Budget Schedule Subrecipient agrees that the expenditures of any and all funds under this Contract will be in accordance with the Budget Schedule, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment C, and which by this reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth.
Budget Summary Other Sources (Page BudgetSum 2-3 - Acct 7000), must equal Other Uses (BudgetSum 2-3 - Acct. 8000). Estimated Beginning Fund Balance July,1 2020 for all Funds (Cells C3 - K3) (Line must have a number or zero. Do not leave blank.) OK Estimated Activity Fund Beginning Fund Balance July,1 2020 (Cell C83) (Cell must have a number or zero. Do not leave blank.) OK Transfer Among Funds (Funds 10, 20, 40 - Acct 7130 - Cells C29, D29, F29), must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 40 - Acct 8130 - Cells C52, D52, F52). OK Transfer of Interest (Funds 10 thru 90 - Acct 7140 - Cells C30:K30), must equal (Funds 10 thru 60, & 80 - Acct 8140 - Cells C53:H53, J53). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Principal on Capital Leases (Fund 30 - Acct 7400 - Cell E39) must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 60 - Acct 8400 Cells C57:H60). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Interest on Capital Leases (Fund 30 - Acct 7500 - Cell E40) must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 60 - Acct 8500 - Cells C61:H64). OK Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds (Fund 30 - Acct 7600 - Cell E41) must equal (Funds 10 & 20 - Acct 8600 - Cells C65:D68). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds (Fund 30 - Acct 7700 - Cell E42) must equal (Funds 10 & 20 - Acct 8700 - Cells C69:D72). OK Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (Fund 60 - Acct 7800 - Cell H43) must equal (Fund 10 & 20, Acct 8800 - Cells C73:D76). OK
Budget Revisions Grantee shall obtain Prior Approval from Grantor whenever a Budget revision is necessary for one or more of the reasons enumerated in 2 CFR 200.308 or 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.370(b). All requests for Budget revisions that require Grantor approval shall be signed by Grantee’s authorized representative and submitted to Grantor for approval. Expenditure of funds under a requested revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before Grantor gives written approval.
Background and Narrative of Budget Reductions 2. Assumptions Used in the Deficit Reduction Plan: - EBF and Estimated New Tier Funding: - Equal Assessed Valuation and Tax Rates: - Employee Salaries and Benefits: - Short and Long Term Borrowing: - Educational Impact: - Other Assumptions: - Has the district considered shared services or outsourcing (Ex: Transportation, Insurance) If yes please explain:
Flexible Work Schedules An employee may request a modification of their current work schedule to another schedule. The Employer, or its designees, may approve or deny flexible work schedules and retain the responsibility for determining exemptions from, or terminations of, flexible work schedules which adversely affect the operation of the Minnesota Judicial Branch or the level of service to the public.
Flexible Work Schedule A flexible work schedule is any schedule that is not a regular, alternate, 9/80, or 4/10 work schedule and where the employee is not scheduled to work more than 40 hours in the "workweek" as defined in Subsections F. and H., below.
Timeline Contractor must perform the Services and deliver the Deliverables according to the following timeline:
Budget Consulting Engineer/Architect shall advise City if, in its opinion, the amount budgeted for construction is not sufficient to adequately design and construct the improvement as requested.
Project Description In two or three brief sentences, provide a concise description of your exhibition. Include the subject matter, type of objects to be included (paintings, sculpture, manuscripts, etc.), those responsible for organizing the exhibition, and catalogue author(s).
Cash Basis and Budget Laws The right of the City to enter into this Agreement is subject to the provisions of the Cash Basis Law (K.S.A. 10-1112 and 10-1113), the Budget Law (K.S.A. 79-2935), and all other laws of the State of Kansas. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted so as to ensure that the City shall at all times stay in conformity with such laws, and as a condition of this Agreement the City reserves the right to unilaterally sever, modify, or terminate this Agreement at any time if, in the opinion of its legal counsel, the Agreement may be deemed to violate the terms of such laws.