Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under this Article will be governed by the following conditions: (a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ of the Company. Upon completion of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service. (b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees. (c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committee. (d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved: (i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off. (ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications. (e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights. (f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum. (g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehire.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. A. Whenever Employees hired under this Article are required by the Employer to attend meetings that occur outside of the workday, the Employee will be governed by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ of the Company. Upon completion of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants paid for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods time at the required meeting at the contractual rate of temporary servicethe Employee attending the aforementioned meeting.
(b) Temporary employees will receive B. Any Employee required to use his/her automobile for the same regular vacation Employer shall be reimbursed at the rate established by the Employer and health and welfare benefits as regular employeesconsistent with other employee groups. Such use shall be approved in advance by the immediate administrator. No Employee shall be required to transport students.
(c) C. The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree Employer shall provide each Employee with one complete TB test at no cost to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from Employee, as required by law or by the Joint Pension CommitteeEmployer.
(d) A layoff involving D. Attendance at work-related meetings will be permitted to a limited extent with pay, subject to approval by the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid offSuperintendent or his/her designee.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in E. Employees will be reimbursed for tuition for work-related classes/workshops that are required by the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classificationsEmployer.
(e) Temporary employees will not F. Employees shall have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes individual assignments to keep determine the length of the work week and the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to work weeks in a minimumwork year.
(g) Temporary employees G. All Employees of the Association will have on file with the Association President a written job description. Updates in said job description will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar forwarded to the FortisBC Group RRSPAssociation President.
H. Employees must be scheduled to work at least thirty-two (32) hours per week to be started on the first pay day considered full-time.
I. All overtime must have prior approval of the month following one month Employee’s immediate supervisor and the Executive Director of employment until eligibility for Finance and Operations.
J. No Employee will be required to work during a holiday.
K. Each Employee’s check-stub shall reflect total available sick days and personal days, as current as possible.
L. Each Employee will have a written evaluation on file in the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired Superintendent’s office annually.
M. Association positions will not be required to reposted in combination with other paid positions in the district.
N. The building principals will furnish their administrative assistant with a current list of the persons who are responsible for emergency decision-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehiremaking in the principal’s absence.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under Immediately after the hiring of any em ployee covered by this Article will be governed by Agreement, the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should Em- ployer shall notify the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ Union of the Companyname of that employee. Upon completion Only members in good standing in the Union shall be retained in employment. For the purpose of this section “ members in good standing” shall be defined to mean employee members in the Union who tender their probationary periods, temporary peri odic dues and initiation fees uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or retaining mem bership. The Employer agrees to advise the Union of its requirements for employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside prior to fill ing any vacancies or creating new employment in sufficient time to enable the Union to submit applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffsconsideration. The employer re- s xxxxx the right to reject any applicant for employment; however, if a temporary first consideration shall be given to qualified persons who have had previous experience by actual employment in the County of San Mateo and/or Northern Santa Xxxxx County. Non-mebers of the Union employed by, or subsequently hired by the Employer must com plete membership on the 31st day following the commencement of employment, or the effective date of this Agreement, or the date of signing of this Agreement, whichever is the later. The Employer agrees that upon receipt of written notice from the Union of non-compliance of such employee successfully bids on a regular positionwith the terms as related above respecting the establishment and maintenance of membership in the Union to discharge such employee within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of such notice. Whenever an employee quits or is laid off or is discharged the Union shall be notified of such fact in writing by the employer within forty-eight (48) hours. Said notice shall state the time when said employee was severed from the payroll. The Employer shall be the judge of the competency of employees, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves subject to the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree any employee whose competency may be challenged to the principle processes of credited retroactive pension the grievance procedure hereinafter provided. Suspension or dismissal from service purchase on for justifiable cause shall not be considered a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from vio lation of any of the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving the termination provisions of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out this Agree ment. It is presumed that any employee who has been retained in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
service of an employer for sixty (i60) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 calendar days shall be laid offhave established competency.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehire.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Automotive Repair and Maintenance Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees 6.1 Each new employee (excluding paraprofessionals and Behavioral Interventionists) shall have a probationary period of ninety (90) calendar days. A new employee is a person who upon the signing of this contract has worked less than ninety (90) working days since being hired, or an employee hired on or after the signing of this contract. A new employee may be discharged at any time during the probationary period, and such discharge shall not be a violation of the Agreement and shall not be subject to Article V, Grievance Procedure, of this Agreement.
6.2 All newly employed paraprofessionals and Behavior Interventionists shall serve a probationary period of one full school year at which time decisions regarding the renewal or non-renewal of contracts shall be made. The discharge or non-renewal of a paraprofessional or Behavior Interventionist during their probationary period shall not be a violation of the Agreement and shall not be subject to Article V, Grievance Procedure, of this Agreement.
6.3 An employee who has completed his/her probationary period shall not be disciplined, suspended or terminated in his/her employment without just cause. A grievance arising under the terms of this section may be filed at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
6.4 In the event of a layoff within one or more job categories, said employee with the greatest seniority will be retained. Employee(s) who have been laid off shall be recalled in seniority order to any vacancy which occurs in his/her job category within a two (2) year period immediately following the effective date of the layoff. Notice of recall shall be by email on file. If the employee does not indicate his/her acceptance of the position within ten (10) workdays (Monday-Friday) after receiving the recall notice, he/she shall be deemed to have refused the position and waived further recall rights under this Article will Agreement. Seniority shall be governed calculated from the date beginning the employee’s most recent period of continuous employment. Employees who work less than twelve (12) months per year shall have their seniority prorated. Employees who are to be laid off shall be notified as early as possible, but in no event less than three (3) working weeks prior to the effective date of the layoff. The paraprofessional or Behavior Interventionist laid off may displace a less senior paraprofessional or Behavior Interventionist within their category. The employee must state his/her desire to the principal within five (5) school days of notice of lay off. The principal shall then notify the least senior unit member of lay off. The least senior member shall be guaranteed three (3) weeks notice. Employees covered by the following conditions:this Agreement shall be issued contracts by May 15 and required to return contracts by June 15. By June 1st, paraprofessional or Behavior Interventionist shall have an opportunity to meet with their supervisor to discuss next year’s assignment.
