Conceptual/Schematic Design Phase. Upon written authorization from the District to proceed with the Schematic Design Phase, based upon accepted deliverables from the preceding phase, the Bridging Architect shall prepare for the District's review a Schematic Design, containing the following items as applicable to the Project scope, as follows:
a. Within the first two (2) weeks following the start of Schematic Design, meet with the District and its representatives to further prepare and/or revise the scope of work list and general work plan from the Programming Phase, for documentation in a computer- generated project schedule. This scope of work list and work plan will identify specific tasks including but not limited to: interviews, data collection, analysis, report preparation, development of a minimum of three (3) schematic design options for District review and selection of preferred scheme, and estimating that are part of the work of the Project. Also identified will be milestone activities or dates, specific task responsibilities of the Bridging Design Team, required completion times necessary for the review and approval by the District and by pertinent regulatory agencies and additional definition of deliverables.
b. Review the developed work plan with the District and its representative to familiarize them with the proposed tasks and schedule and develop necessary modifications for review and acceptance by the District.
Conceptual/Schematic Design Phase. (1) The Architect-Engineer shall prepare from the approved Programming Phase, the Conceptual Schematic Design for all components as necessary to achieve a solution acceptable to the Owner. The Conceptual Schematic Design shall consist of sketches, concepts, organization, orientation, relationship to existing and future facilities, energy conservation approaches, and equipment parameters necessary to clearly define the general scope and direction of the project.
(2) When a Construction Manager has been engaged by the Owner, the Architect-Engineer shall coordinate the development with the Construction Manager and provide the Owner with a review and comment of the Construction Manager 's estimates.
(3) The Architect-Engineer shall provide and distribute (N/A) hard (paper) copies and one (1) electronic copy of the Conceptual Schematic Design documents for review and comment as directed by the Project Manager.
(4) The Architect-Engineer shall coordinate the development of the design documents with the Construction Manager, if a Construction Manager is retained during the design phase, provide input and suggestions on costs savings and buildability, and provide to the Owner review and comment of the Construction Manager's estimates.