Condition A Sample Clauses
Condition A. 4.2.1. If the electric range of the vehicle, as measured in accordance with Annex 9 to this Regulation, is higher than 1 complete cycle, on the request of the manufacturer, the type I test for electric energy measurement may be carried out in pure electric mode, after agreement of the technical service. In this case, the values of M1 and C1 in paragraph 4.4. are equal to 0.
4.2.2. The procedure shall start with the discharge of the electrical energy/power storage device of the vehicle as described in paragraph below. The electrical energy/power storage device of the vehicle is discharged while driving with the switch in pure electric position (on the test track, on a chassis dynamometer, etc.) at a steady speed of 70 per cent ± 5 per cent of the maximum speed of the vehicle in pure electric mode, which is to be determined according to the test procedure for electric vehicles defined in Regulation No. 68. Stopping the discharge occurs:
(a) When the vehicle is not able to run at 65 per cent of the maximum thirty minutes speed; or
(b) When an indication to stop the vehicle is given to the driver by the standard on-board instrumentation; or
(c) After covering a distance of 100 km. If the vehicle is not equipped with a pure electric mode, the electrical energy/power storage device discharge shall be achieved by driving the vehicle (on the test track, on a chassis dynamometer, etc.):
(a) At a steady speed of 50 km/h until the fuel consuming engine of the HEV starts up;
(b) Or if a vehicle can not reach a steady speed of 50 km/h without starting up the fuel consuming engine , the speed shall be reduced until the vehicle can run a lower steady speed where the fuel consuming engine just does not start up for a defined time/distance (to be specified between technical service and manufacturer);
(c) Or with manufacturers' recommendation. The fuel-consuming engine shall be stopped within ten seconds of it being automatically started.
4.2.3. Conditioning of the vehicle: For conditioning compression-ignition engined vehicles the Part Two cycle of the applicable driving cycle shall be used in combination with the applicable gear shifting prescriptions as defined in paragraph 1.4. of this annex. Three consecutive cycles shall be driven. Vehicles fitted with positive-ignition engines shall be preconditioned with one Part One and two Part Two cycles of the applicable driving cycle in combination with the applicable gear shifting prescripti...
Condition A the Director has reasonable grounds for believing that a criminal offence relating to the death has been committed and that there are reasonable investigative steps that the HIU could take which are capable of leading to—
(a) the identification of a person who committed that criminal offence, or
(b) the prosecution of a person for that criminal offence.
Condition A. 3.2.1. The procedure shall start with the discharge of the electrical energy/power storage device as described in paragraph below: Discharge of the electrical energy/power storage device
3.2.2. Conditioning of the vehicle For conditioning compression-ignition engined vehicles the Part Two cycle of the applicable driving cycle shall be used in combination with the applicable gear shifting prescriptions as defined in paragraph 1.4. of this annex. Three consecutive cycles shall be driven. Vehicles fitted with positive-ignition engines shall be preconditioned with one Part One and two Part Two cycles of the applicable driving cycle in combination with the applicable gear shifting prescriptions as defined in paragraph 1.4. of this annex. After this preconditioning, and before testing, the vehicle shall be kept in a room in which the temperature remains relatively constant between 293 and 303 K (20 °C and 30 °C). This conditioning shall be carried out for at least six hours and continue until the engine oil temperature and coolant, if any, are within ± 2 K of the temperature of the room, and the electrical energy/power storage device is fully charged as a result of the charging prescribed in paragraph below. During soak, the electrical energy/power storage device shall be charged, using the normal overnight charging procedure as defined in paragraph below.
