ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. All unitized substances produced from a partici- pating area established under this agree- ment, except any part thereof used in con- formity with good operating practices within the unitized area for drilling, operating, and other production or development purposes, or for repressuring or recycling in accord- ance with a plan of development and oper- ations that has been approved by the AO, or unavoidably lost, shall be deemed to be pro- duced equally on an acreage basis from the several tracts of unitized land and unleased Federal land, if any, included in the partici- pating area established for such production. Each such tract shall have allocated to it such percentage of said production as the number of acres of such tract included in said participating area bears to the total acres of unitized land and unleased Federal land, if any, included in said participating area. There shall be allocated to the working interest owner(s) of each tract of unitized land in said participating area, in addition, such percentage of the production attrib- utable to the unleased Federal land within the participating area as the number of acres of such unitized tract included in said par- ticipating area bears to the total acres of unitized land in said participating area, for the payment of the compensatory royalty specified in section 17 of this agreement. Al- location of production hereunder for pur- poses other than for settlement of the xxx- xxxx, overriding royalty, or payment out of production obligations of the respective working interest owners, including compen- satory royalty obligations under section 17, shall be prescribed as set forth in the unit operating agreement or as otherwise mutu- ally agreed by the affected parties. It is here- by agreed that production of unitized sub- stances from a participating area shall be al- located as provided herein, regardless or whether any xxxxx are drilled on any par- ticular part or tract of the participating area. If any gas produced from one partici- pating area is used for repressuring or recy- cling purposes in another participating area, the first gas withdrawn from the latter par- ticipating area for sale during the life of this agreement shall be considered to be the gas so transferred, until an amount equal to that transferred shall be so produced for sale and such gas shall be allocated to the partici- pating area from which initially produced as such area was defined at the time that such transferred gas wa...
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. All unitized substances produced from each tract in the unitized area established under this agreement, except any part thereof used for production or development purposes hereunder, or unavoidably lost, shall be deemed to be produced equally on an acreage basis from the several tracts of the unitized land, and for the purpose of determining any benefits that accrue on an acreage basis, each such tract shall have allocated to it such percentage of said production as its area bears to the entire unitized area. It is hereby agreed that production of unitized substances from the unitized area shall be allocated as provided herein, regardless of whether any xxxxx are drilled on any particular tracts of said unitized area.
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. All unitized substances produced under this agreement, except any part thereofused in conformity with good operating practices within the unitized area for drilling, operating, and other production or development purposes, or for repressuring or recycling in accordance with a plan of development and operations that has been approved by the AO, or unavoidably lost shall be deemed to be produced equally on an acreage basis from the several tracts of unitized land, unleased Federal and Indian trust land, ifany. Each such tract shall have allocated to it such percentage of said production as the number of acres of such tract bears to the total acres of unitized land, unleased Federal and Indian trust land, if any. There shall be allocated to the working interest owner(s) of each tract of unitized land, in addition, such percentage of the production attributable to the unleased Federal and Indian trust land within the unitized area as the number of acres of such unitized tract included in said unitized area bears to the total acres of unitized land in said unitized area, for the payment of the compensatory royalty specified in section 15 of this agreement. Allocation of production hereunder for purposes other than for settlement of the royalty, overriding royalty, or payment out of production obligations of the respective working interest owners, including compensatory royalty obligations under section 15, shall be prescribed as set forth in the unit operating agreement or as otherwise mutually agreed by the affected parties:
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. 1. The Executive Agencies shall require the unit operator, on behalf of the Licensees and 60 days prior to the commencement of production from a Transboundary Reservoir, to initiate consultations on the allocation of production to each side of the Delimitation Line by submitting a proposal for the allocation of production for approval by the Executive Agencies to be applied from first production. The Executive Agencies shall, prior to any decision not in agreement with the proposal, jointly consult with the unit operator.
2. Each Executive Agency shall ensure that all relevant and available information from the Unit Area related to the proposal Is made available in a timely manner to the other Executive Agency.