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" Employees who perform overtime as set out required shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half his/her normal rate of pay for all time in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 butexcess of forty (40) hours per week. Normally, should overtime shall be authorized and required by the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ of the Company. Upon completion of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffsemployee’s immediate supervisor provided; however, if the custodians shall assign themselves overtime as may be necessary to respond to an imminent peril to school property. If such a temporary situation occurs, the employee successfully bids shall first make an attempt to reach the Principal by telephone or other expeditious method. Employees who perform self-assigned overtime shall provide the Principal upon request with details of the work performed and the reason for such self-assigned overtime. If the Principal is dissatisfied with such explanation, the overtime will be paid, but the principal may thereafter deny the employee the privilege of self-assigned overtime. Except as otherwise stated herein, prior approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor is required for all overtime work. In an emergency, employees such as custodians/maintenance employees may be required to work on a regular positionholiday, his/her regular seniority a Saturday or a Sunday. Pay for such work shall be at the rate of one and service one-half (1.5) the normal rate of pay. There will include all periods be a minimum call in payment of temporary servicetwo (2) hours in such cases. All employees earning overtime shall submit overtime to the Principal every one week. Employees shall be paid for overtime in one week increments.
(b) Temporary For school year employees who normally work less than forty (40) hours per week, overtime at straight time will receive be paid for extra required hours between the same regular vacation employee’s normal schedule and health and welfare benefits as regular employeesthe time when forty (40) hours per week is reached. At that time the provisions of Article 6.5(a) shall apply.
(c) The Company reserves 6.6 Employees shall not be requested or required to work under conditions which constitute a threat to their health or safety.
6.7 If the right Administration requires an employee to retain temporary employees have a physical examination, the School District shall pay for it, provided the duration examination is conducted by a physician or health service designated by the School District.
6.8 Each employee shall be given a copy of his/her job description at the time of employment. Employees who are required to lift and/or carry students as a regular part of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase employment shall be so notified.
6.9 If school is canceled on a joint contribution basis regularly scheduled school day for inclement weather, physical plant emergency or school-wide illness, and will seek reasonable time parameters from that day is not made up by the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving end of the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not school year and causes a school year employee to have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep worked for less than the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar employment days according to the FortisBC Group RRSP) school calendar as set forth by the Alburgh School Board, the employee shall receive his/her regular rate of pay for such canceled days, the total paid to be started each employee not to exceed the regular rate of pay for said number of school days. With supervisor approval only, employees may work their regularly assigned hours on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehiredelayed openings or early dismissal days.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. A. Whenever Employees hired under this Article are required by the Employer to attend meetings that occur outside of the workday, the Employee will be governed by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ of the Company. Upon completion of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants paid for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods time at the required meeting at the contractual rate of temporary servicethe Employee attending the aforementioned meeting.
(b) Temporary employees will receive B. Any Employee required to use his/her automobile for the same regular vacation Employer shall be reimbursed at the rate established by the Employer and health and welfare benefits as regular employeesconsistent with other employee groups. Such use shall be approved in advance by the immediate administrator. No Employee shall be required to transport students.
(c) C. The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree Employer shall provide each Employee with one complete TB test at no cost to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from Employee, as required by law or by the Joint Pension CommitteeEmployer.
(d) A layoff involving D. Attendance at work-related meetings will be permitted to a limited extent with pay, subject to approval by the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid offSuperintendent or his/her designee.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in E. Employees will be reimbursed for tuition for work-related classes/workshops that are required by the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classificationsEmployer.
(e) Temporary employees will not F. Employees shall have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes individual assignments to keep determine the length of the work week and the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to work weeks in a minimumwork year.
(g) Temporary employees G. All Employees of the Association will have on file with the Association President a written job description. Updates in said job description will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar forwarded to the FortisBC Group RRSPAssociation President.
H. Employees must be scheduled to work at least thirty-two (32) hours per week to be started on the first pay day considered full-time.
I. All overtime must have prior approval of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for Employee’s immediate supervisor and Business Manager.
J. No Employee will be required to work during a holiday.
K. Each Employee’s check-stub shall reflect total available sick days and personal days, as current as possible.
L. Each Employee will have a written evaluation on file in the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired Superintendent’s office annually.
M. Association positions will not be required to reposted in combination with other paid positions in the district.
N. The building principals will furnish their administrative assistant with a current list of the persons who are responsible for emergency decision-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehiremaking in the principal’s absence.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under The Company will endeavour to employ as Engineer Officers only members of the Union in good standing. All Engineer Officersas a condition of employment must possess a valid Medical Fitness Card. The Company recognizes the Union as a source of employment for Engineer Officers covered by this Article will Agreement. After exhausting the Company’s supply of Engineer Officers on lay-off possessing the requisite qualifications and ability, the Company shall be governed by free to use any source of supply for such personnel, including the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should Union hiring hall. The Company shall advise the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will Union of any Engineer Officers so hired. The actual selection and hiring of Marine Engineer Officers shall be considered as being effective from at the date on which he last entered the employ discretion of the Company’s office representa- tive or the Chief Engineer. Upon completion Engineers who are not accepted must be supplied with the reason in writing at the time of their probationary periodsrejection, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids copy to the Union. When an Engineer dispatched on a regular positionship upon the Company’s request, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive is refused by the same regular vacation Chief Engineer, this Engineer shall be paid reasonable transportation to and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committee.
