Prezada Licitante | DATA: 26 de julho de 2018 |
REFERÊNCIA: Solicitação de Cotação RFQ nº 32386/2018 |
Prezado (a) Senhor/Senhora:
Solicitamos apresentação de cotação para Execução das atividades de correção do Edifício de Laboratório, Depósito e obras complementares, com fornecimento de todos os materiais necessários, no Centro Tecnológico de Namialo, Distrito de Meconta – Moçambique, como detalhado no Anexo 1 (Termo de Referência) desta RFQ. Quando da preparação de sua Proposta, favor seguir as instruções do formulário no Anexo 2 (Formulário/Modelo de Apresentação de Proposta).
As cotações devem ser submetidas até às 18:00 horas do dia 10 de xxxxxx xx 0000 (xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx) via e-mail: ou pelo correio para o endereço abaixo:
Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento – PNUD
Casa das Nações Unidas no Brasil SEN Xxxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxx X Xxxx 00 Xxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx
Xxxxxxxx, XX - Xxxxxx – XXX 00000-000
As solicitações enviadas por e-mail devem ser limitadas a um máximo de 10 MB, livre de vírus. Eles devem estar livres de qualquer forma de vírus ou de conteúdo corrompido, do contrário as cotações serão rejeitadas.
É sua responsabilidade assegurar que a sua cotação chegue no endereço acima e no prazo estipulado. As cotações que forem recebidas após o prazo final indicado acima, independente das razões, não serão consideradas para avaliação. Caso a cotação seja enviada por e-mail, assegure-se de que ela esteja assinada e no formato .pdf, além de não conterem vírus ou arquivos corrompidos.
Favor observar as seguintes exigências e condições relativas ao fornecimento dos bens/serviços mencionados anteriormente.
☐FCA ☐CPT ☐CIP ☐DAP ✔ Não Aplicável | ||
Despacho Alfandegário, se necessário, deve ser feito por: | ☐PNUD ☐Fornecedor/Ofertante ☐Despachante ✔ Não Aplicável | |
Endereço(s) Exato(s) para Entrega | LOCAL DA OBRA: Centro Tecnológico de Namialo Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx x00 Xxxx xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx - Xxxxxxxxxx | |
Despachante favorito do PNUD, se houver | ✔ Não Aplicável | |
Distribuição dos documentos de expedição (se estiver utilizando despachante) | ✔ Não Aplicável. | |
Data limite para Entrega dos serviços | ☐ [indique númer] dias a partir da emissão da Ordem de Compra (OC) ✔ De acordo com o cronograma de Entrega anexa | |
Tabela de Entrega | ✔ Solicitada ☐Não Solicitada | |
Exigências de Empacotamento | ✔ Não Aplicável | |
Modo de Transporte | ☐ AR | ☐TERRA |
☐MAR ✔ Não Aplicável | ☐OUTRO | |
Preferência de moeda para cotação | ☐Dólar Americano ☐Euro ✔Moeda Local | |
Imposto sobre o valor agregado no preço da cotação | ✔ Incluir IVA e outros impostos indiretos aplicáveis ☐ Não incluir IVA e outros impostos indiretos aplicáveis | |
Serviços pós-vendas solicitados | ☐Garantia para Partes e Mão-de-obra por um período mínimo de Clique para digitar ☐Suporte Técnico ☐Fornecimento de Unidade de Serviço quando necessitar manutenção/reparo |
✔ Outros; Conforme descrito no Termo de Referência e seus anexos. | |
Vistoria Técnica obrigatória | ✔ Obrigatória: Deverá ser realizada VISTORIA TÉCNICA no local da obra. CENTRO TECNOLOGICO DE NAMIALO ESTRADA NACIONAL N12 SEDE DO POSTO ADMINISTRATIVO DE NAMIALO PERÍODO E HORÁRIO DA VISTORIA TÉCNICA. PERIODO: DE 30 DE JULHO A 1 DE AGOSTO HORÁRIO: DE 9 HORAS ATÉ AS 14 HORAS AGENDAMENTO DA VISTORIA TÉCNICA A vistoria técnica deverá ser agendada, com 48 horas de antecedência, por telefone, e-mail ou pessoalmente, no horário normal de expediente (07h30m – 15h30m), com: Direção Provincial das Obras Públicas, Habitação e Recursos Hídricos - DOPHRH Departamento de Edificações Xx. 00 xx Xxxxxxxx, Xx. 00 Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx Tel.: x000 0000 0000 |
Prazo final para submissão de cotação | As cotações devem ser submetidas até às 18:00 horas do dia 10 de xxxxxx xx 0000 (xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx) via e-mail: ou pelo correio para o endereço acima. |
Toda a documentação incluindo-se catálogos, instruções e manuais deverão estar em | ☐ Inglês ☐ Francês ☐ Espanhol ✔ Outros: inglês, francês, espanhol ou português. |
Documentos a serem submetidos (Requisitos obrigatórios) | A empresa licitante (empreiteira) deverá apresentar juntamente com a proposta os seguintes documentos: ✔ Formulário devidamente preenchido – Modelo de apresentação de proposta (Anexo 2), e em conformidade com a lista de exigências do Anexo 1 (Termo de Referência); ✔ Certificado de Participação na Vistoria Técnica ✔ A empresa deverá apresentar pelo menos 3 cartas abonatórias. ✔ A empresa deverá apresentar documentos que comprovem o correto registro para exercer atividades, de acordo com a legislação vigente em Moçambique. ✔ A empresa deverá apresentar documentação que comprove que os profissionais contratados possuem formação profissional na área de construção civil para executar as atividades previstas neste termo de referência. |
✔ 60 dias ☐ 90 dias |
Prazo de validade das Cotas a partir da Data de Submissão | ☐ 120 dias Em circunstâncias excepcionais, o PNUD pode pedir ao Fornecedor para estender a validade da Cotação para além do que havia sido indicado nesta SDC. A Proposta deverá, então, confirmar o aumento do prazo, por escrito, sem qualquer modificação na Cotação. |
✔ Não Permitido ☐ Permitido | |
Termos do Pagamento | ☐ 100% mediante completa entrega dos bens ✔ Conforme cronograma constante do Termo de Referência |
Indenização | ☐ Não será aplicada ✔ Será aplicada nas seguintes condições: Porcentagem do valor do contrato por dia de atraso: 0,5% do contrato para cada dia de atraso. Número máximo de dias de atraso: 30 dias Após, o PNUD pode rescindir o contrato. |
Critério de Avaliação | ✔ Conformidade com as exigências da SDC e menor preço global |
O PNUD concederá o contrato: | ✔ Um e apenas um fornecedor; ☐ Um ou mais fornecedores |
Tipo de Contrato a ser assinado | ☐ Ordem de Compra ☐ Folha de Rosto do Contrato (Bens e/ou Serviços) do PNUD (este modelo também é utilizado para Acordos Duradouros e se for assinado um AD, especifique o documento que acionará o fornecimento. Ex.: Ordem de Compra, etc.) ✔ Outro tipo de contrato: Obra Civil |
Contrato Termos e Condições Gerais | ☐ Termos e Condições Gerais para contratos (Bens e/ou Serviços) ☐ Termos e Condições Gerais para contratos Institucional ✔ Não Aplicável |
Condições Especiais do Contrato | ✔ Cancelamento da Ordem de Compra/do Contrato se a entrega/conclusão tiver um atraso de 60 dias sem as devidas justificativas ☐ Outros |
Condições para Liberação do Pagamento | ☐ Inspeção ☐ Instalação completa ☐ Aprovação em todos os testes ☐ Conclusão de Treinamento em Operação e Manutenção ☐ Notificação por escrito de Aceite dos Bens com base no completo cumprimento das exigências da SDC ✔ Outros: Conforme consta do Termo de Referência |
Anexos | ✔ (Anexo 1) Termo de Referência ✔ (Anexo 2) Formulário/Modelo de Apresentação de Proposta ✔ Anexo 3 Modelo de Contrato |
Contato em caso de dúvidas (Somente consultas por escrito) | Qualquer dúvida sobre esta Solicitação de Cotação deverá ser enviada pelo e-mail: O atraso na resposta do PNUD não será usado como razão para estender o prazo final de submissão, a menos que o PNUD determine que o aumento do prazo é necessário e comunique uma nova data limite para os proponentes. |
Os bens oferecidos serão analisados e avaliados com base na integridade e conformidade da cotação com as especificações mínimas descritas acima e quaisquer outros anexos que forneçam detalhes sobre as exigências do PNUD.
Proposta que estiver em conformidade com todos os requisitos, atender a todos os critérios de avaliação e oferecer a melhor relação custo-benefício será selecionada. Ofertas que não atendam a todos os requisitos serão rejeitadas.
Qualquer discrepância entre o preço da unidade e o preço total (obtido multiplicando-se o preço unitário pela quantidade) será recalculado pelo PNUD. O preço unitário prevalecerá e o preço total será corrigido. Se o fornecedor não aceitar o preço final recalculado pelo PNUD, sua cotação será rejeitada.
Após identificar a oferta com menor preço e tecnicamente responsiva, o PNUD reserva-se o direito de adjudicar o contrato com base apenas nos preços dos bens/serviços, na ocasião em que os custos com transporte (frete e seguro) sejam mais altos que os estimados pelo próprio PNUD se fornecido por seu próprio despachante e seguradora.
A qualquer momento durante a validade da cotação, o PNUD não aceitará nenhum tipo de variação no preço devido à escalada, inflação, flutuação na taxa de câmbio, ou qualquer outro fator comercial, depois de recebida a cotação. No momento de adjudicação do Contrato ou da Ordem de Compra, o PNUD reserva-se o direito de variar (aumentar ou diminuir) a quantidade de serviços e/ou bens, até um máximo de 25% da oferta total, sem qualquer alteração no preço unitário ou nos termos e condições.
Qualquer Ordem de Compra que seja emitida como um resultado desta RFQ estará sujeita aos Termos e Condições Gerais anexados aqui. O simples ato de submissão de uma cotação implica que o fornecedor aceita por inteiro os Termos e Condições Gerais do PNUD, indicados acima - xxxx:// .
O PNUD não é obrigado a aceitar nenhuma cotação, nem adjudicar nenhum contrato/Ordem de Compra, nem ser responsabilizado por quaisquer custos que o ofertante possa ter e que estejam associados com a preparação e submissão da cotação, independente do resultado ou da maneira de conduzir o processo de seleção.
O PNUD encoraja todos os fornecedores proponentes a evitar e prevenir conflitos de interesse informando ao PNUD se ele, ou qualquer um dos funcionários ou das filiais esteve envolvido na preparação das exigências, design, especificações, estimativas de custo ou outras informações usadas nesta SDC.
O PNUD apresenta tolerância zero para fraude e outras práticas proibidas e está comprometido com a identificação e o enfrentamento de tais atos e práticas contra o PNUD, bem como contra terceiros envolvidos em nossas atividades. O PNUD espera que seus fornecedores cumpram com o Código de Conduta do Fornecedor da ONU, que pode ser encontrado no seguinte link: xxxx://
Agradecemos e esperamos receber sua cotação.
Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento - PNUD
Anexo 1 – Termos de Referência
Execução das atividades necessárias para a conclusão do Edifício de Laboratório e Depósito (07 e 04a) do Centro Tecnológico de Namialo – Moçambique - Projeto/BRA/13/008 S009 (BRA/04/044 – S214).
Execução das atividades de correção do Edifício de Laboratório, Depósito e obras complementares, com fornecimento de todos os materiais necessários, no Centro Tecnológico de Namialo, Distrito de Meconta
– Moçambique – Projeto/BRA/13/008 S009 (BRA/04/044 – S214).
Para melhor entendimento e confirmação das atividades a serem executadas, além da confirmação das especificações técnicas e quantidades, a empresa interessada em participar do concurso, deverá participar de VISTORIA TÉCNICA OBRIGATÓRIA.
A) Deverá ser realizada VISTORIA TÉCNICA no local da obra.
A vistoria técnica deverá ser agendada, com 48 horas de antecedência, por telefone, e-mail ou pessoalmente, no horário normal de expediente (07h30m – 15h30m), com:
Direção Provincial das Obras Públicas, Habitação e Recursos Hídricos - DOPHRH Departamento de Edificações
Xx. 00 xx Xxxxxxxx, Xx. 00 Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx Tel.: x000 0000 0000
As firmas que comparecerem à VISTORIA TÉCNICA OBRIGATÓRIA no Centro Tecnológico de Namialo, no dia agendado receberão um CERTIFICADO DE PARTICIPAÇÃO, que deverá ser apresentado juntamente com a proposta de preço.
Propostas de preços encaminhadas ao PNUD, sem cópia do devido comprovante serão imediatamente desclassificadas.
A obra será executada de acordo com o mapa de quantidades e respectivo cronograma físico-financeiro. Caso forem identificadas correções a serem realizadas, será dado um prazo máximo de 15 dias corridos para a execução destas.
Item do Termo de Referência | Atividade | Cronograma (Quinzenas - 15 dias) | ||
1ª | 2ª | 3ª | ||
ETAPA 1 | ||||
4.1 | ||||
ETAPA 2 | ||||
4.2 | Fornecimento de materiais e extensão de corrente elétrica a partir do quadro eléctrico geral até o Edifício de Laboratório (07) e o Depósito (04a) | |||
4.3 | Fornecimento de materiais, execução física e canalização de água até o Edifício do Laboratório (07) | |||
4.4 | Fornecimento de material e execução da viga de fundação dos muros de vedação próxima à guarita | |||
4.5 | Fornecimento e assentamento de alvenaria na conclusão do muro de vedação | |||
4.6 | Fornecimento de materiais e assentamento de viga de coroamento sobre o muro de vedação (de divisa) nos locais faltantes | |||
4.7 | Remover e substituir as cumeeiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e o Depósito (04a) com a aplicação de tela asfáltica de alumínio | |||
ETAPA 3 | ||||
4.8 | Fornecimento e substituição de placas de tecto falso e de ripamento de fixação do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) | |||
4.9 | Limpeza do tecto falso da câmara fría do Edifício de Laboratório (07), fornecimento e execução de borracha selante, e pintura | |||
4.10 | Fornecimento e montagem de dois portões metálicos e de gradeamento fixo | |||
4.11 | Fornecimento e execução de obstáculos nas grelhas de piso nas zonas de betoneiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) | |||
4.12 | Fornecimento e execução física de chapa metálica nos encontros dos telhados com parede de empenas laterais do edifício de depósitos (04a) para evitar entrada de água | |||
4.13 | Fornecimento e instalação de prateleiras de madeira do edifício de Laboratório | |||
4.14 | Fornecimento e substituição de redes mosqueteiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) | |||
4.15 | Fornecimento e vedação dos parapeitos das janelas com silicone do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e depósito (04a) | |||
4.16 | Aplainar porta posterior do Edifício de Laboratório (07) | |||
4.17 | ||||
4.18 | Desmantelamento do estaleiro e desmobilização |
Em até 45 dias corridos após a consignação de obra (a partir de 3 de setembro de 2018).
Recomenda-se que a empresa utilize a planilha eletrônica fornecida para apresentar a sua proposta (Modelo de Apresentação de Proposta).
O início das atividades da empresa vencedora do concurso será no dia 3 de setembro de 2018.
A contratante designará um representante para acompanhar e fiscalizar o andamento da execução das atividades, que fará visitas periódicas à obra.
O projeto originalmente desenvolvido ficará a disposição para consulta com o representante da contratante.
O nome do representante será informado antes do início das atividades.
A empresa deverá apresentar pelo menos 3 cartas abonatórias.
A empresa deverá apresentar documentos que comprovem o correto registro para exercer atividades, de acordo com a legislação vigente em Moçambique.
A empresa deverá apresentar documentação que comprove que os profissionais contratados possuem formação profissional na área de construção civil para executar as atividades previstas neste termo de referência.
As empresas participantes serão avaliadas pelo critério do menor preço global.
