Budget Costs. (a) Estimated budget costs are contained in the Summary Project Cost Table below: [DFA will insert table] The Division’s Final Budget Approval and related Form 259 and Form 260 will document a more detailed budget of eligible Project Costs and Project funding amounts. Upon written request by the Recipients, the Division may adjust the line items of the Summary Project Cost Table at the time of Division’s Final Budget Approval. Upon written request by the Recipients, the Division may also adjust the line items of the Summary Project Cost Table as well as the detailed budget at the time of Recipients’ submittal of their final claim. Any line item adjustments to the Summary Project Cost Table that are due to a change in scope of work will require an Agreement amendment. The sum of adjusted line items in both the Summary Project Cost Table and the detailed budget must not exceed the Project Funding Amount. The Division may also propose budget adjustments.
(b) Under no circumstances may the sum of line items in the budget approved through the Final Budget Approval process exceed the Project Funding Amount. Any increase in the Project Funding Amount will require an Agreement amendment.
Budget Costs. Budget costs are contained in the Summary Project Cost Table below: LINE ITEM PROJECT FUNDS MATCH CONTRIBUTION TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Direct Project Administration Costs $ $ $ Planning/Design/Engineering/ Environmental $ $ $ Construction/Implementation $ $ $ Monitoring/Performance $ $ $ Education/Outreach $ $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ Indirect Costs are ineligible for funding under this Agreement. The Recipient is prohibited from requesting disbursement amounts that represent the Recipient’s mark-ups to costs invoiced or otherwise requested by consultants or contractors. Subject to the prior review and approval of the Project Manager, adjustments between existing line items may be used to defray allowable direct costs up to fifteen percent (15%) of the total Project Funding Amount, including any amendment(s) thereto. Line Item adjustments approved by the Project Manager must be de minimis, less than 15% of the total Project Funding Amount, and may not include any changes to the Scope of Work. Line item adjustments in excess of fifteen percent (15%) or line item adjustments that result in a change to the scope of work will require an Agreement amendment. If the detailed budget includes an amount for the Recipient’s personnel costs, that amount is based on the hours, classifications, and rates submitted by the Recipient in its application. Any changes to the hours, classifications, and rates must be approved, in advance and in writing, by the Project Manager. The Recipient may submit a request for an adjustment in writing to the Project Manager. Such adjustment may not increase or decrease the total Project Funding Amount. The Recipient shall submit a copy of the original Agreement budget sheet reflecting the requested changes and shall note proposed changes by striking out the original amount(s) followed with proposed change(s) in bold and underlined. Budget adjustments deleting a budget line item or adding a new budget line item shall require a formal amendment. The Division may also propose budget adjustments. The sum of adjusted line items shall not exceed the total budget amount. In the event the Recipient does not submit Reimbursement Requests for all funds encumbered under this Agreement by the Final Reimbursement Request Date, any remaining funds revert to the State. The State Water Board may notify the Recipient that the project file is closed, and any remaining balance will be disencumbered and unavailable for further use under the Agreement.
Budget Costs. The administering town shall fund all costs of the Harbor Committee including enforcement costs. All fees shall be paid as described elsewhere in this ordinance. The administering town shall attribute operational costs to the appropriate Harbor accounts expensed in the administration of the harbor, the Harbor Committee, and the Harbor Master.
Budget Costs. Estimated budget costs are contained in the Summary Project Cost Table below. [INSERT B.4 FROM SCOPE OF WORK] Use language only for co-funded reverting funding (Or delete paragraph) The [funding source] Project Funds, in the amount of [amount] ($ ), may not be available to reimburse Project Costs requested after March 1, [year]. If the Recipient has not requested reimbursement of incurred Project Costs, through submittal of complete, adequately supported, properly documented, and accurately addressed Reimbursement Requests in accordance with the Reimbursement Procedures at Exhibit B, in an amount of no less than [amount] ($ ) on the Cover Page by March 1, [year] the difference may revert to the State Water Board and may no longer be available under this Agreement, with no liability accruing to the State Water Board. The Division’s Final Budget Approval(s) and related Forms 259 and 260 will document a more detailed budget of eligible Project Costs and Project funding amounts. Construction of the Project may be completed in phases only with written approval of the Division. If construction proceeds under separate phases, the Recipient must submit a Final Budget Approval package and receive Final Budget Approval from the Division for each phase. The Recipient is prohibited from requesting disbursement amounts that represent Recipient’s mark-ups to costs invoiced or otherwise requested by consultants or contractors. Reimbursement of costs under the Conditional Costs line item is not authorized without the Division’s written approval. The Conditional Costs line item is for increased costs and unforeseen items, provided that the costs are eligible and consistent with the approved scope of work of this Agreement and are determined to be reasonable and necessary by the Division. The Recipient must contact the Project Manager with any requests to use the Conditional Costs line item; approval is subject to the Division’s discretion. The Division will not approve the use of Conditional Costs for construction costs and construction change orders until after it has provided a Final Budget Approval for the Project. Project Costs incurred prior to the Eligible Work Start Date on the cover page of this Agreement are not eligible for reimbursement. [if funded by combo of grant sources, and Eligible Work Start Date is prior to one of the grant start dates] Project Costs incurred prior to [Prop 1] November 4, 2014 [Prop 68] June 5, 2018 [SADW] July 24, 2019 [gf infrastructu...