vessel, plus eight (d) A layoff involving 8) hours’ pay at his basic hourly rate. In the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in event that the following order at Union does not supply the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in Company with the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day name of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for member and the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired certificate that he holds, then the Company will not be required to re-qualify but will pay the requirements of paragraph Should the Company require an Engineer Officer to present himself for an interview at the Company's office, reasonable travel expenses supported by acceptable receipts (credit card receipts included) shall be entitled paid to RRSP contributions immediately the candidate. As a condition of employment an employee covered by this Agreement who is not a member of the Union at the time of hiring, shall within thirty (30) days of employment become a member of the Union and shall maintain his membership in the Union for the duration of this Agreement. If the Union refuses to accept such an employee as a member, he shall not be removed from the ship until the Union gives satisfactory rea- sons for its refusal to accept such an employee as a member. Probation period refers to the period where Engineer Officers are employed for the first time in a permanent position with the Company. Such Engineer Officer shall complete a (90) day probation period. The Engineer Officer on rehireprobation shall be covered by the existing with the excep- tion of the grievance and arbitration articles in the case of lay- After completing the probation period, the employee becomes a permanent employee and his seniority shall commence as of the date of his hire.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under this Article It is a condition of your employment that, for safety reasons, no earrings, other jewellery, earphones/ear buds shall be worn during work hours. For the same reason, long hair must be tied back. Mobile phones are not to be turned on during working hours, unless requested by your Host employer. PROBATION As per Fair Work your probationary period is six months. If either party decides to terminate the contract in the probation period, reasons do not have to be given but one week’s notice is required in writing by either party. A comprehensive review of your performance will be governed by undertaken prior to completion of your probationary period. If this review is not satisfactory, your training contract may be cancelled or an extension of your probationary period may be requested. TOOL ALLOWANCE Tool allowances are payable to various trades. These vary dependent on the trade you are completing. Tool allowances are paid as part of your weekly wage or included in your hourly rate. Refer to your Employment Consultant for further information. SOCIAL MEDIA Apprenticeships Queensland supports those Apprentices and Trainees who choose to use social media in their capacity as individuals. However you should be aware that content published on social media sites is publicly available. As such if you are making comments on Apprenticeships Queensland or your own personal media sites you should refrain from making comments that may be seen to be: • Obscene • Defamatory • Threatening • Harassing • Discriminatory or hateful to or about your work or about another person within the Company (including present and past host businesses). • act with integrity • never reveal confidential information • be respectful SUPPORT SERVICES If you are experiencing any difficulties and require any assistance or support regarding financial hardship, mental health issues, emotional wellbeing or with any aspect, we encourage you to contact us for advice and support. Talk to your Employment Consultant for further information or contact our IR Coordinator on 3281 9822. The following information is a guide only to provide contact information for the following conditions:
services. If you are out of work, financial and emotional support is also available from these community organisations. For any emotional/mental health issues you should contact your GP directly. • MATES IN CONSTRUCTION (axxxxx:// Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" • Australian Red Cross (xxxx:// • beyondblue (emotional support only - xxxx:// • Lifeline (xxxxx:// • St Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx (xxxx://!qld) • Salvation Army (xxxx:// MEGT – Mentoring services for apprentices and trainees (xxxxx:// support-during-my-apprenticeship-or-traineeship/in-training-services) BUSY AT WORK – Mentoring services for apprentices and trainees (xxxxx:// jobseekers/apprentice-mentoring-support/) • Centrelink delivers a range of payments and services for people at times of major change. • Newstart Allowance offers financial help if you are looking for work. It supports you while you do activities that may increase your chances of finding a job. • Youth Allowance offers financial help for people aged 16 to 24 years who are studying full-time, undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship, training, looking for work or sick. xxxxx:// provide a range of support directly to people in need. For youth aged 18 to 21 and having trouble with any aspect of their life such as set housing, education, or family, find out where you can get support by searching for a service near you. For discrimination complaints/harassment etc. xxxxx:// Financial assistance | Community support | Queensland Government ( (xxxxx:// A budget is a simple way to keep track of your money. It may help you save for upcoming bills or unplanned expenses. Try out the interactive budget planner. The No Interest Loan Scheme (XXXX) provides individuals and families on a low income access to safe, fair and affordable credit. Programs are run by local community organisations at over 600 locations across Australia. To qualify you must: • have a Health Care Card/Pension Card or be on a low income • reside in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 butyour current premises for more than 3 months • show a willingness and capacity to repay. Visit the Smart Savings website (xxxxx:// to find concessions and rebates or access information about concession cards. You may be eligible for rent or mortgage assistance through: • mortgage relief loans • rental grants • the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) • rental bond loans • Centrelink’s rent assistance scheme. Financial counsellors can provide you with advice about your finances, should which may include: • assessing your financial position • choosing products to suit your financial position and needs • identifying your financial goals • helping you with decisions about how to better use your money. If you need help to improve your financial situation you can: • contact a Financial Literacy and Resilience service provider (xxxxx:// job-income/financial-literacy-resilience-services) • search for a financial counsellor on MoneySmart website (xxxxx:// debt/financial-counselling) TIMESHEETS and AWARD/PAY QUERIES Timesheets are the employee successfully bid lifeblood of our operation. They are used to a regular positioninvoice your Host Trainers and to pay your wages. It is essential that you record the correct hours worked EACH day. Late or incorrectly completed timesheets may delay payment of your wages. Each line is to be filled in completely, his seniority no dittos or abbreviations are acceptable. You must date each day worked and complete all start and finish times. It is your responsibility to ensure that your sheets are correct and received on time. Timesheets are to be in the office by no later than 2 pm each Monday. There are NO exceptions. As long as your timesheet is fully completed, signed and received at the office by 2pm each Monday, your pay will be considered as being effective from deposited in your account by Wednesday. Please note that when a public holiday falls on a Monday, then time sheets must be in by 2pm Tuesday. Be aware that the date wages won’t go into the bank until Thursday. If timesheets are emailed, faxed or posted you must contact the office on which he last entered (00) 0000 0000, to ensure the employ timesheet has been received. This is your responsibility. The pay week ends on a Friday, so if you work over the weekend, those hours are to be recorded on next week's timesheet. If you are eligible for any allowances record them on your timesheet. A separate timesheet is required for each different Host Trainer and College. Timesheets can be dropped at the office, faxed to (00) 0000 0000 or after office hours, slid under the front door of the Companyoffice. Upon completion They can also be emailed to Timesheets are to be filled in with blue or black ink, NO pencils or red pens. The award, or industrial instrument applicable to similar apprentices in each workplace that you are assigned to will be the award under which you will work. If there is a problem with your wage, you are not to contact the bank. Notify the Payroll Officer who will action any problems. As your registered employer, Apprenticeships Queensland is responsible for payment of their probationary periodswages. If you have a problem with any of the above, temporary employees will have temporary senioritycontact the Payroll Officer. DO NOT approach your Host Trainer in regard to wage problems. If you are not sure of any of the provisions of the award under which you work, which they can use when they compete a copy of the award is available at the office for you to peruse. If you are not satisfied with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; howeverthe information concerning awards, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular positionwages etc given to you by Apprenticeships Queensland staff, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive you are requested to bring the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree matter to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day attention of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehireGeneral Manager, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, before involving outside parties.