Budget Development Process. The Budget Development Process (BDP) will include employee group representatives and up to six community members. The BDP will be charged with verifying the district’s budget numbers, researching district expenditures and making recommendations to the Superintendent and the Board of Education regarding possible resources for discussion in the negotiations process. The Issues Resolution Group will be responsible for giving direction to the BDP regarding budget review process as it relates to negotiations. The Budget Development Process deals with these items: • General fund budget information • Salary issues • Other cost items • It validates and verifies cost estimates of proposals and provides overall budget information to negotiations teams. Chairperson: Executive Director of Finance or designee Revised: 04/15
Budget Development Process. Program and budget related decisions shall be developed by the County with input from the Executive Committee and ECC staff. The County Board of Supervisors shall have final authority over program and budget related decisions. The Executive Committee shall review the ECC’s annual budget request prior to County’s budget hearings. The County shall provide all relevant information, including information about indirect costs, in a timely manner, allowing sufficient time for the Executive Committee to evaluate and make requests for information. The Director shall provide reports on future budgets, current year budget management and cost control, personnel (recruitment, hiring, retention), and special project status on an ongoing and annual basis as requested by the Executive Committee. County Administrator’s Office staff shall present ECC annual forecasts and recommended budgets for the County Board of Supervisors’ consideration, including information on alternative funding/service levels and County Service Department charges.
Budget Development Process. The Budget D e v e l o p m e n t P r o c e s s ( BDP) w i l l i n c l u d e e m p l o y e e g r o u p representatives and up to six community members. The BDP will be charged with verifying the district’s budget numbers, researching district expenditures and making recommendations to the Superintendent and the Board of Education regarding possible resources for discussion in the negotiations process. The Issues Resolution Group will be responsible for giving direction to the BDP regarding budget review process as it relates to negotiations. The Budget Development Process deals with these items: • General fund budget information • Salary issues • Other cost items It validates and verifies cost estimates of proposals and provides overall budget information to negotiations teams. Chairperson: Executive Director of Finance or designee Revised: 04/15
Budget Development Process. The City and its EMS Director shall prepare and adopt an annual operating budget for the provision of service under this Agreement. The proposed budget shall be presented to the EMS Commission for informational purposes and feedback sufficiently in advance of the City’s budget deliberation process.