Character of Exhibits. The Exhibitor agrees to display only new products or services sold in the regular course of business and as described in this contract. Each exhibit must comply with all applicable laws, codes and ordinances. Exhibits shall be dignified in character and, in the judgment of Show Management, not offensive to the general public. The Show Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject and/ or remove any exhibit or portion of exhibit not in keeping with this rule or purpose of the show.
Character of Exhibits. Exhibitor agrees to display only new or current model year products and services sold in the regular course of business and as described in this Agreement. Exhibitor and its exhibit must comply with all applicable laws, codes and ordinances. All aspects of Exhibitor’s exhibit and exhibit materials including, but not limited to, the exhibit itself, all promotional materials and other merchandise, and all music or other media performed or played in the exhibit must be dignified in character and, in the sole judgment of Show Management, not offensive to the general public. Show Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove any exhibit or portion of exhibit that is not dignified in character or otherwise is not in keeping with the purposes and themes of the Show.
Character of Exhibits. Exhibitor understands that the CES is a consumer technology show. Exhibitor agrees that products displayed in its exhibit space will be in harmony with the theme of the event and will consist of products that pertain to the consumer technology industry. Products eligible to be exhibited include consumer and workplace technology products, services, content and related accessories. Exhibitor agrees to reasonably limit the display of non-electronic products within its exhibit booth. Further, Exhibitor agrees to uphold that 60% of its exhibit display and contents will match the product or service category for which they are floored. Exhibitor agrees to display only products of its own manufacture, products manufactured for, distributed by, certified by, or licensed to Exhibitor. Failure to adhere to Section 17 will result in the loss of ALL priority points and will affect your selection order at CES in the future. CTA reserves the right to order withdrawal from display, any items which, in its opinion, do not comply with these requirements.
Character of Exhibits. HR Houston reserves the right to judge the appropriateness of any exhibit and to decline to permit the Exhibitor to conduct or maintain an exhibit if, in the opinion of HR Houston, said Exhibitor, exhibit, or proposed exhibit shall in any respect be deemed unsuitable. This reservation relates to persons, conduct, articles of merchandise, printed matter, souvenirs, catalogs, and any and all other things, without limitation, which might negatively affect the character of the Symposium. Exhibitor agrees to XX Xxxxxxx’x right to enforce this provision by the removal of the exhibit or portions thereof deemed unsuitable or to prevent the installation of any proposed exhibit deemed to be unsuitable. Exhibitor further agrees that no refund shall be made for space or services to Exhibitor by HR Houston as a consequence of enforcement of this provision 11. SALES OF PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR SAMPLES. Exchange of money or consummating the sale of goods or services on the Exhibit Hall floor is prohibited.
Character of Exhibits. The Fair reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit or part or element thereof which in its sole opinion is not suitable. This reservation concerns persons, things, conduct, printed material, souvenirs, catalogs and all other things. Exhibitors only have the right to distribute catalogs, souvenirs, and other matter approved by the Fair from the space occupied by them, but in no other way.
Character of Exhibits. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse accommodation for any exhibit the character of which, in the opinion of the Organisers and/or the Venue is unsuitable or unsafe for the site allocated to the Exhibitor or might constitute a health/safety hazard.
Character of Exhibits. The “Marketplace” section is reserved for lake home and cabin related products only and is intended to have a "marketplace" atmosphere. Show Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine the appropriateness of all products and services displayed in this area. Exhibitor agrees to display only new or first- time-for-sale products in this area. Exhibitor and its exhibit must comply with all applicable laws, codes and ordinances. All aspects of Exhibitor’s exhibit and exhibit materials including, but not limited to, the exhibit itself, all promotional materials and other merchandise, and all music or other media performed or played in the exhibit must be dignified in character and, in the sole judgment of Show Management, not offensive to the general public. Show Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove any exhibit or portion of exhibit that is not dignified in character or otherwise is not in keeping with the purposes and themes of the Show.