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under this Article It is a condition of your employment that, for safety reasons, no earrings, other jewellery, earphones/ear buds shall be worn during work hours. For the same reason, long hair must be tied back. Mobile phones are not to be turned on during working hours, unless requested by your Host employer. PROBATION As per Fair Work your probationary period is six months. If either party decides to terminate the contract in the probation period, reasons do not have to be given but one week’s notice is required in writing by either party. A comprehensive review of your performance will be governed by undertaken prior to completion of your probationary period. If this review is not satisfactory, your training contract may be cancelled or an extension of your probationary period may be requested. TOOL ALLOWANCE Tool allowances are payable to various trades. These vary dependent on the trade you are completing. Tool allowances are paid as part of your weekly wage or included in your hourly rate. Refer to your Employment Consultant for further information. SOCIAL MEDIA Apprenticeships Queensland supports those Apprentices and Trainees who choose to use social media in their capacity as individuals. However you should be aware that content published on social media sites is publicly available. As such if you are making comments on Apprenticeships Queensland or your own personal media sites you should refrain from making comments that may be seen to be: • Obscene • Defamatory • Threatening • Harassing • Discriminatory or hateful to or about your work or about another person within the Company (including present and past host businesses). • act with integrity • never reveal confidential information • be respectful SUPPORT SERVICES If you are experiencing any difficulties and require any assistance or support regarding financial hardship, mental health issues, emotional wellbeing or with any aspect, we encourage you to contact us for advice and support. Talk to your Employment Consultant for further information or contact our IR Coordinator on 3281 9822. The following information is a guide only to provide contact information for the following conditions:
services. If you are out of work, financial and emotional support is also available from these community organisations. For any emotional/mental health issues you should contact your GP directly. • MATES IN CONSTRUCTION (axxxxx:// Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" • Australian Red Cross (xxxx:// • beyondblue (emotional support only - xxxx:// • Lifeline (xxxxx:// • St Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx (xxxx://!xxx) • Salvation Army (xxxx:// MEGT – Mentoring services for apprentices and trainees (xxxxx:// support-during-my-apprenticeship-or-traineeship/in-training-services) BUSY AT WORK – Mentoring services for apprentices and trainees (xxxxx:// jobseekers/apprentice-mentoring-support/) • Centrelink delivers a range of payments and services for people at times of major change. • Newstart Allowance offers financial help if you are looking for work. It supports you while you do activities that may increase your chances of finding a job. • Youth Allowance offers financial help for people aged 16 to 24 years who are studying full-time, undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship, training, looking for work or sick. xxxxx:// provide a range of support directly to people in need. For youth aged 18 to 21 and having trouble with any aspect of their life such as set housing, education, or family, find out where you can get support by searching for a service near you. For discrimination complaints/harassment etc. xxxxx:// Financial assistance | Community support | Queensland Government ( (xxxxx:// A budget is a simple way to keep track of your money. It may help you save for upcoming bills or unplanned expenses. Try out the interactive budget planner. The No Interest Loan Scheme (XXXX) provides individuals and families on a low income access to safe, fair and affordable credit. Programs are run by local community organisations at over 600 locations across Australia. To qualify you must: • have a Health Care Card/Pension Card or be on a low income • reside in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 butyour current premises for more than 3 months • show a willingness and capacity to repay. Visit the Smart Savings website (xxxxx:// to find concessions and rebates or access information about concession cards. You may be eligible for rent or mortgage assistance through: • mortgage relief loans • rental grants • the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) • rental bond loans • Centrelink’s rent assistance scheme. Financial counsellors can provide you with advice about your finances, should which may include: • assessing your financial position • choosing products to suit your financial position and needs • identifying your financial goals • helping you with decisions about how to better use your money. If you need help to improve your financial situation you can: • contact a Financial Literacy and Resilience service provider (xxxxx:// job-income/financial-literacy-resilience-services) • search for a financial counsellor on MoneySmart website (xxxxx:// debt/financial-counselling) TIMESHEETS and AWARD/PAY QUERIES Timesheets are the employee successfully bid lifeblood of our operation. They are used to a regular positioninvoice your Host Trainers and to pay your wages. It is essential that you record the correct hours worked EACH day. Late or incorrectly completed timesheets may delay payment of your wages. Each line is to be filled in completely, his seniority no dittos or abbreviations are acceptable. You must date each day worked and complete all start and finish times. It is your responsibility to ensure that your sheets are correct and received on time. Timesheets are to be in the office by no later than 2 pm each Monday. There are NO exceptions. As long as your timesheet is fully completed, signed and received at the office by 2pm each Monday, your pay will be considered as being effective from deposited in your account by Wednesday. Please note that when a public holiday falls on a Monday, then time sheets must be in by 2pm Tuesday. Be aware that the date wages won’t go into the bank until Thursday. If timesheets are emailed, faxed or posted you must contact the office on which he last entered (00) 0000 0000, to ensure the employ timesheet has been received. This is your responsibility. The pay week ends on a Friday, so if you work over the weekend, those hours are to be recorded on next week's timesheet. If you are eligible for any allowances record them on your timesheet. A separate timesheet is required for each different Host Trainer and College. Timesheets can be dropped at the office, faxed to (00) 0000 0000 or after office hours, slid under the front door of the Companyoffice. Upon completion They can also be emailed to Timesheets are to be filled in with blue or black ink, NO pencils or red pens. The award, or industrial instrument applicable to similar apprentices in each workplace that you are assigned to will be the award under which you will work. If there is a problem with your wage, you are not to contact the bank. Notify the Payroll Officer who will action any problems. As your registered employer, Apprenticeships Queensland is responsible for payment of their probationary periodswages. If you have a problem with any of the above, temporary employees will have temporary senioritycontact the Payroll Officer. DO NOT approach your Host Trainer in regard to wage problems. If you are not sure of any of the provisions of the award under which you work, which they can use when they compete a copy of the award is available at the office for you to peruse. If you are not satisfied with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; howeverthe information concerning awards, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular positionwages etc given to you by Apprenticeships Queensland staff, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive you are requested to bring the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree matter to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day attention of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehireGeneral Manager, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, before involving outside parties.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under A. An employee in the Bargaining Unit on the effective date of this Article will be governed by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to Agreement who is a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ member of the Company. Upon completion Union shall be required as a condition of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and continued employment to continue membership in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees Union for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree this Agreement to the principle extent of credited retroactive pension service purchase tendering the membership dues uniformly required as a condition of retaining membership in the Union.