O pagamento será efetuado após cada comprovação da execução das atividades através das medições apresentadas, no prazo de até 10 (dez) dias corridos após a comprovação da execução das atividades e da apresentação de nota fiscal/fatura pela empresa executora.
O pagamento será efetuado através de depósito em conta corrente, pelo sistema Atlas do PNUD, devendo a CONTRATADA informar o nome do projeto na nota fiscal/fatura, não sendo admitida qualquer outra modalidade de cobrança.
A proposta deverá ser apresentada em moeda nacional Moçambicana (Metical). Os pagamentos serão efetuado em moeda nacional Moçambicana (Metical).
A contratada deverá apresentar fatura acompanhada de auto de medição, para posterior aprovação e pagamento. Os pagamentos serão efetuados em até três parcelas conforme apresentado no quadro abaixo.
Parcela | Descrição dos serviços a serem executados (Conforme cronograma físico apresentado no item 2.3) | Valor limite a pagar em % em relação ao valor total da proposta |
1ª Parcela | Etapa 1 | 30% |
2ª Parcela | Etapa 2 | 30% |
3ª Parcela | Etapa 3 | 40% |
Conceder acesso ao representante indicado pela contratante ao estaleiro, aos edifícios e demais locais vinculados ao objeto deste termo.
Esclarecer eventuais dúvidas com o representante da contratante.
O DIRETOR DA OBRA deverá comparecer à obra no mínimo UMA vez por semana em coordenação com o representante da contratante.
Ter um ENCARREGADO DE OBRA permanente na obra.
O último pagamento somente será efetuado mediante a entrega pela construtora da obra, do AUTO DE VISTORIA e da RECEPÇÃO PROVISÓRIA DA OBRA junto à Direção Provincial das Obras Públicas, Habitação e Recursos Hídricos – DOPHRH e representante da contratante.
A execução das atividades a serem contratadas para a correção do Edifício do Laboratorio e Depósito (07 e 04a) e o fornecimento de todos os materiais necessários deverão estar de acordo com os seguintes documentos:
• ANEXO 2: Especificações: Movimento de Terra; Betões; Moldes para Betão; Aços em Armaduras; Alvenarias; Instalações de Águas; Carpintarias e Marcenarias.
4.1 Mobilização:
4.1 | a) Mobilização de equipamento, mão-de-obra e materiais | VG | 1.00 |
b) Construção e manutenção de estaleiro, incluindo o fornecimento e colocação de placa de identificação e disponibilização de livro de registo de obra | VG | 1.00 |
4.2 Fornecimento de materiais e extensão de corrente elétrica a partir do quadro eléctrico geral até o Edifício de Laboratório (07) e o Depósito (04a) - (CONFORME ANEXO A):
4.2 | a) Fornecimento e colocação de postes de eucalipto tratados contra ataque por organismos vivos, com 6 metros de altura, para instalação eléctrica | un | 3.00 |
b) Fornecimento e montagem de armário de distribuição, ADB 500x400x150mm de metal, incluindo todos os dispositivos necessários para o funcionamento da rede eléctrica | un | 1.00 | |
c) Fornecimento e lançamento de cabo eléctrico VAV 4x6, aéreo | ml | 100.00 | |
d) Fornecimento e montagem dos disjuntores necessários para adequação do quadro eléctrico geral trifásico (1 disjuntor de 50 A) e do ármário de distribuição (2 disjuntores de 40A) | VG | 1.00 | |
e) Fornecimento de todos materiais acessórios de fixação e extensão da corrente eléctrica desde o quadro geral até o armário de distribuição para o Edifício de Laboratório (07) e Depósito (04a) | VG | 1.00 | |
f) Extensão da rede a partir do armário de distribuição até as caixas de coluna (quadro de fusíveis) do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e Depósito (04a) | VG | 1.00 |
4.3 Fornecimento de materiais, execução física e canalização de água até o Edifício do Laboratório
4.3 | a) Fornecimento e instalação de bomba submersível SP, SQ ou similares com altura mínima de 9 metros com a capacidade mínima de transporte de caudal de 4 m³/h, incluindo cabo de ligação, painel de controlo, boreline classe 9, baliza completa (válvula de retenção, contador, ventosa, …etc) para o pleno funcionamento das eletrobombas. Além disso, deve-se incluir todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem a fim de permitirem o funcionamento do sistema de bombagem, como a revisão, o fornecimento e instalação | un | 1.00 |
dos cabos elétricos alimentadores da bomba submersível, o fornecimento e a instalação de boias elétricas de comando de enchimento. | |||
b) Fornecimento e montagem de bomba de recalque de 1 HP com elevado padrão e capacidade, incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | un | 1.00 | |
c) Execução de uma casota de alvenaria e cobertura com laje de 10 cm de betão B25 para abrigar a bomba de recalque. As dimensões devem ser de acordo com as especificações da bomba de recalque de 1HP | un | 1.00 | |
d) Fornecimento e lançamento da tubagem de canalização de água de 2” de diâmetro desde o depósito inferior até a bomba de recalque em IPS incluindo todos os materiais, conexões e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 120.00 | |
e) Fornecimento e lançamento da tubagem de canalização de água de 1 1/2” de diâmetro desde a bomba até o reservatório superior em IPS, incluindo todos os materiais, conexões e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem. Devem ser colocadas braçadeiras metálicas a cada 2 m de distância. Também deve ser realizada a reparação e limpeza do depósito elevado. | ml | 6.00 | |
f) Fornecimento e lançamento de tubos IPS de 1'' de diâmetro, a partir do depósito elevado até o edifício de Laboratório (07), incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem. Devem ser colocadas braçadeiras metálicas a cada 2 m de distância. | ml | 40.00 | |
g) Fornecimento e instalação de registros antes e depois da bomba de recalque, antes e depois do reservatório superior, além do registro na entrada edifício do laboratório (07). O dimensionamento dos registros deve estar de acordo com a tubulação. | un | 5.00 | |
h) Fornecimento de materiais e construção de um maciço de alvenaria 2,00x2,00x0,50 para suporte do depósito inferior, com bloco de betão de 20 cm maciçados, com uma laje de betão B25 de 10cm de espessura revestida com betonilha endurecida e viga de fundação 0,20x0,20m de betão B25 | VG | 1.00 |
4.4 Fornecimento de material e execução da viga de fundação dos muros de vedação próxima à guarita - (CONFORME ANEXO C):
4.4 | Fornecimento de material e execução da viga de fundação de 0,40x0,40 m dos muros de vedação próximos à guarita em betão B25 com aço de 12,5 mm de diâmetro | m³ | 3.00 |
4.5 Fornecimento e assentamento de alvenaria na conclusão do muro de vedação:
4.5 | Fornecimento e assentamento de alvenaria em blocos Hydraform na conclusão do muro de vedação | m2 | 57.00 |
4.6 Fornecimento de materiais e assentamento de viga de coroamento sobre o muro de vedação (de divisa) nos locais faltantes:
4.6 | Fornecimento de materiais e assentamento de viga de coroamento na parte superior do muro de vedação, em betão da classe B25 com aço de 10 mm de diâmetro, incluindo madeira de cofragem, pintura de duas demãos de tinta plástica da CIN ou similar sobre uma de isolante, e todos restantes materiais e trabalhos acessórios para a conclusão da viga de coroamento em todo o perímetro do muro de vedação (de divisa) | m3 | 11.00 |
4.7 Remover e substituir as cumeeiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e o Depósito (04a) com a aplicação de tela asfáltica de alumínio - (CONFORME ANEXO D):
4.7 | Remover as cumeeiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do depósito (04a), fornecer e aplicar tela asfáltica de alumínio (70 cm de largura) e posteriormente fornecer e colocar novas cumeeiras de fibrocimento ou microbetão conforme a existente, incluindo demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 35.00 |
4.8 Fornecimento e substituição de placas de tecto falso e de ripamento de fixação do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a):
4.8 | Fornecer e substituir placas do tecto falso danificadas do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) por placas de forro de madeira de mesmo padrão das placas existentes | m² | 27.00 |
Fornecer e substituir ripamento de fixação das placas de tecto falso danificados do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) por ripamento similar ao existente | ml | 56.00 | |
Fornecimento e pintura de todo o tecto do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) com no mínimo duas demãos de tinta PVA | m² | 135.00 |
4.9 Limpeza do tecto falso da câmara fría do Edifício de Laboratório (07), fornecimento e execução de borracha selante, e pintura:
4.9 | Limpar todo o tecto falso da câmara fría do Edifício de Laboratório (07), fornecer e aplicar borracha selante impermeabilizante em todo o forro e nas prateleiras localizadas na câmara fría de acordo com a especificação do fabricante | m² | 10.70 |
Fornecer material e realizar pintura com duas demãos de resina acrílica impermeável do tecto falso e das prateleiras localizadas na câmara fría do Edifício de Laboratório (07) | m² | 22.50 |
4.10 Fornecimento e montagem de dois portões metálicos e de gradeamento fixo - (CONFORME ANEXO E):
4.10 | Fornecimento e montagem de um portão metálico de duas folhas de 3 m x 3 m cada, com estrutura de tubo retangular 60x30x1,5mm e barra chata de 20 mm com pelo menos 4 mm de espessura, espaçados 15 cm entre si na vertical e com barras de reforço horizontais a cada 1 m, com respectivo aro em contoneiras de 40x60x4mm, de abrir para dentro, incluindo dobradiças e coluna de suporte, 2 ganchos para cadeados, pintura em duas demãos de tinta esmalte sobre anticorrosivo, e demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | un | 1.00 |
Fornecimento e montagem de um portão metálico de 1,5 m x 3 m, com estrutura de tubo retangular 60x30x1,5mm e barra chata de 20 mm com pelo menos 4 mm de espessura, espaçadas 15 cm entre si na vertical e com barras de reforço horizontais a cada 1 m, com respectivo aro em cantoneira de 40x60x4mm, de abrir para dentro, incluindo dobradiças e coluna de suporte, 2 ganchos para cadeados, pintura em duas demãos de tinta esmalte sobre anticorrosivo, e demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | un | 1.00 | |
Gradeamento fixo de 3m de altura com estrutura de tubo retangular 60x30x1,5mm e barra chata de 20 mm com pelo menos 4 mm de espessura, espaçadas 15 cm entre si na vertical e com barras de reforço horizontais a cada 1 m, com respectivo aro em cantoneira de 40x60x4mm, de abrir para dentro, incluindo dobradiças e coluna de suporte, 2 ganchos para cadeados, pintura em duas demãos de tinta esmalte sobre anticorrosivo, e demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 2.50 |
4.11 Fornecimento e execução de obstáculos nas grelhas de piso nas zonas de betoneiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) - (CONFORME ANEXO F):
4.11 | Fornecimento e assentamento de 2 obstáculos nas grelhas de piso (0,38x0,10x0,05m) em betão B25, que permitem a decantação e deposição de sedimetos, no pavimento do Edifício de Laboratório (07). | ml | 0.80 |
4.12 Fornecimento e execução física de chapa metálica nos encontros dos telhados com parede de empenas laterais do edifício de depósitos (04a) para evitar entrada de água - (CONFORME ANEXO G):
4.12 | Fornecimento e colocação de chapa metálica de 4 mm nos encontros dos telhados com parede de empenas laterais do edifício de depósitos (04a), sendo este executado de acordo com o detalhe apresentado, incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 14.00 |
4.13 Fornecimento e instalação de prateleiras de madeira do edifício de Laboratório (07):
4.13 | Fornecimento e instalação de prateleiras de madeira com 60 centimetros de profundidade sob todas as bancadas de serviço do edifício de Laboratório (07), incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem, que deve ser executado conforme prateleiras existentes na câmara fria do edifício de Laboratório. | ml | 14.00 |
4.14 Fornecimento e substituição de redes mosqueteiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07):
4.14 | Fornecimento e substituição de redes mosqueteiras das aberturas danificadas do edifício de laboratório (07), com dimensões de 0,50 m x 1,30 m, por redes mosqueteiras de material similar às demais, incluindo demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | unid | 2.00 |
4.15 Fornecimento e vedação dos parapeitos das janelas com silicone do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e depósito (04a):
4.15 | Todas as bases das janelas do edifício de laboratório (07) e depósito (04a) (parapeitos) devem ser vedadas com silicone de uso exterior a fim de impedir a infiltração de água | ml | 24.20 |
4.16 Aplainar porta posterior do Edifício de Laboratório (07):
4.16 | Aplainar a porta posterior do edifício de laboratório (07) a fim de permitir a sua abertura | VG | 1.00 |
4.17 Placa de inauguração:
4.17 | Fornecimento e fixação de placas metálicas de inauguração de 0,80 x 0,60 m no edifício de laboratório conforme modelo a ser fornecido | unid | 1.00 |
4.18 Desmantelamento do estaleiro e desmobilização:
4.18 | Desmantelamento do estaleiro e desmobilização de equipamento, mão-de-obra e materiais | VG | 1.00 |
As seguintes especificações gerais referem-se à execução dos serviços para a conclusão dos Edifícios Laboratoriais (28 e 07) do Centro Tecnológico de Namialo, Distrito de Meconta – Moçambique - BRA/13/008 S009 (BRA/04/044 – S214). Estas especificações devem ser atendidas pela empresa CONTRATADA.
O Empreiteiro deve manter a obra durante 12 meses depois da data da recepção provisória e reparar quaisquer defeitos que se manifestem durante aquele período.
O Empreiteiro será responsável pela instalação de instalações provisórias destinadas ao armazenamento de materiais perecíveis ou não, e de um escritório e abrigo para o pessoal, que demolirá e removerá do local de obra antes da sua recepção provisória.
Os escritórios deverão ter água potável e estar equipados com o seguinte mobiliário: 1 secretária e respectiva cadeira, uma mesa de reuniões e 6 cadeiras, uma estante de livros de 2.5 m2. Os pormenores sobre os escritórios e o mobiliário a fornecer deverão ser sujeitos à aprovação da fiscalização.
O Empreiteiro deve construir instalações sanitárias adequadas ao seu pessoal e será responsável pelo seu comportamento sanitário. As instalações sanitárias serão removidas às custa do empreiteiro no final da obra e o terreno deve ser regularizado e limpo.
O Empreiteiro manterá um encarregado de comprovada competência no estaleiro durante as horas normais de trabalho, que estará autorizado a receber e cumprir ordens do técnico responsável.
O Empreiteiro deverá fornecer e manter as instalações necessárias para executar os trabalhos de acordo com as normas aplicáveis e boas práticas de engenharia.
Admite-se que o Empreiteiro, para formular a sua Proposta, se tenha inteirado completamente das condições locais, não só em tudo o que possa ser considerado como condicionamento de produção, mas como também, do actual estado de estrutura e das instalações existentes, pelo que não serão aceites
quaisquer reclamações sobre eventuais dificuldades que possam surgir na execução dos trabalhos por alegado desconhecimento e/ou insuficiência de informação.
O empreiteiro fornecerá sempre um livro de obras com folhas em triplicado onde serão registrados diariamente o estado do tempo, o número de trabalhadores em serviço e todos os acontecimentos importantes, actas de reunião, acontecimentos anormais, instruções da fiscalização e da direcção de obra.
O Empreiteiro deverá colocar todas as encomendas de materiais necessários a obra atempadamente e será inteiramente responsável por qualquer atraso na entrega de qualquer material.
O Empreiteiro é responsável por entregar a Obra para a sua recepção provisória em perfeito estado de limpeza com todas as peças móveis e equipamentos lubrificados e operacionais, pavimentos encerados e polidos, vidros limpos, aparelhos sanitários limpos e desinfectados, tubagens desobstruídas e sem areias ou resíduos, pingos de tinta removidos das superfícies, aparelhos de iluminação sem pó nas superfícies superiores ou interiores, etc.
