Categories of Membership. There shall be three categories of membership of the IFSB:
Categories of Membership. Family Memberships will be offered for Social, Tennis (includes Social benefits and privileges) and Golf (includes Social and Tennis benefits and privileges). These Family Memberships include all residents of the member's home.
Categories of Membership. There shall be three categories of membership: Members, Associate Members, and Honorary Members. All Members and Associate Members are individuals or organisations legally established according to the laws of their country. Associated Members will have no right to participate in any votes taken by the Association.
Categories of Membership. 6.1 In accordance with the AFF’s Selection Policy, the AFF requires Athletes to nominate for the National Squad in the following categories, for each weapon and each gender: Senior; Junior; Cadet; Youth (U15)
6.2 For administrative purposes, the HPC manages the above categories, for each weapon and each gender, by grouping these as follows: Adult (Senior, Junior, Cadet); and Youth (U15).
Categories of Membership. Full membership Use of the gym whenever we are open (see opening hours), There are certain facilities and services that can be purchased in addition to your membership benefits. These are specifically, but not exclusively personal training services, diet analysis, sports injury advice and therapy, guest fees. A list of current charges for these can be obtained from reception. We can change these charges at any time. We can refuse to accept any payment that you try to make by cheque. If paying by monthly standing order or direct debit and your bank fails to make your payment this will incur an administration charge. We will give you a membership card, which you must use each time you enter the club. You cannot lend your membership card to another person. If another person uses your card we may end your membership. If we were to end your membership we will not refund your subscriptions paid and any remainder owed will become payable at that point. If you lose your membership card you must inform us straight away. We may charge a reasonable fee to replace it. Your membership is personal to you. You cannot transfer it to another person without our written permission.
Categories of Membership. There are various categories of membership, each designed to suit the varying needs of our users. • Student Membership Student membership is only available to those people who are on a current accredited course by Leeds Trinity University and are registered on the Leeds Trinity University student database. • Community Membership Trinity Fitness offers a number of membership’s options for members of the local community who are not affiliated with the university, offering access to our wide range of excellent facilities at very reasonable prices. We also offer memberships and access to our facilities for 16-17 year olds.
Categories of Membership. 6.3.1 Full Members: any Persons whose membership have been approved.
Categories of Membership. There are various categories of membership, each designed to suit the varying needs of our users. Student membership is only available to those people who are on a current accredited course by York St Xxxx University and are registered on the York St Xxxx University student database. Staff membership is only available to people who hold a current contract of employment with York St Xxxx University and are on the York St Xxxx HR database. Once employment is terminated, either by the member of staff or by the University, the benefits of staff membership will be revoked. YSJActive offers a membership option for members of the local community who are not affiliated with the university, offering access to our range of facilities at very reasonable prices. All members must be at least 18 years of age to use our facilities. We value local businesses and all the hard work their employees put in. That’s why we offer a discounted membership rate.
Categories of Membership. Xalgorithms Alliance has five categories of Member, defined below. Each Member category involves a contribution commitment, as detailed in Schedule A. Member participate directly in the Foundation’s activities, and/or in the Working Groups as described below..
Categories of Membership. Membership in this organization shall be open to all those who care about, have an interest in, or wish to make contributions to help the Organization xxxxxx a culture of peace among ethnic and religious groups in countries around the world. The Board of Directors is delegated the power and authority to determine the different categories and classes of membership as well as their corresponding minimum requirements. The initial membership will be categorized as follows:
1. Executive Membership;
2. Corporate Membership; and