APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. This agreement will be governed by the applicable law in the Purchaser’s Jurisdiction. The Parties hereby agree to submit any conflict derived from the interpretation and/or performance of this contract to the Courts and Tribunals that are competent in the Purchaser’s jurisdiction, expressly waiving any other forum to which they may be entitled.
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. 20.1 These General Conditions shall prevail whenever they are not expressly or implicitly revoked or replaced by any provisions established in writing by Fasttel and accepted by the Supplier in other instruments or in the respective body of the Purchase Order and/or Contract.
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. This Guaranty shall be governed by and con- strued in accordance with the laws of Mexico and, for the resolution of disputes arising from the interpretation and performance of
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. 14.1. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Brazil, and the Parties hereby elect the Central Court of the City of Rio de Janeiro to settle any issues regarding this SALES AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT; with the express wave of any other, however preferable it may be, on the account of SELLER and BUYER.


  • DA DOCUMENTAÇÃO CONTRATUAL Ficam integrados a este Contrato, independente de transcrição, os seguintes documentos cujos teores são de conhecimento da CONTRATADA: Atos convocatórios e edital de licitação, proposta da licitante, parecer de julgamento, extrato de contrato, legislação pertinente à espécie, instruções para controle de qualidade de bens.

  • DA LEGISLAÇÃO APLICÁVEL O presente instrumento contratual rege-se pelas disposições expressas na Lei nº 8.666, de 21.06.1993 e suas alterações posteriores, na Lei nº 8.078, de 11.09.1990 – Código de Defesa do Consumidor, no Código Civil Brasileiro, no Código Comercial Brasileiro e em outras referentes ao objeto, ainda que não explicitadas.