CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. It shall be the goal of the Board and Administration to establish and maintain the most favorable class size possible, consistent with the financial condition of the school district, state minimum standards and the availability of teaching space. Class size shall be adjusted as equitable as possible within each school building. When assigning special needs students, the principal, intervention specialist and regular education grade level teachers will discuss and decide the most appropriate placement.
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. A. The Board will make a good faith effort to meet the requirements of state law with respect to class size.
B. The Board will make a good faith effort to provide an appropriate classroom for each class of students.
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. 683 684 A. Administrators will make efforts within reason to ensure that teacher student ratios are equitable 685 within schools. Administrators will also make efforts within reason to ensure that students are 686 distributed in such a way that no one teacher is tasked with any particular subgroup. 687 688 B. Definitions: 689 690 1. Class Size is the number of students assigned to a teacher for a period of instruction. In 691 elementary schools, where one teacher directs all learning, it is the number of students for whom a 692 teacher is responsible daily. In secondary schools or other schools in which teachers are 693 responsible for instruction in a particular subject, it is the number of students for whom a teacher is 694 responsible during a single period. 695 696 2. Class Load is the number of pupils students for whom teachers are responsible daily where the 697 teacher is assigned more than one class each day. 698 699 If a class consists of two grades, whichever of the two grades' maximum class size is the smallest 700 shall be the maximum class size for that class. 701
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. A. The Board will make efforts within reason to assure that teacher-pupil ratios are equitable within schools. The Board will also make efforts within reason to assure that students are distributed in such a way that no one teacher is tasked with any particular subgroup.
B. Teachers whose class size exceeds the limits listed in Maximum Class Size and Class Load (See Appendix C) shall request relief from their principal.
C. The Principal or his designee will explore with the teacher all practical ways either to reduce the class size or to provide relief through local means without commitment of additional funds. If class size and class load cannot be reduced and it is determined that class size and class load has exceeded the maximum plus ten (10%) percent, adequate teacher relief will include but not be limited to the following: (1) aides, (2) additional equipment or materials, (3) compensatory time,
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. 702 703 A. Administrators will make efforts within reason to ensure that teacher student ratios are equitable 704 within schools. Administrators will also make efforts within reason to ensure that students are 705 distributed in such a way that no one teacher is tasked with any particular subgroup without 706 additional accommodation, assistance, or support. 707 708 B. Definitions: 709 710 1. Class Size is the number of students assigned to a teacher for a period of instruction. In 711 elementary schools, where one teacher directs all learning, it is the number of students for whom 712 a teacher is responsible daily. In secondary schools or other schools in which teachers are 713 responsible for instruction in a particular subject, it is the number of students for whom a teacher 714 is responsible during a single period. 715
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. 22.1 The employer shall strive where economically feasible and spatially possible to maintain the following class sizes (and class loads); A. Class size K-6 25:1 7-12 General Track 15:1
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. While recognizing that final determination of class size and class load is vested in the sole discretion of the Board, the Association and District mutually subscribe to the principle that unduly large classes and unduly heavy class loads are educationally undesirable and should be avoided to the extent consistent with the economic means of the District and the health and safety of the students and staff.
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. 708 709 A. Administrators will make efforts within reason to ensure that teacher student ratios are equitable 710 within schools. Administrators will also make efforts within reason to ensure that students are 711 distributed in such a way that no one teacher is tasked with any particular subgroup without 712 additional accommodation, assistance, or support. 713 714 B. Definitions: 715
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. A. It shall be the goal of the Board and Administration to establish and maintain the most favorable class size possible, consistent with the financial condition of the school district, state minimum standards and the availability of teaching space. Class sizes shall be adjusted as equitable as possible within each school building.
B. Beginning in Spring 2014, elementary and middle school regular teachers (sending and receiving) will meet together to recommend the best assignment for all students by skill level (high, medium, low), behavior, IEP, SWD, and 504. The principal and intervention specialist(s) will be invited. On the secondary level, the number of IEP, Students with Disabilities (SWD) and identified 504 students will be fairly and equitably dispersed among the teachers per subject area/course number.
C. If/when the TMEA has concerns with class size and staffing issues, such concerns shall be referred to the building and district level labor management committees.
CLASS SIZE AND CLASS LOAD. I. Elementary class size and regular Junior and Senior High School classes should be held to a maximum of twenty-five (25) students. If a class reaches thirty (30), it should be divided. An ideal class size of twenty (20) is strongly recommended.
II. The normal load for secondary teachers shall not be more than six (6) classes per day and thirty