Condition A the HIU has finished—
Condition A. If the pure electric range of the vehicle is higher than one complete cycle, on the request of the manufacturer, the Type I test may be carried out in pure electric mode. In this case, engine preconditioning prescribed in paragraph or can be omitted. The procedure shall start with the discharge of the electrical energy/power storage device of the vehicle while driving with the switch in pure electric position (on the test track, on a chassis dynamometer, etc.) at a steady speed of 70 per cent ± 5 per cent of the maximum thirty minutes speed of the vehicle (determined according to Regulation No. 101). Stopping the discharge occurs:
(a) When the vehicle is not able to run at 65 per cent of the maximum thirty minutes speed; or
(b) When an indication to stop the vehicle is given to the driver by the standard on- board instrumentation; or
(c) After covering the distance of 100 km. If the vehicle is not equipped with a pure electric mode, the electrical energy/power storage device discharge shall be achieved by driving the vehicle (on the test track, on a chassis dynamometer, etc.):
(a) At a steady speed of 50 km/h until the fuel consuming engine of the HEV starts up; or
(b) If a vehicle cannot reach a steady speed of 50 km/h without starting up the fuel consuming engine, the speed shall be reduced until the vehicle can run a lower steady speed where the fuel consuming engine does not start up for a defined time/distance (to be specified between technical service and manufacturer); or
(c) With manufacturers' recommendation. The fuel consuming engine shall be stopped within 10 seconds of it being automatically started. Conditioning of vehicle For compression-ignition engined vehicles the Part Two cycle described in Appendix 1 to the Annex 4 shall be used. Three consecutive cycles shall be driven according to paragraph below. Vehicles fitted with positive-ignition engines shall be preconditioned with one Part One and two Part Two driving cycles according to paragraph below. After this preconditioning, and before testing, the vehicle shall be kept in a room in which the temperature remains relatively constant between 293 and 303 K (20 °C and 30 °C). This conditioning shall be carried out for at least six hours and continue until the engine oil temperature and coolant, if any, are within ± 2 K of the temperature of the room, and the electrical energy/power storage d...
Condition A. If the pure electric range of the vehicle is higher than one complete cycle, on the request of the manufacturer, the Type I test may be carried out in pure electric mode. In this case, engine preconditioning prescribed in paragraph or of this annex can be omitted.
Condition A. 4.2.1. If the electric range of the vehicle, as measured in accordance with Annex 9 to this Regulation, is higher than 1 complete cycle, on the request of the manufacturer, the type I test for electric energy measurement may be carried out in pure electric mode, after agreement of the technical service. In this case, the values of M1 and C1 in paragraph 4.4. are equal to 0.
4.2.2. The procedure shall start with the discharge of the electrical energy/power storage device of the vehicle as described in paragraph below. The electrical energy/power storage device of the vehicle is discharged while driving with the switch in pure electric position (on the test track, on a chassis dynamometer, etc.) at a steady speed of 70 per cent ± 5 per cent of the maximum speed of the vehicle in pure electric mode, which is to be determined according to the test procedure for electric vehicles defined in Regulation No.
Condition A. The procedure shall start with the discharge of the electrical energy/power storage device of the vehicle while driving (on the test track, on a chassis dynamometer, etc.):
Condition A. If the displays appear to be operating correctly, the problem may be related to one of the four situations listed below: Traffic hardware damage - The Contractor shall apply one or all repair procedures listed in Schedule 1, Section 4.2 - Traffic Signal Repairs. Detection related malfunctions - The Contractor shall observe that the signal will not actuate or that a continuous call is present, or if in the vehicle recall mode phases, will not extend. As an interim measure prior to the repair of the loop assembly or detection system, the Contractor shall contact the City for temporary timings and further instruction. When the replacement loop has been activated, the Contractor shall contact the City to confirm faults are cleared from the advanced traffic management system. Timing complaint - The Contractor shall first check the controller log book for any recent known issues such as failed loops and temporary timing parameters in effect, check to ensure the program, defining maximum extension, vehicle extension, maximum and minimum gap is consistent with the timings in the signal system database. If the programs do not match, the Contractor shall notify the City. Erroneous calls for service - If the signal appears to have no problems, the Contractor shall then actuate and observe the operational displays of all the phases and pre-emption sequences as well as the orientation of all traffic signal displays. If all the above is in correct working order and the orientations of the traffic and pedestrian heads are correct, the Contractor shall advise the City that the traffic signal installation has been checked and confirm that no problems were found. The Contractor shall follow the repair procedures outlined in Schedule 1, Section 4.2 - Traffic Signal Repairs - Procedure 1 - Display Failure.