Constitui obrigação e encargo do Empreiteiro levar a vazadouro ou a depósito (local a indicar pela fiscalização) os produtos resultantes das operações de:
• Demolições;
• Solos sobrantes dos movimentos de terra;
• Limpeza;
• Outros quaisquer que resultantes dos trabalhos se encontrem no estaleiro sem utilidade.
Todo o material removido é propriedade do dono da obra. Este ou o seu representante dará indicações sobre o destino a dar a esses materiais.
Todo o pessoal deve estar identificado com uniforme onde estará marcada claramente a designação ou sigla da empresa devendo todos possuir um cartão de identificação.
• A execução das obras deverá obedecer rigorosamente os projetos, no que se referem os desenhos e especificações, bem como, a todas as recomendações dos fabricantes dos materiais especificados e às normas vigentes em Moçambique.
• A firma construtora será responsável por qualquer serviço executado em desacordo com o projeto, correndo por sua conta exclusiva a demolição e reconstrução dos mesmos.
• Em caso de divergência entre os desenhos, prevalecerão os de maior escala sobre os de menor.
Em caso de divergência entre desenhos e memoriais, prevalecerão as especificações dos memoriais descritivos.
• Todas as medidas deverão ser conferidas no local.
• O proponente deverá incluir em seu orçamento/proposta todos os materiais e serviços, mesmo quando não especificados nos projetos, necessários ao perfeito acabamento, funcionamento e estabilidade da edificação.
• Em caso de dúvidas, estas deverão ser esclarecidas já na elaboração das propostas, através de consulta à Comissão do PNUD .
• Deverá ainda o proponente inspecionar o local e as condições de execução dos serviços.
• Todos os equipamentos, acessórios e detalhes construtivos padronizados, têm suas descrições/especificações nas memórias descritivas dos projetos das respectivas especialidades, de forma genérica e abrangente. Sua aplicação só é válida quando indicados em plantas, cortes, pormenores e esquemas gráficos dos desenhos que integram o projeto.
12.1. Responsabilidade Técnica
A firma contratada para a execução das obras deverá assumir junto à Direção Provincial das Obras Públicas, Habitação e Recursos Hídricos (DOPHRH), a responsabilidade técnica da mesma, antes do início dos serviços.
13.1. Os materiais a serem utilizados na obra deverão satisfazer integralmente as Normas Técnicas vigentes em Moçambique, sendo previamente submetidos à Fiscalização, para exame e aprovação, obrigando-se a construtora a retirar da obra os materiais impugnados, dentro do prazo máximo de 72 (setenta e duas horas).
13.2. Eventuais custos incidentes não previstos neste Xxxxx xxxxxxx correr a cargo da empresa contratada
O trabalho de movimento de terras compreende a execução de escavações, aterros, melhoramento dos terrenos de fundação e ainda os trabalhos de compactação, regularização e acabamento, tudo de acordo com as dimensões, perfis cotas e inclinações constantes no projecto e especificações do presente caderno de encargos.
O Empreiteiro deverá certificar-se das dificuldades dos trabalhos, quer através dos desenhos do projecto, quer através do reconhecimento físico do local.
Os materiais a serem escavados serão da classe “A”, que deve ser tomada como guia para
estabelecimento do seu grau de dureza.
a) Material da Classe “A”
Inclui todos os materiais que possam ser escavados sem meios mecânicos, não incluídos nas classes “B” e “C” acima, e incluindo aterros, lamas, argila e detritos.
A presente especificação estabelece as condições técnicas gerais a que devem satisfazer os materiais, o fabrico, o transporte, a colocação e cura do betão de cimento a utilizar em obras de betão simples ou armado a que se não exigem técnicas especiais.
Os materiais a utilizar e as regras de execução devem obedecer ao expresso na especificação e às normas e regulamentos oficiais em vigor.
O aço das armaduras, o cimento e os agregados serão armazenados na obra de forma a evitar a sua deterioração ou contaminação.
O cimento será armazenado em local protegido, bem ventilado e com pavimento acima do nível do solo. Os agregados das várias granulometrias serão amontoados em volumes separados e numa superfície dura e limpa.
Qualquer material que na opinião da Fiscalização esteja deteriorado e tenha sido contaminado ou estragado, será imediatamente removido do local da obra pelo Empreiteiro após a recepção da instrução escrita da Fiscalização.
O cimento a utilizar na obra será Portland, de presa normal e em conformidade com os regulamentos portugueses ou sul-africanos.
O Empreiteiro deve submeter a Fiscalização quando requerido um certificado de fabrico de qualquer dos lotes de cimento entregues na obra. A Fiscalização pode à sua descrição solicitar que sejam feitos teste as amostras colhidas na obra.
Todos os agregados devem cumprir com as condições de qualidade expressas nos regulamentos adoptados em Moçambique. Amostras dos agregados das diversas granulometrias e de areia ou areias podem ser requeridas pela Fiscalização para a sua aprovação e todo o material usado na obra deve ser da mesma qualidade das amostras aprovadas.
Todos os agregados devem ser limpos, sem poeiras, terra vegetal ou outras impurezas ou matéria vegetal.
As britas para fabricação de betões serão crivadas para separação de sarriscas e devem ser calhaus naturais ou pedra britada de dureza semelhante à do granito.
Agregados finos e areia para betões devem ser areia do rio lavada ou areia de britadeira. Os grãos devem ser de tamanho uniforme, mas conter uma mistura equilibrada de grãos finos e grossos, até 5mm. Antes de misturada com os agregados e britas a areia deve ser crivada e perfeitamente lavada.
A água a usar na fabricação dos betões, argamassas e betonilhas será limpa, fresca, livre de impurezas vegetais ou minerais ou outras substâncias em suspensão ou dissolvidas.
O uso de aditivos tais como plastificantes, aceleradores de presa, retardantes de presa, colorantes ou impermeabilizantes, ou qualquer material que substitua parcialmente o cimento, deve ser submetido a aprovação da Fiscalização e qualquer teste que ela possa requerer a esse respeito.
Quando forem aprovados aditivos contendo cloreto de cálcio este não pode exceder 2% do peso do cimento na mistura.
J.1. Medição dos Componentes
A medição dos ligantes deve ser sempre efectuada por pesagem ou por número de sacos de embalagem de origem. De igual modo, a medição dos inertes deve ser feita em peso, podendo, em casos a aprovar pela Fiscalização, ser feita em volume. A precisão da medição dos componentes a utilizar em cada amassadura, deve ter em conta, a qualidade do betão que se pretende.
J.2. Amassadura
O Empreiteiro é obrigado a equipar-se com os meios necessários à satisfação das quantidades de betão a colocar. Todos os betões, qualquer que seja o seu tipo ou a sua aplicação, serão fabricados mecanicamente.
Deve utilizar-se equipamento que promova a mistura homogénea dos componentes e que não dê lugar à segregação, assentamento ou fractura dos inertes.
A saída das amassaduras das betoneiras deve ser feita com esta em rotação, e, de modo a não provocar a desagregação total ou parcial dos materiais.
Antes do início das betonagens, o Empreiteiro deverá apresentar à Fiscalização o plano das betonagens a executar, onde se indique, claramente, a localização das juntas de trabalho.
J.3. Transporte
Os processos a utilizar para o transporte ou o transbordo do betão, desde a descarga da betoneira até ao local de aplicação, deverão ser submetidos à aprovação da Fiscalização.
O intervalo de tempo entre a amassadura e a colocação do betão deve ser o menor possível, com o limite máximo de 20 minutos.
Não será permitido qualquer processo de transporte ou transbordo que possa causar segregação, assentamento ou fractura dos inertes, excessiva secura, exagerada exposição à chuva e ao sol ou quaisquer outros inconvenientes que prejudiquem a sua qualidade. No caso de evidência de segregação, o fiscal pode rejeitar a amassadura. As amassaduras rejeitadas devem ser inutilizadas.
J.4. Colocação
Os meios a utilizar para colocar o betão "in situ", deverão estar em correspondência com as restantes instalações, com os volumes exigidos, o tipo, classe e qualidade de betão, bem como, o local da sua aplicação. Só se deverá colocar o betão no espaço que o irá conter, depois de se verificar que este está em condições de o receber.
A colocação deve ser efectuada de modo a evitar a segregação e desagregação do betão e em condições de temperatura e humidade, que permitam que a presa e o endurecimento do betão se realizem normalmente.
O enchimento deve processar-se tanto quanto possível de modo contínuo. No caso da interrupção, a escolha da localização desta e a preparação da superfície de betão para o recomeço da colocação, devem ser objecto de cuidados especiais.
Todas as operações de transporte, depósito e colocação propriamente ditas, deverão realizar-se antes de se iniciar a presa do betão. Durante a colocação e a posterior compactação do betão, não será permitido transitar directamente sobre as armaduras, se as houver, ou, por qualquer outra forma, modificar a sua posição em relação aos elementos estruturais.
J.5. Compactação
Salvo determinação em contrário, todo o betão será compactado com vibração mecânica à massa ou, no caso de peças pouco espessas, com vibração especial por meio de águas ou chapas vibradoras, ou ainda, nos casos justificáveis e devidamente autorizadas pela Fiscalização, por qualquer sistema de vibração a cofragem. A vibração deverá ser caracterizada por alta-frequência e pequena amplitude.
J.6. Cura do Betão
A cura deve processar-se em condições que favoreçam a presa e o endurecimento do betão. Para tal, tomar-se-ão logo após a betonagem, as medidas convenientes face à temperatura do ambiente ou outros factores que possam provocar a perda de água do betão ou que impeçam a sua reacção com o ligante.
Os cuidados a ter com a cura do betão deverão ser objecto de aprovação da Fiscalização. Em qualquer circunstância e nada sendo determinado em contrário, deverão ser observadas as normas seguintes:
o A perda de água do betão por evaporação deve ser evitada, usando-se os seguintes meios:
o Manter as superfícies do betão protegidas pelos moldes, não os retirando prematuramente.
o Quando os moldes forem permeáveis, conservá-los humedecidos;
o Revestir as superfícies pelas quais se dá a evaporação, com materiais impermeáveis ou com materiais humedecidos.
o Manter continuamente molhadas as superfícies expostas.
As medidas de protecção contra a perda de água por evaporação devem ser mantidas, durante os seguintes períodos, a partir da betonagem:
A presente especificação destina-se a estabelecer as condições técnicas gerais a que deverão obedecer os moldes para betão.
Qualquer que seja o tipo de moldes a utilizar deverá ter as seguintes características:
o Conferir ao betão fresco, a forma definitiva e prevista para a peça ou conjunto de peças a betonar;
o Ser suficientemente rígida e pouco deformável, para poder resistir às solicitações (pesos, pressões, vibrações, sobrecargas, cargas eventuais, choque, etc.), produzidas durante a betonagem, não se deformando senão dentro do limite das tolerâncias admitidas. Para tal, recorrer-se-á aos escoramentos, contraventamentos e travamentos necessários, que confiram aos moldes, a rigidez e indeformabilidade pretendida;
o Ter uma permeabilidade e absorção suficientemente pequenas, para que a leitada de cimento e partículas finas do betão não se percam em quantidade que possa afectar as características deste, depois de endurecido. Por este motivo, não serão permitidos nos soltos – quando a cofragem for de madeira – orifícios ou juntas que permitam o escoamento da leitada;
o Permitirem, ou terem dispositivos que permitam a fácil colocação do betão.
A desmoldagem ou o descimbramento, só deverão ser realizados quando o betão tiver adquirido resistência suficiente, não só, para que seja satisfeita a segurança em relação à ruptura das peças desmoldadas; mas também, para que se não verifiquem deformações excessivas, tanto a curto como a longo prazo.
As operações de desmoldagem ou o descimbramento devem ser conduzidas com os necessários cuidados, de modo a não provocarem esforços inconvenientes, choques ou fortes vibrações.
Esta especificação tem por finalidade fornecer indicações técnicas gerais sobre a execução e colocação de armaduras de aço correntes em obras de betão armado.
As classes e características dos aços deverão obedecer às condições estipuladas no REBAP e RSA. As classes e diâmetros a utilizar, serão os que constam dos desenhos de execução do projecto.
As armaduras devem ser executadas dentro das tolerâncias dimensionais admissíveis. Durante o período de betonagem, dever-se-á evitar o mais possível a deslocação e deformação das armaduras. Será por isso obrigatória a utilização de arames recozidos a fim de atar os varões das armaduras, de forma a manter entre os varões o posicionamento e o afastamento indicado em projecto, como também, de forma a que o conjunto de armaduras apresente a rigidez suficiente para não sofrer deformações, além das tolerâncias admissíveis, quer durante a betonagem e a respectiva vibração e compactação, quer durante as operações complementares da betonagem. Recorrer-se-á a ferros complementares, mesmo quando não indicados em projecto, sempre que necessários à manutenção da indeformabilidade necessária às armaduras.
De igual modo, recorrer-se-á a calços, os quais serão intercalados entre as armaduras e a face interior dos moldes, que assegurem o recobrimento regulamentar as armaduras ou o indicado em projecto, quando este for superior à dimensão de recobrimento regulamentar.
De preferência, estes calços serão pré-fabricados com material que possa ficar incorporado na peça a betonar – desde que não interfiram na sua estabilidade – de espessura constante e contendo já o arame de atar.
Os varões colocados em obra devem estar convenientemente limpos de ferrugem solta, de qualquer material destacável, de matérias orgânicas, óleos ou outros materiais que possam afectar a aderência dos varões ao betão ou a sua durabilidade.
As dobragens dos varões devem seguir o especificado na regulamentação em vigor.
Os ganchos terminais dos varões lisos devem ter a forma semicircular, com os diâmetros de curvatura mínimos relacionados com o diâmetro dos varões a que se referem e ser prolongados de comprimento recto pelo menos igual a quatro vezes o diâmetro do varão.
A amarração dos varões, salvo indicação expressa do projectista, deverá ser feita, prolongando-se dos comprimentos de amarração indicados na regulamentação em vigor e que são expressos em diâmetros dos varões.
Nas emendas por sobreposição, os comprimentos de sobreposição dos varões, devem, no mínimo, ser os indicados no quadro correspondente aos comprimentos de amarração, sendo obrigatório que os varões do tipo liso, terminem por ganchos, excepto no caso dos pilares.
A presente especificação tem por objectivo fornecer indicações técnicas gerais, características, modo de realização do trabalho e particularidades referentes à execução de paredes de alvenaria de blocos.
B.1. Generalidades
As espessuras das paredes a construir corresponderão às indicadas no projecto.
O material a utilizar será o bloco Hydraform para alvenaria. Com uma resistência de compressão estabelecida para o tipo de bloco.
B.2. Tolerância
As Tolerâncias das deformações das faces dos blocos em relação às arestas que as definem não devem ser superiores a 5mm.
B.3. Recepção / Inspecção de Carácter Geral
Esta inspecção deve ser realizada pelo comprador ou pela Fiscalização, compreendendo verificações de dimensões e de deformação, além da satisfação às exigências de identificação.
Como já descrito no capítulo dos "Betões".
Como já descrito no capítulo dos "Betões", mas a granulometria será mais fina e deve ser crivada numa peneira de 3 mm, caso tal seja determinado pelo Arquitecto. A areia deve ser limpa, sem detritos orgânicos ou salinidade.
Caso não haja indicações em contrário a argamassa de assentamento será composta por 5 partes de areia para uma parte de cimento, em volume, misturados a seco e em pequenas quantidades e utilizada dentro de uma hora, no máximo, depois da sua amassadura.
Todas as argamassas serão amassadas em plataforma nivelada, não absorvente, mantida limpa, sem juntas, e serão sempre removidos os restos de amassaduras prévias.
Os materiais a usar serão medidos em caixas de volume igual, testadas e aprovadas, e misturados a seco ate apresentarem uma cor uniforme; a água será limpa e adicionada gradualmente através de
regador/espalhador, ate que todos os ingredientes tenham sido completamente e homogeneamente incorporados.
