Block Bookings. The hirer shall arrange for the full amount to be received at the School prior to each weekly booking.
Block Bookings. The Hirer must contact the School and give at least 1 weeks’ notice for a cancellation otherwise the full amount will be payable.
Block Bookings. The booking time is to include time for equipment to be set up, taken down or stored.
Block Bookings. Either of the glider areas may be booked on a ‘block’ basis by contacting NCL via telephone. This will normally be done by the CFI or Duty Pilot of the Gliding club wishing to use the airspace. The time for the activation of the area and the length of time the area will be used shall be passed, along with a maximum Flight Level. The number of gliders wishing to use the area shall also be passed. Following the acceptance of a block booking by NCL there is no need for the individual glider pilots operating on this booking to contact NCL Approach. However, any glider that is unable to cross the area in question within the specified time shall contact NCL Approach on the published frequency and request an individual crossing clearance.
Block Bookings. A deposit of the session fee, is required and will only be used as payment for the booking if the appropriate fee, has not been paid when, less than 24 hours cancellation notice has been given to Holy Trinity School / School/ Staff/ Caretaker or failure to show for the booking. For all cancellations please email A letter/email is required for the attention of Holy Trinity School if the Hirer wishes to terminate their booking at least 6 weeks before the booking, unless individual group contracts are set up differently via Holy Trinity School/School/ Staff/Caretaker. All block bookings will be set up on an invoice method of payment agreement by the A.I. Sports Centre/School/ Staff/Caretaker. This will either be one of the following – Pay and Play weekly before the session commences. Payment by invoice, all invoices shall be paid within 30 days of the invoice unless a separate agreement is arranged by the A.I. Sports Centre/School/ Staff/Caretaker. Holy Trinity School/School/Staff/Caretaker reserves the right to cancel future bookings if payment is not made within agreed terms. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Holy Trinity Catholic School’.
Block Bookings offered at a reduced rate from a ‘one off’ booking and payable in two halves; first payment upon commencement of the agreement of block booking and second payment half way through the booking period. Failure to make payment may result in termination of the booking. The minimum number of weeks required to qualify for a block booking are 10 weeks on MUGA, grass and artificial pitches.
Block Bookings. In the case of block bookings, the full amount for a minimum of four weeks must be paid in advance.
Block Bookings. 2.1 All bookings will be made via the Wellbeing at the Barn on line booking system or by the practitioner and paid for on a monthly basis on receipt of invoice by bank transfer
2.2 Studio bookings are to be paid for in advance and a £50 deposit paid to cover loss or damage to property this is refundable.
2.3 Studio bookings are £25 an hour or £150 for an 8 hour day.
2.4 Yearly Fee of £50 is payable to cover administration costs such as website hosting, social media and marketing. This is subject to review on a yearly basis with prior consultation and notice to practitioners
2.5 Hours of opening Monday to Friday 8.30am to 9pm Saturday 8.30am to 5pm but this can be extended Sunday 10am to 4pm
Block Bookings. All bookings will be made via the Send Therapy Rooms on line booking system or invoiced and payable by weekly standing order or Bank Transfer in advance.
Block Bookings. If a continuation request (new booking form) is not received around 30 days before the end of the block booking, Reception staff will contact the hirer. Please note: Failure to submit a new booking form for a continuation of the booking may result in losing the room required. The hirer should be aware of and show due consideration to the needs of other groups who may be using the building at the same time as their group (i.e. playing music, children running about, exercise classes in progress, etc). All hirers are expected to complete an attendance sheet and submit it to BPRCVS Management at the earliest available opportunity after their session. Attendance sheets serve a dual purpose of ensuring a record of attendees to comply with Fire Safety Regulations and as evidence of use of the Centres for funding purposes to make sure we can keep the Centres open for the community. A fire drill may be carried out at any time – the hirer will be informed should a fire drill be arranged during their session.