Class Loads. It is understood and accepted by the Administration, the Board, and the Association that the student- teacher ratio is an important aspect of effective programming. To ensure a high quality of education, the Board will make a continuing effort to maintain good student-teacher ratios, with emphasis at the K-3 level where it is agreed that a good student-teacher ratio is desirable to ensure the very best learning environment. Also, every effort will be made to ensure that any mainstreaming of special needs students in regular classrooms, consistent with IEP placement, will be done in such a manner (number/distribution) as to give all students the best possible educational experience.
A. Placement of new enrollees at the elementary level shall be made using the following procedures:
1. Before posting class listings for the beginning of each school year, class sizes will be compared by building/grade level to maintain consistent student-teacher ratios.
2. After posting class listings, the Building Administrators (or designee) will consult before the placement of any new elementary enrollee. Consultation will include comparison of the current student-teacher ratio in each grade by building and District wide. Except for special circumstances as agreed by teachers at that grade level, new students will be placed in the classroom containing the least number of students.
3. When practicable, classroom teachers shall be notified one day before to new students report to class. Upon notification, should the classroom teacher have a concern about placement, the teacher shall request and be granted a meeting with the Building Administrator (or designee) and the Building Representative to discuss the concern. Should the classroom teacher be absent from his/her assignment, the Building Representative will be notified and will act on behalf of the classroom teacher. Should both the teacher and building representative be absent from their assignments, an Association officer will be contacted to act on behalf of the classroom teacher.
B. In order to assist in the equitable distribution of all students among available classes, the Board shall provide the Association with a report on the distribution of students before the first day of school. The Association may request a meeting to discuss said report and said meeting, if requested, will occur prior to the first day of school. For students enrolling after the beginning of the school year, a serious effort will be made to ass...
Class Loads. The Board recognizes that large class loads represent a hardship on the individual employee, as well as students in the classrooms. The Association acknowledges that the District may lack the ability to control all of the factors that influence class size, particularly the number of available classrooms and the number of students. Students necessitating individual programs will be taken into account when assigning children to classrooms and every effort possible will be made to insure equal and equitable distribution of children.
1. The District will strive to adhere to Administrative Regulation #7481 - Class Size Enrollment- recognizing that these class sizes are ideal maximums: K-3: no more than 22 students per classroom; 4-5: no more than 28 students per classroom; 6-8: no more than 28 students per class period; 9-12: no more than 28 students per class period.
2. Additional instructional assistant time will be allotted to classroom employees per the building principal’s request and Board approval. An employee may initiate a request for additional instructional assistant time to the Superintendent.
3. When appealing a denial of additional educational assistant time, the following must be submitted to the board (prior to the meeting): identify the current problem; identify what the employee believes is the appropriate remedy; provide an estimate of the costs associated with the requested remedy; identify the implications for other employees in like positions to maintain equity within the District. In addition, the employees may submit an appeal to the Board only after exhausting available administrative channels.
Class Loads. The teacher/pupil ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program. The parties agree that class size should be adjusted whenever possible to meet the following maxim:
1. Elementary: Kindergarten 26
a. Class loads will be adjusted as appropriate within ten (10) working days of a count completed at the end of the second week of the school year and the beginning day of each successive marking period thereafter for grades K-6.
b. Elementary specials in grades K-5 shall be governed by the above class sizes. An overloaded section will be exempt from the compensation/aide requirement defined in Article 7B5.
c. Prior to the first full week of school and prior to establishing class schedules, elementary specials teachers will be consulted by their respective building principals regarding their class schedules.
d. Within each building the disparity in class size at the same grade level will not exceed four (4)
Class Loads. The teacher/pupil ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program. The parties agree that class size should be adjusted whenever possible to meet the following maxim:
1. Elementary: Kindergarten 26
a. Class loads will be adjusted and/or aides assigned as appropriate within ten (10) working days of the first annual count day and the beginning day of each successive marking period thereafter for grades K-5. For 6th grade, the count dates will be the first annual count day and the beginning day of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th marking periods.
