Conferences and Conventions. In order to benefit from an exchange of knowledge and experience, an employee shall have the opportunity periodically to attend conferences and conventions, which are related to his field of specialization, subject to operational requirements.
Conferences and Conventions. 13.1 The Assistant Superintendent for CITA or his/her designee will make the assignment involving conference or convention participation.
Conferences and Conventions. Administrators may attend conferences and conventions upon the approval of his/her district office supervisor. The approved costs of such conferences and conventions will be reimbursed through a board site-based budget expense account.
Conferences and Conventions. Employees participating in Company approved conferences and conventions on days of rest will be remunerated for all hours of participation to a maximum of eight (8) hours per day. No travel time will be paid.
Conferences and Conventions. The Board of Education may grant up to two (2) days a school year for two (2) ESP and two (2) certified professionals of the Association to attend conferences and conventions of State and National affiliated organizations. Requests for permission to attend professional meetings shall be submitted in writing by the local president or his designee at least two (3) weeks prior to the meeting for recommendation by the Superintendent of Schools and approval by the BOE.
Conferences and Conventions. The parties to this Agreement recognize that attendance or participation at conferences, conventions, symposia, workshops and other gatherings of a similar nature contributes to the of high professional and standards in the work place. In order to benefit from exchange of knowledge and experience, an employee shall have the opportunity, on occasion, to conferences and which are related to his or her field of work, subject to operational constraints. Employer may grant leave with pay and reasonable including registration fees to such gatherings, subject to and operational constraints. An employee attends a conference or convention at the request of the Employer shall be deemed to be on duty and, as required, in travel status. The employer shall pay the Registration fees convention or conference the employee is required to attend. An employee invited participate in a conference or convention in an official capacity, such as to present a address or to give a course related to his or her field of employment, be granted leave with pay for this purpose and may, in addition, be reimbursed for his or her payment of convention or registration fees and reasonable travel expenses. An employee shall not be entitled to any compensation under the Overtime or Travel provisions of this Agreement in respect of hours he or she is in attendance at or travelling to or a conference or convention under of clause, except provided by paragraph
Conferences and Conventions. Career development refers to an activity which is, in the opinion of the Employer, likely to be of assistance to the employee in furthering career development and to the organization in achieving its goals. The following activities shall be deemed to be part of career development:
Conferences and Conventions. Any employee wishing to attend any conference, meeting, or convention may be absent for such purpose, not to exceed one (1) week for any one (1) such conference, meeting, or convention, upon the approval of the Superintendent/Designee.
a. Upon the approval of the Superintendent, the employees may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending such meetings.
b. The Board will assume reasonable expenses, as outlined below:
Conferences and Conventions. Decisions concerning attendance at conferences, conventions or other meetings at City expense shall be made by the department manager/director. Permission shall be granted on the basis of an employee’s participation in or the direct relation of their work to the subject matter of the meetings. Members of professional societies may be permitted to attend meetings of their society when such attendance is considered to be in the best interest of the City.
Conferences and Conventions. The parties to this agreement recognize that attendance or participation at conferences, conventions, symposia, workshops and other gatherings of a similar nature contributes to the maintenance of high professional standards.