Modifications Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Modifications. 2. When a Party intends to modify an Annex to this Chapter, the Party shall:
Modifications. None of the terms of this Guaranty may be waived, amended, supple- mented or otherwise modified except by a written document executed by Guarantor and Creditor.
Modifications. We may occasionally make changes to these Terms for valid reasons, such as adding new functions or features to the Service, technical adjustments, typos or error correction, for legal or regulatory reasons, or for any other reason we deem necessary, in our sole discretion. criterion. When we make material changes to these Terms, we will notify Customer as appropriate under the circumstances, for example by displaying a prominent notice on the Service or sending Customer an email. Your continued use of the Service after the changes are implemented will constitute your acceptance of the changes.
Modifications. 5.1. The doctoral student will be responsible for informing the Postgraduate Committee of the University name of the university or the Postgraduate Committee of UFABC in writing of any amendment to this Agreement.
Modifications. IX.1. FCA is entitled to, at any time, determine alterations or request that Supplier make alterations in drawings and specifications of goods or that in any other way alters the scope of the work object of the supply contract, including the works related to inspection, tests or quality control, the Supplier readily agreeing to make said alterations. Any difference in price or deadline for execution resulting from said alterations will be adjusted fairly by FCA, after receipt of the documentation in the manner and with the details it determined, the new deadlines and new prices being specified in the supply contract, without detriment to demandablity of the fine foreseen in item XXI, in case of delays in delivery of the modified parts, according to changes in the drawings communicated.
Modifications. Content made available on the Medialcare website may contain typographical or photographic errors. Medialcare cannot guarantee at all times that all content is accurate, completed or in a final or current evolutionary state. Medialcare may implement improvements or changes to the content contained without notice or prior notice.
Modifications. 7.1 Any modification to this Contract shall require an amendment in writing between both parties duly signed by the authorized representatives of the Contractor and UNDP.

Related to Modifications

  • MODIFICAÇÕES Nenhuma modificação ou alteração deste Contrato, renúncia a qualquer de suas cláusulas ou relação contratual adicional de qualquer tipo com o Contratado será válida e exigível perante o UNFPA a menos que esteja prevista em algum aditivo a este Contrato, firmado pelo oficial autorizado do UNFPA.

  • Revisão 16.8. A ANP e os Consorciados poderão acordar, a qualquer tempo, a revisão de um Programa Anual de Produção em curso, desde que tal revisão satisfaça aos padrões determinados nos parágrafos 16.3 a 16.7.

  • Interfaces Regulagem de volume através de teclas de atalho no teclado ou botões dedicados no gabinete;

  • DOS LANCES 8.2.1 O pregoeiro divulgará através do Portal de Compras - MG, o resultado da análise de propostas e convidará os licitantes a apresentarem lances por meio do sistema eletrônico, observado o horário estabelecido e as regras de aceitação dos mesmos.

  • DOCUMENTOS COMPLEMENTARES É parte integrante deste Contrato a Proposta da CONTRATADA.

  • Required hardware and software The minimum system requirements for using the DocuSign system may change over time. The current system requirements are found here: xxxxx:// signing-system-requirements. To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please confirm that you have read this ERSD, and (i) that you are able to print on paper or electronically save this ERSD for your future reference and access; or (ii) that you are able to email this ERSD to an email address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format as described herein, then select the check-box next to ‘I agree to use electronic records and signatures’ before clicking ‘CONTINUE’ within the DocuSign system. By selecting the check-box next to ‘I agree to use electronic records and signatures’, you confirm that: • You can access and read this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure; and • You can print on paper this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, or save or send this Electronic Record and Disclosure to a location where you can print it, for future reference and access; and

  • DA DOCUMENTAÇÃO COMPLEMENTAR A presente contratação obedecerá ao estipulado neste Contrato, bem como às disposições constantes dos documentos adiante enumerados, que integram o Processo acima citado, do CRCPR, e que, independentemente de transcrição, fazem parte integrante e complementar deste Contrato:

  • DOCUMENTAÇÃO COMPLEMENTAR 8.6.1. Declaração assinada por quem de direito, que não emprega menores de 18 (dezoito) anos em trabalho noturno, perigoso ou insalubre, ou menor de 16 (dezesseis) anos, em qualquer trabalho, salvo na condição de aprendiz, a partir de catorze anos, conforme modelo do anexo deste edital, conforme modelo do ANEXO IV;

  • Software 2.10.1. Cabe à empresa contratada a instalação, disponibilização e manutenção de programa específico de laboratório na unidade contratante, que seja capaz de divulgar os resultados online entre o laboratório e os consultórios/direção/posto de coleta ou conforme a conveniência do Contratante.

  • SERVIÇOS COMPLEMENTARES 17.1. Durante todo o prazo da CONCESSÃO, a CONCESSIONÁRIA deverá atender as solicitações do PODER CONCEDENTE para execução de serviços complementares de expansão da REDE MUNICIPAL DE ILUMINAÇÃO PÚBLICA e da realocação de PONTOS DE ILUMINAÇÃO PÚBLICA na REDE MUNICIPAL DE ILUMINAÇÃO PÚBLICA.