Christmas Schedule. E.1 A Nurse will be scheduled off work for not less than five (5) consecutive days, inclusive of either the Christmas period or New Year's period, unless the nurse requests otherwise, except in areas which are not normally required to work weekends and statutory holidays. The normal schedule conditions shall be waived to accommodate this special arrangement between December 15th and January 15th, save and except provisions;
Christmas Schedule. The period from December 20th to January 5th, shifts must be exchanged unless otherwise mutually agreed. All employees shall receive at least five (5) consecutive days off or more at Christmas or New Year's, except in areas which normally are not scheduled to work on weekends or paid holidays. Time off at Christmas shall include December 24 th, 25th, and 26 th. Time off at New Year's shall include December 31 st, January 1st, unless mutually agreed otherwise. Time worked at Christmas shall include December 24th, 25 th, and 26 th. Time worked at New Year's shall include December 31st, January 1st, unless mutually agreed otherwise. By September 1st of each year, the Hospital shall post a notice that requests for time off at Christmas or New Year’s period can be recorded on. At the same time all part time and casual nurses will submit their availability to work over Christmas and New Year’s. This notice for requested time off shall be taken down by October 1st. The Christmas schedule shall be sent to the scheduling committee no later than October 21st. The scheduling committee shall convene a meeting no later than October 24th. Once approved by the scheduling committee, the Director shall approve and post the schedule by November 7th. Employees who are required to work over either Christmas or New Year’s shall rotate the holiday they are off from year to year.
Christmas Schedule. The Employer will post a schedule preference list on or about November 1. The final schedule will be posted on or before November 15th. Employees can select if they wish to work Christmas/Boxing Day or New Year’s Day, or both. The Employer will attempt to accommodate the preferences as much as it can. Where there is a conflict the employee’s schedule from the prior year will be used. The employee who did not receive the time off in the prior year will be granted the time off. The Employer will attempt to grant staff three (3) days off at either Christmas or New Years. Regular scheduling restrictions and rules may be waived from the 15th of December to the 15th of January in order to accommodate the employees during this period.
Christmas Schedule. Employees covered by this Agreement shall have either Christmas or New Year's Day off. Employees who are required to work either Christmas or New Years, shall have four (4) consecutive days off, which shall commence at either 1500 hours December 24 or at 1500 hours December 31. Wherever possible, this provision will apply to regular part-time employees. If a fulltime employee works Christmas or New Years’ one year, they shall work the opposite the next year, where possible. Notwithstanding, every effort will be made to accommodate written requests based on seniority and availability. Where possible, this provision will apply to regular part-time employees.
Christmas Schedule. Employees will maintain their master schedule during the holiday periods. The Christmas period shall be defined as the beginning of the day shift December 24th, until the beginning of the Day shift December 27th. The New Year’s period shall be defined as the beginning of the day shift December 31 until the beginning of the day shift January 2. Requests for time off over the Holiday Period must be submitted, in writing, by October 1st. If the staffing requirements allow for employees to be off during the holiday period, time off will be granted in the following manner:
1) Employees who have worked one of the holiday periods in the previous year and are scheduled for the same holiday period. Where this applies to more than one (1) employee seniority shall govern.
2) Employees scheduled to work both the Christmas and New Year’s Holiday period will be granted time off over one of either the Christmas or New Year’s Periods
3) Where staffing does not allow for all of the time off requests to be granted seniority shall govern 4) Additional employees will be granted time off based on seniority
Christmas Schedule a) All Employees shall be scheduled to receive either Christmas or New Year’s off: Christmas one year and New Year’s the next year.
b) When an Employee receives Christmas off, she shall also receive either Christmas Eve Day or Boxing Day off for a total of two (2) days off. Where an Employee receives New Year’s Day off, she shall also receive New Year’s Eve Day off for a total of two (2) days off. An Employee may advise they do not want to be scheduled off the two (2) days with either of the above holidays.
c) In order to accommodate the above, normal scheduling will be discontinued between December 15th and January 15th.
d) Following the posting of the holiday schedule, any mutual exchanges for these holidays must be requested and submitted no later than December 17th of each year for approval by the Employer.
Christmas Schedule. Employees will maintain their master schedule during the holiday periods. The Christmas period shall be defined as the beginning of the day shift December 24th, until the beginning of the Day shift December 27th. The New Year’s period shall be defined as the beginning of the day shift December 31 until the beginning of the day shift January 2. Requests for time off over the Holiday Period must be submitted, in writing, by October 1st. The schedule encompassing the holiday periods will be posted by November 1st. If the staffing requirements allow for employees to be off during the holiday period, time off will be granted in the following manner:
1) Employees who have worked one of the holiday periods in the previous year and are scheduled for the same holiday period. Where this applies to more than one (1) employee seniority shall govern.
2) Employees scheduled to work both the Christmas and New Year’s Holiday period will be granted time off over one of either the Christmas or New Year’s Periods.
3) Where staffing does not allow for all of the time off requests to be granted seniority shall govern 4) Additional employees will be granted time off based on seniority
Christmas Schedule. A nurse will be scheduled off work for not less than five (5) consecutive days during the holiday period, unless the nurse requests otherwise, except in areas which are not normally required to work on weekends and statutory holidays. The normal scheduling conditions shall be waived to accommodate this special arrangement between December 15th and January 15th. For the purpose of this schedule, the Christmas period off shall be defined as the beginning of the day shift(s) on December 24th until the beginning of the day shift(s) on December 27th. The New Year’s period off shall be defined as the beginning of the day shift(s) on December 31st until the beginning of the day shift(s) on January 2nd. A nurse not scheduled on the holiday period that they were expected to work will be deemed to have worked the holiday period for scheduling purposes. Nurses will indicate their preferences of work for the holiday period, in writing, by October 1st of each year. The Hospital will post schedules indicating time off for the holiday period by November 1st. These schedules shall cover at least a six (6) week period. If the nurse was scheduled to work the Christmas period, the nurse must be scheduled to have the following Christmas period off, unless the nurse chooses to work. If the staffing requirements allow for additional staff to be off, it will be granted based on seniority of the scheduled nurses requesting the time off.
Christmas Schedule. In any location where the Employer deems it necessary to meet client service requirements, staffing levels shall be maintained at a level to satisfy those requirements during the period between Christmas and New Year's, for non-paid holidays as provided in Article 10. Such determination shall rest with the President of the Company, who, where appropriate, shall advise the Local Union President. To maintain client service requirements, staffing would first be provided on a voluntary basis. In the event that sufficient volunteers are not forthcoming, employees will be scheduled in order of reverse seniority, provided the employee has the skills and ability to perform the work. The Employer's offices are closed the following days each year: Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year's Eve Day New Year's Day When Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on a Saturday, the Employer may schedule observance of the holiday the preceding working day. For the period between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve Day, Employees may volunteer to work, or book vacation as described in Article 17.05. All time off will be mutually agreed upon, and approved by the Employer. All approved vacation, in accordance with Article 17.05, shall take precedence over the Christmas Schedule, and each situation outside of that will be reviewed and decided on a case-by-case basis. The Company shall advise the Employees of the staffing requirements by positing a schedule in the office, and/or department, not later than October 1 of each year. Upon mutual consent, Employees shall be permitted to bank additional hours between September and January toward time off between the Christmas and New Year’s holidays (Article 10), exclusive of any overtime premium.
Christmas Schedule. Hour Shift Hour Shift