Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings Sample Clauses
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. 1. Each Party shall ensure the consistent, impartial and reasonable administration of its laws, regulations, decisions and rulings governing all safeguard investigation action proceedings.
2. Each Party shall entrust determinations of serious injury or threat thereof in safeguard investigation proceedings to a competent investigating authority, subject to review by judicial or administrative tribunals, to the extent provided by domestic law. Negative injury determinations shall not be subject to modification, except by such review.
3. Each Party shall adopt or maintain equitable, timely, transparent and effective procedures for safeguard investigation proceedings.
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. 1. Each Party shall ensure the consistent and impartial administration of its laws, regulations, rulings and determinations governing all emergency action proceedings.
2. Each Party shall entrust determinations of serious injury, or threat thereof, in emergency action proceedings to an investigating authority, subject to review by judicial or administrative tribunals, to the extent provided by domestic law. Negative injury determinations shall not be subject to modification, on its own motion, by the investigating authority. The investigating authority empowered under domestic law to conduct such proceedings shall be provided with all the resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its mandate.
3. Each Party shall adopt or maintain equitable, timely, transparent and effective procedures for emergency action proceedings, in accordance with the requirements set out in this Article.
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. 1. Each Party shall ensure the consistent, impartial and reasonable administration of its laws, regulations, decisions and rulings governing all emergency action proceedings.
2. Each Party shall entrust determinations of serious injury, or threat thereof, in emergency action proceedings to a competent investigating authority, subject to review by judicial or administrative tribunals, to the extent provided by domestic law. Negative injury determinations shall not be subject to modification, except by such review. The competent investigating authority empowered under domestic law to conduct such proceedings should be provided with the necessary resources to enable it to fulfill its duties.
3. Each Party shall adopt or maintain equitable, timely, transparent and effective procedures for emergency action proceedings, in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex VI.3 (Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings).
4. This Article does not apply to emergency actions taken under Annex III.1 (Textile and Apparel Goods).
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. Each Party shall entrust determinations of serious injury, or threat thereof, in emergency action proceedings to a competent investigating authority, subject to review by judicial or administrative tribunals, to the extent provided by domestic law. Negative injury determinations shall not be subject to modification, except by such review. The competent investigating authority empowered under domestic law to conduct such proceedings should be provided with the necessary resources to enable it to fulfill its duties.
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. Each Party shall ensure the consistent, impartial and reasonable administration of its laws, regulations, decisions and rulings governing all emergency action proceedings.
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. Institution of a Proceeding
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. 1. Neither Party may impose restrictions on a product in an action under Articles 5-02 or 5-03:
(a) without delivery of prior written notice to the other Party, and without adequate opportunity for consultations with the other Party, at least 20 days in advance of taking the action; and
(b) that would have the effect of reducing imports of such good from the other Party below the trend of imports of the good from that Party over a recent representative base period, which may include dates prior to the increase in imports under Article 5-02 or 5-03, with allowance for reasonable growth.
2. The Party taking an action pursuant to Article 5-02 or 5-03 shall endeavor t o provide to the other Party a mutually agreed trade liberalizing compensation in the form of concessions having substantially equivalent trade effects or equivalent to the value of the additional custom duties expected to result from the action. If the Parties are unable to agree on compensation, the Party against whose product the action is taken may take tariff action having trade effects substantially equivalent t o the action taken. The Party taking the tariff action shall apply such action only while the measure is in force, and shall not exercise this right without delivering adequate opportunity for consultation.
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. 1. Each Party shall ensure the consistent, impartial and reasonable administration of its laws, regulations, decisions and rulings governing all emergency action proceedings.
2. Each Party shall entrust determinations of serious injury, or threat thereof, in emergency action proceedings to a competent investigating authority, subject to review by judicial or administrative tribunals, to the extent provided by domestic law. Negative injury determinations shall not be subject to modification, except by such review.The competent investigating authority empowered under domestic law to conduct such proceedings should be provided with the necessary resources to enable it to fulfill its duties. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/trade-commerce/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/costa_rica/fta-ale/06.aspx?lang=eng 4/12 12/5/2021 Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement – Emergency Action
3. Each Party shall adopt or maintain equitable, timely, transparent and effective procedures for emergency action proceedings, in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex VI.3 (Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings).
4. This Article does not apply to emergency actions taken under Annex III.1 (Textile and Apparel Goods).
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. An emergency action proceeding may be instituted by a petition or complaint by entities specified in domestic law. The entity filing the petition or complaint shall demonstrate that it is representative of the domestic industry producing a good like or directly competitive with the imported good.
Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings. 1. Neither Party may impose restrictions on a product in an action under Articles 5-02 or 5-03:
(a) without delivery of prior written notice to the other Party, and without adequate opportunity for consultations with the other Party, at least 20 days in advance of taking the action; and
(b) that would have the effect of reducing imports of such good from the other Party below the trend of imports of the good from that Party over a recent representative base period, which may include dates prior to the increase in imports under Article 5-02 or 5-03, with allowance for reasonable growth.
2. The Party taking an action pursuant to Article 5-02 or 5-03 shall endeavor to provide to the other Party a mutually agreed trade liberalizing compensation in the form of concessions having substantially equivalent trade effects or equivalent to the value of the additional custom duties expected to result from the action. If the Parties are unable to agree on compensation, the Party against whose product the action is taken may take tariff action having trade effects substantially equivalent to the action taken. The Party taking the tariff action shall apply such action only while the measure is in force, and shall not exercise this right without delivering adequate opportunity for consultation.
3. Each Party shall entrust determinations of serious injury, or threat thereof, in emergency action proceedings to a competent investigating authority, subject to review by judicial or administrative tribunals. Negative injury determinations shall not be subject to modification, except by such review.
4. An emergency action proceeding may be initiated by a petition by or on behalf of the domestic industry. The petition shall be considered to have been made on behalf of the domestic industry if it is supported by those domestic producers whose collective output constitutes more than 50 per cent of the total production of the like good produced by the domestic industry.
5. In special circumstances, a Party may initiate an emergency action proceeding on its own motion.
6. Where the basis for an investigation is a petition filed by an entity representative of a domestic industry, the petition shall include adequate and detailed information concerning the petitioner, as well as all other relevant information to the extent that such information is publicly available from governmental or other sources, or best estimates and their basis if such information is not available, concerning the...