Chairs. The combined instructional and administrative duties of a Chair shall not result in a workload which is significantly in excess of the total duties performed in an equivalent instructional workload.
Chairs. (1) 4’X24” Table, covered and skirted - (1) Wastebasket - (1) Tracklight with (3) Halogen Lights *power only for lights ncluded. Additional power is available from GES
Chairs. Chairs shall be reviewed annually by the unit xxxx. Faculty will participate in the evaluation of chairs at least every two years. The chair will be reviewed based on the performance of duties and responsibilities as outlined in the college/library and departmental P & P. The results of the review will be shared with the chair. Based on the evaluation of performance, a plan may be developed jointly by the xxxx and the chair for improvement or the chair may be removed by the xxxx. The school/department/academic unit faculty by x two-thirds (2/3) majority recall vote may initiate a request to the xxxx to remove the chair at the end of any academic quarter. The xxxx shall conduct the vote. The chair may resign at any time.
Chairs. 19.1 Department chairs will be chosen from among a) bargaining unit members of the faculty or b) faculty from outside the University who, if hired, will become bargaining unit members.
19.2 Chairs are tenure-track faculty of the department and retain all the rights and privileges of tenure-track faculty while serving in this capacity.
19.3 Appointments as department chairpersons are for periods of three to five years and are renewable. Appointments are made by the Xxxxxxx on the basis of recommendations initiated by the deans of the schools and colleges.
19.4 The xxxx'x recommendation is made only after agreement is reached between the xxxx and a majority of the tenure-track faculty in the department concerned. As a preliminary step, the xxxx will meet with members of the department as a group to discuss the choice of a chairperson. The xxxx may also, on his/her initiative or the faculty member's initiative, discuss possibilities individually. Before finally making a recommendation, the xxxx may enter into full group discussion with the tenure-track faculty to arrive at agreement with a majority of the group concerning a recommendation.
19.5 Department Chairs shall receive stipends commensurate with the Chair’s additional responsibilities. The Xxxx will determine the stipend amount and inform all department faculty members of the amount.
19.6 If a Department or Xxxx wishes to remove a Department Chair from office, the process will be the mirror image of that for appointing Chairs: namely, that a majority of the Department and the Xxxx would have to agree on removal.
Chairs. 22.01 Appointment to the position of Chair shall be made in writing by the Vice-President (Academic), in accordance with the selection procedures in this Article. To be eligible to serve as a Department Chair, a candidate must at the time of selection be a Member. The Chair shall normally be tenured at the rank of Associate Professor, or Professor or with continuing appointment normally at the rank of Instructor II, or Instructor III. A Member holding the position of Department Chair elected to the Board of Regents and excluded from the bargaining unit for that purpose shall be entitled to continue to carry out his/her responsibilities as Chair in accordance with this Article.
22.02 (1) For the purposes of this Article, the “Xxxx” shall be defined as the Xxxx or a designated academic administrator.
Chairs. For the purposes of this Article, Program Managers will be treated as Chairs.
Chairs. The Employer will make repairs to all chairs in the ECC operations room without regard to when they are scheduled to be replaced. The manufacturer, make and/or model of the chairs, may be changed at any time if agreed to in writing by both parties to this Agreement.
Chairs. The Venue does have limited folding chairs that are available for an additional cost to Client. Client is required to set-up and strike the chairs on their own as the Venue does not provide labor to set and strike these chairs.
Chairs. (1) Program Guide & Web Site Listing Total Number of Table-Top Exhibits Requested: considered for participation. Filling out and submitting this table-top exhibit request form does not guarantee my participation, but will allow the Exhibitor Review Committee to begin the process of my consideration for a table-top exhibit space. This is a NON-CANNABIS CONSUMPTION event. Exhibitors are not allowed to distribute, sell, gift or consume any medicated or live THC products on the grounds of the Hyatt Regency. _ _
Chairs. (1) Trash Bin
(1) Exhibitor ID Sign