Building Level Sample Clauses
Building Level. 28 The principal and the certificated employees in a school building shall confer at 29 least annually in order to develop and/or review building disciplinary standards 30 and uniform enforcement of those standards. 31
Building Level. If the matter is not resolved informally, the grievant or the Association may, within five (5) working days of their final informal discussion, initiate formal proceedings by completing printing on a paper grievance form, or electronic form of the Grievance Report form (Page 108) who participated in the informal discussion, or the grievant and Association may within the same time period, refer the matter to the next Contract Review meeting. If the matter remains unresolved after the next Contract Review meeting, then it may be advanced to Step II within five (5) working days of the Contract Review meeting. The administrator shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of the formal grievance, meet with the grievant and Association representative, in an effort to resolve the grievance. Within five (5) working days of such meeting, the administrator shall dispose of the grievance by completing Part E of the electronic or paper version of the Grievance Report Form and shall return the form to the grievant. If no response to an association request for a Step 1 grievance meeting is received within the five working days, the grievance may advance the grievance to Step II. If the Step I disposition resolved the matter, the grievant and the Association shall complete Parts F and G indicating such resolution on the electronic form and shall distribute copies of the form as specified. If the matter remains unresolved, the grievant or the Association may, within five (5) working days of receipt of the Step I disposition, advance the grievance to Step II.
Building Level. The Association shall elect a Faculty Council for each school which may, upon adequate notification, meet with the Principal once a month during the school year. The Council shall consist of four members of the teaching staff for each school building. Areas for consideration by the Principal and Council shall be limited to building level decisions regarding administration of this agreement and development or revision of building policies and practices.
Building Level a) Elementary School Level: There shall be one (1) member for each grade level elected from their peers, in addition to the elected OCFT Building Representative, who shall serve on their respective elementary school Building Level Team. The OCFT Building Representative may appoint no more than five (5) members to any charged elementary school Building Leadership Team committee.
b) Intermediate and Junior High School Levels: There shall be one
(1) team leader from each team, in addition to the elected OCFT Building Representative, who shall serve on their respective middle school Building Level Team. The OCFT Building Representative may appoint no more than five (5) members to any charged middle school Building Leadership Team committee.
Building Level. (a) In the interest of sound employee relations, a Communication Committee shall be established in each building for the purpose of building and maintaining a climate of mutual understanding and respect in the solution of common concerns. This committee will convene once a month at a mutually agreed upon date unless it is mutually agreed otherwise, for the purpose of discussing subjects of mutual concern, not subject to the grievance procedure set forth in the Agreement.
(b) Each committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) nor less than three (3) Instructional Employees elected by their colleagues, plus the Building Principal and, at the option of the Principal, any administrative assistant(s) from the building. The Association Building Representative shall conduct the election in each building.
(c) Such meetings shall be scheduled as part of the building scheduling process and shall not exceed one each thirty (30) days, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The meeting shall be held on a regular date to be established by mutual agreement during the prior school year and included on the building calendar. This meeting shall take place at least five (5) school days prior to the meeting of the Joint District Communication Committee.
(d) Minutes from the meeting shall be taken by an Association Representative, reviewed by Administration, and distributed to all Instructional Employees pertaining to that building, School Board members, the Superintendent, Association President, and District Communication Committee chairman.
Building Level. (a) Elementary School Level: There shall be one (1) member for each grade level elected from their peers, in addition to the elected OCFT Building Representative, who shall serve on their respective elementary school Building Level Team. The OCFT Building Representative may appoint no more than five (5) members to any charged elementary school Building Leadership Team committee.