B. An employee in the Bargaining Unit who is not a member of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement shall be required, as a condition of continued employment, to become a member of the Union within ten (10) calendar days after the thirtieth (30th) calendar day following the effective date of this Agreement, and shall remain a member of the Union to the extent of tendering an initiation/reinstatement fee where required and the membership dues normally required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership in the Union for the duration of this Agreement.
C. Employees entering the Bargaining Unit after the effective date of this Agreement shall be required as a condition of continued employment to become members of the Union to the extent of tendering an initiation/reinstatement fee where required and membership dues normally required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership in the Union for the duration of this Agreement, within ten (10) calendar days after the thirtieth (30th) calendar day following such entry into the Bargaining Unit.
D. If an employee who is a member of the Union leaves the Bargaining Unit during the term of this Agreement (e.g., layoff, quit, promotion or reclassification out of the Bargaining Unit) and returns to work on a joint contribution basis job in the Bargaining Unit during the term of this Agreement on or before the start of the last payroll period ending in any month and will seek reasonable time parameters has not had Union membership dues for that month deducted from any pay received in that month, Union membership dues for that month shall be deducted from the Joint Pension Committeepay received by the employee in the next succeeding calendar month, provided the employee has a currently effective Authorization for Check-Off of Dues form on file and the employee has sufficient remaining net earnings to cover such Union membership dues after making the regular Union membership dues deduction.
(d) A layoff involving E. For the termination purpose of satisfying conditions of employment of temporary employees under this Article only, no employee shall be carried out required to pay dues for any period of time the employee is not on the active payroll or not in the following order at Bargaining Unit; neither shall the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in Company be required to deduct dues for such periods. Failure to pay the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid offappropriate dues during such periods may require payment by the employee of a reinstatement fee.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications F. An employee shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to rebecome a member of or continue membership in the Union as a condition of employment if employed in any state which prohibits or otherwise makes unlawful membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment.
G. If and when the court of last resort of any such state, or any federal court that assumes jurisdiction within such state, shall hold by final judgment or decree not subject to further review that an employer and a Union, may, by agreement, require employees of plants located in such state, as a condition of employment, to become members of the Union, or a statute or constitutional amendment of any such state shall expressly so provide, then employees of plants in such state who are in the Bargaining Unit on the date when such judgment or decree becomes final, or such statute or constitutional amendment becomes effective shall, as a condition of employment, become members of the Union in accordance with B above.
H. Before any termination of employment pursuant to this Article becomes effective, the employee involved shall first be given notice in writing by the Union to pay the prescribed original initiation fee, reinstatement fee and/or required dues. If the employee fails to pay the original initiation fee, reinstatement fee and/or dues, the Union shall then notify the Company of the delinquency in writing. The Company shall then notify the employee to pay the fee and/or dues and if such dues and/or fees are tendered within 48 hours after the employee receives this notification from the Company, dismissal hereunder shall not be required.
I. An employee who shall tender an original initiation fee (if not already a member) or reinstatement fees if required and the periodic dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership shall be deemed to be a member of the Union for purposes of this Article.
X. The signing by an employee of the Membership Application and/or Check-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehireoff Authorization form is not a mandatory condition of employment with the Company.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under UNION SECURITY The Board the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all employees affected by this Article Agreementand for whom the Union has been certified. The Board agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract with employees of the Board who are members of the Union, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the items and provisions of this Agreement. Any such agreement will be governed by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ of the Companynull and void. Upon completion of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary UNION MEMBERSHIP All employees will be entitled required to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day become members of the month following one month Union and remain members in good standing as a condition of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan continued employment, in accordance with PBSA rulesthe Union's constitution and DUES CHECK OFF The Board agrees to deduct from the earnings of each employee in the bargaining union dues, assessments legally levied, and in the amount communicated to the Board by the Union from time to time. Temporary The Board will supply a list of employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired deductions with each remittance. All new employees hired for positions for which the Union has been certified will he deducted from wages an amount equal to union dues and assessments. When an employee is absent through illness or injury or has been and a grievance is pending, the Board shall continue to pay the employee's union dues so that the employee shall be protected to the utmost, provided the employee reimburses Board for such contributions made on behalf and is at no time more than five (5) months in arrears, and the period of such coverage shall not exceed twelve (12) months except by mutual agreement of the two (2) parties. When an employee returns to work, the Board shall deduct from earnings any monies owing that the Board has paid out in respect of union dues. In the event an employee does not to work, and the employee or neglects on demand at last known address to make restitution for such monies paid out, the Union shall then the Board for said amount. REMITTANCE UNION REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS The Union shall inform the Supervisor or designate whenever designated of the Union intend to visit District facilities for the purpose of conducting Union business during working hours and as such shall have access and be required provided with a letter of introduction for the purpose of conducting Union business. Such visits shall not disrupt or interfere with instruction District operations. The Union shall provide the Director of Human Resources or designate with a list of names of the shop stewards by September of each year. The Union will immediately advise the Board, in writing, when a new Shop Xxxxxxx is added to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehirethe list or a current Shop Xxxxxxx is removed.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under this Article A. The Superintendent or his/her designee will distribute job classifications and/or descriptions to all new employees so that job expectations may be adhered to.
