Bank of Hours. Each Union shall be afforded a bank of hours equaling two (2) hours for each full-time bargaining unit member and one (1) hour for each part-time bargaining unit member. The total number of calculated release time hours for each Union in accordance with this Agreement is as follows: Union Total Hours/ Calendar Year AFSCME 15,566 SEIU 20,351 LIUNA 1,656 Building Trades 2,216 IUOE 582 Teamsters 360 The bank of hours shall reset July 1st of each year and not carryover or be shared between Unions. Unused hours shall be deemed waived and lost. This provision shall remain in full-force and effect during the term of this MOU.
Bank of Hours. Each Union shall be afforded a bank of hours equaling two (2) hours for each full-time bargaining unit member and one (1) hour for each part-time bargaining unit member.
Bank of Hours. 5.3.1 The annualised hours system used in this agreement is recorded through a ‘Bank of Hours’.
5.3.2 Where a team member has been paid for more hours than they have worked they ‘owe’ hours eg. A full-time team member works less than 76 hours in a fortnight . Where a team member has worked more than they have been paid they are ‘owed’ xxxxx.xx. A full-time team member works more than 76 hours in a fortnight.
5.3.3 Whenever a team member either owes or is owed 46 banked hours then the team member and their manager must discuss the action to be taken to manage the number of hours ‘owing’ or ‘owed’.
5.3.4 Bunnings and the Union and team members are committed to the principle that time off should be taken in a manner that provides a meaningful benefit to the team member.
5.3.5 Where a team member is owed 50 banked hours the team member may request to reduce the hours owed by taking a full day/s off or by working reduced hours. The team member's request is to be granted by the team member's manager unless there are reasons related to the operational requirements of the business that prevent this. In such cases, the manager must explain the reasons to the team member and discuss with the team member the team member's alternative choice. Reasons related to the operational requirements of the business include; - Peak trading periods; - Stock Take; and - Where there are sufficient other team members in that area already on leave, creating an operational difficulty.
5.3.6 Where a team member xxxx 50 banked hours the team member must make every effort to work the hours required to reduce the amount of hours owed. Nothing in this clause prevents a team member seeking to reduce hours owed prior to the accrual of 50 hours. Preference will be given to taking time off as full days once a team member is owed 15.2 hours or more. The company shall endeavour to accommodate team member requests for time off at the time requested by the team member.
5.3.7 A Bank of Hours report is to be displayed in the tearoom each fortnight.
Bank of Hours. The City agrees to maintain a bank of hours available for Parks and Recreation hourly bargaining unit activity at 70 hours per year shared by Union Stewards. Those items charged to the bank of hours shall be routine Union business including union sponsored training, meetings and fact finding. The designated pay code of "335" shall be used on employee time sheets to indicate hours charged to the bank of hours. Union business not charged to the Bank of Hours shall be tracked for time spent in these activities: MOU negotiations and Meet and Confers.
Bank of Hours. In order to ensure the City maintains control over public resources, a designee of AFSCME will notify Management in advance in writing of the need to release an employee and confirm the employee has been released. The Union shall provide advance notice no less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of union release time. AFSCME shall designate employees and notify Management in advance in writing when a Released Employee is designated by the Union. Permission to leave official duties (City work assignment) will be granted unless the absence would cause an undue interruption of work. If such permission cannot be granted promptly, the Union will be informed when time can be made available.
Bank of Hours. Each Union shall be afforded a bank of hours equaling two (2) hours for each full-time bargaining unit member and one (1) hour for each part-time bargaining unit member. The total number of calculated release time hours for each Union in accordance with this Agreement is as follows: Union Total Hours/ Calendar Year AFSCME 15,566 SEIU 20,351 LIUNA 1,656 Building Trades 2,216 IUOE 582 Teamsters 360 The bank of hours shall reset July 1st of each year and not carryover or be shared between Unions. Unused hours shall be deemed waived and lost. This provision shall remain in full-force and effect during the term of this MOU. The Coalition of Los Angeles City Unions (Coalition), through constituent unions American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, District Council 36, Local 741, 901, 2006, 2626, 3090, and 3672; Service Employees International Union, Local 721; International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 501; Laborers International Union of North America, Local 777; Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council; and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 911, and the City of Los Angeles (City) hereby agrees as follows:
Bank of Hours. Includes specified number of hours to use towards new features and customizations requested by SBBC to enhance the professional learning content or platform functionality and agreed to by PCG.
Bank of Hours. Release time shall be granted to Local 521 Official Representatives up to a maximum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours per fiscal year for attendance at meetings of the Board of Supervisors and the Personnel Board. The Official Representative shall notify his/her supervisor of his/her intention to be on release time as far in advance as reasonably possible, but not later than the end of normal business hours the day before such meeting, except in emergency situations. Insofar as possible, such release time shall be made through the Department of Labor Relations at least 24 hours in advance of the Board meeting.
Bank of Hours. If an employee works on a holiday, he may, if he so desires, ask the Employer to put his regular hours in a bank and if the employee has not taken his bank hours during the year, Employer shall pay the employee the hours he has in bank on the payroll closest to December 15 of each year. An employee who wishes to take one of his bank holidays or vacation leave must notify the Employer before 8 am on the Wednesday of the week preceding the said leave. The Employer shall not refuse to grant the resumption of a statutory holiday unless the percentage referred to in Article