Christmas Day Easter Tuesday shall be observed as a Public Holiday in lieu of Easter Saturday and any work performed on Easter Saturday shall be paid at ordinary Saturday penalty rates. Should Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Australia Day or ANZAC day fall on a weekend, the following Monday, or other day as agreed shall be taken in lieu.
Worked Holidays Employees who are required to work on the above described holidays shall receive the pay due them for the holiday, plus twice their base rate for all hours worked on such holidays.
Unworked Holidays Employees shall receive eight (8) hours pay for unworked holidays (reference Appendix A), at their base rate in effect at the time the holiday occurs, plus applicable shift differential, if, on the holiday, they are either on the active payroll or not on leave of absence for longer than ninety calendar days. Employees not on leave of absence who take leave without pay (LWOP) at the time the holiday occurs shall be eligible for holiday pay.
Work on a Holiday If an employee works on an approved holiday, in addition to their holiday pay, they will be compensated at the rate of two (2) times their regular hourly rate for all hours worked on the holiday.
Christmas Break The break between Christmas and New Year’s shall be accountable time for all faculty and shall not require attendance on campus. In areas of the University that must, by the nature of their work, operate on a more or less continuous basis, such as the Libraries, Admissions or Counselling, the administrator responsible on consultation collectively with all available regular and non-regular type 2 members in division, shall recommend to the employer suitable levels of operation to be maintained during this break.