Será utilizado bloco Hydraform de solo cimento, de boa qualidade e sem desvio das dimensões nominais, maior que 10 mm em qualquer direcção. As dimensões nominais do bloco a utilizar são: 220 X 115 x 240 mm.
O bloco será de encache. As paredes serão elevadas uniformemente, nunca mais do que 5 fiadas acima de um andar de andaime por dia. Os blocos deverão ser bem demolhados antes de assentes, bem assim como a fiada já assente antes de adicionar nova fiada.
As Instalações de águas foram concebidas com base no projecto de Arquitectura e respeitando o Regulamento de Instalações hidráulicas em vigor.
B.1. Rede geral de água potável
O furo de água abastecerá o depósito elevado por bombagemelectromecânica e depois este abastecerá todos os aparelhos sanitários.
Bomba electromecânica - Submersível
B.2. Rede de distribuição
A rede exterior será executada com tubos de IPS de 1” – ARG. CEE enterrados no solo a profundidade indicada no projecto podendo em alguns casos ser fixa a parede com braçadeiras apropriadas. A rede interior será embutida.
Tubo IPS 1”
Acessórios de ligação - IPS
O tipo de dispositivos sanitários ira determinar os níveis das saídas. Estão previstas torneiras de passagem na entrada de todos os compartimentos.
Toda a tubagem será de boa qualidade, e deverão apresentar claramente a marca, o calibre, o fabricante, a classe e ainda o símbolo de laboratório de controlo de qualidade.
Esta especificação tem por objectivo dar indicações técnicas gerais sobre a madeira a utilizar.
B.1. Madeira Dura (hardwood)
A madeira para as bancadas, etc., será de CHANFUTA (Afzelia Quanzensis) ou em UMBILA (Pterocarpus Angolensis), seca ao teor de humidade correcta, sem borne ou nos soltos, empenos ou outros defeitos, bem esquadriada e nos comprimentos necessários para evitar juntas; serrada e preparada nas dimensões correctas para se obterem pegas acabadas as dimensões indicadas nos Desenhos.
O empreiteiro deverá fornecer portões e montar nas posições respectivas, todas as ferragens que se descrevem tais como:
a) Fechos
b) Dobradiças
c) Roldanas
C.2. Ferragem de Portões
Todas as fechaduras serão do tipo “Union” ou outra semelhante de acordo com o mapa de vãos.
C.3. Cerca Eléctrica
O empreiteiro deverá fornecer uma cerca elétrica para instalação no muro de divisa, devendo a marca, a classe e o fabricante serem aprovados pela Fiscali
Nós, os abaixo-assinados, pelo presente aceitamos por completo os Termos e Condições Gerais do PNUD e oferecemos o fornecimento dos itens abaixo em conformidade com as especificações e exigências do PNUD detalhadas na SDC n° de referência Nº 32386/2018
Item do Termo de Referência | Atividade | Unidade | Quantitativo | Custo unitário (Mt) | Total do item (Mt) |
4.1 | a) Mobilização de equipamento, mão-de-obra e materiais | VG | 1 | ||
b) Construção e manutenção de estaleiro, incluindo o fornecimento e colocação de placa de identificação e disponibilização de livro de registo de obra | VG | 1 | |||
4.2 | a) Fornecimento e colocação de postes de eucalipto tratados contra ataque por organismos vivos, com 6 metros de altura, para instalação eléctrica | un | 3 | ||
b) Fornecimento e montagem de armário de distribuição, ADB 500x400x150mm de metal, incluindo todos os dispositivos necessários para o funcionamento da rede eléctrica | un | 1 | |||
c) Fornecimento e lançamento de cabo eléctrico VAV 4x6, aéreo | ml | 100 | |||
d) Fornecimento e montagem dos disjuntores necessários para adequação do quadro eléctrico geral trifásico (1 disjuntor de 50 A) e do ármário de distribuição (2 disjuntores de 40A) | VG | 1 | |||
e) Fornecimento de todos materiais acessórios de fixação e extensão da corrente eléctrica desde o quadro geral até o armário de distribuição para o Edifício de Laboratório (07) e Depósito (04a) | VG | 1 | |||
f) Extensão da rede a partir do armário de distribuição até as caixas de coluna (quadro de fusíveis) do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e Depósito (04a) | VG | 1 | |||
4.3 | a) Fornecimento e instalação de bomba submersível SP, SQ ou similares com altura mínima de 9 metros com a capacidade mínima de transporte de caudal de 4 m³/h, incluindo cabo de ligação, painel de controlo, boreline classe 9, baliza completa (válvula de retenção, contador, ventosa, …etc) para o pleno funcionamento das eletrobombas. Além disso, deve-se incluir todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem a fim de permitirem o funcionamento do sistema de bombagem, como a revisão, o fornecimento e instalação dos cabos elétricos alimentadores da bomba submersível, o fornecimento e a instalação de boias elétricas de comando de enchimento. | un | 1 | ||
b) Fornecimento e montagem de bomba de recalque de 1 HP com elevado padrão e capacidade, incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | un | 1 |
c) Execução de uma casota de alvenaria e cobertura com laje de 10 cm de betão B25 para abrigar a bomba de recalque. As dimensões devem ser de acordo com as especificações da bomba de recalque de 1HP | un | 1 | |||
d) Fornecimento e lançamento da tubagem de canalização de água de 2” de diâmetro desde o depósito inferior até a bomba de recalque em IPS incluindo todos os materiais, conexões e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 120 | |||
e) Fornecimento e lançamento da tubagem de canalização de água de 1 1/2” de diâmetro desde a bomba até o reservatório superior em IPS, incluindo todos os materiais, conexões e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem. Devem ser colocadas braçadeiras metálicas a cada 2 m de distância. Também deve ser realizada a reparação e limpeza do depósito elevado. | ml | 6 | |||
f) Fornecimento e lançamento de tubos IPS de 1'' de diâmetro, a partir do depósito elevado até o edifício de Laboratório (07), incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem. Devem ser colocadas braçadeiras metálicas a cada 2 m de distância | ml | 40 | |||
g) Fornecimento e instalação de registros antes e depois da bomba de recalque, antes e depois do reservatório superior, além do registro na entrada edifício do laboratório (07). O dimensionamento dos registros deve estar de acordo com a tubulação | un | 5 | |||
h) Fornecimento de materiais e construção de um maciço de alvenaria 2,00x2,00x0,50 para suporte do depósito inferior, com bloco de betão de 20 cm maciçados, com uma laje de betão B25 de 10cm de espessura revestida com betonilha endurecida e viga de fundação 0,20x0,20m de betão B25 | VG | 1 | |||
4.4 | Fornecimento de material e execução da viga de fundação de 0,40x0,40 m dos muros de vedação próximos à guarita em betão B25 com aço de 12,5 mm de diâmetro | m³ | 3 | ||
4.5 | Fornecimento e assentamento de alvenaria em blocos Hydraform na conclusão do muro de vedação | m2 | 57 | ||
4.6 | Fornecimento de materiais e assentamento de viga de coroamento na parte superior do muro de vedação, em betão da classe B25 com aço de 10 mm de diâmetro, incluindo madeira de cofragem, pintura de duas demãos de tinta plástica da CIN ou similar sobre uma de isolante, e todos restantes materiais e trabalhos acessórios para a conclusão da viga de coroamento em todo o perímetro do muro de vedação (de divisa) | m3 | 11 | ||
4.7 | Remover as cumeeiras do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do depósito (04a), fornecer e aplicar tela asfáltica de alumínio (70 cm de largura) e posteriormente fornecer e colocar novas cumeeiras de fibrocimento ou microbetão conforme a existente, incluindo demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 35 |
4.8 | Fornecer e substituir placas do tecto falso danificadas do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) por placas de forro de madeira de mesmo padrão das placas existentes | m² | 27 | ||
Fornecer e substituir ripamento de fixação das placas de tecto falso danificados do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) por ripamento similar ao existente | ml | 56 | |||
Fornecimento e pintura de todo o tecto do Edifício de Laboratório (07) e do Depósito (04a) com no mínimo duas demãos de tinta PVA | m² | 135 | |||
4.9 | Limpar todo o tecto falso da câmara fría do Edifício de Laboratório (07), fornecer e aplicar borracha selante impermeabilizante em todo o forro e nas prateleiras localizadas na câmara fría de acordo com a especificação do fabricante | m² | 10.7 | ||
Fornecer material e realizar pintura com duas demãos de resina acrílica impermeável do tecto falso e das prateleiras localizadas na câmara fría do Edifício de Laboratório (07) | m² | 22.5 | |||
4.10 | Fornecimento e montagem de um portão metálico de duas folhas de 3 m x 3 m cada, com estrutura de tubo retangular 60x30x1,5mm e barra chata de 20 mm com pelo menos 4 mm de espessura, espaçados 15 cm entre si na vertical e com barras de reforço horizontais a cada 1 m, com respectivo aro em contoneiras de 40x60x4mm, de abrir para dentro, incluindo dobradiças e coluna de suporte, 2 ganchos para cadeados, pintura em duas demãos de tinta esmalte sobre anticorrosivo, e demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | un | 1 | ||
Fornecimento e montagem de um portão metálico de 1,5 m x 3 m, com estrutura de tubo retangular 60x30x1,5mm e barra chata de 20 mm com pelo menos 4 mm de espessura, espaçadas 15 cm entre si na vertical e com barras de reforço horizontais a cada 1 m, com respectivo aro em cantoneira de 40x60x4mm, de abrir para dentro, incluindo dobradiças e coluna de suporte, 2 ganchos para cadeados, pintura em duas demãos de tinta esmalte sobre anticorrosivo, e demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | un | 1 | |||
Gradeamento fixo de 3m de altura com estrutura de tubo retangular 60x30x1,5mm e barra chata de 20 mm com pelo menos 4 mm de espessura, espaçadas 15 cm entre si na vertical e com barras de reforço horizontais a cada 1 m, com respectivo aro em cantoneira de 40x60x4mm, de abrir para dentro, incluindo dobradiças e coluna de suporte, 2 ganchos para cadeados, pintura em duas demãos de tinta esmalte sobre anticorrosivo, e demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 2.5 | |||
4.11 | Fornecimento e assentamento de 2 obstáculos nas grelhas de piso (0,40x0,10x0,05m) em betão B25, que permitem a decantação e deposição de sedimetos, no pavimento do Edifício de Laboratório (07) | ml | 0.8 |
4.12 | Fornecimento e colocação de chapa metálica de 4 mm nos encontros dos telhados com parede de empenas laterais do edifício de depósitos (04a), sendo este executado de acordo com o detalhe apresentado, incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | ml | 14 | ||
4.13 | Fornecimento e instalação de prateleiras de madeira com 60 centimetros de profundidade sob todas as bancadas de serviço do edifício de Laboratório (07), incluindo todos os materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem, que deve ser executado conforme prateleiras existentes na câmara fria do edifício de Laboratório | ml | 14 | ||
4.14 | Fornecimento e substituição de redes mosqueteiras das aberturas danificadas do edifício de laboratório (07), com dimensões de 0,50 m x 1,30 m, por redes mosqueteiras de material similar às demais, incluindo demais materiais e trabalhos acessórios de fixação e montagem | unid | 2 | ||
4.15 | Todas as bases das janelas do edifício de laboratório (07) e depósito (04a) (parapeitos) devem ser vedadas com silicone de uso exterior a fim de impedir a infiltração de água | ml | 24.2 | ||
4.16 | Aplainar a porta posterior do edifício de laboratório (07) a fim de permitir a sua abertura | VG | 1 | ||
4.17 | Fornecimento e fixação de placas metálicas de inauguração de 0,80 x 0,60 m no edifício de laboratório conforme modelo a ser fornecido | unid | 1 | ||
4.18 | Desmantelamento do estaleiro e desmobilização de equipamento, mão-de-obra e materiais | VG | 1 | ||
Sub-total (Mt) | |||||
IVA (17%) | |||||
Concordamos em manter esta cotação durante o prazo de 60 (sessenta) dias corridos a partir da data limite para recebimento das Cotações fixada na presente Solicitação de Cotação.
Declaramos na forma da lei que a nossa participação na presente Solicitação de Cotação implica na aceitação integral e irretratável de seus termos. Declaramos que nossa empresa se compromete a fornecer o(s) serviço(s) objeto desta licitação no local exigido pelo valor proposto.
Todas as informações que não foram dispostas neste instrumento automaticamente significam nosso completo cumprimento com as exigências, termos e condições da SDC.
Nome/Razão Social da empresa [Nome e Assinatura da Pessoa Autorizada pelo Fornecedor Endereço: | ||
Telefone: | ||
E-mail Local e Data: |
General Conditions of Contract for Civil Works
Dear Sir/Madam,
1st June 2018
Ref.: ITB-UNDP-UNU-006-2017 Interior Renovation Works for United Nations University-Computing & Society (UNU-CS) in Macau
The United Nations Development Programme (hereinafter referred to as "UNDP"), wishes to engage Shen Zhen Boda Construction Group Co. Ltd, duly incorporated under the Laws of MACAU (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") in order to perform Interior Renovation Works for United Nations University- Computing & Society (UNU-CS) in Macau (hereinafter referred to as the "Works"), in accordance with the following Contract:
1.Contract Documents
1.1 This Contract is subject to the UNDP General Conditions for Civil Works, attached hereto as Annex
I. The provisions of such Xxxxx shall control the interpretation of this Contract and in no way shall be deemed to have been derogated by the contents of this letter and any other Annexes, unless otherwise expressly stated under section 4 of this letter, entitled "Special Conditions".
1.2 The Contractor and UNDP also agree to be bound by the provisions contained in the following documents, which shall take precedence over one another in case of conflict in the following order:
a) this letter;
b) the Technical Specifications and Drawings, attached hereto as Xxxxx XX;
c) the Contractor's Tender dated 30th September 2017 not attached hereto but known to and in the possession of both parties.
1.3 All the above shall form the Contract between the Contractor and UNDP, superseding the contents of any other negotiations and/or agreements, whether oral or in writing, pertaining to the subject of this Contract.
2. Obligations of the Contractor
2.1 The Contractor shall commence work within seven (7) days from the date on which he shall have been given access to the Site and received the notice to commence from the Engineer, and shall
perform and substantially complete the Works within six (6) months upon issuance of Macau government permits for renovation works, in accordance with the Contract. The Contractor shall provide all materials, supplies, labour and other services necessary to that end.
2.2 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the Programme of Work referred to in Clause 13 of the General Conditions by 1st June 2018.
2.3 The Contractor represents and warrants the accuracy of any information or data provided to UNDP for the purpose of entering into this Contract, as well as the quality of the Works foreseen under this Contract in accordance with the highest industrial and professional standards.
3. Price and Payment1
3.1 In full consideration of the complete and satisfactory performance of the Works under this Contract, UNDP shall pay the Contractor a fixed contract price of [INSERT CURRENCY & AMOUNT IN FIGURES AND WORDS].
3.2 The price of this Contract is not subject to any adjustment or revision because of price or currency fluctuations or the actual costs incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract.
3.3 Invoices shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer upon achievement of the corresponding milestones and for the following amounts:
Upon signature of Contract | ............ | ../../.... |
......... | ............ | ../../.... |
Upon substantial completion of Works | ........... | ../../.... |
Upon final completion of Works | ........... | ../../.... |
3. Price and payment
3.1 The total estimated price of the Contract is contained in the Bill of Quantities and amounts to
1 This version of section 3 is to be used for fixed price contracts. Fixed price contracts should normally be used when it is possible to estimate with reasonable accuracy the costs of the activities which are the subject of the Contract.
2 In the case of advance payments, the amount should not exceed 15%.
3.2 The final price of the Contract will be determined on the basis of the actual quantities of work and materials utilized in the complete and satisfactory performance of the Works as certified by the Engineer and the unit prices contained in the Contractor's financial proposal. Such unit prices are fixed and are not subject to any variation whatsoever.