Budget Costs. As used herein, "Expansion Costs" shall mean and include all out of pocket hard and soft costs incurred in the Expansion, including land acquisition (including the cost of purchasing the Expansion Land and the parcel from King County, and related mitigation costs), design, development, construction and permitting and other predevelopment costs. Expansion Costs shall not include any costs of purchasing, leasing of Removable Equipment (other than construction equipment) or installing any Removable Equipment (other than construction equipment) or any other property that will not become immediately owned by Landlord. Tenant has provided to Landlord a preliminary budget for the Expansion Costs (the "Budget") and will periodically provide to Landlord updated Budgets reflecting current cost and monthly cash flow projections. As of the date hereof, the current total Budget for Expansion Costs is approximately $23,141,000.00, and the amount incurred to date is approximately $500,000.
Budget Costs. The Division’s Form 260 and Form 261 will document a more detailed budget of eligible Project Costs and Project funding amounts. Project Costs incurred prior to the Eligible Work Start Date on the cover page of this Agreement are not eligible for reimbursement. Budget costs are contained in the Summary Project Cost Table below: LINE ITEM PROJECT FUNDING AMOUNT $ $ Indirect Costs are ineligible for funding under this Agreement. The Recipient is prohibited from requesting disbursement amounts that represent Recipient’s mark-ups to costs invoiced or otherwise requested by consultants or contractors.
Budget Costs. Who’s was the initiative for the event? Does the church want to hire the artistes to provide the event, or have the artistes come to the church seeking to put on the event? This will significantly affect the balance of costs and the burden of responsibility for the project.
Budget Costs. (a) Estimated budget costs are contained in the Summary Project Cost Table below: LINE ITEM TOTAL ESTIMATED COST PROJECT FUNDING AMOUNT Construction $57,567,413 $57,567,413 Pre-Purchased Material/Equipment $0 $0 Purchase of Land $0 $0 Contingency $3,707,441 $3,707,441 Force Account $0 $0 Allowances (Soft Costs) $11,099,138 $7,352,983 TOTAL $72,373,992 $68,627,837 The Division’s Final Budget Approval and related Form 259 and Form 260 will document a more detailed budget of eligible Project Costs and Project funding amounts. Reasonable indirect costs may be allowable upon approval by the Division. The Recipient is prohibited from requesting disbursement amounts that represent Recipient’s mark-ups to costs invoiced or otherwise requested by consultants or contractors.
Budget Costs. Budget costs are contained in the Project Cost Table below: Final Budget Approval to be inserted upon amendment.
Budget Costs. Fish Ladders Project Direct Direct Overhead Service Material/ Misc/ Total Phase and Labor Salary/ Labor Contracts Acquisition Other Cost Task Hrs. Benefits Contracts Direct Costs Task IV Construction 8,131 813 105,346 8,187 15,802 138,279 a. Fish Ladders 417 8,131 813 105,346 8,187 15,802 138,279 Task V Post Project Monitoring 668/yr for 3 years 40,109 3,967 0 4,900 1,000 49,976 AFRP Cost 24,120 2,390 52,673 6,543 4,274 90,000 Four Pumps Cost 24,120 2,390 52,673 6,544 12,528 98,255 In addition, the Fishery Foundation of California will provide in kind services to the proposed project. Xxxxxx Environmental, Inc., will also provide professional consulting services, at no cost to the project, to assist with the project design and development, implementation of a monitoring and evaluation program, peer review of annual reports, and participation as a scientific advisor to the project.