Character of Exhibits. It is the desire of Show Management that each exhibitor design and create an exhibit of an attractive nature which will enhance the overall appearance of the exposi- tion and be a credit to the industry. We request that all exhibitors respect applicable clauses of the American with Disabilities Act. Show Management reserves the right to approve the character of the display and to prohibit any display which, because of noise or other objectionable features, detracts from the general character of the exposition. Exhibits must be in good taste as determined by Show Management. It is the exhibitors responsibility to create an attractive display area. The exhibitor is required to provide carpet to cover the area contracted, including under carpet equipment. Any part of an exhibit space which does not compliment the purpose of the exhibition must be corrected at the exhibitor’s expense. Show Management reserves the unilateral right to correct any unsightly exhibit and the exhibitor agrees to pay Show Management for expenses incurred in making the necessary alterations.
Character of Exhibits. The installation of any exhibit not approved by the WCPR market manager will be prohibited. Distribution by Vendors of any printed matter, souvenirs or other articles shall be restricted to the space occupied by their exhibits. Exhibitors must confine all transactions to the leased space and shall not solicit prospective customers in any other location on the fairground except within their leased space. Exhibits or Vendors deemed unsuitable will not be allowed and may be removed from grounds without refund by notice from the Market Manager. The Market Manager reserves the right to remove from the grounds any exhibit, sign, or advertising matter which may be deemed unsuitable or objectionable without assigning reason thereof. CARE OF EXHIBITS: Vendor booths and spaces must be maintained in clean and proper order at all times. All vendors must pick-up their empty boxes and trash daily and deposit it in trash dumpsters. The area must be kept clean and free of trash. All Vendors must respect Vendors next to them. PLANS: Any special wiring or connections to utilities shall have prior approval of the Market Manager or an employee designated by them. Any alterations or changes shall be done by the Vendor at no cost to WCPR. The Vendor must restore exhibit space to its original form, at exhibitor’s expense, before vacating therefrom. Vendors are responsible for the decoration of partitions between exhibits. All decorations shall be fire- resistive or non-flammable materials. REMOVAL OF GOODS AFTER THE FAIR: Booths must be dismantled and all items removed after 12:00 a.m. on the closing date. Anything that is left on the premises after Sunday will be taken to the Wasatch County land fill.
Character of Exhibits a) The exhibitor shall provide adequate staff for maintenance and operation of its exhibit during learning resource center (exhibit) hours.
b) Any demonstration or activity that results in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to a nearby exhibitor's booth shall be suspended for any periods specified by exhibits management. Exhibits management reserves the right to prohibit, modify, and regulate any display not in keeping with the policies of the exhibition or are objectionable from its point of view.
c) Nothing connected with an exhibit or the method of demonstration shall be permitted, nor shall anything be distributed if it is a source of danger or annoyance.
d) Moving picture machines, rear screen projectors and the like shall be placed four feet from the aisle line. Nothing shall be shown on screens except materials designed to promote the use or sale of the products of the exhibitor. Sound effects or speakers used to convey a message should be kept in range of normal conversation, and in no way be permitted to annoy adjoining exhibitors or attract persons walking in the aisles.
e) Any unusual means, methods, or devices for attracting attention must be placed away from booth lines. Instruction, gifts for visitors, picture taking, testing, weighing, or other attractions must be so placed and conducted that the aisles will not be congested, the view obstructed, or rights of other exhibitors interfered with.
f) No balloons, or other extreme promotional activities, will be permitted. Exhibits management reserves the right to prevent anything which, in its opinion, is not in keeping with the character of the exhibition.
g) All business activities of an exhibitor during the exhibition must be within the exhibitor's allotted space. Samples, catalogs, pamphlets, souvenirs, publications, etc., may be distributed by exhibitors only from within their own booths. Attire of exhibitor personnel shall conform to normal business standards.
h) The exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with national, state and city regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices and conditions for operation of machinery and equipment.
i) Exhibits management must approve serving and distributing of food and beverages.
j) The exhibitor shall provide adequate staff for maintenance and operation of the exhibit space during all exhibit hours.