ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. 3.1 The Contractor will be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings as necessary to carry out the work included in the contract. The additional drawings and instructions thus supplied to the Contractor will coordinate with the Contract Documents and will be so prepared that they can be reasonably interpreted as part thereof. The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions. The Contractor and the Architect/Engineer will prepare jointly (a) a schedule, fixing the dates at which special detail drawings will be required, such drawings, if any, to be furnished by the Architect/ Engineer in accordance with said schedule, and (b) a schedule fixing the respective dates for the submission of shop drawings, the beginning of manufacture, testing and installation of materials, supplies and equipment, and the completion of the various parts of the work; each such schedule to be subject to change from time to time in accordance with progress of the work.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. 2.1 The CONTRACTOR may be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings, by the ENGINEER, as necessary to carry out the WORK required by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 2.2 The additional drawings and instruction thus supplied will become a part of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out the WORK in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. The Subcontractor will be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings as necessary to carry out the work included in the contract. The additional drawings and instructions thus supplied to the Subcontractor will coordinate with the Contract Documents and will be so prepared that they can be reasonably interpreted as part thereof. The Subcontractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. 2.1 The CONTRACTOR may be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings, by the Engineer, as necessary to carry out the Work required by the Contract Documents. 2.2 The additional drawings and instruction thus supplied will become a part of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall carry out the Work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions. 2.3 If for any reason it may become desirable during the course of the Work to change the alignment, dimensions or design of the Work, the Owner reserves the right to issue change orders in writing and give effect to such changes as may be necessary or desirable. The changes may or may not result in a change in the amount of work. When the Contractor considers that any change ordered in writing by the Owner involves extra Work, he shall immediately notify the Owner in writing and shall subsequently keep him informed as to when and where extra Work is to be performed and shall make claim for compensation therefor each month not later than the first day of the month following that in which the work claimed as extra work was performed. If the changes do, in the opinion of the Owner, change the amount of work, the Contract price shall be adjusted as extra work or work and material omitted, as the case may be. 2.4 The Engineer may instruct the Contractor in writing to make minor changes in the construction where such changes are, in the opinion of the Engineer, not inconsistent with the purposes of the Contract Documents and where such changes do not involve additional costs for the work to be provided. The Contractor shall make no such minor changes without receipt of written Engineer's instruction setting forth the minor change (usually in the form of a Field Order) to be made and the Contractor's compliance therewith shall constitute his acknowledgement that such minor change will not result in any additional cost for construction. 2.5 Except as modified in the contract Documents, any material or operation specified by reference to the published standard or specification shall comply with the latest revision thereof and any supplements or amendments thereto, in effect on the date of the Notice to Contractors. Such standards and specifications, except as modified in the Contract Documents, shall have full force and effect as though printed in the Contract Documents. The Engineer will furnish, upon request, information as to how copies of the standards and specifications referred to may...
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. The Contractor may be furnished additional instruction and detail drawings, by the Owner, as necessary to carry out the Work required by the Contract Documents.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. 2.1 The contractor may be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings, by the contract documents. 2.2 The additional drawings and instruction thus supplied will become a part of additional detail drawings and instructions.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. The CONTRACTOR will be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings as necessary to carry out the work included in the Contract. The additional drawings and instructions thus supplied to the CONTRACTOR will coordinate with the Contract Documents and will be so prepared that they can be reasonably interpreted as part thereof. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions. The CONTRACTOR and the Architect/Engineer will prepare jointly (a) a schedule, fixing the dates at which special detail drawings will be required, such drawings, if any, to be furnished by the Architect/Engineer in accordance with said schedule, and (b) a schedule fixing the respective dates for the submission of shop drawings, the beginning of manufacture, testing and installation of materials, supplies and equipment, and the completion of the various parts of the work; each such schedule to be subject to change from time to time in accordance with the progress of the work.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. ‌ 2.1 The SUPPLIER may be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings, by the ENGINEER with OWNER’s approval, as necessary to carry out the WORK required by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Any price modifications that arise as a result of such additional instructions shall be indicated to the OWNER in writing within seven (7) days after receipt of such additional instructions and/or detailed drawings. 2.2 The additional drawings and instructions thus supplied will become a part of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The SUPPLIER shall carry out the WORK in accordance with the additional detail drawings and specifications.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. During the progress of the Work, the Owner mayissue additional instructions and Drawings required for the performance of the Work and may issue revised Drawings pursuant to Change Orders or Change Directives, or for correction of errors in the Plans. The additional instructions and Drawings thus supplied will become a part of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall carry out the Work in accordance with the additional instructions and Drawings.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. 1.1 The Contractor will be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings as necessary to carry out the work included in the Contract. The additional drawings and instructions supplied to the Contractor will coordinate with the Contract Documents and will be so prepared that they can be reasonably interpreted as part thereof. The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions. The Contractor and the Architect/Engineer/County will prepare jointly (a) a schedule, fixing the dates at which special detail drawings will be required, such