Performance Levels (a) The Performance Levels which apply to the performance by the respective Parties of their obligations under this Agreement are set out in Part 1 of Schedule 5. A failure by either Party to achieve the relevant Performance Level will not constitute a breach of this Agreement and the only consequences of such failure as between the Parties shall be the consequences set out in this Clause 5.6. (b) If the Operator does not comply with the Operator Performance Level then the Access Holder must pay to QR Network the amount determined in accordance with Schedule 5 as part of the invoice issued by QR Network for Access Charges and other charges for the Billing Period immediately following QR Network becoming entitled to that amount. Where there is no next Billing Period, the Operator must pay such amount to QR Network within fourteen (14) days after receipt of a Tax Invoice from QR Network. (c) If QR Network does not comply with the QR Network Performance Level then QR Network will credit to the Access Holder the amount determined in accordance with Schedule 5 by way of a deduction from the invoice issued by QR Network for Access Charges and other charges for the Billing Period immediately following the Access Holder becoming entitled to that amount. Where there is no next Billing Period, QR Network must pay such amount to the Access Holder within fourteen (14) days after receipt of a Tax Invoice from the Access Holder. (d) The Parties must, if requested by either Party, meet to review the Performance Levels subject to such review not occurring within six (6) Months after the Commitment Date or any previous review of the Performance Levels. If either Party notifies the other that it considers that the Performance Levels are no longer appropriate, the Parties may agree on varied Performance Levels and any associated variations to the Agreement including the Base Access Charges and the Train Service Description. If the Parties are unable to agree to such variations, then the existing Performance Levels shall continue to apply unless varied by QR Network in accordance with the provisions of Clause 5.6(e). (e) In the event that the Access Holder and/or the Operator (i) does not comply in any material respect with the Train Service Description; and (ii) the Access Holder fails to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of QR Network when requested to do so, that the Access Holder will consistently comply with the Train Service Description for the remainder of the Term then, following consultation with the Access Holder, QR Network will be entitled to: (iii) vary the Train Service Description to a level it reasonably expects to be achievable by the Access Holder for the remainder of the Term having regard to the extent of previous compliance with the Train Service Description (ignoring, for the purpose of assessing previous compliance, any non-compliance to the extent that the non-compliance was attributable to a Railway Operator (other than the Access Holder) or to QR Network); and (iv) vary the Agreement (including, without limitation, the Operator Performance Level and the Base Access Charges) to reflect the impact of the change in the Train Service Description. (f) The Access Holder shall be entitled to dispute any variation proposed by QR Network pursuant to Clause 5.6(e) and such dispute will be referred to an expert for resolution in accordance with Clause 17.3.
Level III In the event the grievance is not resolved in Level II, the decision rendered may be appealed to the School Board, provided such an appeal is made in writing within ten (10) days after receipt of the decision in Level II. If a grievance is properly appealed to the School Board, the School District shall hear the grievance within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the appeal. Within twenty (20) days after the meeting the School Board shall issue its decision in writing to the parties involved. At the option of the School Board, a committee or representative(s) of the School District may be designated by the School Board to hear the appeal at this level, and report its findings and recommendations to the School District. The School District shall then render its decision.
EPP service availability Refers to the ability of the TLD EPP servers as a group, to respond to commands from the Registry accredited Registrars, who already have credentials to the servers. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. An EPP command with “EPP command RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR will be considered as unanswered. If 51% or more of the EPP testing probes see the EPP service as unavailable during a given time, the EPP service will be considered unavailable.
Registry-‐Level Fees (a) Registry Operator shall pay ICANN a registry-‐level fee equal to (i) the registry fixed fee of US$6,250 per calendar quarter and (ii) the registry-‐level transaction fee (collectively, the “Registry-‐Level Fees”). The registry-‐level transaction fee will be equal to the number of annual increments of an initial or renewal domain name registration (at one or more levels, and including renewals associated with transfers from one ICANN-‐accredited registrar to another, each a “Transaction”), during the applicable calendar quarter multiplied by US$0.25; provided, however that the registry-‐level transaction fee shall not apply until and unless more than 50,000 Transactions have occurred in the TLD during any calendar quarter or any consecutive four calendar quarter period in the aggregate (the “Transaction Threshold”) and shall apply to each Transaction that occurred during each quarter in which the Transaction Threshold has been met, but shall not apply to each quarter in which the Transaction Threshold has not been met. Registry Operator’s obligation to pay the quarterly registry-‐level fixed fee will begin on the date on which the TLD is delegated in the DNS to Registry Operator. The first quarterly payment of the registry-‐level fixed fee will be prorated based on the number of calendar days between the delegation date and the end of the calendar quarter in which the delegation date falls. (b) Subject to Section 6.1(a), Registry Operator shall pay the Registry-‐Level Fees on a quarterly basis to an account designated by ICANN within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the invoice provided by ICANN.
Level I If the grievance is not resolved through informal discussions, the School District designee shall give a written decision on the grievance to the parties involved within ten (10) days after receipt of the written grievance.