B. Job requirements shall be according to Civil Service classifications.
C. Notice of job openings shall be posted within ten (10) days after they are available for five (5) work days.
D. Job openings (bus routes) shall be posted for five (5) work days for bid. If any openings occur during the summer or a vacation, Bus Drivers will be governed contacted by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" seniority as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority wishes for consideration for opening. Seniority will be considered as being effective one of the criteria considered.
E. In the event of layoffs, layoffs will be by position title based on seniority. The least senior will be laid off first. Layoffs of Teacher Assistants will be in accordance with Education Law.
F. An employee's seniority shall be based on continuous service measured from the date on which he last entered the employ of the Company. Upon completion of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids employee's original appointment on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and permanent basis in the classified service will include all periods of temporary servicein the Norwich City School District.
(b) Temporary employees will receive G. When an employee takes a leave of absence and resigns before returning to work and if the same regular vacation and health and welfare employee who is hired to replace the person on leave continues to work in that position after the resignation, he/she shall be credited with the total time worked in that position toward meeting the minimum time required to collect benefits as regular employeesin the District.
(c) H. The Company reserves probationary period for permanent appointments shall not exceed 26 weeks except in cases when the right to retain temporary employees for employee has been absent without pay during the duration probationary period. In such cases, the probationary period shall be extended, in accordance with Civil Service Law, by the number of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to days the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committeeemployee was absent without pay.
I. All non-competitive and labor class employees employed by the District on or before June 30, 2007 will be covered under Section 75 of the Civil Service Law after a successive eighteen (d18) A layoff involving the termination of months employment of temporary employees shall be carried out in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined School District. For unit members hired on or after July 1, 2007, this right will be effective after a successive thirty-six (36) months employment period in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid offthe School District.
(ii) Temporary J. All employees with temporary seniority rights will conduct themselves in a competent manner and provide the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in proper work effort to fulfill their employment responsibilities to the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classificationsDistrict.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary K. All employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar held accountable in respect to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on protection of school property and for student safety falling within the first pay day scope of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA ruleshis or her employment. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired Employees will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled stop a robbery, search for bombs or weapons, clean up toxic materials or otherwise take on duties dangerous to RRSP contributions immediately on rehirethe employee's health and safety unless the employee is properly trained and equipped.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under A. An employee in the Bargaining Unit on the effective date of this Article will be governed by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to Agreement who is a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ member of the Company. Upon completion Union shall be required as a condition of their probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and continued employment to continue membership in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees Union for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree this Agreement to the principle extent of credited retroactive pension service purchase tendering the membership dues uniformly required as a condition of retaining membership in the Union.
B. An employee in the Bargaining Unit who is not a member of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement shall be required, as a condition of continued employment, to become a member of the Union within ten (10) calendar days after the thirtieth (30th) calendar day following the effective date of this Agreement, and shall remain a member of the Union to the extent of tendering an initiation/reinstatement fee where required and the membership dues normally required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership in the Union for the duration of this Agreement.
C. Employees entering the Bargaining Unit after the effective date of this Agreement shall be required as a condition of continued employment to become members of the Union to the extent of tendering an initiation/reinstatement fee where required and membership dues normally required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership in the Union for the duration of this Agreement, within ten (10) calendar days after the thirtieth (30th) calendar day following such entry into the Bargaining Unit.
D. If an employee who is a member of the Union leaves the Bargaining Unit during the term of this Agreement (e.g., layoff, quit, promotion or reclassification out of the Bargaining Unit) and returns to work on a joint contribution basis job in the Bargaining Unit during the term of this Agreement on or before the start of the last payroll period ending in any month and will seek reasonable time parameters has not had Union membership dues for that month deducted from any pay received in that month, Union membership dues for that month shall be deducted from the Joint Pension Committeepay received by the employee in the next succeeding calendar month, provided the employee has a currently effective Authorization for Check-Off of Dues form on file and the employee has sufficient remaining net earnings to cover such Union membership dues after making the regular Union membership dues deduction.
(d) A layoff involving E. For the termination purpose of satisfying conditions of employment of temporary employees under this Article only, no employee shall be carried out required to pay dues for any period of time the employee is not on the active payroll or not in the following order at Bargaining Unit; neither shall the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in Company be required to deduct dues for such periods. Failure to pay the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid offappropriate dues during such periods may require payment by the employee of a reinstatement fee.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications F. An employee shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to rebecome a member of or continue membership in the Union as a condition of employment if employed in any state which prohibits or otherwise makes unlawful membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment.
G. If and when the court of last resort of any such state, or any federal court that assumes jurisdiction within such state, shall hold by final judgment or decree not subject to further review that an employer and a Union, may, by agreement, require employees of plants located in such state, as a condition of employment, to become members of the Union, or a statute or constitutional amendment of any such state shall expressly so provide, then employees of plants in such state who are in the Bargaining Unit on the date when such judgment or decree becomes final, or such statute or constitutional amendment becomes effective shall, as a condition of employment, become members of the Union in accordance with B above.
H. Before any termination of employment pursuant to this Article becomes effective, the employee involved shall first be given notice in writing by the Union to pay the prescribed original initiation fee, reinstatement fee and/or required dues. If the employee fails to pay the original initiation fee, reinstatement fee and/or dues, the Union shall then notify the Company of the delinquency in writing. The Company shall then notify the employee to pay the fee and/or dues and if such dues and/or fees are tendered within 48 hours after the employee receives this notification from the Company, dismissal hereunder shall not be required.
I. An employee who shall tender an original initiation fee (if not already a member) or reinstatement fees if required and the periodic dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership shall be deemed to be a member of the Union for purposes of this Article.
