Shift Trading. Members shall be permitted to request to trade a shift in cooperation with one other member. Shift trades may be done between any two members as long as both are in agreement. When the two members mutually agree to trade a shift between themselves, it shall be done within the same pay week. Both members shall notify their immediate supervisor. The shift trade shall only be done with the prior approval of the immediate supervisor. Once the shift trade has been approved, each member is obligated to fulfill their part of the agreement as if they had been originally assigned to work that shift. When participating in a shift trade as described in this section, neither member will receive overtime pay unless they meet the overtime threshold as stated in Section 15.2.
Shift Trading. 16 Shift trading within Departments defined as trading 17 time, hour, for hour, shall be allowed provided that:
Shift Trading. (a) Qualified employees in the same work area and the same classification may mutually agree to trade a shift within the established schedule, as long as the staffing ratio is preserved and no overtime is created. Such trade must be mutually agreed in writing and notice given to the supervisor prior to the effective date of the trade. Trading outside of the employee’s classification must be approved by the appropriate supervisor.
(b) Regular status qualified employees in the same classification may mutually agree to trade positions on a temporary basis for a period of up to ninety (90) days per fiscal year. Management consideration will be given to requests for extension of up to two (2) ninety (90) day periods for extenuating circumstances. The request to trade positions must be in writing, create no overtime and maintain established staffing ratios. Pre-determined vacations will be handled in accordance with the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement Article. Employees in discipline status within six (6) months of the requested trade are not eligible to trade.
Shift Trading. Shift commanders shall be on duty at the fire station for any shift trades pursuant to this Article.
Shift Trading a. Once the year’s schedule is final and posted in February of each year, regular officers will be permitted to trade thirty (30) days prior to the implementation of the next shift change. The trade must be with mutual officers (male officer/male officer, female officer/female officer) and once the trade agreement is reached, a signed copy will be forwarded to Administration thirty (30) days prior to the start of that shift change.
Shift Trading. Officers may voluntarily trade shifts or days off for a specific period of time with prior approval. Such exchanges shall not affect the active pay status of either employee, except that an employee who is required to work overtime shall receive the overtime compensation. Approval of trades shall be made in a non-disparate manner.
Shift Trading. Employees may give away scheduled shifts. The shift giveaway must be documented and submitted by the employee originally scheduled for the shift, and approved by the employee’s supervisor or designate.
Shift Trading. The City recognizes the right of the Firefighters to trade shifts as outlined in the current Sparks Fire Department Rules and Regulations "Shift Trading." However, no Firefighter may receive more than fourteen (14) twenty-four (24) hour shift trades in any fiscal year without prior approval by the Fire Chief or designee. An adverse ruling by the Fire Chief or designee may be appealed to the City Manager. An employee in the job classification of Firefighter, during said employee's probationary year, shall not be allowed to shift trade for time off except for educational or training purposes pursuant to Section 2, Article D of this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Shift trades for purposes of this Article shall not include any trades made pursuant to the holiday compensatory time provisions of Section 4, Article A of the Agreement.
Shift Trading. Qualified employees in the same work area and the same classification may mutually agree to trade a shift within the established schedule, as long as the staffing ratio is preserved, and no overtime is created. Such trade must be agreed to by both employees and the supervisor(s) prior to the effective date of the trade. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. Trading outside of the em- ployee’s classification is not an option for Shift Trading.
Shift Trading. 1) Shift trading will be governed by procedures established by the Department.
2) No shift trade will take place without advance approval by the Department.
3) The Department reserves the right to amend or modify those procedures at any time, and that decision is not subject to grievance.