ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Agreement:
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. Except where a contrary intention appears, the following definitions will be: “
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement, all masculine pronouns shall be read to include the feminine, the term:
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. I An "employee" is a person employed by the Employer as defined below in one of the occupational classifications within the scope of this Agreement. A "part time" employee is one who regularly works less than full time hours, but not less than one shift per pay period.
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS time employee is an employee who is regularly scheduled to work the normal full time hours of work as set out in Article of the Collective ent A part time employee is an employee who works less than the normal full time hours per week as set out in Article of the Collective Agreement.
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Article IV only, the term “Party” shall mean either PJM or the VACAR South RC Agent, and the term “Parties” shall collectively mean PJM and the VACAR South RC Agent.
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. Employees may be hired for a specified term, not to exceed six (6) months, to replace an employee on leave or to perform a special non-recurring task. This term may be extended a further six (6) months on mutual agreement of the Union, employee and or by the on its own up to months where the leave of the person being replaced extends that far. The period of employment of such persons will not exceed the absentee’s leave. The release or discharge of such persons shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration. This clause would not preclude such employeesfrom using the job posting provision under the CollectiveAgreement and any successful applicantwho has completed his probation period will be credited with the appropriate seniority. The will outline to employees selected to fill such temporary vacancies and the Union, the circumstances giving rise to the vacancy, and the special conditions relating to such employment. shall refer to persons in the bargaining unit as described in Article Scope and Recognition.
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. (Any provision related to Definitions in the collective agreement will be continued as Article 4.
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. The term when used in this Agreement shall mean a person employed by the Employer within the bargaining unit described in Article of this ment The term when used in this Agreement shall an employee who has been appointed, elected or otherwise selected as a Xxxxxxx as provided in this ment
ARTICLE DEFINITIONS. Where the singular is used, it may also be deemed to mean the plural, within the appropriate context. “Full-Time Agreement” is the collective agreement between Service Employees International Union and (Canada) Inc., which applies to a bargaining unit of service employees working more than forty- five (45) hours in a period.