Class Loads. The class loads of unit members who are providing classroom instructional duties during the regular school year will be in accordance with the following: Classroom Hours per Week Subject Equating to a Full (100%) Load 17 ½ weeks 16 weeks Administration of Justice Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Alternative Energy Technology Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Alternative Fuel Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Anthropology Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Apprenticeship Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Architectural Drafting Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Art Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Astronomy Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 21.88 Automotive Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Classroom Hours per Week Subject Equating to a Full (100%) Load 17 ½ weeks 16 weeks Biology Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 21.88 Lecture (except Keyboarding) 15 16.41 Lecture (Keyboarding) 17 18.59 Lab 21 22.97 Computer Information Technology Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Chemistry Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 21.88 Chicano Studies 15 16.41 Corrections Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Counseling Lecture 15 16.41 Child Development Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Drafting/Architecture Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Drawing 21 22.97 Math 15 16.41 Blueprint Reading 21 22.97 DSPS Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Supervision 30 32.81 Classroom Hours per Week Subject Equating to a Full (100%) Load 17 ½ weeks 16 weeks Earth Sciences (i.e. Geography, Geology, Physical Science) Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Economics 15 16.41 Education Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Electro-Mechanical Drafting Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Electronics Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Engineering Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Drawing 21 22.97 English and ESL Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 ESL lab w/Lang. lab 20 21.88 Environmental Technology Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Fire Technology Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 History 15 16.41 Classroom Hours per Week 17 ½ weeks 16 weeks Humanities 15 16.41 Journalism Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Language Lecture 16 17.50 Lab 21 22.97 Library Science Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Mass Communications Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Mathematics Lecture 15 16.41 Skills Center 20 21.88 Music Lecture 15 16.41 Activity/Lab 20 21.88 Nursing Lecture 15 16.41 Lab (On Campus) 20 21.88 Clinic (Hospital) 20 21.88 Supervision 40 43.75 Philosophy 15 16.41 Physical Education Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 21 22.97 Physics Lecture 15 16.41 Lab 20 21.88 Classroom Hours per Week Politic...
Class Loads. The teacher/pupil ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program. The parties agree that class size should be adjusted whenever possible to meet the following maxim:
1. Elementary: Kindergarten 26
a. Class loads will be adjusted as appropriate within ten (10) working days of a count completed at the end of the second week of the school year and the beginning day of each successive marking period thereafter for grades K-6.
b. Elementary specials in grades K-5 shall be governed by the above class sizes. Sixth grade physical education and instrumental and vocal music teachers shall be consulted as to class size before the class schedule is established. Sixth grade physical education and instrumental and vocal music sections are exempt from overload compensation.
c. Prior to the first full week of school and prior to establishing class schedules, elementary specials teachers will be consulted by their respective building principals regarding their class schedules.
d. Within each building the disparity in class size at the same grade level will not exceed four (4)
Class Loads. 1. The district agrees it is a priority to keep class sizes – i.e. class loads, as low as possible within the context of budgeted resources and site plans. It is expected that site plans will be the product of the “inform and involve” decision making process to ensure that all staff have been given the opportunity to be aware and to give input into the decisions that affect class loads.
2. Subsequent to implementation of site plans affecting class loads, a teacher may request a staff meeting be convened to review class loads.
A. Complaints
Class Loads. The teacher/pupil ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program. The parties agree that class size should be adjusted whenever possible to meet the following maxim:
1. Elementary: Kindergarten 26 Split Sections 24 Special Education 15 Transitional 1st grade ..15-18 students Pre-Kindergarten ..16-18 students a. Class loads will be adjusted and/or aides assigned as appropriate within ten (10) working days of the first annual count day and the beginning day of each successive marking period thereafter for grades K-5. For 6th grade, the count dates will be the first annual count day and the beginning day of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th marking periods.