Action Item 3. If the Student reenrolls in the TPSB prior to the conclusion of OCR’s monitoring of this Agreement, within thirty (30) calendar days of the Student’s reenrollment, the TPSB will convene a meeting of a group of knowledgeable persons, as defined by Section 504, to consider whether the Student needs compensatory and/or remedial services as a result of any failure on the part of the TPSB to timely evaluate or reevaluate the Student pursuant to Section 504 or provide appropriate regular and/or special education or related services to the Student during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. If the group determines that the Student needs compensatory and/or remedial services, the group will develop a plan for providing timely compensatory and/or remedial services with a completion date not to extend beyond one hundred (100) calendar days from the date of the evaluation meeting. The TPSB will provide the Student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) notice of the procedural safeguards including the right to challenge the group’s determination through an impartial due process hearing.
Action Item 3. The District will develop a written plan to ensure that the District’s services, programs, and activities located at the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Schools, when viewed in their entirety, are readily accessible to and usable by qualified individuals with disabilities while the Consolidation Process is ongoing. The District will provide an opportunity to interested persons, including individuals with disabilities or organizations representing individuals with disabilities, to participate in the development of the plan by submitting written comments. The plan will, at a minimum:
Action Item 3. Training
Action Item 3. Within 45 calendar days of the date that OCR approves the revised versions of all publications referenced in Action Item 2, above, the College will conduct training for the Section 504/Title II Coordinator, all Deputy Coordinator(s), and all ODS staff on the revisions to these publications, including where the publications can be accessed.
Action Item 3. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the District receives written notification of OCR’s approval of the training(s) described in this Action Item, the District will conduct training(s) regarding its obligation under Section 504 and Title II to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all qualified students with disabilities attending its schools and Section 504’s and Title II’s prohibitions of disability discrimination and retaliation. The training(s) must be provided to all relevant personnel at Xxxxxxxxxxx Elementary School (WES), including, but not limited to, principals, special education coordinators, Section 504/Title II coordinators, teachers, teacher’s aides, counselors, and relevant administrators who work with XXX. The training(s) will be conducted by an individual or individuals knowledgeable about laws and issues pertaining to disability discrimination and retaliation, including the issues below, and must address, at a minimum, the following:
Action Item 3. At the beginning of each school year, OPSB shall develop and maintain an accurate and current electronic list of all available personnel in each school building who speak a language other than English, and are authorized to provide translation and interpretation services. The list shall include the translators’ or interpreters’: current phone numbers, building location(s), and email addresses. OPSB shall maintain this list, and each school’s principal, assistant principal(s) and registrar (or administrative staff members responsible for registration or enrollment issues) shall make the relevant parts of this list available to all personnel at each school. OPSB shall update the list during the school year, when necessary, to reflect substantial changes in translation and interpretation services available at each school. OPSB shall maintain a list of outside translators and interpreters not employed by OPSB who may be contacted to provide translation and interpretation services. The contact person(s) referenced in Action Item 1(C) shall promptly forward requests for translators or interpreters for languages not represented on OPSB’s translation and interpretation services employee list to the Central Office, or to some other designated department or administrator. For low incidence languages and any language that lacks an adequate translator or interpreter from OPSB’s translation and interpretation services employee list, OPSB shall maintain a current list of outside translators and interpreters by name, phone number, email address, and available languages, noting any specialized training.
Action Item 3. By September 15, 2016, PRDOE will provide training to School staff and administrators and/or other relevant personnel, and PRDOE staff and administrators and/or other relevant personnel, who are responsible for ensuring the implementation of the Student’s PEI, regarding the PRDOE’s obligations to provide the Student with the special education and related aids and services, as required by the Student’s PEI and pursuant to Section 504 and the ADA. The training will include at a minimum instruction regarding: (a) the PRDOE’s responsibility to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) under the regulation implementing Section 504, at 34 C.F.R. §104.33; (b) the responsibility of PRDOE staff to provide students with the special education and other related aids and services, as determined necessary by a group of knowledgeable persons (such as the COMPU or other Section 504 team); (c) the PRDOE’s obligation to maintain timely, detailed, and accurate documentation regarding the provision of services to the Student; and, (d) the PRDOE’s obligation to track and/or monitor the provision of services to the Student, to ensure that all required services are provided.
Action Item 3. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the District receives written notification of OCR’s approval of the training, the District will conduct training regarding its obligation under Section 504 and Title II to provide a free appropriate public education to all qualified students with disabilities attending its schools and Section 504’s and Title II’s prohibition of disability discrimination. The training will also focus on the District’s obligation to abide by the requirements of Section 504 and Title II, as they relate to the provision of an appropriate education, including the obligation of staff members to fully
Action Item 3. After providing proper written notice to the Student’s parent, the District shall re-evaluate the Student for eligibility for services under Section 504 using the revised Section 504 Eligibility Determination Form. To determine eligibility, the District will consider if the Student has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, conducting any necessary evaluations to make such a determination, and if so, whether the Student needs special education or regular education and related aids and services. If the student is eligible, the District will develop a plan based on the evaluative data, information from a variety of sources, and the individualized needs of the Student. The District will ensure that the team includes a group of persons who are knowledgeable about the Student and his disability, the meaning of the Student’s evaluation data, and the placement options.