Italian or Greek expertise (choose one). to send all communications concerning the above mentioned selection procedure to the following address (only if different from the previous one): Address ZIP Code Town Country Ph. Mob. E-mail PEC On the basis of Italian Law, D.P.R. 445/2000, and aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, • I am a/an citizen (nationality); • I have full citizenship rights; • I have not been convicted of any criminal offence and have no criminal pending juridical proceedingsproceedings or criminal convictions; • I have fulfilled all obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military/civil service (if applicable); • I am not in a situation of incompatibility or in conflict of interest with Puglia Region, other Programme National referent institutions and with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V - A) Greece – Italy 2014-2020; • The Curriculum Vitae attached is true and correct, it’s duly dated and signed, and it’s in the Europass format, including specific reference to the exact day, month and year of beginning and end of each single working experience, and it is exclusively written in English language; • I am available to travel abroad; • I have a valid and recognized (note: “recognized” is needed only for non-European Union countries) University Degree (at least 4 years legal duration of the University degree course) in law, obtained in year at the University of (specify Country) in any field of relevance • I have the license to practice the profession of the above mentioned tasks as accepted at the Public Sector of the applicant’s country of citizenshiplawyer (or equivalent in other EU countries); • I have at least 3 years excellent knowledge of working experience in communication management of EU funded Projects / Programmes foreseeing the cooperation between two or more CountriesEnglish Language (Level C2), which will be examined with a spoken and written test by the joint recruitment committee; • I have an excellent knowledge of the English language Greek language, which will be examined during the interview (C2 level or equivalentfor the Project Officer with Greek legal and administrative expertise); • I have an excellent knowledge of the Italian language, which will be examined during the interview (for the Project Officer with Italian legal and administrative expertise). • I have a valid residence permit (already available at the application stage, and still valid at the contract signature stage). Attachments for all applicants:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Determination of the Director of the Territorial Cooperation Section