3.3 If the Contractor foresees that the final price of the Contract may exceed the total estimated price contained in 3.1 above, he shall so inform the Engineer without delay, in order for UNDP to decide, at its discretion, to increase the estimated price of the Contract as a result of a larger quantity of work/material or to reduce the quantity of work to be performed or materials to be used. UNDP shall not be responsible for payment of any amount in excess of that stipulated in 3.1 above unless this latter amount has been increased by means of a written amendment of this Contract in accordance with its paragraph 8 below.
3.4 The Contractor shall submit an invoice for [INSERT AMOUNT AND CURRENCY OF THE ADVANCE PAYMENT IN FIGURES & WORDS] upon signature of this Contract by both parties, invoices for the work performed and materials utilized every [INSERT PERIOD OF TIME OR MILESTONES] and a final invoice within 30 days from the issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion by the Engineer.3
3.@ UNDP shall effect payment of the invoices after receipt of the certificate of payment issued by the Engineer, approving the amount contained in the invoice. The Engineer may make corrections to that amount, in which case UNDP may effect payment for the amount so corrected. The Engineer may also withhold invoices if the work is not performed at any time in accordance with the terms of the Contract or if the necessary insurance policies or performance security are not valid and/or in order. The Engineer shall process the invoices submitted by the Contractor within 15 days of their receipt.
3.@ Payments effected by UNDP to the Contractor shall be deemed neither to relieve the Contractor of its obligations under this Contract nor as acceptance by UNDP of the Contractor's performance of the Works.
3.@ Payment of the final invoice shall be effected by UNDP after issuance of the Certificate of Final Completion by the Engineer.
4. Special conditions
4.1 The advance payment to be made upon signature of the contract by both parties is contingent upon receipt and acceptance by UNDP of a bank guarantee for the full amount of the advance payment issued by a Bank and in a form acceptable to UNDP.
4.2 The amounts of the payments referred to under section 3.6 above shall be subject to a deduction of [INSERT PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE THAT THE
ADVANCE REPRESENTS] % (... percent) of the amount accepted for payment until the cumulative amount of the deductions so effected shall equal the amount of the advance payment. Should the cumulative amount of the deductions so made be lower than the amount of the advance payment after the date of substantial completion of the Works, UNDP may deduct the amount equal to the difference between the advance payment and the cumulative deductions from the payments due after substantial completion or may recover such amount from the bank guarantee referred to in
4.1 above.
4.3 The Performance [SELECT BOND/GUARANTEE] referred to in Clause 10 of the General Conditions shall be submitted by the Contractor for an amount of [INSERT -PERCENTAGE OF THE TOTAL]
4.4 [THE USE OF THIS CLAUSE REQUIRES APPROVAL BY THE PROJECT DIRECTOR/UNDP PROGRAMME OFFICER] The Contractor may submit invoices for materials and plant stored at the Site, provided they are necessary and adequate for the performance of the Works and they are protected from weather conditions and duly insured as per the instructions of the Engineer.
4.5 The liability insurance referred to in Clause 23 of the General Conditions shall be taken out by the Contractor for an amount of [CONSULT THE ENGINEER FOR APPROPRIATE AMOUNT].
4.6 According to Clause 45 of the General Conditions, the liquidated damages for delay shall be [INSERT PERCENTAGE] of the price of the Contract per week of delay, up to a maximum of 10% of the final price of the Contract.
5. Submission of invoices
5.1 One original and one copy of every invoice shall be submitted by mail by the Contractor for each payment under the Contract to the Engineer's address specified in clause 8.2.
5.2 Invoices submitted by fax shall not be accepted by UNDP.
6. Time and manner of payment
6.1 Invoices shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of their receipt and acceptance by UNDP.
6.2 All payments shall be made by UNDP to the following Bank account of the Contractor:
7. Modifications
7.1 Any modification to this Contract shall require an amendment in writing between both parties duly signed by the authorized representatives of the Contractor and UNDP.
8. Notifications
8.1 For the purpose of notifications under the Contract, the addresses of UNDP and the Contractor are as follows:
For the UNDP:
United Nations Development Programme
For the Contractor:
[Insert Name, Address and Telex, Fax and Cable Numbers]
8.2 For the purposes of communications with the Engineer, the address of the Engineer shall be as follows:
[Insert Name, Address and Telex,
Fax and Cable Numbers of the Engineer]
8.2 UNDP shall communicate as soon as possible to the Contractor after the signature of the Contract, the address of the Engineer for the purposes of communication with the Engineer under the Contract.
If the above terms and conditions meet with your agreement as typed in this letter and in the Contract Documents, please initial every page of this letter and its attachments and return to this office one original of this Contract, duly signed and dated.
Yours sincerely,
[INSERT NAME OF RR or Bureau/Division Director]
For [Insert name of the company/organization]
Agreed and Accepted:
General Conditions of Contract for Civil Works
1. Definitions
2. Singular and Plural
5. General Duties/Powers of Engineer
6. Contractor's General Obligations/Responsibilities
7. Assignment and Subcontracting
13. Programme of Work to be Furnished
14. Weekly Site Meeting
15. Change Orders
16. Contractor's Superintendence
17. Contractor's Employees
18. Setting-Out
21. Insurance of Works, Etc.
22. Damage to Persons and Property
23. Liability Insurance
24. Accident or Injury to Workmen
25. Remedy on Contractor's Failure to Insure
26. Compliance with Statutes, Regulations, Etc.
28. Copyright, Patents and Other Proprietary Rights, and Royalties
29. Interference With Traffic and Adjoining Properties
30. Extraordinary Traffic and Special Loads
31. Opportunities for Other Contractors
32. Contractor to Keep Site Clean
33. Clearance of Site on Substantial Completion
34. Labour
35. Returns of Labour, Plant, Etc.
36. Materials, Workmanship and Testing
37. Access to Site
38. Examination of Work Before Covering Up
39. Removal of Improper Work and Materials
40. Suspension of Work
41. Possession of Site
42. Time for Completion
43. Extension of Time for Completion
44. Rate of Progress
45. Liquidated Damages for Delay
46. Certificate of Substantial Completion
47. Defects Liability
48. Alterations, Additions and Omissions
49. Plant, Temporary Works and Materials
50. Approval of Materials, Etc., Not Implied
54. Urgent Repairs
55. Increase and Decrease of Costs
56. Taxation
59. Temporary Works and Reinstatement
60. Photographs and Advertising
61. Prevention of Corruption
62. Date Falling on Holiday
64. Language, Weights and Measures
65. Records, Accounts, Information and Audit
67. Suspension by the UNDP
69. Termination by the Contractor
70. Rights and Remedies of the UNDP
Appendix I: Formats of Performance Security Performance Bank Guarantee
Performance Bond
For the purpose of the Contract Documents the words and expressions below shall have the following meanings:
a) "Employer" means the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
b) "Contractor" means the person whose tender has been accepted and with whom the Contract has been entered into.
c) "Engineer" means the person whose services have been engaged by UNDP to administer the Contract as provided therein, as will be notified in writing to the Contractor.
d) "Contract" means the written agreement between the Employer and the Contractor, to which these General Conditions are annexed.
e) "The Works" means the works to be executed and completed under the Contract.
f) "Temporary Works" shall include items to be constructed which are not intended to be permanent and form part of the Works.
g) "Drawings" and "Specifications" mean the Drawings and Specifications referred to in the Contract and any modification thereof or addition thereto furnished by the Engineer or submitted by the Contractor and approved in writing by the Engineer in accordance with the Contract.
h) "Bill of Quantities" is the document in which the Contractor indicates the cost of the Works, on the basis of the foreseen quantities of items of work and the fixed unit prices applicable to them.
i) "Contract Price" means the sum agreed in the Contract as payable to the Contractor for the execution and completion of the Works and for remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the Contract.
j) "Site" means the land and other places on, under, in or through which the Works or Temporary Works are to be constructed.
Words importing persons or parties shall include firms or companies and words importing the singular only shall also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires.
The headings or notes in the Contract Documents shall not be deemed to be part thereof or be taken into consideration in their interpretation.
The Contractor and the sub-contractor(s), if any, shall have the status of an independent contractor vis-à-vis the Employer. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create any contractual relationship of any kind between the Engineer and the Contractor, but the Engineer shall, in the exercise of his duties and powers under the Contract, be entitled to performance by the Contractor of its obligations, and to enforcement thereof. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between the Employer or the Engineer and any subcontractor(s) of the Contractor.
a) The Engineer shall provide administration of Contract as provided in the Contract Documents. In particular, he shall perform the functions hereinafter described.
b) The Engineer shall be the Employer's representative vis-à-vis the Contractor during construction and until final payment is due. The Engineer shall advise and consult with the Employer. The Employer's instructions to the Contractor shall be forwarded through the Engineer. The Engineer shall have authority to act on behalf of the Employer only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents as they may be amended in writing in accordance with the Contract. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Engineer as the Employer's representative during construction as set forth in the Contract shall not be modified or extended without the written consent of the Employer, the Contractor and the Engineer.
c) The Engineer shall visit the Site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the Works and to determine in general if the Works are proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as an Engineer, he shall keep the Employer informed of the progress of the Works.
d) The Engineer shall not be responsible for and will not have control or charge of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Works or the Temporary Works. The Engineer shall not be responsible for or have control or charge over the acts or omissions of the Contractor (including the Contractor's failure to carry out the Works in accordance with the Contract) and of Sub-contractors or any of their agents or employees, or any other persons performing services for the Works, except if such acts or omissions are caused by the Engineer's failure to perform his functions in accordance with the contract between the Employer and the Engineer.
e) The Engineer shall at all times have access to the Works wherever and whether in preparation or progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so that the Engineer may perform his functions under the Contract.
f) Based on the Engineer's observations and an evaluation of the documentation submitted by the Contractor together with the invoices, the Engineer shall determine the amounts owed to the Contractor and shall issue Certificates for Payment as appropriate.
g) The Engineer shall review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for conformity with the
design concept of the Works and with the provisions of the Contract Documents. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Engineer's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component.
h) The Engineer shall interpret the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge the performance thereunder by the Contractor. All interpretations and orders of the Engineer shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents and shall be in writing or in the form of drawings. Either party may make a written request to the Engineer for such interpretation. The Engineer shall render the interpretation necessary for the proper execution of the Works with reasonable promptness and in accordance with any time limit agreed upon. Any claim or dispute arising from the interpretation of the Contract Documents by the Engineer or relating to the execution or progress of the Works shall be settled as provided in Clause 71 of these General Conditions.
i) Except as otherwise provided in the Contract, the Engineer shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract nor to order any work involving delay in completion of the Works or any extra payment to the Contractor by the Employer, or to make any variations to the Works.
j) In the event of termination of the employment of the Engineer, the Employer shall appoint another suitable professional to perform the Engineer's duties.
k) The Engineer shall have authority to reject work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever, in his opinion, he considers it necessary or advisable for the implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, he will have authority to require special inspection or testing of the work whether or not such work be then fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither the Engineer's authority to act nor any reasonable decision made by him in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Engineer to the Contractor, any subcontractor, any of their agents or employees, or any other person performing services for the Works.
l) The Engineer shall conduct inspections to determine the dates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion, shall receive and forward to the Employer for the Employer's review written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor, and shall issue a final Certificate for Payment upon compliance with the requirements of Clause 47 hereof and in accordance with the Contract.
m) If the Employer and Engineer so agree, the Engineer shall provide one or more Engineer's Representative(s) to assist the Engineer in carrying out his responsibilities at the site. The Engineer shall notify in writing to the Contractor and the Employer the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of any such Engineer's Representative(s).
6.1.Obligation to Perform in Accordance with Contract
The Contractor shall execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in strict accordance with the Contract, with due care and diligence and to the satisfaction of the Engineer,
and shall provide all labor, including the supervision thereof, materials, Constructional Plant and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such execution, completion and remedying of defects, as far as the necessity for providing the same is specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the Contract. The Contractor shall comply with and adhere strictly to the Engineer's instructions and directions on any matter, touching or concerning the Works.
6.2 Responsibility for Site Operations
The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all site operations and methods of construction, provided that the Contractor shall not be responsible, except as may be expressly provided in the Contract, for the design or specification of the Permanent Works or of any Temporary Works prepared by the Engineer.
6.3.Responsibility for Employees
The Contractor shall be responsible for the professional and technical competence of his employees and will select for work under this Contract, reliable individuals who will perform effectively in the implementation of the Contract, respect local customs and conform to a high standard of moral and ethical conduct.
6.4.Source of Instructions
The Contractor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to the Employer, the Engineer or their authorized representatives in connection with the performance of his services under this Contract. The Contractor shall refrain from any action which may adversely affect the Employer and shall fulfill his commitments with fullest regard for the interest of the Employer.
6.5.Officials Not to Benefit
The Contractor warrants that no official of the Employer has been or shall be admitted by the Contractor to any direct or indirect benefit arising from this Contract or the award thereof. The Contractor agrees that breach of this provision is a breach of an essential term of the Contract.
6.6.Use of Name, Emblem or Official Seal of UNDP or the United Nations
The Contractor shall not advertise or otherwise make public the fact that he is performing, or has performed services for the Employer or use the name, emblem or official seal of the Employer or the United Nations or any abbreviation of the name of the Employer or the United Nations for advertising purposes or any other purposes.
6.7.Confidential Nature of Documents
All maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans, reports, recommendations, estimates, documents and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of the Employer, shall be treated as confidential and shall be delivered only to the duly authorized representative of the Employer on completion of the Works; their contents shall not be
made known by the Contractor to any person other than the personnel of the Contractor performing services under this Contract without the prior written consent of the Employer.
7.1.Assignment of Contract
The Contractor shall not, except after obtaining the prior written approval of the Employer, assign, transfer, pledge or make other disposition of the Contract or any part thereof or of any of the Contractor's rights, claims or obligations under the Contract.
In the event the Contractor requires the services of subcontractors, the Contractor shall obtain the prior written approval of the Employer for all such subcontractors. The approval of the Employer shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract, and the terms of any subcontract shall be subject to
and be in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.
7.3.Assignment of Subcontractor's Obligations
In the event of a subcontractor having undertaken towards the Contractor in respect of the work executed or the goods, materials, Plant or services supplied by such subcontractor for the Works, any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the Defects Liability Period under the Contract, the Contractor
shall at any time after the expiration of such Period, assign to the Employer, at the Employer's request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof.
8.1.Custody of drawings
The drawings shall remain in the sole custody of the Employer but two (2) copies thereof shall be furnished to the Contractor free of cost. The Contractor shall provide and make at his own expense any further copies required by him. At the completion of the Works, the Contractor shall return to the Employer all drawings provided under the Contract.
0.0.Xxx copy of Drawings to be kept on Site
One copy of the Drawings furnished to the Contractor as aforesaid shall be kept by the Contractor on the Site and the same shall at all reasonable times be available for inspection and use by the Engineer and by any other person authorized in writing by the Engineer.
8.3.Disruption of Progress
The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer whenever planning or progress of the Works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any further drawing or order, including a direction, instruction or approval, is issued by the Engineer within a reasonable time. The notice shall include
details of drawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late.
The Contractor shall maintain a Work Book at the Site with numbered pages, in one original and two copies. The Engineer shall have full authority to issue new orders, drawings and instructions to the Contractor, from time to time and as required for the correct execution of the Works. The Contractor shall be bound to follow such orders, drawings and instructions.
Every order shall be dated and signed by the Engineer and the Contractor, in order to account for its receipt.
Should the Contractor want to refuse an order in the Work Book, he shall so inform the Employer, through the Engineer, by means of an annotation in the Work Book made within three (3) days from the date of the order that the Contractor intends to refuse. Failure by the Contractor to adhere to this procedure shall result in the order being deemed accepted with no further possibility of refusal.
