Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation Sample Clauses

Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.4.1 When in the absence of the principal, the vice principal acts in the principal’s place for a period of five (5) or more consecutive school days, the vice principal shall be designated as acting principal and shall receive an allowance retroactive to the second day, computed as per clause 4.2.1 and the following school days of the period during which the vice principal is so designated. 4.4.2 In schools where there is no vice principal, a teacher shall be designated acting principal and shall be paid in accordance with the administration allowance specified in clause 4.2.1, effective the first complete one-half (1/2) school day of the principal’s absence.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.4.1 A teacher who is appointed to the responsibilities of a position with an administrative allowance for more than five (5) consecutive school days shall be paid the administrative allowance of the appointed position for the duration of the acting assignment.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.4.1 When, in the absence of the Principal, the Assistant Principal or a Vice-Principal shall act in the place of the Principal and shall be designated as acting Principal. They shall receive an allowance as per Article 4. 2.1 for the sixth (6th) and subsequent consecutive school days on which they are so designated. 4.4.2 When, in the absence of the Assistant Principal as per Article 4.4.1, or through illness for a period of greater than five (5) consecutive school days, a teacher shall be designated as acting Assistant Principal and shall receive an allowance computed as
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.4.1 In the absence of both the principal and vice principal(s), of one-half (1/2) day or greater, a teacher shall be designated as acting principal and shall be compensated in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each half-day. 4.4.2 After five (5) consecutive instructional days in a designated principal position clause 4.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.4.1 In the absence of the principal and the assistant principal, or where there is no assistant principal, a teacher shall be designated as acting principal. 4.4.2 Where an assistant principal or administrative coordinator acts in place of a principal for more than five (5) consecutive school days, they shall receive an allowance equivalent to that of the principal's allowance for such excess period. Such designation shall terminate upon the principal's return to duty or upon the appointment of a new principal. In a school where there is no assistant principal or administrative coordinator, a teacher shall be temporarily designated to act as principal in the absence of the principal and the teacher shall receive an allowance equivalent to 50% of the principal's allowance after the fifth consecutive school day of the principal's absence.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.3.1. When, in the absence of the principal, the vice-principal acts in their place for a period of 10 or more consecutive operational days, the vice-principal shall assume the position of acting principal and shall receive an allowance equivalent to that of the principal for the period from and including the 11th day until the return of the regular principal. In the absence of the principal from the school where there is no vice-principal or in the absence of both the principal and vice- principal(s) from a school, a teacher shall be designated by the Employer to be acting principal and shall be paid 50 percent of the principal's allowance should the principal or both the principal and vice-principal(s) be absent for more than three consecutive operational days and such allowances shall be payable from day one. Upon the principal being absent for the period of 11 or more consecutive operational days, the teacher shall be paid 100 percent of the principal allowance from and including the 11th day until the return of the regular principal. Such designation shall terminate upon the return to duty of the principal or either the principal or vice-principal(s) or upon the appointment of a new principal, who has assumed responsibility within the school, whichever is sooner. 4.3.2. Any teacher replacing or acting in the role of vice-principal or department head shall be paid in accordance with the following: a) more than three consecutive operational days but fewer than 11 consecutive operational days - 50 percent of the appropriate allowance retroactive to the first day, b) eleven (11) or more consecutive operational days - 50 percent of the appropriate allowance as per (a) above for the first 10 days and 100 percent of the appropriate allowance effective the 11th day.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.3.1 When in the absence of the principal the vice principal acts in place of the principal for a period of three or more consecutive school days, the vice principal shall be designated as acting principal effective the third consecutive day and from that date shall be paid as principal for the duration of the designation. 4.3.2 In the absence of all designated administrators, a teacher shall be designated as acting principal and shall be paid 50% of the principal’s allowance on the second and subsequent consecutive school days of the designation, with payment to be made each month. 4.3.3 In the absence of all designated administrators, a teacher shall be designated as acting principal and shall be paid 50% of the principal’s allowance on the first and subsequent consecutive school days of the designation, with payment to be made each month.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.3.1 When in the absence of the principal, the vice-principal or other designee acts in the principal’s place for a period of five (5) or more consecutive school days, the vice-principal or other designee shall be designated as acting principal and shall receive an allowance computed as per sub clause 4. 1.1 effective the fifth (5th) day and every consecutive day thereafter of the period during which the teacher is so designated. 4.3.2 In schools where there is no vice-principal, a teacher shall be designated acting principal and will be paid in accordance with the administration allowance formula specified in article 4. 1.1 effective the fifth (5th) consecutive day of the principal’s absence, and prorated in accordance with the service so rendered. In addition, the teacher so designated shall receive an allowance equal to one dollar ($1.00) per pupil as determined by the pupil count of September 30th. The allowance shall be paid once annually and shall be included on the June cheque. This article does not apply to one-room schools.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.2.1 When all school administrators are absent from the school, one (1) teacher shall receive an allowance per day while assuming principal / assistant principal responsibilities: Effective until June 9, 2022 - $79.15 per day Effective June 10, 2022 - $70.55 per day Effective September 1, 2022 - $80.54 per day Effective September 1, 2023 - $82.15 per day 4.2.2 In schools where there are assistant principals, if a principal is absent the assistant principal will assume the duties. After five (5) consecutive days absence, the assistant principal will receive one two-hundredth (1/200) of the principal's allowance pro-rata to the first day of the principal's absence. 4.2.3 It is recognized that teachers in one (1) room schools must be exempted from the provisions of clause 4.2.1. 4.2.4 Where reasonably practicable, when both administrators are away from the school site, the teacher chosen as the acting / surrogate administrator may follow the regular procedures for accessing a substitute teacher to cover their instructional responsibilities.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators – Compensation. 4.3.1 In the absence of the principal and vice-principal a teacher shall be designated by the superintendent or designate to be an acting principal and shall be paid, on a daily basis, 1/200 of the vice- principal's allowance. On the sixth day, the teacher designate will receive 1/200 of the principal’s allowance. 4.3.2 In a school where there is no vice-principal, a teacher shall be designated by the superintendent or designate to be the relief principal in the absence of the principal and shall be paid, on a daily basis, 1/200 of 50 per cent of the principal's allowance. 4.3.3 When, in the absence of the principal, the vice-principal acts in relief of the principal for a period of five or more consecutive operational days, the vice-principal shall assume the position of acting principal and shall receive an allowance equivalent to that of the principal for the period from and including the sixth day until the return of the regular principal.