3. If the Executive Agencies are unable to reach agreement on this initial allocation of production within 30 days from the date of the initiation of consultations In accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the matter shall be addressed by the Joint Commission.
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. In the event that Ostex does not meet the demand for Critical Reagents ordered pursuant to SECTION 6.3.1, Ostex shall allocate overall production of Critical Reagents (whether manufactured or purchased, and whether for Ostex's internal manufacturing or for Sale) such that Hologic and its designated manufacturer(s) receives the same proportion of the amount of the Critical Reagents it has ordered (pursuant to SECTION 6.3.1 hereto) as Ostex allocates to its own manufacture of products utilizing the NTx Assay Technology, or to its otherwise most favored non-end-user customer, whichever proportion is greater (measured as a proportion of total units of production), provided that Ostex shall not be required to sell to Hologic and its designated manufacturer(s) any more than thirty percent (30%) of its total production of any Critical Reagent during any quarter.
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. In the event that Hologic does not meet the demand for NTx Meters or NTx Meter Strips ordered pursuant to SECTION 7.2.10, Hologic shall allocate overall production thereof such that Ostex receives the same proportion of the amount of the NTx Meters and NTx Meter Strips it has ordered (pursuant to SECTION 7.2.10 hereto) as Hologic allocates for its direct sale, or to its otherwise most favored non-end-user customer, whichever proportion is greater (measured as a proportion of total units of production), provided that Hologic shall not be required to sell to Ostex and any more than fifty percent (50%) of its total production during any quarter.
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. 12.1 The Unit Operator shall pay all production royalties and make deliveries of oil and gas which are payments of royalties taken-in-kind or which, pursuant to the Act, are purchased by the United States. Unitized substances shall be allocated within the participating area(s) on (a) a volumetric basis of oil and gas in place under original reservoir conditions, or (b) a surface area basis, and proportionally credited to the respective leases committed hereto. The Unit Operator shall furnish the Regional Supervisor geological and engineering maps and data sufficient to support the net-acre feet determination for volumetric allocation between leases. Oil and gas produced from the unit area prior to the effective date of this Agreement shall not be allocated under this Agreement. The royalty payments under leases subject hereto shall be based and calculated upon the production allocated to the leases as specifically provided herein. The oil and gas saved, removed, or sold from the unit area shall be allocated in this manner, regardless of where any well is drilled and produced in the unit area.
12.2 For the purpose of determining royalty obligations, unitized substances on which royalty has been paid and which are used for repressuring, stimulation of production, or increasing ultimate recovery from the unit area, in conformity with an approved plan of operation, may be deemed to be a portion of the gas and liquid-hydrocarbon substances subsequently saved, removed, or sold from the unit area. In such instances, a like amount of gas and liquid-hydrocarbon substances similar to that previously used may be saved, removed, or sold from the unit area without paying a royalty thereon. However, as to dry gas, only dry gas and not products extracted therefrom may be saved, removed, or sold royalty free. The royalty-free withdrawal shall be accomplished in accordance with an approved plan of operation and the amounts of gas and liquid-hydrocarbon substances withdrawn that are to be recognized as free of royalty charges shall be computed in accordance with a formula approved or prescribed by the Regional Supervisor. Any withdrawal of royalty-free gas or liquid-hydrocarbon substances shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement, unless otherwise permitted. For the purposes of this paragraph, liquid-hydrocarbon substances include natural gasoline and liquid-petroleum gas fractions.
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. In the event that Seller is unable to meet its orders for Products as set forth in Purchase Orders that have been accepted by the Seller, and without derogation of Buyer's other remedies under this Agreement, Seller grants Buyer ***. Buyer shall retain this right of first refusal until Buyer has met its Minimum Purchase Quantity commitment, or the Minimum Purchase Term has expired, whichever is earlier. Buyer's right of first refusal shall apply to purchases by Affiliates and Authorized Purchasers.
ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. For any period after the commencement of Commercial Production and provided that each Participant has paid to the Operator its respective Cost Share for that period, each Participant shall take in kind and separately dispose of Mineral Products in the ratio of each Participant's respective Interest.