The original of the Work Book shall be delivered to the Employer at the time of Final Acceptance of the Works. A copy shall be kept by the Engineer and another copy by the Contractor.
a) As guarantee for his proper and efficient performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall on signature of the Contract furnish the Employer with a Performance Security issued for the benefit of the Employer. The amount and character of such security (bond or guarantee) shall be as indicated in the Contract.
b) The Performance Bond or Bank Guarantee must be issued by an acceptable insurance company or accredited bank, in the format included in Appendix I to these General Conditions, and must be valid up to twenty-eight days after issuance by the Engineer of the Certificate of Final Completion. The Performance Bond or Bank Guarantee shall be returned to the Contractor within twenty-eight days after the issuance by the Engineer of the Certificate of Final Completion, provided that the Contractor shall have paid all money owed to the Employer under the Contract.
c) If the surety of the Performance Bond or Bank Guarantee is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business in the country of execution of the Works is terminated, the Contractor shall within five (5) days thereafter substitute another bond or guarantee and surety, both of which must be acceptable to the Employer.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and to have satisfied himself before submitting his Tender and signing the Contract as to all matters relative to the nature of the land and subsoil, the form and nature of the Site, details and levels of existing pipe lines, conduits, sewers, drains, cables or other existing services, the quantities and nature of the work and materials necessary for the completion of the Works, the means of access to the Site, and the accommodation he may require, and in general to have himself obtained all
necessary information as to risk contingencies, climatic, hydrological and natural conditions and other circumstances which may influence or affect his Tender, and no claims will be entertained in this connection against the Employer.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his Tender for the construction of the Works and of the rates and prices, which rates and prices shall, except in so far as it is otherwise provided in the Contract, cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Works.
Within the time limit specified in the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his consent a detailed Programme of Work showing the order of procedure and the method in which he proposes to carry out the Works. In preparing his Programme of Work the Contractor shall pay due regard to the priority required by certain works. Should the Engineer, during the progress of work, require further modifications to the Programme of Work, the Contractor shall review the said program. The Contractor shall also whenever required by the Engineer submit particulars in writing of the Contractor's arrangements for carrying out the Works and of the Constructional Plant and Temporary Works which the Contractor intends to supply, use or construct as the case may be. The submission of such program, or any modifications thereto, or the particulars required by the Engineer, shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the Contract nor shall the incorporation of any modification to the Programme of Work either at the commencement of the contract or during its course entitle the Contractor to any additional payments in consequence thereof.
A weekly site meeting shall be held between the UNDP Project Coordinator or engineer, if any, the representative of the Contractor and the Engineer or the Engineer's Representative, in order to verify that the Works are progressing normally and are executed in accordance with the Contract.
a) The Engineer may instruct the Contractor, with the approval of the Employer and by means of Change Orders, all variations in quantity or quality of the Works, in whole or in part, that are deemed necessary by the Engineer.
b) Processing of change orders shall be governed by clause 48 of these General Conditions.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during the execution of the Works and as long thereafter as the Engineer may consider necessary for the proper fulfillment of the Contractor's obligations under the Contract. The Contractor or a competent and authorized agent or representative of the Contractor approved in writing by the Engineer, which approval may at any
time be withdrawn, shall be constantly on the site and shall devote his entire time to the superintendence of the Works. Such authorized agent or representative shall receive on behalf of the Contractor directions and instructions from the Engineer. If the approval of such agent or representative shall be withdrawn by the Engineer, as provided in Clause 17(2) hereinafter, or if the removal of such agent or representative shall be requested by the Employer under Clause 17(3) hereinafter, the Contractor shall as soon as it is practicable after receiving notice of such withdrawal remove the agent or representative from the Site, and replace him by another agent or representative approved by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the provision of Clause 17(2) hereinafter, the Contractor shall not thereafter employ, in any capacity whatsoever, a removed agent or representative again on the Site.
a) The Contractor shall provide and employ on the Site in connection with the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein:
i. Only such technical assistants as are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and such sub-agent foremen and leading hands as are competent to give proper supervision to the work they are required to supervise, and
ii. Such skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labour as is necessary for the proper and timely execution and completion of the Works.
b) The Engineer shall be at liberty to object to and require the Contractor to remove forthwith from the Works any person employed by the Contractor in or about the execution or completion of the Works, who in the opinion of the Engineer is misconducting himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties, or whose employment is otherwise considered reasonably by the Engineer to be undesirable, and such person shall not be again employed on the Site without the written permission of the Engineer. Any person so removed from the Works shall be replaced as soon as reasonably possible by a competent substitute approved by the Engineer.
c) Upon written request by the Employer, the Contractor shall withdraw or replace from the Site any agent, representative or other personnel who does not conform to the standards set forth in paragraph (1) of this Clause. Such request for withdrawal or replacement shall not be considered as termination in part or in whole of this Contract. All costs and additional expenses resulting from any withdrawal or replacement for whatever reason of any of the Contractor's personnel shall be at the Contractor's expense.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in writing and for the correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the Works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labor in connection therewith. If, at any time during the progress of the Works, any error shall appear or arise in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor, on being required so to do by the Engineer, shall, at his own cost, rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall in connection with the Works provide and maintain at his own cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary or required by the Engineer or by any duly constituted authority for the protection of the Works and the materials and equipment utilized therefor or for the safety and convenience of the public or others.
a) From the commencement date of the Works to the date of substantial completion as stated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care thereof and of all Temporary Works. In the event that any damage or loss should happen to the Works or to any part thereof or to any Temporary Works from any cause whatsoever (save and except as shall be due to Force Majeure as defined in Clause 66 of these General Conditions), the Contractor shall at his own cost repair and make good the same so that, at completion, the Works shall be in good order and condition and in conformity in every respect with the requirements of the Contract and the Engineer's instructions. The Contractor shall also be liable for any damage to the Works occasioned by him in the course of any operations carried out by him for the purpose of complying with his obligations Clause 47 hereof.
b) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the review of the Engineering design and details of the Works and shall inform the Employer of any mistakes or incorrectness in such design and details which would affect the Works.
Without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under Clause 20 hereof, the Contractor shall insure immediately following signature of this Contract, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor (a) for the period stipulated in Clause 20(1) hereof, against all loss or damage from whatever cause arising, other than cause of Force majeure as defined in clause 66 of these General Conditions, and (b) against loss or damage for which the Contractor is responsible, in such manner that the Employer and the Contractor are covered for the period stipulated in Clause 20 (1) hereof and are also covered during the Defects Liability Period for loss or damage arising from a cause occurring prior to the commencement of the Defects Liability Period and for any loss or damage occasioned by the Contractor in the course of any operations carried out by him for the purpose of complying with his obligations under Clause 47 hereof:
a) The Works, together with the materials and Plant for incorporation therein, to their full replacement cost, plus an additional sum of ten (10) per cent of such replacement cost, to cover any additional costs of and incidental to the rectification of loss or damage including professional fees and the cost of demolishing and removing any part of the Works and of removing debris of whatsoever nature;
b) The Contractor's equipment and other things brought on to the Site by the Contractor to the replacement value of such equipment and other things;
c) An insurance to cover the liabilities and warranties of Section 52(4);
Such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved by the Employer, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and the Contractor shall, whenever required, produce to the Engineer the policy or policies of insurance and the receipts for payment of the current premiums.
The Contractor shall (except if and so far as the Contract provides otherwise) indemnify, hold and save harmless and defend at his own expense the Employer, its officers, agents, employees and servants from and against all suits, claims, demands, proceedings, and liability of any nature or kind, including costs and expenses, for injuries or damages to any person or any property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of acts or omissions of the Contractor or its agents, employees, servants or subcontractors in the execution of the Contract. The provision of this Clause shall extend to suits, claims, demands, proceedings and liability in the nature of workmen's compensation claims and arising out of the use of patented inventions and devices. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to render the Contractor liable for or in respect of or with respect to:
a) The permanent use or occupation of land by the Works or any part thereof;
b) The right of the Employer to construct the Works or any part thereof on, over, under, or through any land.
c) Interference whether temporary or permanent with any right of light, airway or water or other easement or quasi-easement which is the unavoidable result of the construction of the Works in accordance with the Contract.
d) Death, injuries or damage to persons or property resulting from any act or neglect of the Employer, his agents, servants or other contractors, done or committed during the validity of the Contract.
23.1. Obligation to take out Liability Insurance
Before commencing the execution of the Works, but without limiting his obligations and responsibility under Clause 20 hereof, the Contractor shall insure against his liability for any death, material or physical damage, loss or injury which may occur to any property, including that of the Employer or to any person, including any employee of the Employer by or arising out of the execution of the Works or in the carrying out of the Contract, other than due to the matters referred to in the proviso to Clause 22 hereof.
23.2. Minimum Amount of Liability Insurance
Such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved by the Employer, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and for at least the amount specified in the contract. The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Employer or the Engineer, produce to the Engineer the policy or policies of insurance and the receipts for payment of the current premiums.
23.3. Provision to Indemnify Employer
The insurance policy shall include a provision whereby, in the event of any claim in respect of which the Contractor would be entitled to receive indemnity under the policy, being brought or made against the Employer, the insurer shall indemnify the Employer against such claims and any costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof.
a) The Employer shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or compensation payable at law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workman or other person in the employment of the Contractor or any sub-Contractor, save and except an accident or injury resulting from any act or default of the Employer, his agents or servants. The Contractor shall indemnify, hold and save harmless the Employer against all such damages and compensation, save and except as aforesaid, and against all claims, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
b) Insurance Against Accident, etc., to Workmen
The Contractor shall insure against such liability with an insurer approved by the Employer, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall continue such insurance during the whole of the time that any persons are employed by him for the Works and shall, when required, produce to the Engineer such policy of insurance and the receipt for payment of the current premium. Provided always that, in respect of any persons employed by any subcontractor, the Contractor's obligation to insure as aforesaid under this sub-clause shall be satisfied if the subcontractor shall have insured against the liability in respect of such persons in such manner that the Employer is indemnified under the policy but the Contractor shall require such subcontractor to produce to the Engineer when required such policy of insurance and the receipt for the current premium, and obtain the insertion of a provision to that effect in its contract with the subcontractor.
If the Contractor shall fail to effect and keep in force any of the insurances referred to in Clauses 21, 23 and 24 hereof, or any other insurance which he may be required to effect under the terms of the Contract, the Employer may in any such case effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay such premium as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the amount so paid by the Employer as aforesaid from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor, or recover the same as a debt due from the Contractor.
a) The Contractor shall give all notices and pay all fees and charges required to be given or paid by any national or State Statutes, Ordinances, Laws, Regulations or By-laws, or any local or other duly constituted authority in relation to the execution of the Works or of any Temporary Works and by the Rules and Regulations of all public bodies and companies whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the Works or any Temporary Works.
b) The Contractor shall conform in all respects with any such Statutes, Ordinances, Laws, Regulations, By-laws or requirements of any such local or other authority which may be applicable to the Works and shall keep the Employer indemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind for breach of any such Statutes, Ordinances, Laws, Regulations, By-laws or requirements.
All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity and structures and other remains or things of geological or archaeological interest discovered on the Site of the Works shall as between the Employer and the Contractor be deemed to be the absolute property of the Employer and the Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to
prevent his workmen or any other persons from removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal acquaint the Employer of such discovery and carry out at the expense of the Employer the Engineer's orders as to the disposal of the same.
a) The Contractor shall hold harmless and fully indemnify the Employer from and against all claims and proceedings for or on account of infringement of any patent rights, design trademark or name or other protected rights in respect of any Plant, equipment, machine, work or material used for or in connection with the Works or Temporary Works and from and against all claims, demands proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto, except where such infringement results from compliance with the design or Specification provided by the Engineer.
b) Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall pay all tonnage and other royalties, rent and other payments or compensation, if any, for getting stone, sand, gravel, clay or other materials required for the Works or Temporary Works.
All operations necessary for the execution of the Works and for the Construction of any Temporary Works shall, so far as compliance with the requirements of the Contract permits, be carried on so as not to interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the public convenience, or the access to, use and occupation of, public or private roads and footpaths to or of properties whether in the possession of the Employer or of any other person. The Contractor shall hold harmless and indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in relation to any such matters in so far as the Contractor is responsible therefor.
a) The Contractor shall use every reasonable means to prevent any of the roads or bridges communicating with or on the routes to the Site from being damaged by any traffic of the Contractor or any of his sub-contractors and, in particular, shall select routes, choose and use vehicles and restrict and distribute loads so that any such extraordinary traffic as will inevitably arise
from the moving of plant and material from and to the Site shall be limited as far as reasonably possible and so that no unnecessary damage may be occasioned to such roads and bridges.
b) Should it be found necessary for the Contractor to move any load of Constructional Plant, machinery, preconstructed units or parts of units of work, or other thing, over part of a road or bridge, the moving whereof is likely to damage any such road or bridge unless special protection or strengthening is carried out, then the Contractor shall before moving the load on to such road or bridge, save insofar as the Contract otherwise provide, be responsible for and shall pay for the cost of strengthening any such bridge or altering or improving any such road to avoid such damage, and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep the Employer indemnified against all claims for damage to any such road or bridge caused by such movement, including such claim as may be made directly against the Employer, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arising solely out of such damage.
The Contractor shall in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer afford all reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to any other contractors employed by the Employer and their workmen and to the workmen of the Employer and of any other duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the Contract or of any contract which the Employer may enter into in connection with or ancillary to the Works. If work by other contractors of the Employer as above-mentioned involves the Contractor in any direct expenses as a result of using his Site facilities, the Employer shall consider payment to the Contractor of such sum or sums as may be recommended by the Engineer.
During the progress of the Works, the Contractor shall keep the Site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstruction and shall store or dispose of any Constructional Plant and surplus materials and clear away and remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish or Temporary Works no longer required.
On the substantial completion of the Works, the Contractor shall clear away and remove from the Site all Constructional Plant surplus materials, rubbish and Temporary Works of every kind and leave the whole of the Site and Works clean and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
34.1 Engagement of Labour
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labour local or otherwise.
34.2 Supply of Water
The Contractor shall provide on the Site to the satisfaction of the Engineer an adequate supply of drinking and other water for the use of the Contractor's staff and work people.
34.3 Alcoholic Drinks or Drugs
The Contractor shall comply with Government laws and regulations and orders in force as regards the import, sale, barter or disposal of alcoholic drinks or narcotics and he shall not allow or facilitate such importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal by his sub-contractors, agents or employees.
34.4 Arms and Ammunition
The restrictions specified in clause 34.3 above shall include all kinds of arms and ammunition.
34.5 Holiday and Religious Customs
The Contractor shall in all dealings with labour in his employ have due regard to all holiday, recognized festivals and religious or other customs.
34.6 Epidemics
In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature the Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders, and requirements as may be made by the Government or the local medical or sanitary authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same.
34.7 Disorderly Conduct, etc.
The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his employees and for the preservation of peace and the protection of persons and property in the neighborhood of the Works against the same.
34.8 Observance by Sub-Contractors
The Contractor shall be considered responsible for the observance of the above provisions by his Sub-Contractors.
34.9 Legislation applicable to Labour
The Contractor shall abide by all applicable legislation and regulation with regard to labour.
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, deliver to the Engineer at his office, a return in detail in the form and at such intervals as the Engineer may prescribe showing the supervisory staff and the numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the Contractor on the Site and such information respecting Constructional plant as the Engineer may require.
36.1 Materials and Workmanship
a) All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the Contract and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and shall be subjected from time to time to such tests as the Engineer may direct at the place of manufacture or fabrication, or on the Site or at all or any of such places. The Contractor shall provide such assistance, instruments, machines, labour and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any work and the quality, weight or quantity of any materials used and shall supply samples of materials before incorporation in the Works for testing as may be selected and required by the Engineer. All testing equipment and instruments provided by the Contractor shall be used only by the Engineer or by the Contractor in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer.
b) No material not conforming with the Specifications in the Contract may be used for the Works without prior written approval of the Employer and instruction of the Engineer, provided always that if the use of such material results or may result in increasing the Contract Price, the procedure in Clause 48 shall apply.
