Block Grant Sample Clauses

Block Grant. This Agreement is conditionally approved subject to and contingent upon the availability of block grant funds. In the event that claims for services exceed block grant funding available to MSHN, MSHN shall not be liable for the payment of claims made in excess of available funds. It is understood that authorization of services is not a guarantee of payment.
Block Grant. If a member of Contractor’s staff is selected to be a reviewer, the Contractor shall ensure that the staff member participates in the treatment peer review process.
Block Grant. This Amendment No. 1 shall be effective as of date of last signature.
Block Grant. This Agreement is conditionally approved subject to and contingent upon the availability of block grant funds. In the event that claims for services exceed block grant funding available to MSHN, MSHN shall not be liable for the payment of claims made in excess of available funds. It is understood that authorization of services is not a guarantee of payment. In addition, should block grant funds be used by PROVIDER to deliver the services identified within this agreement, PROVIDER must ensure that Block Grant Funds shall not be used to: a. Pay for inpatient hospital services except under conditions specified in federal law b. Make cash payments to intended recipients of services c. Purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve and building or any other facility, or purchase major medical equipment d. Satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-Federal funds as a condition for the receipt of funds e. Provide individuals with hypodermic needles or syringes so that such individuals may use illegal drugs f. Enforce state laws regarding the sale of tobacco products to individuals under the age of 18 g. Pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of Level I of the Federal Executive Schedule, or approximately $199,700
Block Grant. The Union is hereby granted a bank of twelve thousand (12,000) hours of official time per annum and is subject to the uses and limitations expressed in this Section. The bank of hours includes all representation functions, and training hours on official time, but does not include national negotiations or annual LMR meetings.
Block Grant. Funding through either the Mental Health Block Grant or Substance Use Disorder Community Grants Program as administered by MDHHS.
Block Grant. Funding It is contemplated that the Department will utilize Federal Block Gratnfunding for this Contract. The Department s obligation to pay under the terms of the Contract is conditioned unptohe Legislature approving the block grant plan and funding in accdoarnce with C.G.S. § 4-28bthat is consistent with expenditures under this Contract.
Block Grant. Reimbursement Reimbursement shall be made monthly in accordance with ADAMH Board block grant draw–down procedures and availability of local, state and federal funds as set forth in Attachment 13 to this Contract.‌ 11.2.1. The Provider shall submit its correctly completed Block Grant Funding Request Form by the first business day of the month in order to receive a block grant payment during that month. All other Requests shall be held until the following month for payment.‌ a. The Provider’s Block Grant Funding Request Form, due by the first business day of December, shall include actual expenditure activity through November 30 and projected expenses through December 31. b. ADAMH shall not process any Block Grant Funding Requests in January for the prior year’s expenses. c. In accordance with 11.2.2, ADAMH shall process final Block Grant payments for the prior year’s expenses in February. 11.2.2. To ensure accurate and timely contract payment reconciliation, the Provider shall submit its correctly–completed final Block Grant Funding Request and Block Grant Expense Report(s) for the year no later than contractual claim file submission deadline (January 31, 2018 for Contract Year 2017). ADAMH shall not accept any block grant reports after this deadline. The Provider shall forfeit any funds not drawn down or reported as expenses by this deadline.‌ 11.2.3. The provider shall follow Sections 4.12, 4.13, 7.1 and 7.5.1 for all block grants. 11.2.4. Failure to comply with Section 11.2.1 may result in ADAMH withholding payments per ADAMH’s payment withhold policy until corrective action has been taken 11.2.5. Providers submit encounter data representing a minimum of 90% of the value of designated block grant payments received from ADAMH Failure to do so may result in the provider reimbursing ADAMH for unearned/unclaimed payments.
Block Grant. Grant issued to the State on behalf of a NPIAS airport or airports within the boundaries of the State.
Block Grant. If a member of Xxxxxxx’s staff is selected to be a reviewer, the Grantee will ensure that the staff member participates in the treatment peer review process.