Christmas Day Melbourne Cup Day (or alternative days in regional areas);
Christmas Period relating to scheduling during this period will apply, except as modified to confirm that the weekend shift employee will continue to work weekends during this period.
Public Holidays falling within Annual Leave (a) If a Public Holiday, as prescribed in this Agreement, falls within an Employee’s annual leave the Public Holiday does not constitute part of the Employee’s annual leave and will be paid as ordinary hours.
Time Off Between Shifts Failure to provide the minimum number of hours between the commencement of an employee's scheduled shift and the commencement of such employee's next scheduled shift shall result in payment of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's regular straight time hourly rate for only those hours which reduce the minimum hour period. Where the minimum period is reduced as a result of an approved change of shift(s) requested by the employee(s), such premium payment shall not apply. The minimum number of hours for purposes of this Article shall be determined locally and will be set out in the Local Provisions Appendix.