36.2 Cost of Samples
All samples shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost unless the supply thereof is clearly intended in the Specifications or Bill of Quantities to be at the cost of the Employer. Payment will not be made for samples which do not comply with the Specifications.
36.3 Cost of Tests
The Contractor shall bear the costs of any of the following tests:
a) Those clearly intended by or provided for in the Contract Documents.
b) Those involving load testing or tests to ensure that the design of the whole of the Works or any part of the Works is appropriate for the purpose which it was intended to fulfill.
The Employer and the Engineer and any persons authorized by either of them shall, at all times, have access to the Works and to the Site and to all workshops and places where work is being prepared or whence materials, manufactured articles or machinery are being obtained for the Works and the Contractor shall afford every facility for and every assistance in or in obtaining the right to such access.
No work shall be covered up or put out of view without the approval of the Engineer and the Contractor shall afford full opportunity for the Engineer to examine and measure any work which is about to be covered up or put out of view and to examine foundations before permanent work is placed thereon. The Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer whenever any such work or
foundations is or are ready or about to be ready for examination and the Engineer shall without unreasonable delay unless he considers it unnecessary and advises the Contractor accordingly attend for the purpose of examining and measuring such work or of examining such foundations.
39.1 Engineer's power to order removal
The Engineer shall during the progress of the Works have power to order in writing from time to time, and the Contractor shall execute at his cost and expense, the following operations:
a) The removal from the Site within such time or times as may be specified in the order of any materials which in the opinion of the Engineer are not in accordance with the Contract;
b) The substitution of proper and suitable materials; and
c) The removal and proper re-execution (notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment therefore) of any work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not in the opinion of the Engineer in accordance with the Contract.
39.2 Default of Contractor in carrying out Engineer's Instructions
In case of default on the part of the Contractor in carrying out an instruction of the Engineer, the Employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same and all expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be recoverable from him by the Employer and may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall on the written order of the Engineer suspend the progress of the Works or any part thereof for such time or times and in such manner as the Engineer may consider necessary and shall, during such suspension, properly protect and secure the Works so far as it is necessary in the opinion of the Engineer. The Employer should be notified and his written approval should be sought for any suspension of work in excess of three (3) days.
41.1 Access to Site
The Employer shall with the Engineer's written order to commence the Works, give to the Contractor possession of so much of the Site as may be required to enable the Contractor to commence and proceed with the construction of the Works in accordance with the Programme referred to in Clause 13 hereof and otherwise in accordance with such reasonable proposals of the Contractor as he shall make to the Engineer by notice in writing, and shall from time to time as the Works proceed give to the Contractor possession of such further portions of the Site as may be required to enable the Contractor to proceed with the construction of the Works with due dispatch in accordance with the said Programme or proposals, as the case may be.
41.2 Wayleaves, etc.
The Contractor shall bear all expenses and charges for special temporary wayleaves required by him in connection with access to the Site. The Contractor shall also provide at his own cost any additional accommodation outside the Site required by him for the purpose of the Works.
41.3 Limits of the Site
Except as defined below, the limits of the Site shall be as defined in the Contract. Should the Contractor require land beyond the Site, he shall provide it entirely at his own expense and before taking possession shall supply the Engineer with a copy of the necessary permits. Access to the Site is available where the Site adjoins a public road but it is not provided unless shown on the Drawings. When necessary for the safety and convenience of workmen, public or livestock or for the protection of the Works, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide adequate temporary fencing to the whole or part of the Site. The Contractor shall not disturb, damage or pull down any hedge, tree or building within the Site without the written consent of the Engineer.
a) Subject to any requirement in the Contract as to completion of any section of the Works before completion of the whole, the whole of the Works shall be completed, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 46 and 47 hereof, within the time stated in the Contract.
b) The completion time includes weekly rest days, official holidays, and days of inclement weather.
If, subject to the provisions of the Contract, the Engineer orders alterations or additions in the Works in accordance with Clause 48 hereof, or if circumstances constituting force majeure as defined in the Contract have occurred, the Contractor shall be entitled to apply for an extension of the time for completion of the Works specified in the Contract. The Employer shall, upon such application, determine the period of any such extension of time; provided that in the case of alterations or additions in the Works, the application for such an extension must be made before the alterations or additions in the Works are undertaken by the Contractor.
The whole of the materials, plant and labour to be provided by the Contractor and the mode, manner and speed of execution and completion of the Works are to be of a kind and conducted in a manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Should the rate of progress of the Works or any part thereof be at any time in the opinion of the
Engineer too slow to ensure the completion of the Works by the prescribed time or extended time for completion, the Engineer shall so notify the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall thereupon take such steps as the Contractor may think necessary and the Engineer may approve to expedite progress so as to complete the Works by the prescribed time or extended time for completion. If the work is not being carried on by day and by night and the Contractor shall request permission to work by night as well as by day, then, if the Engineer shall grant such permission, the
Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment. All work at night shall be carried out without unreasonable noise and disturbance. The contractor shall indemnify the Employer from and against any claims or liability for damages on account of noise or other disturbance created while or in carrying out the work and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs and expenses whatsoever in regard or in relation to such noise or other disturbance. The Contractor shall submit in triplicate to the Engineer at the end of each month signed copies of explanatory Drawings or any other material showing the progress of the Works.
a) If the Contractor shall fail to complete the Works within the time for completion prescribed in the Contract, or any extended time for completion in accordance with the Contract, then the Contractor shall pay to the Employer the sum specified in the Contract as liquidated damages, for the delay between the time prescribed in the Contract or the extended time for completion, as the case may be, and the date of substantial completion of the Works as stated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, subject to the applicable limit stated in the Contract. The said sum shall be payable by the sole fact of the delay without the need for any previous notice or any legal proceedings, or proof of damage, which shall in all cases be considered as ascertained. The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such liquidated damages from any monies in its hands due or which may become due to the Contractor. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the Works or from any other of his obligations and liabilities under the Contract.
b) If, before the time for completion of the whole of the Works or of a Section of the Works, a Certificate of Substantial Completion has been issued for any part or Section of the Works, the liquidated damages for delay in completion of the remainder of the Works or of that Section may, for any period of delay after the date stated in such Certificate of Substantial Completion, and in the absence of alternative provisions in the Contract, be reduced in the proportion which the value of the part or Section so certified bears to the total value of the whole of the Works or Section, as applicable. The provisions of this Sub-Clause shall only apply to the rate of liquidated damages and shall not affect the limit thereof.
46.1 Substantial Completion of the Works
When the whole of the Works have been substantially completed and have satisfactorily passed any test on completion prescribed by the Contract, the Contractor may give a notice to that effect to the Engineer accompanied by an undertaking to finish any outstanding work during the Defects Liability Period. Such notice and undertaking shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be a request by the Contractor, for the Engineer to issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion in respect of the Works. The Engineer shall, within twenty-one (21) days of the date of delivery of such notice either issue to the Contractor, with a copy to the Employer, a Certificate of Substantial Completion stating the date on which, in his opinion, the Works were substantially completed in accordance with the Contract or give instructions in writing to the Contractor specifying all the work which, in the Engineer's opinion, requires to be done by the Contractor before the issuance of such Certificate. The Engineer shall also notify the Contractor of any defects in the Works affecting substantial completion that may appear after such instructions and before completion of the work specified therein. The Contractor
shall be entitled to receive such Certificate of Substantial Completion within twenty-one (21) days of completion, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, of the work so specified and making good any defect so notified. Upon issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion of the Works, the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete with due expedition any outstanding work during the Defects Liability Period.
46.2 Substantial Completion of Sections or Parts of the Works
In accordance with the procedure in Sub-Clause (1) of this Clause and on the same conditions as provided therein, the Contractor may request the Engineer to issue, and the Engineer may issue, a Certificate of Substantial Completion in respect of any Section or part of the Works which has been substantially completed and has satisfactorily passed any tests on completion prescribed by the Contract, if:
a) a separate time for completion is provided in the Contract in respect of such Section or part of the Works;
b) such Section or part of the Works has been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and is required by the Employer for his occupation or use.
Upon the issuance of such Certificate, the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete any outstanding work during the Defects Liability Period.
47.1 Defects Liability Period
The expression "Defects Liability Period" shall mean the period of twelve (12) months, calculated from the date of completion of the Works stated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion issued by the Engineer or, in respect of any Section or part of the Works for which a separate Certificate of Substantial Completion has been issued, from the date of completion of that Section or part as stated in the relevant Certificate. The expression "the Works" shall, in respect of the Defects Liability Period, be construed accordingly.
47.2 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying of Defects
During the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor shall finish the work, if any, outstanding at the date of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, and shall execute all such work of repair, amendment, reconstruction, rectification and making good defects, imperfections, shrinkages or other faults as may be required of the Contractor in writing by the Engineer during the Defects Liability Period and within fourteen (14) days after its expiration, as a result of an inspection made by or on behalf of the Engineer prior to expiration of the Defects Liability Period.
47.3 Cost of Execution of Work of Repair, etc.
All such outstanding work shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense if the necessity thereof shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be due to the use of material or workmanship not in
accordance with the Contract, or to neglect or failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any obligation expressed or implied, on the Contractor's part under the Contract.
47.4 Remedy on Contractor's Failure to Carry Out Work Required
If the Contractor shall fail to do any such work outstanding on the Works, the Employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same, and all expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer, and may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor.
47.5 Certificate of Final Completion
Upon satisfactory completion of the work outstanding on the Works, the Engineer shall within twenty eight (28) days of the expiration of the Defects Liability period issue a Certificate of Final Completion to the Contractor. The Contract shall be deemed to be completed upon issuance of such Certificate, provided that the provisions of the Contract which remain unperformed and the Settlement of Disputes provision in the Contract shall remain in force for as long as is necessary to dispose of any outstanding matters or issues between the Parties.
1 Variations
The Engineer may within his powers introduce any variations to the form, type or quality of the Works or any part thereof which he considers necessary and for that purpose or if for any other reasons it shall, in his opinion be desirable, he shall have power to order the Contractor to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following:
(a) increase or decrease the quantity of any work under the Contract;
(b) omit any such work;
(c) change the character or quality or kind of any such work;
(d) change the levels, lines, positions and dimensions of any part of the Works;
(e) execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the Works, and no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract.
2 Variations Increasing Cost of Contract or altering the Works.
The Engineer shall, however, obtain the written approval of the Employer before giving any order for any variations which may result in an increase of the Contract Price or in an essential alteration of the quantity, quality or character of the Works.
3 Orders for Variations to be in Writing
No variations shall be made by the Contractor without an order in writing from the Engineer. Variations requiring the written approval of the Employer under paragraph (2) of this Clause shall be made by the Contractor only upon written order from the Engineer accompanied by a copy of the Employer's approval. Provided that, subject to the provisions of the Contract, no order in writing shall be required for any increase or decrease in the quantity of any work where such increase or decrease is not the result of an order given under this Clause but is the result of the quantities exceeding or being less than those stated in the Bill of Quantities.
4 Valuation of Variations
The Engineer shall estimate to the Employer the amount to be added or deducted from the Contract Price in respect of any variation, addition or omission. In the case of any variation, addition or omission which may result in an increase of the Contract Price, the Engineer shall communicate such estimate to the Employer together with his request for the Employer's written approval of such variation, addition or omission. The value of any variation, addition or omission shall be calculated on the basis of the unit prices contained in the Bill of Quantities.
1 Plant, etc., Exclusive Use for the Works
All Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and Materials provided by the Contractor shall, when brought on the Site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for the construction and completion of the Works and the Contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof (save for the purpose of moving it from one part of the Site to another) without the consent in writing of the Engineer which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
2 Removal of Plant, etc.
Upon completion of the Works the Contractor shall remove from the Site all the said Constructional Plant and Temporary Works remaining thereon and any unused materials provided by the Contractor.
3 Employer not liable for Damage to Plant
The Employer shall not be at any time liable for the loss of any of the said Constructional plant, Temporary Works or Materials save if such loss results from the act or neglect of the Employer, its employees or agents.
4 Ownership of paid material and work
All material and work covered by payments made by the Employer to the Contractor shall thereupon become the sole property of the Employer, but this provision shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from the sole responsibility for all material and work upon which payments have been made or the restoration of any damaged work or as waiving the right of the Employer to require the fulfillment of all of the terms of the Contract.
5 Equipment and supplies furnished by Employer
Title to any equipment and supplies which may be furnished by the Employer shall rest with the Employer and any such equipment and supplies shall be returned to the Employer at the conclusion of the Contract or when no longer needed by the Contractor. Such equipment when returned to the Employer, shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Contractor, subject to normal wear and tear.
The operation of Clause 49 hereof shall not be deemed to imply any approval by the Engineer of the materials or other matters referred to therein nor shall it prevent the rejection of any such materials at any time by the Engineer.
The Engineer shall, when he requires any part or parts of the Works to be measured, give notice to the Contractor or the Contractor's authorized agent or representative who shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist the Engineer in making such measurement and shall furnish all particulars required by either of them. Should the Contractor not attend or neglect or omit to send such agent, then the measurement made by the Engineer or approved by him shall be taken to be the correct measurement of the work. The purpose of measuring is to ascertain the volume of work executed by the Contractor and therefore determine the amount of the monthly payments.
1 The Works shall not be considered as completed until a Certificate of Final Completion shall have been signed by the Engineer and delivered to the Employer stating that the Works have been completed and that the Contractor has fulfilled all his obligations under Clause 47 to his satisfaction.
2 The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter arising out of or in connection with the Contract or the execution of the Works unless the Contractor shall have made a claim in writing in respect thereof before the giving of the Certificate of Final Completion and in accordance with the Contract.
3 Unfulfilled Obligations
Notwithstanding the issue of the Certificate of Final Completion, the Contractor shall remain liable for the fulfillment of any obligation incurred under the provisions of the Contract prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Final Completion and which remains unperformed at the time such Certificate is issued. For the purpose of determining the nature and extent of any such obligation the Contract shall be deemed to remain in force between the parties hereto.
4 Contractor Responsible
Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Contract documents, the Contractor shall be totally responsible for and shall bear any and all risks of loss or damage to or failure of the Works or any part thereof for a period of ten years after issuance of the Certificate of Final Completion, provided always that such risks, damage or failure result from acts, defaults and negligence of the Contractor, his agents, employees or workmen and such contractors.
1 The Employer shall have the right to enter upon the Site and expel the Contractor therefrom without thereby voiding the Contract or releasing the Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the Employer and the Engineer by the Contract in any of the following cases:
(a) If the Contractor is declared bankrupt or claims bankruptcy or court protection against his creditors or if the Contractor is a company or member of a company which was dissolved by legal action;
(b) If the Contractor makes arrangements with his creditors or agrees to carry out the Contract under an inspection committee of his creditors;
(c) If the Contractor withdraws from the Works or assigns the Contract to others in whole or in part without the Employer's prior written approval;
(d) If the Contractor fails to commence the Works or shows insufficient progress to the extent which in the opinion of the Engineer will not enable him to meet the target completion date of the Works;
(e) If the Contractor suspends the progress of the Works without due cause for fifteen (15) days after receiving from the Engineer written notice to proceed;
(f) If the Contractor fails to comply with any of the Contract conditions or fails to fulfill his obligations and does not remedy the cause of his failure within fifteen (15) days after being notified to do so in writing;
(g) If the Contractor is not executing the work in accordance with standards of workmanship specified in the Contract;
(h) If the Contractor gives or promises to give a present or loan or reward to any employee of the Employer or of the Engineer.