J. The signing by an employee of the Membership Application and/or Check-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehireoff Authorization form is not a mandatory condition of employment with the Company.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under this Article will be governed Unless otherwise determined by agreement in accordance with clause 38, Workplace Consultation the following conditionsprovisions shall apply:
(a) Temporary Engagement -Subject to the following conditions the engagement of all employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should under this Award shall be on the employee successfully bid basis of either permanent employment (which includes part-time employees) or casual employment. Employees shall be notified prior to engagement under which category they are employed.
(i) Permanent Employees (Including Part-time Employees) -
(a) Probationary Period of Employment -All new permanent employees (which includes part- time employees) shall be employed under a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective probationary period of three months commencing from the date of engagement. During the period a new employee will be properly instructed on which he last entered the employ tasks and requirements of the Companyposition to be filled. Upon completion of their During the probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids period employment shall be on a regular position, his/her regular seniority day-to-day basis and service will include all periods the employee's employment may be terminated by either the employer or the employee at the end of temporary serviceany day or shift without notice.
(b) Temporary A "part-time employee" shall mean an employee who is employed on a permanent basis to work regular days and regular hours, either of which are less than the number of days or hours worked by full-time permanent employees will receive the same regular vacation employed at a site, but such days shall not be less than two per week and health and welfare benefits as regular employeessuch hours shall not be less than 16 per week.
(c) The Company reserves number of part-time employees that may be employed at a site shall not exceed the right proportion of one part-time employee to retain temporary every four or portion of four full-time employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committeeemployed under this Award.
(d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees part-time employee shall be carried out paid per hour one thirty-eighth of the weekly rate prescribed for full-time employees for the classification in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classificationswhich they are employed.
(e) Temporary The spread of ordinary hours of part-time employees will shall be the same as that applicable to full-time permanent employees in the section of the establishment in which they are employed. The number of ordinary hours worked shall not have bumping rightson any day exceed the number of ordinary hours of permanent employees in the section in which the employee is employed and shall not in any week exceed the number of hours of permanent employees in the section without the payment of overtime.
(f) The Company undertakes Subject to keep this subclause, all of the number provisions of temporary employees at any given headquarters this Award shall apply to a minimumpart-time employee.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehire.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under Immediately after hiring a new employee covered by this Article will Agreement, the Employer shall notify the Union in writing of the name and classification of such employee on a form to be governed furnished by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the Union for this purpose. The Employer agrees to inform each new employee successfully bid to a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective from the date on which he last entered the employ hired of the CompanyUnion security provisions of this Agreement. Upon completion Only members in good standing in the Union shall be retained in employment. For the purpose of this section “members in good standing” shall be defined to mean employee members in the Union who tender their probationary periods, temporary peri odic dues and initiation fees uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or retaining mem bership. The Employer agrees to advise the Union of its requirements for employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside prior to fill ing any vacancies or creating new employment in sufficient time to enable the Union to submit applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffsconsideration. The employer re serves the right to reject any applicant for employment; however, if a temporary first consideration shall be given to qualified persons who have had previous experience by actual employment in the County of San Mateo and/or Northern Santa Xxxxx County. Non-members of the Union employed by, or subsequently hired by the Employer must com plete membership on the 31st day following the commencement of employment, or the effective date of this Agreement, or the date of signing of this Agreement, whichever is the later. The Employer agrees that upon receipt of written notice from the Union of non-compliance of such employee successfully bids on a regular positionwith the terms as related above respecting the establishment and maintenance of membership in the Union to discharge such employee within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of such notice. . Whenever an employee quits or is laid off or is discharged the Union shall be notified of such fact in writing by the employer within forty-eight (48) hours. Said notice shall state the time when said employee was severed from the payroll. The Employer shall be the judge of the competency of employees, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves subject to the right to retain temporary employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree any employee whose competency may be challenged to the principle processes of credited retroactive pension the grievance procedure hereinafter provided. Suspension or dismissal from service purchase on for justifiable cause shall not be considered a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from vio lation of any of the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving the termination provisions of employment of temporary employees shall be carried out this Agree ment. It is presumed that any employee who has been retained in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
service of an employer for sixty (i60) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 calendar days shall be laid offhave established competency.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehire.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under this Article All employees will submit to any medical or X-ray examination at the request of the Hospital unless she has a good reason for not submitting. Failure to submit without reasonable grounds may be governed reason for dismissal or suspension. All employees refusing without good and sufficient reasons to undergo vaccination or inoculation and other clinical procedures when required may be transferred to another job or placed on leave of absence without pay until the emergency is over. Should an employee be absent from duty due to a reaction which, in the opinion of the Occupational Health Nurse is directly attributable to an immunization, the Hospital shall apply for Worker's Compensation Benefits on behalf of such employee. The words "other clinical procedures" refer to those covered by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should Public Hospitals Act. When an employee has been directed by the employee successfully bid Hospital to provide the Hospital with a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective medical certificate from the date on which he last entered the employ a medical practitioner of the CompanyHospital's choice, the Hospital shall reimburse the employee, who has completed her probationary period, for one hundred percent Collective Agreement January March 00%) of the cost of each certificate. Upon completion For greater clarification, the Hospital is not required to reimburse an employee who is required by statute or regulation or other government directives or insurance carrier to provide medical certification. It shall be the duty of their probationary periodsemployees to notify the Hospital promptly of any change of address, temporary employees will have temporary senioritytelephone number, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees name, next of kin, marital status, and outside applicants for posted positions and number of dependents in establishing their order writing. Should an employee fail to notify the Hospital of layoffs; howeverany change of address, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees Hospital shall not be held responsible for the duration failure of their current assignments prior any notices which may be required under the terms of this agreement to allowing a transfer through job postingreach such employee. Both parties agree to It is recognized that the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis Hospital must deduct income tax and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Canada Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees Plan and Unemployment Insurance Plan premiums as by law. Employees shall be carried out enroll in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order Hospitals of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Ontario Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rulesthe provisions and requirements of the plan. Temporary employees who are laid-off In recognition of the desirability of maintaining the highest possible standards of care for the public, the Hospital and subsequently rehired will not the Association agree that from and after the commencement of this Agreement it shall be required a condition of employment that each employee herein shall be eligible for membership in a Professional Association pertaining to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehirethe Health Profession which any employee so affected is practising.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired under The Company will endeavour to employ as Engineers only members of the Union in good standing. The Company recognizes the Union as the source of supply for all Engineers covered by this Article Agreement and will request such personnel from the offices of the Union as required. Such request shall be confirmed in writing, such shall specify whether the job is permanent or relief, also the officer required. In the event the Union fails, or is unable to fill a vacancy with qualified personnel, or where such employee is not available within forty-eight (48) hours from the time of the initial request from the Company, the Company or its representative shall be free to use any other source of supply for such qualified personnel. In view of the nature of the operation and due to an employee being dispatched to a Foreign Port, the actual selection and hiring of the employee will be governed through an interview by the following conditions:
(a) Temporary employees will Company prior to being dispatched to the vessel. All Engineers having to travel for such interview, the traveling expenses shall be paid to the candidate upon the production of receipts. Engineers who are not attain "seniority" as set out accepted must be supplied with the reason in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should writing at the employee successfully bid time of rejection with a copy to a regular position, his seniority the Union and same will be considered as being effective from subject to the date on which he last entered the employ grievance procedure. As a condition of employment an employee covered by this agreement who is not a member of the Company. Upon completion Union at the time of their probationary periodshiring, temporary employees will have temporary seniorityshall within thirty (30) days of employment, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees make application for membership in the Union and outside applicants for posted positions be accepted by the Union as a member and shall maintain his membership in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids on a regular position, his/her regular seniority and service will include all periods of temporary service.
