Budget Modification. The Budget Modification request must be completed and submitted to the OAG for approval prior to expenditure of any funds. Budget Modifications submitted after a purchase has been made will not be processed or approved. No Budget Modifications will be processed or approved after March 31st. Please ensure that all budget modifications provide that services will be received within the same grant year as the expenditure.
Budget Modification. The Budget Modification request must be completed and submitted to the AGENCY for approval prior to expenditure of any funds. Budget Modifications submitted after a purchase has been made will not be processed or approved. No Budget Modifications will be processed or approved after March 31st. Please ensure that all budget modifications provide that services will be received within the same grant year as the expenditure.
Budget Modification. A. Grantee must keep the Budget Detail Worksheet (Attachment 5) up to date.
B. Changes between Associated Costs line items, excluding the Management Plan, are allowed by providing written notice with or before submission of an invoice. If submitted before the invoice, the written notice shall be sent as an electronic mail (email) attachment to be filed with the Grant Agreement.
C. Changes to the Acquisition line item(s) up to five percent (5%) shall be made via a written request to the grant manager before submission of the Acquisition invoice. The written request shall be sent as an electronic mail (email) attachment to be filed with the Grant Agreement. Approval or denial of the change will be made by the Program Manager in consultation with Council staff. The approval or denial shall be filed with the Grant Agreement.
D. Changes to the Acquisition line item(s) up to fifteen percent (15%) shall be made via a written request to the grant manager before submission of the Acquisition invoice. The written request shall be sent as an electronic mail (email) attachment to be filed with the Grant Agreement. Approval or denial of the change will be made by formal action of the Council.
E. No other modifications to the budget are allowed. The approval or denial shall be filed with the Grant Agreement.
Budget Modification. For any modifications to the approved Partner’s Operating Budget when there is an increase or decrease in any budget category, Partner shall complete and submit a Budget Modification Request. Following review of the budget modification request, the City staff will notify Partner of either approval or denial of the request. For modifications that have a 10% or more increase or decrease in any budget category, the City staff will notify Partner in writing.
Budget Modification. Grantee must keep the Budget Detail Worksheet (Attachment 5) up to date. Changes between Associated Costs line items, excluding the Management Plan, are allowed by providing written notice with or before submission of an invoice. If submitted before the invoice, the written notice shall be sent as an electronic mail (email) attachment to be filed with the Grant Agreement. Changes to the Acquisition line item(s) up to fifteen percent (15%) shall be made via a written request to the grant manager before submission of the Acquisition invoice. The written request shall be sent as an electronic mail (email) attachment to be filed with the Grant Agreement. Approval or denial of the change will be made at Executive Director discretion. No other modifications to the budget are allowed. The approval or denial shall be filed with the Grant Agreement.
Budget Modification. After submission of the initial program plans and budgets, Co-Grantees may make changes to their budgets during implementation as long as those changes are consistent with their program work plan and are aligned with the goals and objectives of the grant. Because changes in budget line items by co-grantees have a direct impact on the line items of the entire grant budget, co-grantees should consult with the DBS Project Director and report any local budget changes at the quarterly finance team meetings. Multi-college districts have the prerogative to reallocate funds between their colleges, but should consult with the DBS Project Director to assess the impact on the overall grant workplan, deliverables, and whether the change would require submission of a program modification with the Department of Labor. Contra Costa CCD will present budget reports at each quarterly Governance Committee meeting. Additionally, Contra Costa CCD will present an annual summary of budget expenditures to the Governance Committee, identifying any major deviations in spending, and recommendations for budget adjustments. Incorporating guidance from the Governance Committee, Contra Costa CCD will file budget modifications with the Department of Labor. As the lead agency for DBS, Contra Costa CCD is solely responsible for filing budget modifications with DOL, however all budget modifications will be shared with the Governance Committee prior to submission and will be based on financial data provided by the co-grantees and reviewed by the Finance Committee to verify their accuracy prior to submission.
Budget Modification. Any modification in the use of budget must be subject to prior discussion with and approval by COSPE even if the modification is oriented to save resources on specific budget lines. All relevant modifications to Project activities, results, objectives and budget must entail a written official communication and a request for authorization to the EU, according to Art. 9 of the Annex II to the Grant Contract. Additional documents might be requested to justify the modifications. The Parties are not allowed to implement relevant modifications before receiving approval by the Contracting Authority.
Budget Modification. Before making modifications to the budget included under Appendix A-2 hereunder, the Beneficiary shall obtain CEB’s prior written consent. Budget modifications shall, in any case, not concern modification of unit costs that are specified in the SCO.
Budget Modification a. COUNTY must obtain STATE written approval before changing any part of the budget.
b. Notwithstanding Clause 20.1 of CONTRACT, shifting of funds between budget line items does not require an amendment if the amount shifted does not exceed 10% of that budget year total and does not change the total obligation amount.
c. If COUNTY’s approved budget changes proceed without an amendment pursuant to this clause, COUNTY must record the budget change in EGMS or on a form provided by STATE.
Budget Modification a. All budget modifications require prior approval from APCD.
b. Contractor shall request budget modifications and/or revisions to the budget using a Budget Modification Form to be provided by ACPD.
c. A budget modification can be requested by category or by line item:
(1) Budget Category Adjustment involves transferring funds between existing budget sections (e.g., from Staffing/Personnel to Direct Participant Financial Support).
(2) A Line-Item Adjustment involves transferring funds between existing line items within a budget category (e.g., from Employment and Education to Pro-social Activities) or adding line items to a budget category (e.g., hiring a new position/role, relocation costs, etc.).
d. Upon the County’s request, Contractor shall immediately provide any supporting documentation to support requested budget modification(s).
e. Contractor will be notified of approval by receipt of the signed copy of the Budget Modification Form; no work associated with the budget modification may commence prior to approval.
f. Budget Modifications shall be submitted at least 30 days in advance.