Then the Employer may himself complete the Works or may employ any other contractor to complete the Works and the Employer or such other contractor may use for such completion so much of Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and Materials, which have been deemed to be reserved exclusively for the construction and completion of the Works under the provision of the Contract as he or they may think proper and the Employer may at any time sell any of the said Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and unused materials and apply the proceeds of sale in or
towards the satisfaction of any sums due or which may become due to him from the Contractor under the Contract.
2 Evaluation after Re-entry
The Engineer shall as soon as may be practicable after any such entry and expulsion by the Employer notify the Contractor to attend the necessary evaluation of the Works. In the event that for any reason the Contractor does not attend such evaluation the Engineer shall undertake the said evaluation in the absence of the Contractor and shall issue a certificate stating the sum, if any, due to the Contractor for work done in accordance with the Contract up to the time of entry and expulsion by the Employer which has been reasonably accumulated to the Contractor in respect of the Works he has executed in such case in accordance with the Contract. The Engineer shall indicate the value of the materials whether unused or partially used and the value of construction equipment and any part of the Temporary Works.
3 Payment After Re-entry
If the Employer shall enter and expel the Contractor under this Clause he shall not be liable to pay the Contractor any money on account of the Contract until the expiration of the Defects Liability Period, and thereafter until the costs of completion and making good any defects of the Works, damages for delay in completion (if any), and all other expenses incurred by the Employer have been ascertained and their amount certified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall then be entitled to receive only such sum or sums (if any) as the Engineer may certify would have been due to him upon due completion by him after deducting the said amount. But if such amount shall exceed the sum which would have been payable to the Contractor on due completion by him,, then the Contractor shall upon demand pay to the Employer the amount of such excess. The Employer in such case may recover this amount from any money due to the Contractor from the Employer without the need to resort to legal procedures.
If by reason of any accident or failure or other event occurring to, in or in connection with the Works or any part thereof either during the execution of the Works or during the Defects Liability Period any remedial or other work or repair shall in the opinion of the Engineer be urgently necessary for security and the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do such work or repair, the Employer may by his own or other workmen do such work or repair as the Engineer may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Employer is work which in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the Contract, all costs and charges properly incurred by the Employer in so doing shall on demand be paid by the Contractor to the Employer or may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor provided always that the Engineer shall as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable notify the Contractor thereof in writing.
Except if otherwise provided by the Contract, no adjustment of the Contract Price shall be made in respect of fluctuations of market, prices of labour, materials, plant or equipment, neither due to fluctuation in interest rates nor devaluation or any other matters affecting the Works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of all charges and taxes in respect of income including value added tax, all in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the income tax laws and regulations in force and all amendments thereto. It is the Contractor's responsibility to make all the necessary inquiries in this respect and he shall be deemed to have satisfied himself regarding the application of all relevant tax laws.
The Contractor shall not use any explosives without the written permission of the Engineer who shall require that the Contractor has complied in full with the regulations in force regarding the use of explosives. However, the Contractor, before applying to obtain these explosives, has to provide well arranged storage facilities. The Engineer's approval or refusal to permit the use of explosives shall not constitute ground for claims by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the manufacture, delivery, erection and commissioning of plant machinery and equipment which are to form a part of the Works. He shall place all necessary orders as soon as possible after the signing of the Contract. These orders and their acceptance shall be produced to the Engineer on request. The Contractor shall also be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contractors adhere to such programs as are agreed and are needed to ensure completion of the Works within the period for completion. Should any sub- contracted works be delayed, the Contractor shall initiate the necessary action to speed up such completion. This shall not prejudice the Employer's right to exercise his remedies for delay in accordance with the Contract.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain all temporary roads and tracks necessary for movement of plant and materials and clear same away at completion and make good all works damaged or disturbed. The Contractor shall submit drawings and full particulars of all Temporary Works to the Engineer before commencing same. The Engineer may require modifications to be made if he considers them to be insufficient and the Contractor shall give effect to such modifications but shall not be relieved of his responsibilities. The Contractor shall provide and maintain weather-proof sheds for storage of material pertinent to the Works both for his own use and for the use of the Employer and clear same away at the completion of the Works. The Contractor shall divert as
required, at his own cost and subject to the approval of the Engineer, all public utilities encountered during the progress of the Works, except those specially indicated on the drawings as being included in the Contract. Where diversions of services are not required in connection with the Works, the Contractor shall uphold, maintain and keep the same in working order in existing locations. The Contractor shall make good, at his own expense, all damage to telephone, telegraph and electric cable or wires, sewers, water or other pipes and other services, except where the Public Authority or Private Party owning or responsible for the same elects to make good the damage. The costs incurred in so doing shall be paid by the Contractor to the Public Authority or Private Party on demand.
The Contractor shall not publish any photographs of the Works or allow the Works to be used in any form of advertising whatsoever without the prior approval in writing from the Employer.
The Employer shall be entitled to cancel the Contract and to recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss resulting from such cancellation, if the Contractor has offered or given any person any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or intending to do any action in relation to the obtaining or the execution of the Contract or any other contract with the Employer or for showing or intending to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract or any other contract with the Employer, if the like acts shall have been done by any persons employed by him or acting on his behalf whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor in relation to this or any other Contract with the Employer.
Where under the terms of the Contract any act is to be done or any period is to expire upon a certain day and that day or that period fall on a day of rest or recognized holiday, the Contract shall have effect as if the act were to be done or the period to expire upon the working day following such day.
1 Unless otherwise expressly specified, any notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination by any person for which provision is made in the Contract Documents shall be in writing. Any such notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination to be given or made by the Employer, the Contractor or the Engineer shall not be
2 unreasonably withheld or delayed.
3 Any notice, certificate or instruction to be given to the Contractor by the Engineer or the Employer under the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, cable, telex or facsimile at the Contractor's
principal place of business specified in the Contract or such other address as the Contractor shall nominate in writing for that purpose, or by
4 delivering the same at the said address against an authorized signature certifying the receipt.
5 Any notice to be given to the Employer under the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, cable, telex or facsimile at the Employer's address specified in the Contract, or by delivering the same at the said address against an authorized signature certifying the receipt.
6 Any notice to be given to the Engineer under the terms of this Contract shall be sent by post, cable, telex or facsimile at the Engineer's address specified in the Contract, or by delivering the same at the said address against an authorized signature certifying the receipt.
Except as may be otherwise specified in the Contract, English shall be used by the Contractor in all written communications to the Employer or the Engineer with respect to the services to be rendered and with respect to all documents procured or prepared by the Contractor pertaining to the Works. The metric system of weights and measures shall be used in all instances.
The Contractor shall maintain accurate and systematic records and accounts in respect of the work performed under this Contract.
The Contractor shall furnish, compile or make available at all times to the UNDP any records or information, oral or written, which the UNDP may reasonably request in respect of the Works or the Contractor's performance thereof.
The Contractor shall allow the UNDP or its authorized agents to inspect and audit such records or information upon reasonable notice.
Force majeure as used herein means Acts of God, war (whether declared or not), invasion, revolution, insurrection or other acts or events of a similar nature or force.
In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting force majeure, the Contractor shall give notice and full particulars in writing to the UNDP and to the Engineer of such force majeure if the Contractor is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in part, to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract. Subject to acceptance by the UNDP of the existence of such force majeure, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) The obligations and responsibilities of the Contractor under this Contract shall be suspended to the extent of his inability to perform them and for as long as such inability continues. During such
suspension and in respect of work suspended, the Contractor shall be reimbursed by the UNDP substantiated costs of maintenance of the Contractor's equipment and of per diem of the Contractor's permanent personnel rendered idle by such suspension;
(b) The Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of the notice to the UNDP of the occurrence of the force majeure submit a statement to the UNDP of estimated costs referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above during the period of suspension followed by a complete statement of actual expenditures within thirty (30) days after the end of the
(c) suspension;
(d) The term of this Contract shall be extended for a period equal to the period of suspension taking however into account any special condition which may cause the additional time for completion of the Works to be different from the period of suspension;
(e) If the Contractor is rendered permanently unable, wholly or in part, by reason of force majeure, to perform his obligations and meet his responsibilities under the Contract, the UNDP shall have the right to terminate the Contract on the same terms and conditions as provided for in Clause 68 of these General Conditions, except that the period of notice shall be seven (7) days instead of fourteen (14) days, and
(f) For the purpose of the preceding sub-paragraph, the UNDP may consider the Contractor permanently unable to perform in case of any suspension period of more than ninety (90) days.
The UNDP may by written notice to the Contractor suspend for a specified period, in whole or in part, payments to the Contractor and/or the Contractor's obligation to continue to perform the Works under this Contract, if in the UNDP' sole discretion:
(a) any conditions arise which interfere, or threaten to interfere with the successful execution of the Works or the accomplishment of the purpose thereof, or
(b) the Contractor shall have failed, in whole or in part, to perform any of the terms and conditions of this Contract.
After suspension under sub-paragraph (a) above, the Contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement by the UNDP of such costs as shall have been duly incurred in accordance with this Contract prior to the commencement of the period of such suspension.
The term of this Contract may be extended by the UNDP for a period equal to any period of suspension, taking into account any special conditions which may cause the additional time for completion of the Works to be different from the period of suspension.
The UNDP may, notwithstanding any suspension under Clause 67 above, terminate this Contract for cause or convenience in the interest of the UNDP upon not less than fourteen (14) days written notice to the Contractor.
Upon termination of this Contract:
(a) The Contractor shall take immediate steps to terminate his performance of the Contract in a prompt and orderly manner and to reduce losses and to keep further expenditures to a minimum, and
(b) The Contractor shall be entitled (unless such termination has been occasioned by the Contractor's breach of this Contract), to be paid for the part of the Works satisfactorily completed and for the materials and equipment properly delivered to the Site as of the date of termination for incorporation to the Works, plus substantiated costs resulting from commitments entered into prior to the date of termination as well as any reasonable substantiated direct costs incurred by the Contractor as a result of the termination, but shall not be entitled to receive any other or further payment or damages.
In the case of any alleged breach by the UNDP of the Contract or in any other situation which the Contractor reasonably considers to entitle him to terminate his performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly give written notice to the UNDP detailing the nature and the circumstances of the breach or other situation. Upon acknowledgement in writing by the UNDP of the existence of such breach and the UNDP' inability to remedy it, or upon failure of the UNDP to respond to such notice within twenty (20) days of receipt thereof, the Contractor shall be entitled to terminate this Contract by giving 30 days written notice thereof. In the event of disagreement between the Parties as to the existence of such breach or other situation referred to above, the matter shall be resolved in accordance with Clause 71 of these General Conditions.
Upon termination of this Contract under this Clause the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) of Clause 68 hereof shall apply.
Nothing in or relating to this Contract shall be deemed to prejudice or constitute a waiver of any other rights or remedies of the UNDP.
The UNDP shall not be liable for any consequences of, or claim based upon, any act or omission on the part of the Government.
In the case of any claim, controversy or dispute arising out of, or in connection with this Contract or any breach thereof, the following procedure for resolution of such claim, controversy or dispute shall apply.
1 Notification
The aggrieved party shall immediately notify the other party in writing of the nature of the alleged claim, controversy or dispute, not later than seven (7) days from awareness of the existence thereof.
2 Consultation
On receipt of the notification provided above, the representatives of the Parties shall start consultations with a view to reaching an amicable resolution of the claim, controversy or dispute without causing interruption of the Works.
3 Conciliation
Where the representatives of the Parties are unable to reach such an amicable settlement, either party may request the submission of the matter to conciliation in accordance with the UNCITRAL Rules of Conciliation then obtaining.
4 Arbitration
Any claim, controversy or dispute which is not settled as provided under clauses 71.1 through 3 above shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining. The Parties shall be bound by the arbitration award rendered in accordance with such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such controversy or claim.
Nothing in or relating to this Contract shall be deemed a waiver of any of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations of which the UNDP is an integral part.
The Contractor shall:
(a) put in place an appropriate security plan and maintain the security plan, taking into account the security situation in the country where the services are being provided;
(b) assume all risks and liabilities related to the Contractor’s security, and the full implementation
of the security plan.
UNDP reserves the right to verify whether such a plan is in place, and to suggest modifications to the plan when necessary. Failure to maintain and implement an appropriate security plan as required hereunder shall be deemed a breach of this contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor
shall remain solely responsible for the security of its personnel and for UNDP’s property in its custody
as set forth in paragraph 4.1 above.
Each invoice paid by UNDP shall be subject to a post-payment audit by auditors, whether internal or external, of UNDP or the authorized agents of the UNDP at any time during the term of the Contract and for a period of three (3) years following the expiration or prior termination of the Contract. The UNDP shall be entitled to a refund from the Contractor for any amounts shown by such audits to have been paid by the UNDP other than in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. Should the audit determine that any funds paid by UNDP have not been used as per contract clauses, the company shall reimburse such funds forthwith. Where the company fails to reimburse such funds, UNDP reserves the right to seek recovery and/or to take any other action as it deems necessary.
The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that, at anytime, UNDP may conduct investigations relating to any aspect of the Contract, the obligations performed under the Contract, and the operations of the Contractor generally. The right of UNDP to conduct an investigation and the Contractor’s obligation to comply with such an investigation shall not lapse upon expiration or prior termination of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide its full and timely cooperation with any such inspections, post-payment audits or investigations. Such cooperation shall include, but shall not be limited to, the Contractor’s obligation to make available its personnel and any documentation for such purposes and to grant to UNDP access to the Contractor’s premises. The Contractor shall require its agents, including, but not limited to, the Contractor’s attorneys, accountants or other advisers, to reasonably cooperate with any inspections, post-payment audits or investigations carried out by UNDP hereunder.
The Contractor agrees to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that none of the UNDP funds received under this Contract are used to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism and that the recipients of any amounts provided by UNDP hereunder do not appear on the list maintained by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999). The list can be accessed via xxxx:// This provision must be included in all sub-contracts or sub-agreements entered into under this Contract.
THE CONTRACTOR] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No........., dated................, to execute. [INSERT TITLE OF
CONTRACT AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORKS], (hereinafter called "the Contract");
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized Bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby irrevocably affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of. [INSERT AMOUNT OF GUARANTEE IN
FIGURES AND IN WORDS], such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of [INSERT AMOUNT OF
GUARANTEE] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract Documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid until twenty eight calendar days after issuance of the Certificate of Final Completion.
............................................................ .................................................................. NAME OF BANK ..................................................................
ADDRESS ..................................................................
DATE .................................................................
OF THE CONTRACTOR] as Principal (hereinafter called "the Contractor") and
Surety (hereinafter called "the Surety") are held and firmly bound unto
.....................................................[INSERT NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER] as Obligee (hereinafter
called "the Employer") in the amount of. [INSERT AMOUNT OF BOND
IN FIGURES AND IN WORDS], for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, the Contractor and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS the Contractor has entered into a contract with the Employer dated for
................................................... [INSERT TITLE OF CONTRACT AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS]
in accordance with the documents, plans, specifications and amendments thereto, which to the extent herein provided for, are by reference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred to as the Contract.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Condition of this Obligation is such that, if the Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform the said Contract (including any amendments thereto) then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Whenever the Contractor shall be , and declared by the Employer to be, in default under the Contract, the Employer having performed the Employer's obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly:
(1) complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions; or
(2) obtain a bid or bids from qualified Bidders for submission to the Employer for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by the Employer and the Surety of the lowest responsible Bidder, arrange for a Contract between such Bidder and Employer and make available as work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the Balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term " Balance of the Contract Price", as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by Employer to Contractor under the Contract, less the amount properly paid by Employer to Contractor; or
(3) pay the Employer the amount required by Employer to complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions up to a total not exceeding the amount of this Bond.
The Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the specified penalty of this Bond.
No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Employer named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Employer.
In testimony whereof, the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, and the Surety has caused these presents to be sealed with his corporate seal duly attested by the signature of his legal representative, of. 2000