Building Level. Building Level Department Chairperson shall be selected at the secondary level on an annual basis by the building principal, subject to approval by the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for curricular areas. Such department chairpersons shall be paid according to the formula below: 1 FTE (equivalent to full time position at level/grade excluding FTE for the Department Chair for departments with more than one member) = $325.00 FTE teachers shall be determined by the number of classes taught in that department as of the fall student count day of each school year. Curricular areas shall be the following: High School Fine Arts Media Business and Computer Education Physical Education Counseling Science Language Arts Social Studies World Language Special Education Life Management Industrial Tech. Mathematics Experiential Art Media Center Computers Music (Instr. & Vocal) Counseling Physical Education Life Management Science World Language Social Studies Mathematics Special Education Modern Tech. English/Language Arts When present reading department chairs vacate this position, the position will be eliminated. Building level chairpersons report to building administration. District level chairpersons shall be selected by the Assistant Superintendent, of Educational Services subject to Superintendent approval, for areas related to the instructional program of the district. All curricular recommendations, including request for curriculum modifications, new course, and/or instructional resources will be in accordance with the DDCC Policy. Each full-time chairperson serving in a core curricular area (language arts/English, math, science or social studies) shall be paid $1,000. Each full-time chairperson serving in a non-core area shall be paid $500. Any individual serving as a district level chairperson for 2011/12 school year shall not receive a reduction of pay as a result of the above mentioned payments for the 2011/12 school year. District level chairpersons report to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. Staff so selected to serve as chairpersons have the right to decline the appointment. Chairpersons shall not be put into an executive role. They may request release time from the building administrator for purposes of fulfilling responsibilities.
Building Level. A. An instructional employee having a grievance shall discuss it with her/his building principal or immediate supervisor with the objective of resolving the matter informally. The aggrieved party may appear alone or he/she may be represented by the Association or by an individual of his/her choice at any and all steps of the grievance process. The presentation of such a grievance shall take place within thirty (30) days following the act or condition which is the basis of the grievance. The aggrieved party and the building principal or the immediate supervisor, within five (5) days of presentation of the grievance, shall confer on the grievance with a view to arriving at a mutually satisfactory resolution of the grievance. The building principal or the immediate supervisor shall communicate her/his decision regarding the grievance to the aggrieved party within seven (7) days after the conference.
B. If the grievance is not resolved informally, it shall be reduced to writing on the proper form and presented to the building principal or the immediate supervisor within seven (7) days of receipt of the informal decision. Within seven (7) days after the written grievance is presented to him/her, the building principal or the immediate supervisor shall render a decision thereon in writing, a copy of which shall be sent to the aggrieved party, the Association President and the Superintendent.
C. If the building principal or the immediate supervisor believes that she/he has no jurisdiction in the matter, she/he shall confer with the Superintendent. If the Superintendent agrees that the principal or immediate supervisor has no jurisdiction in the matter, Step 2 of this Grievance Procedure shall immediately be initiated.
Building Level. A. An instructional employee having a grievance shall discuss it with her/his building principal or immediate supervisor with the objective of resolving the matter informally. The aggrieved party may appear alone or he/she may be represented by the Association or by an individual of his/her choice at any and all steps of the grievance process. The presentation of such a grievance shall take place within thirty (30) days following the act or condition which is the basis of the grievance. The aggrieved party and the building principal or the immediate supervisor, within five
Building Level. Building Level Department Chairperson shall be selected at the secondary level on an annual basis by the building principal, subject to approval by the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, for curricular areas. Such department chairpersons shall be paid according to the formula below: 1 FTE (equivalent to full time position at level/grade) = $325.00 FTE teachers shall be determined by the number of classes taught in that department as of the fall student count day of each school year. Curricular areas shall be the following: High School Fine Arts Media Business and Computer Education Physical Education Counseling Science Language Arts Social Studies Modern Language Special Education Life Management Industrial Tech. Mathematics Experiential Art Media Center Computers Music (Instr. & Vocal) Counseling Physical Education Life Management Science Modern Language Social Studies Mathematics Special Education Modern Tech. English/Language Arts District level chairpersons shall be selected by the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, subject to Superintendent approval, for areas related to the instructional program of the district. A full-time chairperson shall be paid $2,000. District level chairpersons report to the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. Staff so selected to serve as chairpersons have the right to decline the appointment. Chairpersons shall not be put into an executive role. They may request release time from the building administrator for purposes of fulfilling responsibilities.