2009-10 SYSTEM WIDE INDICATORS Sample Clauses
2009-10 SYSTEM WIDE INDICATORS. The 2009-10 Report Back has been changed from previous years' format to collect information only on system-wide indicators and will reflect and report on progress on Xxxxxx Xxxxx’x commitments regarding access, quality and accountability as outlined in the original accountability agreements. • The 2009-10 Report Back is also requesting data on credit transfer, online learning and international students. This is in keeping with the government's strategic priorities and as per discussions with Colleges Ontario and Council of Ontario Universities. This will allow the Ministry to benchmark and track progress on new key initiatives such as achieving a 70% PSE attainment rate while continuing to measure progress on Reaching Higher objectives. The data collected from the 2009-10 Report Back will also inform the creation of system-wide targets to be introduced in 2010-11 by TCU in consultation with the sector. • System Wide Indicators for 2009-10:
1) Enrolment – Headcount
2) Under-Represented Students: Students with Disabilities, First Generation and Aboriginal
3) Compliance with the Student Access Guarantee (SAG) in 2009-10
4) The Student Access Guarantee (SAG) for 2010-11
5) Participation in the Credit Transfer System
6) Class Size
7) Online Learning
8) International
9) Supply Chain Compliance
10) Space Utilization
11) College Student Satisfaction 12) Graduation Rate 13) Graduate Employment Rate 14) Student Retention Rates
15) Quality of the Learning Environment
1) Enrolment – Headcount*