(b) Temporary employees will receive the same regular vacation and health and welfare benefits as regular employees.
(c) The Company reserves the right to retain temporary employees Union for the duration of their current assignments prior this agreement. If the Union refuses to allowing accept such an employee as a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters member, he shall not be removed from the Joint Pension Committee.
(d) A layoff involving ship until the termination of employment of temporary Union gives satisfactory reasons for its refusal to accept such an employee as a member. Probation period means all employees employed for the first time in a permanent position with the Company. Such employees shall complete a NINETY (90) day probation period. The employee on probation period shall be carried out covered by the existing labour agreement with the exception of the grievance and arbitration articles in case of a lay-off. After completing the following order probation period, the employee becomes a permanent employee and his seniority shall commence at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classifications.
(e) Temporary employees will not have bumping rights.
(f) date he was hired. The Company undertakes to keep the number of temporary employees at any given headquarters to a minimum.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will shall not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled discharge any employee under the provisions of this article, unless and until a replacement satisfactory to RRSP contributions immediately on rehirethe Company is made available.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Conditions of Employment. Employees hired Unless otherwise determined by agreement in accordance with clause 33, Workplace Consultation, the following provisions shall apply:-
(A) Engagement - Subject to the following conditions the engagement of all employees under this Article will award shall be governed by on the following conditions:basis of either permanent employment (which includes part time employees) or casual employment. Employees shall be notified prior to engagement under which category they are employed.
(i) Permanent Employees (Including Part-time Employees)
(a) Temporary Probationary Period of Employment - All new permanent employees will not attain "seniority" as set out in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 but, should the employee successfully bid to (which includes part-time employees) shall be employed under a regular position, his seniority will be considered as being effective probationary period of three months commencing from the date of engagement. During this period a new employee will be properly instructed on which he last entered the employ tasks and requirements of the Companyposition to be filled. Upon completion of their During the probationary periods, temporary employees will have temporary seniority, which they can use when they compete with other temporary employees and outside applicants for posted positions and in establishing their order of layoffs; however, if a temporary employee successfully bids period employment shall be on a regular position, his/her regular seniority day to day basis and service will include all periods the employee's employment may be terminated by either the employer or the employee at the end of temporary serviceany day or shift without notice.
(b) Temporary A "part-time employee" shall mean an employee who is employed on a permanent basis to work regular days and regular hours, either of which are less than the number of days or hours worked by full-time employees will receive the same regular vacation employed at a site, but such days shall not be less than two per week and health and welfare benefits as regular employeessuch hours shall not be less than 16 per week.
(c) The Company reserves number of part-time employees that may be employed at a site shall not exceed the right proportion of one part-time employee to retain temporary every four or portion of four full-time permanent employees for the duration of their current assignments prior to allowing a transfer through job posting. Both parties agree to the principle of credited retroactive pension service purchase on a joint contribution basis and will seek reasonable time parameters from the Joint Pension Committeeemployed under this award.
(d) A layoff involving the termination of employment of temporary employees The part-time employee shall be carried out paid per hour one thirty-eighth of the weekly rate prescribed for full-time employees for the classification in the following order at the permanent headquarters involved:
(i) Those temporary employees serving their probation period in the declared surplus classifications as defined in Marginal Paragraph 11.02 shall be laid off.
(ii) Temporary employees with temporary seniority rights in the declared surplus classifications shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority within the declared surplus classificationswhich he or she is employed.
(e) Temporary The spread of ordinary hours of part-time employees will shall be the same as that applicable to full-time permanent employees in the section of the establishment in which they are employed. The number of ordinary hours worked shall not have bumping rightson any day exceed the number of ordinary hours of permanent employees in the section in which the employee is employed and shall not in any week exceed the number of hours of permanent employees in the section without the payment of overtime.
(f) The Company undertakes Subject to keep this subclause, all the number provisions of temporary employees at any given headquarters this award shall apply to a minimumpart-time employee on a pro rata basis.
(g) Temporary employees will be entitled to a 4% of base pay Group RRSP (similar to the FortisBC Group RRSP) to be started on the first pay day of the month following one month of employment until eligibility for the IBEW-FortisBC Pension Plan in accordance with PBSA rules. Temporary employees who are laid-off and subsequently rehired will not be required to re-qualify but will be entitled to RRSP contributions immediately on rehire.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement